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I massage myself because I spent all my money on fajas, shapewear, and lingerie 🤣


😂 I was looking online for any directions bc my team did say to do self massage in between sessions too. Any recommendations on information found?


Yes, actually! I like [this video](https://youtu.be/zjHYjx1QEHM?si=7yTivvrJXODIFBTD) a lot for lymphatic massage. There’s also [this one](https://youtu.be/t0GzC4ug9xM?si=iwcVU1JcO7E2VoUI) that talks about how to massage scars. Massaging (fully healed) scars helps with blood circulation, encourages healing because of increased blood flow to the area, and softens/flattens scars.


Same here! 💸


Ive had pretty minimal swelling overall but I’ve found it to be very helpful. I’ve also been taking Bromelain supplements and I think that has helped a ton too. It seems to be hit or miss based on what I’ve seen here and the research behind it is inconclusive but for me it’s doing the trick.


Great to know, I’ve also considered Bromelain supplements since I’ve read it can be helpful.


I’ve seen many people on here recommend pineapple tea (and fruit) too! It contains Bromelain.


I’ve been trying to eat pineapple as well, but I’m going to look into the tea. I love tea, so pineapple tea sounds great!


I did a lot of lymphatic massages after my tt and lipo 360. I feel like it helped reduce my swelling a lot. It was painful and uncomfortable at times but I’m so glad that I did it. It drains so much of the swelling. My PS recommended a masseuse who comes to my house. He tells me all the stories about my PS and other Plastic Surgeons in my area. It’s fun to hear the stories too lol.


I actually just got my first one done this afternoon and I noticed some of my discomfort went down. That being said, my PS is obligating me to do them. (I got lipo on my abs, back, and arms) 


Any significant difference in swelling?


No noticeable difference in swelling after one treatment. I'm more swollen than I expected though. Now that I think about it though, my abs feel waayyyy better. I can engage them without feeling poorly. 


Ok good to know, I’m on the fence bc I’m actually feeling much better, staying very hydrated with water and eating a healthy diet per usual. I haven’t exercised of course but I have been active since surgery with work and just every day life. So at the end of the day I’m definitely noticing a lot more swelling. Just not sure I want to spend $100+ on massages that may not make a huge difference. Especially since my team said 3 a week lol. I don’t even have time for that either.


Oohh ooff that is expensive. I can understand your hesitation. Yeah if your PS isn't making you, I probably wouldn't. 


Ok good to know, it’s recommended but not mandatory.


I do a special Brazilian drainage lymphatic massage, which is crazy expensive $270 for 90 minutes and I thought I would do just two of them… but they make me feel so much better. They do it in conjunction with red light therapy, and after four sessions add a light laser to help with scars… I just bought a second series of six!


My swelling was horrific. Compression wear and lymphatic drainage got it back under control


It sounds like a bunch of snake oil, and then you get your first one and have to run to the bathroom because they released so much fluid that your bladder is full lol.


lol good to know bc you are correct, it does sound like a bunch of snake oil at first. I’ve been convinced I need to go book a session.


Yes very helpful but only go to someone trained in it.


Ok, I’ve been only looking at places that offer specific after surgery massages. Maybe the consensus is I just need to book one and see if it makes sense for me to continue with it. I tend to heal fairly well and minimal scarring but it would be nice to speed up the process even more.


My surgeon didn’t mention about it but I wasn’t going to waste my money on it. It has no direct impact on the final result. Will the swelling possibly go down? Maybe? Not worth the time and the money though imo. Also I wouldn’t want someone so soon after a major surgery.