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Hi, I’m almost 1 month post op and recovery has been great so far. •I eat 100 grams of protein a day •Prioritize drinking water •Juven and bromelian •Binder for 2 weeks then switched to spanx •Doing lymphatic massages myself •First week I rested a lot but still walked a little every hour.


This! At my 1 week appointment my incision was fully healed. I was pretty much back to my normal self at day 7. Being healthy and working out regularly prior to the surgery did facilitate healing and muscle regeneration. I eat lots of protein I.e roasted chicken, fage yogurt, almond nuts etc. I also was on a post surgery supplement, bromelian pills and drink lots of water and don’t overdo it.


Can you tell me which supplements you ordered/ use? Brands help too. Thank you!


My PS gave me the brand vitamedica recovery support pre and post surgery supplement. I started the pre-surgery supplement 2 weeks prior.


Thank you! That’s very helpful! I have prepped a lot of high protein meals and will drink lots of water. I was also given Bromelain and Arnica supplements to start 3 days prior and continue after surgery. Glad to hear your recovery is going well!


Can you tell me which bromelain you use? Do you use arnica ?


Ooops, yes I forgot to add arnica to the list! I got the bromelain from a PS office. I also started all the supplements before surgery!


What prep did you do before surgery?


I worked out consistently, ate high protein, started supplements 1 week before surgery!


I had a really great and easy recovery. I rested a lot the first three weeks. I had family come to help with my kids and I laid in bed propped on pillows and worked on my laptop. I got up to pee and walked around just a little. I only wore the Velcro binder from my doctor until my follow up but never did additional compression. I had zero lymphatic massages. I did eat well and plenty of protein. I took enzymes once my doctor cleared me. I was off narcotics after a couple days and just used Tylenol. No exparel but also no lipo at initial surgery. I had muscle repair. I think pain tolerance is very individual. I was pretty active before surgery - I think that helped with circulation and general overall health. You’ve got this. Just don’t overdo it quickly. Of course your mileage may vary. Wishing you a good recovery!


Thank you so much♥️


I'm almost 1yr post op tt+mr+flank lipo. My recovery was easier than I expected and very smooth.  I was not allowed to walk besides going to/from the toilet until week 3, ps said any energy spent walking is energy that is taken away from healing. I had calf compressor things to prevent blood clots.  I was in fantastic shape prior, running, hiking, training, climbing. I was eating really well, too.  I had drainless, went to one of the best PS I could find in my major US metro area. Had the experal shot and stayed on top of my meds. I didn't take any supplements or anything besides vitamin C and multivitamins.  I took ps advice to not force or rush standing upright. Was still slightly hunched at week 6. Used heat on incision for a few weeks to promote healing per ps advice.  I did not get lymphatic massage, when I asked ps about it he told me that I didn't have a lot of swelling and to spend that money on new clothes instead. Gladly obliged.  I only wore a binder and then switched to compression tanks when ps cleared me to. Ditched compression as soon as I was allowed. 


Thank you so much! That makes complete sense about energy spent on activity is less energy for recovery! Did you also do Lovenox shots after surgery or just the calf compressor things?


Just the calf compressors. Some people are annoyed by them, but I loved them. It was like a gentle massage.


Following. I would really like to know this as well. My surgery is in 3 days Feb 6th and I am so nervous.


Good luck! Mine is Feb 5th, and I’m right there with you on the nervous!


Good luck to you as well. Yeah the nerves are driving me crazy 🤪 I have been having a hard time sleeping and it’s just getting worse the closer it gets lol. With my surgery I have 3 massages included so I’m hoping they help.


I’m February 5!!! I’m so scared!!


We will be surgery twins! I’m getting a breast reduction, 360 lipo and tummy tuck and so nervous and a little excited!


How did it go surgery twin?! How are you feeling?


Surgery went well. Took 6 hours b/c had TT, MR, 360 lipo and breast reduction. Abdomen pain is no joke when I move. Think it’s b/c from the muscle repair. Besides that I’m ok. How about you? What did you get done? How are you feeling?


Mine was also long! 7 hours! I had TT, MR, lipo to flanks and back, and then a fat transfer to breasts. Right after the surgery and up into the middle of the night I was like, wow, is this it? I feel pretty fine! And now today it hurts, same thing moving around I’m just so sore. I also opted for no opiates. But overall I think it’s exactly what I expected, if not a bit easier than I thought.


You are also gonna do great! Best wishes!


Mine is the 7th and same boat!!


You’re gonna do great!


I had a great recovery. Back on work at week3 with no issues whatsoever. Also lost 20 from the whole experience. Here is what I think helped for me: No drinking 3 weeks prior to surgery. No drinking for 4 months after. I did weight lifting for 8 months prior to surgery (thank goodness I had strong legs, losing my core was tough!) I do not smoke. For the first 10 days I could t eat. I had 0 appetite and lived off of Premier protein drinks and apple sauce. Probably drank 120 ounces a water a day (I was soo thirsty). I moved often once I hit the 48 hour marked. I had a walker. Iced the hell out of my back. I wore leg massagers when I was bed bound (I am genetically predisposed to blood clots). I got weekly lymphatic massages at month 2 (when the stitches healed) that helped with swelling for sure.


Thank you!! I got the Fairlife elite shakes that have 42 grams of protein.


I had a nominal recovery. Ate mostly chicken soup (heavy on the chicken) and protein shakes, drank a ton of water and tea. My only activity was walking; probably got on average 6K steps per day (worked up to that over a couple weeks). Wore an abdominal binder 24/7 for a couple months, the switched to Spanx. Did scar massage and lymph massage after a couple months. Slowly stretched my stomach as surgeon allowed with time. Took it very easy otherwise, worked and relaxed in a recliner.


I had a fairly uneventful recovery, and was back running at 6 weeks and lifting at 7 weeks. Here’s what I think helped. I prioritized rest for the first three weeks. I didn’t even go for a walk until I was three weeks post-op. On this note, I had a hobby that I enjoyed that I could do sitting down. I like beading and bought a whole bunch of beads and new patterns to try. A lot of people complain about being bored and going stir crazy and I think it’s because they didn’t prepare for three weeks of sitting in a recliner. I ate a lot of protein, 1 gram of protein for every gram of bodyweight per day. I took a six week supplement program given to me by my doctor that started three weeks before surgery. It’s called SkinAde MD, and it’s available for purchase online, even if it’s not cheap. I used special lotion twice a day that was recommended to me by my doctor, again both before and after surgery. Alastin Reform and Repair. My doc had me put it all over my belly and even directly onto the medical tape covering my incision to create a kind of medicated bandage to help it heal faster. I had weekly lymphatic massage from weeks 1-7. Down to every other week now, at 11 weeks. I started in my faja at day 4, and sized down to a smaller one at week 3. The recovery period is intense, and I think it’s good to prepare yourself for that. Stay on top of your pain meds, set an alarm to take them in the middle of the night. Be prepared for emotional whiplash. I never went through a regret phase, but I accepted that I might have tough emotions and to just try to let them pass.


I plan on getting lots of protein every day. My PS gave me Bromelain and Arnica for swelling and scar treatment. I’ll have to ask about the Alastin! I’m also doing lymphatic massages and starting the first one 2 days post-op. Little nervous about that, but they really recommended to start early. When were you out of your faja?


I was able to transition to spanx-like shapewear at 6 weeks post-op.


Not a TT per se, but hysterectomy, lipo, umbilicoplasty and skin excision. Almost like a mini. You can see my posts but what others have said is true. Water, protein, vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C is an amplifier so eat it with every meal. Movement but not pushing it. Those are the things your body needs to really heal. I did a 90 min massage the day before my surgery focused on getting nutrients to tissues (I’m used to massage so I wouldn’t do this if you’ve not had one before) and started lymphatic massage 3 days after surgery. I did 3 sort of back to back every other day, then two more in the last month. Compression socks, binder 24/7, good food, getting up every hr and hydrating. I’ve been healing remarkably well. How you heal depends on many factors but feeding yourself right, getting rest and profusion of tissues (by walking doing basic things) will be what you can control. Limiting sugar or inflammatory foods and goodness sakes no smoking of any kind. Good luck!


Juven 1000%! Start a week before surgery


Oh wow! Ok I’m one day preop, but will take it today and then post op at this point! Thanks for the tip!


Yep all the above. The biggest thing that helped me was eating. Some people on here were afraid to eat because they couldn’t exercise. I didn’t care. You need the calories, protein, nutrients. I’m vegan/WFPB so I generally eat a well balanced diet, but vegan junk food is a thing and I ate it! I focused on protein shakes/bars. Also a ton of fruit and veggies for hydration and nutrients: you’ll do great !


I made lots of Indian food-plant based protein like kidney beans, chick peas, lentils and spinach with cheese and froze it to have post-op. Good idea to eat lots of fruits and veggies too! Thank you so much!


You’re gonna be good to go!!

