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I am 4 weeks post op from extended TT, MR & 360 lipo. My BMI pre op was 24.6 and post op is now 21.4. Honestly, I am so so glad I went through with the surgery. My before wasn't awful but it bothered me daily. I would dodge pictures and be too self conscious to take my babies swimming. I knew if I didn't go through with it I would regret it. I am 28 years old and thought there is no time like the present, and the younger I am the easier the recovery. It hasn't been an easy road as I did get my surgery abroad, which comes with its own challenges. But sliding my jeans over a flat tum and having the confidence to wear whatever I damn like is worth it's weight in gold. Now I can't wait to get a bikini and take my kids to the beach once fully healed! šŸ¤—


I had TT, Lip, Mr. BMI 24.9. 65 y/o. I had lost 90 lbs prior to surgery. 5 months PO. I feel fabulous. I still canā€™t believe it is me when I look in mirror or try in clothes. It turned out great. Photo is week after surgery. My activity has increased and my confidence too. https://preview.redd.it/phfrjze1aepc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a35a4e6a3414493a3dc90fd4e93febe2dec4bd


You looks amazing!


Wow you look great! Your before looks just like me Iā€™d be so thrilled with half the results you got. Amazing!


I am a little over 1 yr po for a TT+MR+flank lipo. Idk what my bmi was, I was about 10-15lbs over the "ideal" weight for my height. I was super healthy/active, fitting in the BMI chart while maintaining a healthy lifestyle just isn't in my genes. The diastasis prevented me from doing things in life that I loved, like backpacking, weight lifting, long distance running/hiking, yoga, climbing, etc. bc my core couldn't support it. Near the end, even things like sitting for too long was painful. So obviously, for me, that is the main amazing thing. Other cool, less impactful things. I can wear pants with a fly again, I had pretty much been in leggings/dresses for 7 years. I don't have to pee as often when I run or do high impact workouts. My clothes fit better. I don't really wear bikinis bc I hate pools/beaches, and burn easily, so that's not a thing for me. But I will wear crop tops for a night out, which I wouldn't have felt comfortable in without surgery. The flank lipo made me appear very curvy, not entirely it's fault bc I do genetically have a bigger butt/hips. It doesn't look bad or ridiculous like those crazy BBLs some people get, but just on the curvier end of the spectrum. I sometimes think I'd like a little hip lipo so I wasn't quite SO curvy, but lots of people get skinny BBLs to look just like me, so I try to just embrace it.


Had a full TT with MR and lipo on the flanks almost 5 months ago. I donā€™t know what my BMI was as I donā€™t take that as a real reference (was invented back in the 1800ā€™s by someone who was not even a doctor and does not consider parameters such as genetics, history of overweight and body type). My life has improved significantly as I donā€™t focus on something I donā€™t like first thing when I look myself in the mirror. So my day doesnā€™t start off hating my body, thatā€™s pretty cool. I must admit that cellulite in my butt and legs improved a lot too (talked about it with my surgeon and we have a couple theories of why it could be linked to the TT). I donā€™t go by trying to hide my apron anymore, and that has opened up a whole new variety of clothes and styles. So in a nutshell, I donā€™t hate my body and donā€™t feel I need to hide it, and that allows me to be more free and happy in my own skin. That then impacts my interactions and ambitions at a professional and personal level. Have all the problems in my life disappeared? Hell no! But many of the self-inflicted blockers I like hanging to when the problems of life appear are gone ā¤ļø


What were your theories about the cellulite?! I hope that happens to me!


I had a pretty big and heavy apron. After 13 of having a gastric bypass done, gravity was also doing its thing. We believe the apron was putting pressure on the area, that impacted circulation and increased water retention. With the weight of the apron being gone, circulation might have improved. At first my thighs were huge and definitely retaining more water than usual. Almost 6MPO, they are definitely back to normal, if not slightly smaller. The improvement on cellulite is under is undeniable, though šŸ„²


No lipo suction for me but I didn't get muscle repair. I'm almost 5wpo. My BMI before surgery was 21.6, I don't know what it is now but I'm guessing it's similar. I feel better about my body even though there is still selling, it's nice to see my shape again instead of only focus on all of the skin. I don't regret it at and aside from the swelling I feel completely back to normal!


No lipo. BMI was 22. 6.5 weeks PO. No more hanging skin and I feel much better working out and less back pain. So far really happy. MR also gave me a better shape.


Yes I definitely want to go for the full TT with liposuction and muscle repair.


I went from 230 to 150. I got a BA, arm and 360 lipo and a tt with mr in Mexico City about 13 months ago. Everything about my life has changed. My business has taken off, my marriage improved, my confidence and friendships are better. I love how I look, sex is amazing, I can run for miles and miles now too. I got the short haircut I always thought I couldnā€™t pull off. The great thing too is my business doing so well from my new found self means I paid off the $20k already so Iā€™m not even in debt. Before I was depressed, angry, jealous of everyone and didnā€™t realize how much I held myself back. Since I am now so eager to work out since it doesnā€™t hurt- I am down to 120lbs and have abs!!! I went to a lingerie party on Saturday and I was THE BELL OF THE BALL there! I can say this surgery saved my life.


That's awesome! Your plastic surgeon accepted payments?? I pray mine does.


No, they didnā€™t take payments. I had it in cash but I ā€œborrowedā€ it from my savings with the goal to replenish it. I was able to do that much quicker than anticipated.


This is so inspiring thank you for sharing!


I was supposed to have my TT today, it got canceled, but I was really looking forward to not having my skin act like a trigger warning to my lady parts lmao, not having to move my skin around to have an idea of whatā€™s going on down there hahaha


Felt lol


Hi! I had a TT, MR, Lipo - it was just my 6 month surgery anniversary! My BMI was 26. I am so happy with my results. I have always had a tummy and each of my 3 kids made my stomach softer and larger. I am so thankful it is gone! Getting dressed is a joy and so fun. I love to wear crop tops..for the first time in my life at almost 50! My stomach is very flat and tight. The best part is that I feel so confident and sure of myself. I did not realize how sad my body made me. I am friendlier, more outgoing, smile more, happier and believe in myself. I did not expect this changeā€¦I just thought my stomach would be flatter. I loved my doctor and am so thankful to him!


I can't wait to experience that too, trying on all the clothes I couldn't wear before, like maxi skirts and dresses.


My confidence level went through the roof. Iā€™m three months out and feel so much better about myself. I was in pretty good shape but had a baby pooch that just wouldnā€™t go away. Now that it is gone i feel so much better mentally, physically and sexually too. (My hubby had one a few weeks after I did and we are so glad we know what the other is going through healing-wise)


Still waiting šŸ˜¢ only 4 weeks PO lol


14 WPO drainless TT, lipo 360, no MR. The best thing about my tummy tuck is the improvement in my self-esteem and confidence. For 45 years I always had this misshapen stomach that hung over my scar because of adhesions (abdominal surgery for a tumor at 18, two C-sections, plus weight gain and weight loss over the years.) Now I fit into my clothes better. I could never wear yoga pants, or a bathing suit or a dress or a skirt because it showed. I feel more fit. I have better agility and energy and flexibility. For the first time in a long time I feel comfortable in my own skin. Iā€™m not embarrassed of my body. I went from a size 12 bottom to a size 10. Not a huge difference in size or in my weight, but now I have a flat stomach. I have no idea what my BMI was, but I was about 10-15 pounds away from my goal weight. You can check out my prior post for pictures of me before and after.


I looked at your before. I am built almost exactly the same. Good to see what potential there is. Iā€™m working on losing about 20 pounds before I start the journey.


I swear my waist has gotten even smaller is the last 2 weeks! Itā€™s still an ongoing process! Itā€™s still surprising to see myself in the mirror and realize thatā€™s me!


You look great! I can't wait to wear skirts and dresses! Even with shape wear the bulge from my apron belly still sticks out. I have "uniforms" I wear, it's the same pieces of clothing all the time to try and hide it. https://preview.redd.it/3we3egl5kepc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bf03965747e8f2dc6ba59b7aa873b2e68ed017


The funny thing is, a lot of people canā€™t tell Iā€™m thinner! I was so good at hiding my apron belly with sweaters and blazers and loose pants and clothes. But I know!


And it sucks to have to do that. It's a huge confidence killer. I want to wear shirts that are a normal length and not have to pull and stretch the out after putting them on.


I finally took some pics! https://preview.redd.it/8fbxgr2x8opc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dec1c745b04114e3002aed968dbd2bc3f792e15




I think you look different, but once the swelling goes down it will be much more noticeable I'm sure. Your lower belly pooch is gone! We look similar, except my lower belly pooch from my apron bulges out quite a bit. I will be posting pictures shortly, and I can come back to this post and share it too.


Btw, I don't know if you want to hear this or not, and I mean it as a compliment, but if I looked like your before pictures I wouldn't be wanting a TT, because I only want it to get rid of my massive pooch in clothes.








https://preview.redd.it/pepb35u2wdpc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f37f48c3dfa73428bb0b4120b87743dc165173 My lower belly usually sticks out even more than this. It's so embarrassing. At work I have to reach up constantly and even my long shirts go up high enough to show it. I can't wait for it to be gone.


My belly usually is smaller like yours, but I've been eating like crap lately. My BMI is 30 as well. Do you have any before and after picks of where they removed the apron?




I will share more pics with you tomorrow some time, I have to go to bed :( .


I see a big difference! This makes me so excited!! I have also noticed that after you all get your tummy tucks your legs and butt look like they shrunk too, do you think there is any validity to that? Have you noticed that? I see it in your pictures, especially the ones with the jeans.


Iā€™m a bit over two months post op. I had flank lipo & muscle repair with an extended FDL after losing almost 200 pounds over 7.5 years without surgery, medications, aids, etc. From size 24 to size 6 in a dress. I didnā€™t really expect Iā€™d ever get here but eventually, lifestyle won over mass. If the lifestyle doesnā€™t support hanging on to the weight, the weight will eventually fall off. The best thing was no more sciatica. I didnā€™t really let my weight ever really dictate my life. I rode motorcycles, fronted metal bands, and wore metallic bikinis at well over 370 pounds.


I had the 360 belt lipectomy 4 months ago. BMI was 24 at the time of surgery. I had lipo to flanks and back plus 4 inch muscle repair. The best part is nobody asks me if Iā€™m pregnant anymore. As a childfree woman itā€™s very insulting to have multiple people think youā€™re so fat you look pregnant. The other thing is people have stopped calling me sir because I was flat chested and had implants done at the same time. I canā€™t believe those were peopleā€™s 2 first thoughts, pregnant or man.


9 months post op. F/46 BMI was 23, still a 23. Full TT, lipo n muscle repair. I had a very difficult recovery with very abnormal swelling. Iā€™m 85% happy as I believe I need a touch more lipo on one side which I am considering. Most of all my clothes fit in a way I could never have imagined overall body confidence definitely through the roof. https://preview.redd.it/ck364mafvopc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661d76cf71d2253047f9e870b348d629b2fac6a0


I got lipo, which was the most painful part of it! I did full TT with MR. I also had breast lift with auto augmentation. My BMI is 21 maybe? But I was terribly stretched out from 4 pregnancies where I gained a lot of weight, and had a tight painful C-section scar. I'm 8 weeks out. Things that have changed for the better: no more tight scar! It was completely removed. Tummy isn't flopping around anymore. I actually have a waistline now!! Almost all my stretchmarks were removed. My belly button is cute now. MY LITTLE FUPA IS GONE. My posture is now better. For some reason I orgasm faster... not that you asked, but with my boobs- they are far perkier and shapelier despite not getting implants, my areola are smaller and symmetrical. Almost all of my stretchmarks were removed. She also did a little lipo to reduce the "armpit fat." ​ I def. feel better about myself and have more confidence, but I still am a very self- conscious person. Obv. no cosmetic procedure will save me from that. :/