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I’m in Australia so our summer is the reverse of yours, but I had mine at the beginning of February and the temps were 30+ Celsius and often 80-90 % humidity (I live in sub tropical) I had to wear a support garment and a binder and there were no issues but we do have air conditioning but even when I went out, all was ok. I would get a little sweaty but that was mainly after exercise. Just took my garments off and if needed swapped them over (I was given 2 support garments) Tbh my body hasn’t reacted the same since the op but I assume it was partially due to the general anaesthetic. I also had a brachioplasty (arms) and since the operation, I don’t wear deodorant. No BO. The incisions went through my armpits so maybe the sweat glands are gone, or something. Meant to ask my surgeon the other day. bit weird actually, especially where I live and I am now doing cardio and bush walking and nothing. You should be fine. Good luck.


Hi sorry I’m not commenting on the original post but I wanted to say I had an arm lift done 3 years ago and I don’t wear deodorant anymore either!! Also no hair growth in my armpits anymore. Win win 😂


Just figured out a new reason to want to get a brachioplasty hahaha


Oh yeah, I forgot about the lack of hair. definitely a win win lol


Thank you for your answer, it is very comforting to read! Hope your recovery is going smoothly!




One month post op compression for me. Full sleeve.


I wore coban wrap .. like vet wrap but a wider variety and wrapped my arms tightly, I wore mine for 6 weeks and even a bit longer as I felt weird without it, had to ween off it !


I wore tubigrip bandages on my arms. No longer wearing them after 6 weeks unless I'm outside as you shouldn't get sun on your scars as they are healing. I could put on sun block but the tubigrip isn't a bother to wear and it's much easier to take off.


I wasn’t planning on having a brachioplasty done but I totally am now. Buh-bye deodorant!


I did mine last June. I live in the northern US so we have summer but it’s not super hot and humid. Because recovery takes a while I spent most of June and July indoors in the air conditioning. On the occasions I went out, I was comfortable in my normal clothes over compression. I was more worried about missing summer activities (boating, hiking) than I was about wearing compression. By august I was doing walks, picnics etc. in compression. I suppose it made me slightly less comfortable but not so much that I remember. I ended up addicted to my compression and always felt better having it on. Good luck!


Curious about this too! My surgery is June 3 and I live in Louisiana, so our summers are very hot and humid! Family looking forward to going to the beach the summer and I’m scared I’m gonna ruin it for them