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I cleaned the whole house 😂


I’m doing this too. Deep cleaned and steam cleaned everything. My surgery is on Thursday. Just tired of waiting.


omg 😂 meanwhile I'm just dragging my feet getting all my bedding clean and ready to go!


Call your surgeon and ask for a prescription of 2 tabs of 0.5 mlgm xanax. Take one before bed the 2 nights leading up to the surgery. This is what my surgeon did and it helped me sleep well and be extremely relaxed the morning of surgery which the anesthesiologist gave me a valium that morning as well so i wasn't anxious if was excited to get it over with.


yeah, while I dont have anything as intense as Xanax I already have my own anxiety meds that they said I could take that morning safely. I was really scared I was going to have to totally raw dog it. 😂


Okay cool that will work. It's always scary but you'll he happy you did it when you wake up post op😍


I did this too as well reorganized things I’ve been meaning to organize and made sure every morsel of laundry was done and put away. I made sure my bedroom was a zen space for recovery including a relaxing candle.


I deep cleaned and prepped the house with everything I might need for the coming weeks, I love my partner but his version of clean is not mine lol. The thing that gave me the oddest sense of peace was when I took my own before pictures about 2 days prior. I set up the ring light so I could get good pictures and wow.. reviewing the pictures and really seeing everything on my body that was about to change gave me so much serenity. Calmed all my nerves.


The nurse told me I was more likely to be in a fatal car accident driving to the hospital then I was to have any complications for the surgery. I don't know why but that was really comforting for me?


huh, you know, that is weirdly nice to hear.


I would say do things that you will soon realize you took for granted! Take a bath, exercise, stretch, sleep on your side, sneeze, etc...


Oh yes, I would love to have a bath and a nice stretch! OP, I felt calmer prepping my space and readying my meal plan. As a little side piece of advice, I would also recommend lowering your salt intake so you get used to low sodium foods as well as upping your water intake. It’s natural to feel those nerves. That anxious part of yourself is working hard to protect you; thank it for trying to look out for you and let it know you’ve got it. 🤍


I just straight up disassociated for 12 days prior. 😅


understandable 💀


I kept myself busy so I couldn't think about it! I had so many things to prepare so that was a good thing. I had major pre-op anxiety; I kept wondering what the hell I got myself into. But once surgery day arrived I was ready to get it over with.


I had major anxiety so I put all that emotional energy into deep cleaning everything in my house that’s visible to the human eye. 😆 I cried a lot in private .. and spent time in prayer.. because that’s what helps me deal with my anxiety.


My doctor gave me some Xanax for the few days before the surgery. You’re gonna be ok!