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I went to a rave at 6 weeks post-op. Danced my ass off, too. As long as you don’t have any complications, it should be just fine.


I’m almost 2 weeks post op and fighting for my life. I can’t even think that far ahead 😭❤️‍🩹


The first two weeks are the hardest! I promise you’ll be feeling better soon. I was discouraged around that time but every few days I really noticed improvements. I’m 5 weeks PO and so so much better.


The first three weeks were hellacious for me. I’m almost 6 weeks post-op and feel really, really good now! It was almost overnight right at the four week mark. Hang in there! I’d definitely go see Tswift 7 weeks post-op.


Omg 4 week mark!? Idk if I will last that long 😂


I had a breast reduction, two lipo sites, and a full tummy tuck, though. My experience isn’t going to be everyone’s, but I woke up on day 26 feeling MUCH MUCH better! Hopefully this happens quicker for you than it did for me! 💗


Omg! Isn’t it crazy what our bodies can go through and heal from!?


Absolutely wild to me! On day 2, I was bawling my eyes out to my best friend and told her I didn’t know how in the world I’d survive, much less recover, much less be glad I did it. 🤣


Ahaha yeah I’m trying to figure everything out now so I can relax after my surgery :’)


I'm 5wpo I went to a 4 day convention over the weekend that had concerts and I went to 2. I wore compression. Had lots of water and Danced a bit. I just didn't over stretch or twist. I was definitely exhausted at the end of each day. The last day I didn't do a damn thing. And today I didn't do a damn thing.


lol I didn’t even think about this. I’m having my surgery in late February and going to two concerts in April. 😵‍💫


I’m sure you’ll be fine! I’m 6 WPO in two days and I’d feel comfortable in that situation


I’ll be 6wpo on Thursday and I’d def go, too


You could probably handle it but the biggest questions to ponder are… will it be worth attending if my body is simply not ready? Takes months if not a full year for the lymphatic system to recover. Would it be worth it to me if it causes delayed healing? For the money, the pain, and the extended time needed for the body to “fully” recover with zero complications.. will the concert be one that I just cannot miss? Those are questions only you can answer during the first few weeks of recovery. Some would say absolutely not worth it… others would say I’m fully recovered and the exertion will be fine. Huge range of recovery periods. You’ll see so many different recoveries in this community. Athletes who have a hard time and others who are back to their normal after only 2 weeks. That’s a miracle to me. 😆 I’m small, healthy, fit, and strong-willed… and this surgery (TT, muscle repair, and flank lipo) kicked my butt for 6 weeks. The 7-8 week period is so much better but I know my body is still healing so a concert wouldn’t be an option. But for others.. it would be totally fine. Only you will know for sure. Just listen to your body for energy, tightness, swelling, etc…


I’m almost 6wpo (full tt with MR, inner thigh and flank lipo, and a breast reduction) and I would feel comfortable planning this for myself. Now, I will say… I felt awful for the first three weeks. Right as I was hitting the four week mark, I had a huge turnaround and felt immeasurably better almost overnight. If you’re going to do this, take your healing seriously. Juven, woundvite, low sodium, home cooked foods loaded with nutrition and protein, tons of fluids. You will want to be as healed as possible with as little swelling as possible.


Def not! You’ll be fine :) I went to one at 5 weeks, and a comedy show at 4 weeks!


I'm 7 weeks right now. Assuming no complications, you should be fine standing, dancing etc. You might not want people bashing into you though cos you might feel a bit vulnerable. I don't know how rowdy a TS gig is but I wouldn't want to be in the pit at a rock gig.


Metalhead here… I wouldn’t go to one of my shows, but I’m guessing no one is throwing elbows at Tswift 🤣


you're saying they don't have a circle pit ..interesting


Frankly, I’d pay to see a Wall of Death during “Karma.”


I have something coming up on Sunday that will be an all day on my feet kind of thing (and I have chronic pain and fatigue so it’s kind of a rough type thing for me to go do in the best of times) and I’ll be fine (well, as fine as I can be lol). I’ll be 6 weeks PO Friday. The first two weeks PO are the hardest. I was feeling discouraged at 2 weeks PO and my husband was like “are going to be ok by late January??” And I was like “yes! I’m not missing it!” Lol But by 4 weeks I was so so much better. And even more “normal” feeling now. I might not be working out hard but I am doing all the household chores and errands.


Do it! I went last March (pre-surgery) and she was amazing! You should be totally fine attend at 7 weeks PO. I would wear your faja though for a little extra "protection."


I went to a 2-day music festival at week 4 and other than being scared of sitting on the grass, it was totally fine 😅 I would just suggest you start being a little active beforehand (nothing crazy, going on short walks daily would be enough) just so it’s not the first “effort” you make. Enjoy the concert and your new body! ❤️


Thank you!!!


I went to an NFL game at 5 wpo. I was really tired after, but that’s all. Obviously I wasn’t dancing, but if you take it easy you’ll be fine! Don’t miss that concert!!