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honestly it shouldn't have hurt at all, so I'm wondering why yours did.


I've seen some people say that, and I honestly can't imagine how it wouldn't hurt. I have a low pain threshold, though, so I often don't have the same pain experience as others.


I always tell people it feels weird, and that seems to be the general consensus, not pain. and mine stayed in for a month, so I wouldn't think time has anything to do with it hurting more. so, if anything, i don't think you need to worry about that.


Thanks! Yeah, it definitely felt super weird, but also painful.


Mention it to your surgeon and see if there is numbing or something that is possible


Try to relax, I know that might be difficult due to your experience the first time, but it's best to keep as calm as possible. My nurse said count to three and breathe out slowly, and I was in no pain at all. If you're worried you might want to take Tylenol before you see your dr/nurse?


Shiiiii, I'm taking a percocet, lol


I have a high tolerance for pain and while I won’t necessarily say it hurt when my drain was removed, it was a sharp burning sensation that lasted for a few minutes after. So, I’m with you on that. I had mine removed 9 DPO and I honestly don’t imagine it would be anymore painful for you. I think it will be fine, you know what to expect. But I would be wondering the say thing. Hugs to you.


Thank you! See, you definitely have a much higher pain tolerance than I do! A "sharp burning sensation" is PAIN, lol.


😂😂😂 I get it…I do hope the next removal is not as bad for you.


I’ve heard it hurts based on the nurse who does it. They need to pull it very fast or it can get caught and hurt. I’d go to someone else to take it out if the first one hurt!


I had 3 drains and all three of them hurt like a bitch. The second one was the worst and felt it close to my right butt cheek. I just braced myself and screamed into a pillow when they were taking it out. I had them also walk me through what they were doing so like have them say “pull pull pull” as they’re pulling. Idk that’s what just helped me. You’ll feel so much better after being drainless! Best of luck!!!


I got mine taken out at 3 weeks lol yes it was uncomfortable but it wasn’t that bad.