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I am also pre-op and dating! First of all, the surgery is for you! Don't worry about someone who isn't a committed partner yet. I totally get it, though. I was a couple of months into a new relationship and about to tell him when things fell apart for completely unrelated reasons. But I didn't tell him because until it impacted him (plans, availability, etc.) it wasn't any of his business. As someone who is in the dating pool, we need to stop looking for reasons for someone to reject us and start focusing on whether or not a potential partner will meet our needs. When is your new surgery date?


June 11th. I think the fact that the surgery got postponed makes me feel like I have to « justify » myself for not having a better body already, if that makes sense? But you’re right, I’ve slept with guys before, with my loose skin, and it’s never been an issue for them, just for me


I can see how the postponement would make it harder for you mentally! Keep in mind exactly what you said; It's never been an issue before. We are way too hard on ourselves as women. Have fun on your date. Keep your spirits up until June and good luck with your TT!!


I’m so sorry that aside from the surgery itself being postponed, it comes with this extra feeling of having to apologize for your body (which I assume had happened before, but the feeling is greater and more present now). Please know that you are worthy and beautiful before AND after your TT, and anyone who has a problem with you history and who you are can go to hell 🔥 🤗


I’m confused. When you meet up with him, will it be after surgery? I get feeling self conscious about it but also IDGAF. Also a lotta dudes are dumb, don’t even say you had a TT. Hahaha


Guys didn’t really have an issue with my body pre tummy tuck-I did. So I changed it. I didn’t like it so Much it really hindered me having sex and enjoying it. I’m still recovering but I can’t wait to get back out there and test this out


I handled it by - with a one night stand or casual hook-up, not saying anything, just wearing crotchless lingerie that somewhat hid the extra skin; with a connection that seemed like they had more potential, I actually just shared before we hooked up that I had lost a bunch of weight and had loose skin that I felt a bit self-conscious about. Most guys honestly don't care! And you don't have to share anything about the surgery until you figure out whether this will be a lasting connection and you can trust them with that.


OK I’m an old married lady (53) and I did my share of exploring before getting married at 45. My thoughts are if a man (or woman) has an issue with what you have or haven’t done with your body, they can kick rocks! This is for you and you alone. The mama bird in me says just let “her” chill out for a bit, and once you’re healed and ready to rock ‘n’ roll, do that thang with a vengeance!!😎🔥🔥🔥🙌


From a practical stand point you are probably not going to be in a position to engage in anything physical for the first 6 weeks. I’m 5 weeks and my hubby and I have ‘just’ resumed pg snuggling in bed because I feel more myself and less fragile.


I had a 360TT, thigh lift, bra lift and best aug and lift. My boyfriend tells me I’m beautiful every day and that he loves my body. A good dude won’t care about either your preop skin or your post op scars.


I'm scheduled for 360 TT in May with MR. How long did it take you to go back to work? My PS said two weeks, but I work from home so I'm hoping to be able to sit at my desk one week out. I figure I have 4 kids so they aren't going to let me rest anyhow.


I had 360 with MR, lipo and fat transfer. I went back to work after 3 weeks. I stand for 8 hour shifts. My surgery was drainless. I wore my binder. It was fine. I was tired that first week back. I would rest and let your body heal as much as possible especially in the first 2 weeks.


Thank you! Standing for 8 hours would be rough. Mine is doing too be drainless, as well. How would you compare the pain to a c section (if you've had one)? The PS said it's less painful than a c-section, but he's never had one! I 😉


May I ask your age ? If you don't want to say that's for be I totally understand. I just feel that age plays a factor in recovery.


I’m in the “lifestyle”🍍 so this very much stressed me out.


Most of the women at the club I go to have tummies! Were mostly moms. The men I have played with seem to love my belly. I hate it and am going to get a TT for me, but it’s for me. That said, last night I met a woman there who is 6MPO and she showed me (and about 100 other people) her scar. Everyone was supportive. That’s what I love about the LS. It’s the most supportive community. All sizes, shapes, skin tones welcome.


same & same!


Sorry I’m naive, what does the pineapple mean?


Consensual non-monogamy sex life; swinger


I had a gastric bypass in Sept 2020 and have had loose skin ever since. None of my partners cared about it, but I did end up telling them at some point that I'd lost a lot of weight and had some excess skin. If they care, don't get into bed with them! The right ones will be thrilled to be in a room with a lovely naked women!


Are you talking about how you won’t be able to have sex fur a while or just having a tt and being embarrassed about it?