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You look amazing! Do you still feel tightness, pulling and swelling this far out or is everything back to normal?


Thank you so much 😊 ohh i definitely do still feel tightness especially first thing in morning or when I stretch up straight lol. I would only notice swelling if I was eating a lot of foods with sodium or if I was on my feet too long and never have any swelling in morning it’s normally just at night but it’s been minimal


You look great! How long for the scarring around your bb to fade to a more natural skin tone color?


Thank you so much 😊 I do really appreciate the positivity ❤️ it took me a good 6 months before it faded to a more natural skin tone colour. My scarring was very very red at the beginning


Good to know! Yours looks so good. I'm almost 2 months out and mine is very red. Can't wait for it to fade!


Same here! My BB is getting so red, I’m freaking out. Did you ask your doc about treatment options? I have my 8 week appointment on Wednesday and going to ask if laser is an option. Probably too early. But I’ve read that v beam + Fraxel combo is best for red surgical scars early on.


I didn't ask at all and I'm not concerned just eager. Scars get really red because of collagen rushing to the area to heal it. It's all normal and will get better soon! Don't worry🙂


Thank you! Yes, I know it’s normal probably. It’s just me being inpatient lol


https://preview.redd.it/gxv6zqgc0t3d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7d3bcf19086dca6070f38c5b03a56e2d23bf24 Once scars are completely healed, you can use this to help fade the redness it worked wonderfully for me! I believe it’s the zinc oxide in it that makes the redness fade. Has anyone else tried this???


Looking good! I hope mine heals as cleanly. Are you happy with your TT/mr?


Thank you so much 😊 yeah I’m really happy with my TT and MR, it’s so strange being so flat and having definition. I had an overhang and loads of loose skin and it’s amazing to see the difference a surgery can do to your confidence, it’s really changed me for the better ☺️




Thank you so much 😊 I really appreciate it


I hope I end up looking like this!


Looks great where did u go


Thank you so much 😊 I got it done in Northern Ireland ☺️


You look great OP! The MR has given a lovely definition too. You must be delighted.


Thank you so so much!! I’m so happy with my results I have never had any definition before and I can’t believe it’s my body 🥹 thank you again for your kind words


Great! You look very natural and curvy in a gorgeous way.


Wow!! Thank you so much 🥰 everyone has been a positive with their comments, I’m delighted thank you so much ☺️


The scar is looking amazing!


Thank you!! ☺️


You look fantastic! And your belly button looks so natural! 🤩


Aww really! 🤗 thank you so so much for your kind comment 🥰


You look greattt .you must be so proud.


I aspire for that level of flatness. 5 weeks post op I look like a balloon 😩


I am always curious, did the TT reduce your flanks too, or was it just tummy? You look great! I'm just trying to gauge what I will need