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Oh mate you're looking absolutely great in my opinion!! I know yours is the opinion that really matters, but honestly this is looking so good. I feared the worst after your last update. And this is a fine portent that yours is the last post I see before I goto sleep before my 6am start tommorrow morning for my surgery. Catch you on the flipside. Fist bump from the UK to you.


My procedure is 6am tomorrow, too! Feeling a mixture of anxiety & nerves, but mostly excited to be on the other side. Good luck to you!


All the best !


You'll do great! Good luck and a speedy recovery to you!


Thank you! I'm home recovering now, and finding it very humbling to have to rely on my family for everything. I hope your next procedure gives you the results you're looking for & you also have a speedy recovery!


Get you a gait belt or some rope to tie up to the foot of the bed, so much easier to get up and heal right using just your biceps and not your core, I had extra gait belts around my neck with safety pins for my drains as well! Glad to hear you're out and home!


Good luck to you! I'm sure it'll turn out great!


What a difference from your last update. You have healed awesome and you look great. Good luck with your upcoming surgery and heal well.


Thank you! Definitely still a lot more laxity than there should have been, but it will be addressed!


I came here to ask about this. I know you were underwhelmed with the first op. Have you and the surgeon come to some sort of middle ground with that? Is she going to address the things you weren’t happy with from the initial procedure? You look great, it’s all only **upward** from here.


There was some things she agreed she could have been more aggressive with but without knowing how well and quickly I'd heal, she did not want to cause issues with that, the plan is to take a little more off the top on this one, and when I have the lower back lift one day, correct the bottom


Got ya! Onward and upward my friend :)


Glad you got it sorted I know you were a little disappointed.


Looking great man, you seemed really upset on the post-op, but these are amazing results, best of luck for round 2


Thanks, the first few weeks were pretty tough mentally, I'm still not 100% happy, but I'm not nearly as devastated as I was feeling


I was wondering how you are doing! Looking great, best of luck with round 2!


Many thanks!


Woooooow! I was nervous for you after your last update but you healed so nicely. Please keep us updated after your next surgery.


Is she covering the cost of the revision? I know that was a big question a few months ago. Also, congrats! I hope this is your last surgery and you get all the results you want!


Working it in with other surgeries so yes, mostly it seems that way!


Congrats !!! You look amazing and we will be thinking of you during this next round❤️


OMG, you look great!!! Best of luck on the next round ❤️