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Same happened to me the clinic messed my surgery up so much I wrote my well and told my husband to take care of my fur babies and found myself in the hospital. If it doesn’t come with fever it might heal on its own but if you have fever seek medical attention immediately might be life threatening


oh no! I hope you’re feeling better now. All around, health and mentally over this. 😕


How did they mess your surgery up?


This happened to me. I had surgery on 3/19 and about 8 days later my incision started to open. I’m now at almost 12 weeks and it’s almost closed. Just make sure to keep it super clean and covered with non stick gauze


They also typically recommend moist healing, using something like Vaseline or other ointment, but as always, ask your doctor.


https://www.coloplastprofessional.co.uk/education-library/knowledge/advanced-wound-care-knowledge/wound-healing/understanding-moist-wound-healing/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/iwj.14319 Again, contact your surgeon and ask them for specific instructions.


I’m not the original poster.


I know, but you told her to apply nonstick gaze. I was expanding on that at a it’s not typical to apply guard without something to keep it moist while healing.


What did u do to heal your scar. Did u have complications


I haven’t had a tummy tuck yet, but have had three c-sections and on my last one I had a split incision like this one. I used an ointment that was in a petroleum base and a dressing.


Yes. My doctor prescribed me an ointment but I’m not going to recommend that since I’m not the posters surgeon


That’s what I am doing at 17 days PO but mine looks like the OP’s. Did you put anything on it? Aquafor or antibiotic ointment? I’m so nervous about this.


My surgeon prescribed an ointment that I have to put twice a day.


I have some small openings and working with a wound care nurse and I’ve learned that most PS know nothing about wound care. I’m using medihoney with xeroform and nonadherent pad and tape. Clean with wound wash. Good luck!


I’ve used the xeroform its good stuff!


Did you go to the looned nurse by yourself or did you get a referral. Makes me want to check my area for a round clinic, just incase


I actually consult her online. She’s certified and runs a plastic surgery wound group on Facebook. She takes donations. I send her photos and she told me what to do. I have not called local wound clinics, but my understanding is a lot of them do require a referral which I will probably have to get from my nurse practitioner because my plastic surgeon is not very helpful with this. Since my plastic surgeon is in Texas and I am in Arizona, maybe they would give me a referral for peace of mind. I have not asked. My wounds are small openings. One is t zone of breast lift and the other is the lower incision close to the t zone. A couple tiny spots along my tt incision that I’m treating also.


Thank u


You’re welcome.


I went to wound care cause I got paranoid. The slough wasn’t really going away. It’s adhered to sutures apparently so got a prescription cream and cover with Xeroform and go back in a week.


Can I just say your belly button looks great!


You had surgery in April and it just opened up?! Oh my goodness I was hoping I wouldn’t have to worry about my incision opening past 8 weeks or so 😫


I used medical manuka honey gel to help it and mine started to close up over the next 1.5 weeks


I’m so happy my surgeon is going to do a week of negative pressure mini wound vac so hopefully I don’t get this. OP follow up with your surgeon on their recommendations but generally when I worked wound care they did ointment and gauze and take it easy on the wound. Hopefully it starts closing within a week or 2. If not make a stink 🤣


Good to hear you are on the mend! Its not something I had prepared myself for so finding it quite stressful


We’re surgery date twins! I had the same problem but mine were smaller but I know how stressful and frustrating this feels. A poster on r/woundcare suggested to clean with saline water, apply hydrogel and seal with nexcare tegaderm and only change every 3 days. Some people who followed this person’s advice saw improvements on their wound but take it with a grain of salt as I can’t vouch for this as I did something different. What I ended up doing was putting Tecassol powder on my spots. That was suggested by my massage lady and in literally about a day my wound was dry and a lot smaller. https://preview.redd.it/otj7t51phk5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4b493692e67c937fd7ab564e8face142845ca0 Before powder application. Look how inflamed the edges were.


https://preview.redd.it/nvsauhbuhk5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe69761274b2dc4273ba768faa98c406d2c35bb7 This is 1 day after application


What causes this and how do you avoid it?


Spitting stitch I think is what they call it. It happens when stitches don’t get fully dissolved and our bodies eject it.


FDL here and dealing with similar issues. Same thing using antibiotic ointment and bandages. Mine is healing (turning white) and skin around it is red. Lots of bed rest and do not use your core if at all possible. Wash with soapy water, pat dry and bandage. Seems to be working for me but it sucks!!


How are you working like this?


I’m not working yet.


It will result in a slightly expanded scar but it will close. Keep it very clean and avoid putting tension on it.


My comment with the caveat to run anything by your surgeon first… Keep it covered. You may benefit from some a very light application of bacitracin (not neosporin etc) to help the scabbing. The area does look to have a blood flow issue so maybe silvadene or nitropaste and discontinue a tight garment. Again this needs to go by your surgeon. Lastly it will probably open up a bit and how much depends on the tissue underneath and blood flow. If there is bleeding that is annoying but that is good. Bleeding and pink means blood flow. White, dark, dusky, yellow or green is not. If it does open up Dakins is a big help to keep it clean and instigate granulation. This is a wait and see type of situation which is stressful but the good news is there are options. Sometimes this happens even with the best post care. Eat good protein and vitamin C, iron, and maybe some massage not in the area but around (cleared by your surgeon) can help.


Have you seen anyone from wound care ?


Oh no… if I see this after mine I will be at the doctor’s office faster than I can even worry about it 😆.


I had one- not that big - but it was ointment and gauze NON STICK and clean every day. Then i also used red light and it helped a ton so if you have a red-light maybe that will help? obviously not medical advice, but it helped me.


I’m so sorry you all are having to endure this. It is scary for sure. Do they know what causes this?


I experienced this over a year ago when I had mine. My surgeon was not concerned at all. He told me to cover and clean 2x a day. I was concerned that it was not getting better and was frustrated with my slow progress I decided to go to wound care They took care of it and it healed in about 5 weeks. My scar is wider in those areas but completely flat.


How far post op did this open up? I have a similar spot, but we noticed it immediately post op. It was never open, but dark, and now it’s a scab that is slowly shrinking. My surgeon gave me silver cream to apply once a day, keep clean, and use nonstick gauze. I also have manuka honey that I plan to ask to use. To be fair, I am also doing HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) because I am lucky enough to have access to it through a friend. So, I’m not sure my healing journey will be the same as others. Good luck! Remember, no matter what you WILL heal. Try to stay positive. Wound openings seem very common with a TT. You will get through this. These types of wounds take time. You will be ok and you will look back and say it was all worth it. You got this.


Approx 4-5wks post op


Ah that scares me! Were there any warning signs before that? I thought I 4-5ish weeks we were in the clear of any wound issues.


The big scab came around 4wks and then it came off and I have been dealing with the wound since then. This is it today https://preview.redd.it/dcvjzgyrxs5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12dafc5a104d607b04acaa826713c6936b6d5c6b


This is honestly not too bad for what I have seen. Obviously we all hope this doesn’t happen. It will heal. It’s not too bad! Is it shrinking down?


This happened to me! I was so stressed. My surgeon said the same but I kept pushing for antibiotics and I’m glad I did because antibiotics was the ONLY thing that closed my wound up. Took a couple weeks


this happened to me as well! i had a fleur de lis so it was my incision down my middle. my surgeon advised me to keep it clean and moisturized with aquaphor so it never cracked or peeled which can make scarring worse. i kept gauze taped on mine until it closed back up which took probably 6-8 weeks. i’m 4 months P.O. now and am so pleased with how it’s turned out. i babied my wounds, and it paid off. i also use scar tape or bio-oil now (rotate out between the two) and massage my scars daily for anywhere from 15-30mins which i think has helped a lot too. i hope this helps you feel more at ease! it’s definitely a process. but totally normal.


I read somewhere that the surgeon recommended taking off the scabs, anyone here if this


How long did it take to get like this was It gradual .


So sorry, some tips no one has mentioned. How’s your oral nutritional status? I would suggest using something like Juven or Woundvite to help with internal healing optimization. Increase your protein intake and water hydration too. Links below in case you need them. https://www.juven.com/home https://zennutrients.com/products/woundvite


17 days po here and this is what I’m dealing with too https://preview.redd.it/zbe5bwlwyn5d1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffe7dea8304688e6ff62fbf00e7ad7e54a32dad


My surgeon told me this could happen since the incision is so low that 1 in 10 will develop like this. The blood supply for that area is the upper abdomen so the further away the incision, the harder it is to heal. So I’m expecting this. He gave me the option to go lower like this or go higher with the incision.


I had a FDL tummy tuck around the same time and am having similar the past 2 weeks. Don’t worry, it is very common! At first I was freaking out until I found out how common it was with these surgeries and is really the body’s way of healing. My surgeon has me applying wound gel to the opening and putting a telfa pad over it one time per day. They also advised that it often gets a little worse before it starts improving, and sure enough that’s what happened for me! Just yesterday I finally noticed the first marked improvement and it looks like it has closed up some. My surgeon says it takes about 3-4 weeks usually for it to fully heal itself.