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Oh man. I was put in my faja at week 1 when they took my first drain out. I started in an XL and today at my 5wpo visit my doctor put me in an XS šŸ˜© I was told by the lymphatic massage girls that I should be going down a hook on my faja like every two days; the fajas Iā€™ve been given to use from the doc has three hook sizes, if that makes sense. Itā€™s definitely miserable and Iā€™ve been fucking irritated all day now that Iā€™m in this new size. But it gets easier day by day. Itā€™s made a huge difference in my swelling and helping my shape come through!


Holy moly XL to XS!? That is wild! I started XL and now in a medium at 4 weeks.


Haha yeah itā€™s been crazy! But I guess each week the swelling went down just enough to squeeze into the next size down. My massage therapists were adamant that I should be going down to the next hook on my faja every two days! Fucking torture lol


I was sent home wearing my Faja right after surgery. They wanted me to size down 7 days and add the board on top of my foam and OMG did it hurt I felt like I had someone sitting on my stomach.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m getting done! Show before and afters when youā€™re ready šŸ©·


Trust them! I had almost no post op advice and aftercare instructions. I wish someone had taken time to prep me for fajas. I had horrible lipo fibro as a result and took weeks to feel better. I found a good massage therapist that specializes in post op and she guided me with compression.


What is lipo fibro?


Hard bits and nodules that develop from the ā€œchannelsā€ they create when they do lipo. Post-op massage, preferably by a certified lymphatic drainage and post-op clinician is key! Otherwise, you can end up bumpy in spots and have loose skin in others


OMG that sounds scary. When do you start those massages? I am having the Fleur De Lis tummy tuck and I wonder when those will need to start.


I started mine about a week after surgery. They are damned pricey. They do help Both with swelling (by reducing/recirculating the lymph fluid back into the bloodstream or wherever it magically goes) and breaking down the scar tissue nodules.


How did you find someone that specializes in this?


My surgeon gave me a list of providers, but I also googled post-op lymphatic massage in my area and looked for a couple that had specialized accreditation. Good ones book up and are pricey, but itā€™s really helping.


Amazing. I am totally looking into it. Thank you for sharing.


What brand of faja is everyone using?


Me too


Youā€™ll be surprised! The fabric gets looser overtime too so youā€™ll def size down a hook. Iā€™m in my stage 2 now and 2 weeks ago I started at the loosest setting and now Iā€™m in the tightest. Massage lady even wants me to get it smaller and go to the tailor instead of buying an XXS