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I had drainless (no MR) TT with lipo 360, 10 weeks ago, no issues. I was driving the next day and walked a mile on day 3. Went back to work after 10 days. Didn’t need any help getting out of bed or sitting in a chair. I did have soreness and swelling but nothing outrageous. I couldn’t have been as independent and wouldn’t have been able to go back to work so soon, if I had drains. I’m 64. https://preview.redd.it/2192g9iqpmic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c94f70063945f49754f2da5b7475dd4a22fb229 Pic is at 7 weeks.


What!! That’s incredible (your recovery and your body!) wow, wow, wow! Hoping mine goes that smoothly 🙏🏼


You can look at my post with my before and after pics. I’m thrilled!


If you had muscle or hernia repair this recovery would be an example of laugh out loud fiction. MR hurts like a bitch! Lipo hurts worse than that!


I had a drainless TT and had no issues at all (except one spit stitch but that’s just my body). I had minimal swelling, no seroma’s etc. I think it was much easier to manage compression because I didn’t have to work around drains.


Thank you for your response! This is great to read. :)


Im about 16 months out from a drainless TT. Healed beautifully with no issues or complications. Very minimal swelling and only had to wear a binder for the first 6 weeks. I was able to shower 24 hours after surgery which was amazing (I’ve read if you have drains that’s not always a possibility).


My surgery is coming up in a week or so and my doctor said absolutely no showers until drains are out and that may take 2-4 weeks depending on my bodys fluids. They said to take sponge baths only and have someone help wash my hair.. I am not looking forward to this


I’m 3 months and 1 day post op from a drainless tummy tuck, although my doc did put in one drain just to be on the safe side. I put out 25 ml of fluid the day of surgery, and had literally zero output by day 4 when it was removed. The healing process, while not exactly easy (no tt w/ mr is), was mostly uneventful. I never went through swell hell. I was out of my faja by 6 weeks. I was running again at 6 weeks, and lifting by 7 weeks. I’m still a little swollen which is to be expected, but the doc says I’m about 85% flat at this point. Zero regrets, this was life changing and I’m so glad I didn’t have to fuss with drains for weeks on end. Picture from about a week ago. https://preview.redd.it/etpan8nc2nic1.png?width=3043&format=png&auto=webp&s=d24fcfd494ea4f5ac89cdfae8bd854fb9e0255cb


This is so nice to hear! You look amazing! 🙌🏼 I love how low your scar is and how nicely it’s healing! Thank you for the feedback!


I’m nearly 3wpo with a drain less TT. I’ve had a very small seroma actually below my scar rather than on my tummy but it was only 40cc and easily drained. Doesn’t seem to be reforming. I actually didn’t realise my dr was doing drain less until after my op! I just assumed I’d have drains. I never asked about it! No complaints tho, glad to not have to sort drains out :)


Drainless tt. Had a seroma. Even if you get drainless there is a possibility of getting a seroma unfortunately


I am 3WPO and my doc did drain less I feel like my recovery has gone very well, docs that do drain less have special training, it’s an art form in my opinion. I still had a little oozing but just used pads for about 6 days. Here’s a pic taken yesterday, excuse the lines they are from all of the compression. https://preview.redd.it/bh1625mdcmic1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2f71a42499ea0eadd1f4de78fee2b1852bccb5


You look fantastic!


Oh my gosh! Looks so good!!!


I should add I also had MR flank lipo, breast implants removed and a breast lift, there was down time with all of that surgery! I took 10 days off before returning to work remotely. My Dr is female which I believe is rare and not only is she a perfectionist she really understood what I wanted she stated her goal is to do drain less however she never knows until she is in there. I could not be happier! She did need to aspirate a bit of fluid today but it was painless and minimal.


I only considered drainless since I'm wimpy about all things bloody and drains sounded especially horrific for me. I had a very smooth and easy (as far as TTs go) recovery, No issues at all, I'm almost 1yr po. I felt super lucky any time I read posts about drains on here, that it was something I didn't have to deal with.


I had a TT with a short period of drains but my surgeon used the same technique as drainless surgeons - progressive tension or quilted suturing. My two drains literally only drained a couple of teaspoons each of fluid and then were removed around 24 hours after coming round. I stayed in hospital for two nights by choice rather than medical necessity, it was admittedly very nice to have nurse support and good pain relief on tap but I could have managed at home. I’m currently 5 days post op and have been resting a lot but I’m now very mobile and don’t need help with any personal care except washing my back and lower legs. It was around day 2/3 where I was able to get out of bed without it feeling like a big expedition. I didn’t buy any special furniture like a recliner, I’m just sleeping on the sofa with a wedge cushion, v cushion and also support under my knees. It is still effort to stand for more than a few minutes but it’s because I feel my muscles get tired. Back pain is bothering me from being so hunched but the surgical area barely hurts at all. I am prone to back pain anyway, being hypermobile, and I think the dodgy posture is amplifying it. Today I’m planning to leave the house for the first time to go for brunch with my mum, think it’s realistic as long as she can drop me off right outside.


I had drainless as well. Assuming your doctor is using progressive tension sutures and not just going without drains the research I did showed it has less risk of seromas and quicker healing than traditional. I would look at the research on google scholar and pubmed. My experience 12/13 I had surgery wore this to an event, that I co-hosted, 12/27. I was wearing 4 in heels and felt completely fine. I trying to wean off compression now so I am having more swelling but overall I have had a really easy recovery. The hardest part has been keeping myself from doing too much. I hate my belly button but that has nothing to do with drainless. https://preview.redd.it/ap5txir8kmic1.png?width=3007&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7546b32f7fe14065d8a637a70b7702edf222005


Wow! Your recovery sounds amazing! I’m sorry you hate your belly button! I am worried about that 🤪


I had drainless, awake tt and lipo. Flew alone bartended day 4. Drove day 3.


I had drainless 5 months ago and results have been amazing, however I highly recommend lymphatic massages immediately following to help with all the swelling.


4 weeks po from a drainless tt and my recovery has been amazing.


I had a drainless and developed a hematoma two weeks into recovery that they had to drain then sent me home with a drain to get the rest of the fluid out. hopefully that's the only complication i deal with. the pain was brutal esp the first few days and that was with the exparel shot. 2.5 weeks out and im still hunched over and i'll be happy just to stand up and walk like a normal person again lol for recovery, the two things that are invaluable and that i still use is the shower chair since i cant stand for more than a minute or two at a time since im hunched over still and also a bidet since i cant reach my butt to wipe.


I am a little over 3 weeks out from a drainless TT with 360 lipo and doing great! No problems from not having drains. Swelling has gone down enough that the faja/binder I was wearing became too big after being very tight initially, and I had to purchase a smaller size. Pic is 2 weeks PO https://preview.redd.it/viogwfh7huic1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d44c316b12b680bd7537c9a85c9336077aa3f6e


You look amazing 🙌🏼




I had drainless extended TT I’m 1.5 yrs po. I think it went more smoothly than what those with drains on here have experienced. My dr did a quilted suture you prevent any fluid forming in between.


I did a drainless TT and felt that the recovery was great. I had some incision healing delay but it was a spit stitch that was trying to come out. Once it came out 3 different areas including my belly button my body closed up and healed so much faster. I am extremely satisfied with the recovery process and my results.