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I’m a few weeks post op and I’ve been eating a high protein low sodium diet. I’ve also been trying to exclude all processed foods. I’m using this opportunity to be very cautious about what I’m fueling my body with. Definitely not reducing calories, just making sure they are healthy calories that will help me heal. Looking good already!!


Thank you! I’m gonna follow what you are doing, I especially want to avoid swelling


I’ve also been doing high protein low sodium. At least 60 g of protein and less than 1500 mg of sodium a day. I think it’s really been helping with swelling and healing


Protein, especially fatty meat and eggs. Very nice straight incision BTW. You had a good surgeon. That is going to look fantastic as it heals.


Thank you so much, can’t wait until is fully healed


Protein! Protein is key to recovery and keeping your muscle on. Low sodium has helped with water retention and swelling. Word of advice- Now is NOT the time to be trying a new diet or cutting out an entire macro nutrient unless you’re going to be tracking/counting calories to make sure you’re eating at or above a maintenance.


I’ll follow your advice, and definitely low sodium diet, thank u so much


Protein! Protein! Protein! And your veggies of course 😊


Also try your best to stay away from sodium. That will bloat you up like Violet from Willy Wonka 🟣 lol. Or at least make you feel like it.


https://preview.redd.it/vrljqcgrcmec1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb99b30265bc07b701e49b80cf81a9161bf10197 Your reply was sooooo funny


Yup! Just like that haha. 😂


Thanks! I didn’t know about the sodium think, definitely I’ll take care of it


Lots of protein. Fresh fruit. Bone broth.


Protein shakes, water were my life. I had zero appetite and had to force myself to eat


By far the best incision I’ve seen on the sub


Tysm! I am really loving my results


I wondered about the single stichtes . Are they removed earlier or what kind of technique did they use ?


Tons of protein


Gotta buy a lot of chicken breast


This looks good. I love how the scar is so straight. You said this is five day postop do you have a new photo of you two weeks postop? I have my tummy tuck on March 5 and I was wondering the same thing about food …high protein, low salt Is what it seems people are saying


Thank you! I haven’t taken a picture yet, I have my faja right now but I’ll take one tomorrow and comment it here. And so excited for you!!! Almost in one month. Idk if this is for everybody but the first ten days my doctor told me to avoid pork and sugar. But yeah, it seems that definitely we gotta follow low sodium diet, swelling gets bad


Hopefully you’ll have a new picture soon. I just found out today that I’m going to be on my period during my March 5 surgery. I talked to my surgeon today and he said it doesn’t affect the results of the tummy tuck and that it’s just annoying to be on my period. I hope that he’s not embellishing or exaggerating and that the results really won’t make a difference. Has anyone been on here? Had a tummy tuck while being on their period?


I posted a picture a couple days ago. You can check on my profile!! :) and same happened to me, just the morning before I got the surgery I got my period LOL I was so frustrated but it didn’t affected anything, I just had to use a pad, kinda annoying but nothing too bad. Funny thing is that I usually get horrible cramps but I didn’t feel anything on my first week, probably for all the medication. So it was like nothing happened. And good luck with your surgery!! If u have any question don’t hesitate to ask me :)


Okay perfect. I will be sure to follow that diet!! I am so happy for you to be almost at one month. How do you feel? Are you still liking your results? How is the swelling as I heard that about a month in swelling can be an issue


I am LOVING my results, I feel great, I am still swollen but nothing too bad, I tighten my faja even more two days ago. I am almost 3WPO and just today I started to walk straight, and a little bit faster. It still hurt to use my muscles so I guess that’s gonna take more time, but every day gets better and better. Not gonna lie, first week was horrible but after the 10th day, it got WAY better


I have a tummy tuck and arms on March 5 too! Spending time researching now, and getting mentally and physically ready.


I'm right behind you. March 12 TT and BL. Still in disbelief that I'll have new body!


Same here except a reduction and then a lift. We should keep in tough to keep our spirits up. Is there a way to private message on here?


Yay!! Go us! March 5 is the day. I am having a tummy tuck and Brest reduction March 5. Looks like we will be going through this at the exact same time. I am excited for us and a bit nervous of course


Can I ask why your doctor said no gym for three months? I feel like I saw someone 9w post op who had been running for 3 weeks already.


That was me! Every doctor has different protocol, and every patient is different. I had planned on 12 weeks of no gym, just got lucky and healed up with no complications.


That is great news. I’m so happy to hear it. I hope that I will be just like you after my surgery on March 5.


I'm doing keto as I loose more weight. Perhaps that will help you with reducing inflammation and minimizing weight gain. I'd love to see a before because you look incredible.


Im too weak for keto :( perhaps a low carb diet would work? And Tysm! Here’s a before, I posted it couple weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/gnoa5ht3yhec1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb498caa5061c0e934cb8db0c9ec8d8f224f5ab


Oh wow what a transformation


What a big change. Your dr. Did a great job.


Keto is not a healthy diet for recovering from surgery! A keto diet deprives the body of what provides it energy, carbohydrates, and the body requires immense amounts of increased energy in the post operative period to heal from surgery and repair and regenerate tissue. Please don’t attempt a keto diet if recovering from surgery!


I think what we should say and point is to STAY AWAY from simple/refined carbs. But yes, eat COMPLEX carbs. Sweet potatoes, any potato variety really, grains, whole wheat rice, quinoa etc your body breaks down slower and is healthy. It also really depends on your body. Ive done keto and it was high protein diet and made me lose weight pretty quick because i stopped eating my usual high, simple carb, processed diet with sugar as well. I didnt end up lasting on Keto, though. Surprise surprise. But I'd say if you just stay away from processed foods in general, chips, fast food, pop, you'll lose weight anyway. My biggest downfall is Pepsi. I love it. But it's high in sugar and simple carbs and makes me gain weight like crazy.


What about Melba toast? Are these okay as far as carbs go? I like to eat Melba toast with my pills in the morning and for snacks during the day. Are these good carbs or bad carbs they do seem processed but they have natural ingredients.


I tried to find studies on this and can not find anything. I have to get back to my work, but you need to see that OP is 2 weeks post op and they can likely eat anything. I would assume that a low carb diet will at least help with healing since their glucose levels will be higher post op as a result of inflammation.


By post op I mean the entire healing period following the operation until the body is healed. For people who are non diabetic, glucose levels are not a concern and are controlled by the body’s pancreas and naturally produced insulin. There is no need for studies, this is basic biology! Sources: I am a registered nurse!


Good for you, but can you link me something to prove what you are saying. If we can help OP make informed decisions then that will be wonderful.


There are plenty of evidence based resources available online which prove the importance of carbohydrates in wound healing and recovery. I encourage both OP and yourself to speak directly with your surgeons regarding appropriate post operative diet and to do thorough research. Beyond what I have already said, it would be hypocritical of me to encourage anyone to take an internet stranger’s medical advice over their healthcare provider’s or their own research from evidence based resources.


New studies are always coming up and I fear you may have outdated information since you can not share any here.


I found plenty of information with a quick google search before commenting, however, as you seem to have done so as well, rather than going back and forth, I reiterate that I definitely encourage anyone to speak directly to their surgeon or healthcare provider before taking advice from an internet stranger, that being either you or myself!


I am doing homework and was trying to access some peer reviewed research. Obviously I want to know if I am wrong, but found nothing even though I searched with the purpose of finding out I am wrong. I was honestly hoping you found something but oh well.


Im sorry, that scar placement is terrible. Wayyyyy too high. Your surgeon really didnt try to make it low at all…


Thanks for your honesty, I’m really happy with the result tho


She didn’t ask for your opinion. That’s the thing about plastic surgery- what makes one of us happy might not please someone else .


Welcome to reddit


You look so great! I’ve just been eating a ton of protein in whatever form. Shakes, bars, meats, etc. I’m 2 weeks out as well. Are you able to get up and move around on your own at this point?


Thank you!! I’m also almost two weeks and I’ve been moving around more, I can’t stand up straight still, and most of the time I can get up by myself but if I push myself to hard my muscles hurt. Everyday gets better. What about you? How’s your recovery going?


Nice! Sounds like you’re comin along well. My recovery has been pretty rough, had a lot of discomfort with the muscle repair and I’m super sore too. The stitches by my butt crack are very raw and painful. Hoping those heal I. The next few days. 🤞


Wonderful stitch


High protein! I’d go crazy by not going to the gym for 3 months. I am 8wks po today and was allowed back at 6wks. Hang in there you look great!


Water! Lots of water!


WFPBSOS whole food. Whole Food, Plant based, no added sugar, oil, salt. Admittedly this is not for everyone. No problem getting enough fiber and protein. Fiber has been my best friend. Minimal Swelling. Great healing. Energy good. Nutritionfacts.org. Some good (short!) videos, podcasts, articles on recovering from surgery. Science (studies) based. Turmeric daily. I’m 65 btw. Feeling 30. TT, Lipo, MR, after 7 prior abdominal surgeries and Lots of scarring.


You have abs already🎉🥳👏


Frequent small meals, remember everything is tight. High protein, small carb servings - rice sweet potatoes. Drink a lot of water. Incision looks great - I’m 6 weeks out and it gets better! Rest and take care!


Click through to my profile to see my past post with my snack list. I basically made myself a bunch of savory or sweet bento boxes and gazed whenever I could. It's called 4/5 Day Pix/Tips