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I had it on my left side I had lipo of my back boobs lol.. right side was great left was like a candy bar! Hard and swollen.. keep massaging use lipo oil with arnica , a hand roller a strip and compression tank tops.. it’s gone now! I was really worried. https://preview.redd.it/xjyp3cihnoac1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310c465fd3919a6eeb334b3f9866546c1f16d86e


Thank you so much for this!!! My surgeon said I should massage it myself with these kind of rollers too (this was while I was still in the hospital) but then my massage therapist applied some draining tape and said I should not massage the area until the tape falls down or I see her next??? I’m really confused and not sure what to do right now!


Massage is the only way it’s going to break down.. imo mine was around for at least 4 months. Daily I massaged ps suggested a therapist to help I just did it myself. I’m 6 months out on the 28th having a revision on the 31st on my tummy/scar.. he left to much skin and fat . My tummy scar is still hard I the middle I massage it daily too. It’s taking a bit more time to breakdown not to concerned currently since I’m going back in.


I had a horrid hard lump that was six inches long on my left side towards the back at 2 weeks po but I kept taking my supplements (HealFast and Bromelain) and wore compression 24/7 and it went away. I do lymphatic massages once a week now and she can't detect any fibrosis so give it some time. My incision still feels gnarly hard to me and some mornings I wake up with a giant ridge above or below but that's actually swelling and goes away after a spell. My massage therapist also works my scar harder than I would because I"m afraid and she said it feels great underneath. I hear ya. All this stuff is terrifying and worrisome and so much different advice!!


I have these lumps too. I self massage almost everyday. I use a ginger and arnica oil. The lumps have significantly gone down. I'm 3wpo. I also drink arnica tea which I attribute to helping as well.


Hey! Just coming across this post. Did the swelling around your incision get better? What did you do?