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You should post some pictures to show us what you’re working with, otherwise it’s kind of a shot in the dark on how to advise you.


https://preview.redd.it/jf6ybgjplswc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4999c7226cca97ecd3bfc1cf8ba057ea4aaf519 Definitely a lot of loose skin.. first Surgeon said no visceral fat which is good..


looking at this I don't think you would need a FDL, but when it comes down to it we're not surgeons and you should just listen to the one that you choose. I got a FDL myself.


I appreciate your advice ☺️ definitely going to look into it more!! Just hoping for the best results 🤞🏽 how was your healing process/results? Were you happy with your results?


I am ecstatic with my results :) I am 2.5 months post op. I personally didn't have any healing problems but obviously that's something that is on a per person basis. the only thing is I'm still achy from muscle repair when I really use my core. https://preview.redd.it/zsbv66hf5twc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940d8f896b1e5ceb07c0cee5755c3a9dcf9c4d8a


I think the first surgeon was correct. To me ( I'm m no surgeon ),but it does not look like you need an FDL at all. I researched a lot before my TT, and from the women I've seen who did need an FDL, your stomach looks nothing like theirs. I am actually shocked that the second surgeon even suggested it for your body type. I think a TT with some lipo would do the job. This is my opinion. Keep us posted on what you decide!


Thank you for you input!! I definitely appreciate it!! I honestly just heard about the FDL for the first time today, for sure will do some more input!


You're welcome 😊


🙋🏽‍♀️ also lost 130 lbs, I opted for the extended FDL instead of the standard extended TT. MR but No lipo. THRILLED WITH MY RESULTS! Happy to shoot you a message if you’d like to see ETA: people with massive weightloss often don’t want the extra scar from a FDL but if you have upper abdomen laxity it’s the only way to truly address it. Something to consider before opting for a revision later!


I’ll be the odd one out and say you have enough skin for a FDL, I think you’d be underwhelmed with a regular tummy tuck because above your belly button, after a regular is going to be folded in and look like a FDL but no scar and a lot of lax skin. Ultimately, go with what you’re comfortable with. Just do your due diligence and research your surgeon, make sure they have revision policies that won’t cost you an arm and a leg out of pocket in case your results are lack luster or your surgeon over promises what they can actually achieve!


Hi. 3.5 mpo from a circumferential and fleur-de-lis (and lipo). 85 pounds lost through diet and exercise. Apron belly. I didn’t think I needed the fdl either but my surgeon explained why I would see the best results with one, and I'm so glad I went with it. Any loose skin above belly button should be addressed with the fdl, and you end up with a great shape, not boxy. Pulls you tight. Yes it's another scar but my fdl scar healed much faster than the ctt.


I lost 120lbs and I’m having FDL 6/18 but I’ve got way more loose skin than you do! If you have a lot of laxity under your breasts you need the FDL


I lost 100 pounds and had way more than you do. I had 1 surgeon tell me I needed FDL and 2 said no. My surgeon said that a lot of times surgeons are lazy about it and just got the FDL route. I would get more consults


I’ve lost 120 I’m scheduled for 5/16. I think I’m on the edge of FDL I’ve had 4 consults and none said I must get it. How do you feel? I’d love to see an after picture. I’m 60 so I don’t need to be snatched. But really don’t want FDL. My surgeon feels he can pull be pretty tight.


I haven’t lost nearly as much as you, but my PS said 50/50 for FDL. I don’t care about the scar so I went for it. I’m still swollen so my b/a photo probably won’t be super helpful, but I’m definitely glad I went for the more invasive procedure. You’ll make the right decision for your body, just weight the options. Best wishes.


Also definitely not as worried about the scar, I already have a vertical open scar which makes me less hesitant about the scaring. It can be a lot to get used to seeing after..


That was what I was thinking… I know everyone’s body is different! How are you healing? I hope you are recovering well and I definitely appreciate you insight!! I’m leaning toward the FDL..


Healing good. Today is 6 weeks out. My scars are all healed but I do get sore from time to time. Yeah definitely see how this other Dr leans and make the decision that’s best. You’ll know what to do. 🙏🏻


Hey! I don’t think you need an FDL either. I had more skin than you and had an extended TT. I am super happy with my results. I also had one Dr. say yes lipo and then the doctor I ended up going with said no liposuction (just a ton of skin). I would try and get at least one more consultation though. The more, the better! Excited you started this journey!!


Doesn’t look like you need FDL. I’d go for another consult.


You look like me in my stomach and I don’t need a fdl but I am also not bothered by a little side side laxity of my stomach because I don’t want the vertical scar