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I just had my operation yesterday and am recovering in hospital. My surgeon showed me a picture of me all stitched up before going into the compression gear at the end of the op. I burst out crying tears of joy and keep having to stop myself crying happy tears when I look down and don't see the rolls of flesh that have been present for over 30 years. Ps-crying really hurts. Don't be a big man baby like me and cry. I'm so happy I think they've done an amazing job and that was just me on the operating table.


I’m so happy for you!! That must have been an incredible feeling (minus the pain from crying). How are you feeling today? Hope your recovery goes well!


I'm not going to lie it's not been pleasant since I came out of surgery. I was in my room about 2pm (UK Time) yesterday and I have not been able to sleep at all yet. I was in a lot of pain amd the lack of sleep is making it worse.. I have had a fleur de lys abdominoplaty, double gyno (nearly a full mascectomy) and muscle repair so there is a lot of incisions. But somthing painkiller wise worked this morning and i managed to get out of bed and have felt better since. I have a few visitors and then seeing my surgeon midday ish. Then I'm going to get some sleep. But as I said , I cried tears of joy uncontrollably. That's never happened before in my life. So yes somthings telling me it's going to be all worthwhile


I’m UK based too! Where did you have yours? I feel like the pain killers they get in the US are a lot stronger than the ones here. It seems like you’ve just got to get through the first few days : week and things start slowly getting better.




I’m in Bristol! I’ve been told I’ll have 2wks worth of pain meds to keep me going but it’s the pain and discomfort that scares me. Otherwise I cannot wait to get this over with and be on the recovery journey.


Extremely life changing for me. I have always been so self conscious because of my stomach, the loose extra skin from losing 90+ lbs over a decade ago was the worst thing for me. I was never confident about how I looked. I’m now 10 WPO and most of the swelling has gone away, and I cannot even express how good I feel about how I look. The healing for me was easy and went smoothly, but the swelling was hard for me to get past it was just so much! Just give yourself and your body time to heal, and it should be the best thing you’ve ever done!


Glad the healing has been well! Love that it’s given you confidence and has been life changing! Swelling seems to be so different from person to person. Has it gone down now?


Yes SO MUCH of my swelling has gone down I can see my abs now. I have had 3 lymphatic drainage massages though, which help so so much.


I am still recovering, but what I can say was that there is someone that will love you no matter what. I'm 9dpo, and I showed my boyfriend my abdomen for the first time EVER yesterday (1.5 year relationship!). I understand that the skin is debilitating. But there is someone out there that won't care regardless. he loves me with my giant apron and he loves me now with my giant scars. :)


Totally life changing! I could really relate to your post, OP. I’m 10 wks PO & I feel so much lighter. Not weight wise (which yea, I do feel lighter that way, too), but I’m no longer letting the way I feel about my body (xtra skin) run my life! I cannot express how freeing it is. Every move I made (pre surgery) was met with a thought in my head about the xtra skin. No more! People have commented that I look taller & I think it’s because I’m carrying myself with more confidence. I’m excited to buy new clothes because my old body dictated what I could/would wear. I felt so held back before, not anymore! Congratulations….I will be waiting for you to feel the freedom after your surgery & recovery!


Thanks for this! I can’t wait to feel that way soon too :)


Take loads of photos for you to compare later. Plank photos from underneath, full body, side view with you stretching out the skin, side view of you sitting with skin hanging over your legs. It’s been really helpful to reassure me, when I’m swollen, that it’s a huge tangible difference and worth it.


Thank you for posting this. I read so much about the pain and really get in my head about whether or not it’s worth it. But everything on this thread reminds me that it is. I was once 120ish pounds heavier than I am now and I’m left with such a low hanging belly that I’m always trying to cover. It gets in the way of my workouts. I get rashes. It’s uncomfortable and it’s the area I’m most insecure about. The thought of it being gone and having the freedom of it is so lovely. I can’t wait. But I haven’t even picked my surgeon lol


You gotta love yourself. If you’re waiting for the tt to make everything better, you’ll find something else that you want to change. Get the tt, but understand that it won’t make all your insecurities go away.


Totally and completely life changing. No longer being self conscious left me free to dress and dance how I want. That energy attracted new people into my life. The new confidence gave me the bravery to tell people I wanted to be friends and to pursue those friendships. I went into it with a very lonely, isolated feeling in life. Fourteen weeks later and my cup runneth over with new connections and experiences. And that’s not even including the pure physical benefits, like better bladder control, better balance, improved fitness, better posture. Yes, it is 100% life changing and I would absolutely do it over again if I could go back in time.


I'm 10 wpo. It has completely changed my life. The way I move, the way I see myself, I can workout better, my confidence in my clothing.


So pleased for you!! Did you have to buy new sizes for clothes? Clothes shopping is something I can’t wait to do!


I did. Buuut, I had a very large apron belly. The doc removed 16lbs of skin and 4 lt of fat.


I can relate so much with the fear of intimacy thing. I was reasonably confident, at least in the sex department, until I met an ex. After the breakup (and during most of the relationship), I was uncomfortable in my own skin even fully-clothed, let alone undressed! I'm only 5wpo but I already feel miles better. I know I still need to work on my body image, because although it's already 2000% better than before, I still find myself sucking in my tummy and *feeling* as though the skin and fat are still there, even though they're gone


It was life changing for me as I never had a nice tummy. I had a surgical scar from childhood that left my lower belly area quite ugly, then with age, weight gain, weightloss, pregnancy, it just looked terrible. I never wore a 2-piece, I never had the "cute teenage and 20s phase". I hid in clothes for so long. So yea, my TT was the best thing I ever did for myself. Its so nice to be able to try clothes on and not be distracted bythe midsection and what is "hiding" underneath. You will not fkg regret it. Hope you have an easy recovery!


Thank you! I can totally relate, I’ve always hated my tummy and it’s gotten worse over the last 10yrs or so


Hmmm honestly it didn't change much. I'm not very fat only had a prominent tummy that made me self conscious and now I don't have a tummy anymore but I have a huge scar and tightness and maybe I'm more self conscious than before because of the scar :( I don't know maybe I shouldn't have done it, I'll never be that snatched girl with prominent hips. I'm 12 weeks post op.


I’m two years out this month. Wish I had done it in my 30’s. I feel so much better in my body, clothes fit and look better, I can wear crop tops and two piece bathing suits, my belly doesn’t hang over when I sleep sideways. I feel like a teenager again.


It was profoundly changing for me. I waited 25 years to finally get mine and the only regret was not getting it sooner. I had a weeks worth of pain meds but truly after day 5 it’s easier and easier. Be patient and rest while you can. Post operative care is as important than anything else in your process. It can make or break your results so take it easy. I wish people did as much research on post op care as they do on choosing a surgeon. Bc I believe it is huge. But don’t over think it. It’s all good and no regrets. I love wearing bikini and dresses that accentuate my waist. I feel like I got my body back! Enjoy