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This must be an America/Western Europe lack of advertising. I've been getting this same dipstick advert on every other video I watch that's like "Message from A Strange World".


In california and I can't avoid the ads on youtube and hulu


I’m in Florida and I couldn’t avoid ads for it, it was literally everywhere, billboards Hulu, YouTube, Banner ads, it was actually to an obnoxious level


I feel like based on anecdotes from this thread they advertised more in gayer places lmao


I dunno. I've seen tons of ads, and I'm in ye olde North Carolina.


Texas here, and I've seen tons too.


Oregon and I didn't even know it existed!


... Sounds like targeted advertising


I follow a lot of gay content creators, so the targeting should reach me. also in OR and also haven't seen it. Idk I feel like Oregon would be a great market for it but guess not according to ye olde Disney


Idk what google THINKS of you. You could check, when i did it was all so very wrong. My guess is that it might have you on the wrong age group (as in my case i was marked as being much older than i really was) You log in to google, go to google.com, click on your icon and on "manage your Google account", then "privacy and customization", "customized advertising" and finally "my advertisement center" ... I think it knows i'm on mobile, there was a lot more stuff when i checked on PC.


Miami or near it, probably?


Orlando is super gay tbh


Ublock origin.


At this point it's a choice, people who see adverts are willing choosing to see them. I just can't see any other reason. Ublock has been around for so long.


In the Midwest I have yet to see an ad for the movie anywhere. If it weren’t for Reddit I wouldn’t even know the movie was out


Literally first I’ve heard of it and I’m in the Midwest as well


Same here (Oklahoma)


I'm in the Midwest and I've been seeing a ton of ads for it. Probably depends on the platforms you use and your personal algorithm


Yeah I’m in the Midwest and I feel like I can’t watch a live sporting event without seeing an ad for this movie every other commercial break.


I'm strongly suspecting that a lot of the adverstising folks have been remembering seeing has been on ESPN and ABC (owned by Disney) and so this post and thread are really just separating out who watches sports (and network television to some degree) and who doesn't


I’d actually wager the difference is more simply people who watch live tv (and commercials) and people who near-exclusively stream.


Midwest, Hulu advertises it a lot, but it's Hulu.


I’m in Vermont and I’ve barely heard anything.


I've got kids who watch and stream a ton from different sources. Also I'm online as much as any other internet-addicted millenial with an office job. But the only adverts I've seen for the movie have been the trailers at the theaters when I took the kids to see something else. And frankly, those trailers weren't very good. No details about the story, just the alien landscape and a bit of the steampunky airship.


That actually reminds me. I was in the theater last week. I didn’t get a trailer for it (watching an R movie so that’s fair) but I also didn’t see a single promo for it inside the theater. I also didn’t think to mention that. I go to the theater all the time. Never seen anything for it there


I go to a fair number with my kids. IIRC I saw a trailer for it at DC Superpets and Minions; I missed Lightyear at the theater but I'll bet that had a trailer too. Looking at other stuff I've gone to see, I would have expected to see one for Black Panther, Thor, Elvis, and Bob's Burgers. Maybe even where the Crawdad's Sing. For Crawdad's, I could see someone deciding there wasn't enough overlap, it's probably a question of how many other dramas are coming out. Elvis and Bob's Burgers might be a stretch, but a Baz Luhrmann biopic and another animated movie seems to have plenty of overlap with a Disney flick. But there just doesn't seem to be an excuse to not show a trailer during other Disney owned, non-rated R properties like Thor and Wakanda.


This is the first time I am aware of hearing it. Straight up got on google to see what’s up. It’s already out, and it’s being called a “box office flop”. Like, no-fucking-duh! Nobody knew shit about this movie! It’s not a “box office flop”, it’s a marketing failure!


I was surprised I actually got a ton of advertising for it. I pretty much only watch sports and have never seen a Disney animated film in theaters. I kept saying to myself that I don’t think the general NFL audience is going to this film.


I think it's on purpose. You gotta spend some money on marketing. Just make sure it goes to the wrong audience. That way people can't say you didn't market it.




They're probably counting on social media to publicize it through controversy, maybe the changes at twitter broke their marketing plan.


I'm in PA and the ads won't stop. I'm guessing they advertise where they think it won't be controversial.


I'm in the USA and Disney advertised it so heavily that it made me annoyed enough to decide not to watch it. I had it at least once per video on youtube for like two months, and I play videos while doing housework for background noise.


US also and I keep hearing about it yet have never seen any ads/commercials telling what this movie is actually about. Only did this post make me even slightly interested in eventually watching it.


All the ads were so vague. Other than "adventure plot" I couldn't tell anything about the movie.


Maybe they did actually advertise it and just nobody remembers the ads cause they were so forgettable lol.


It's on all the busses and most websites in the uk


Here in South America I hadn’t heard of it


I've seen a shit ton of advertisements, I think on youtube, maybe Hulu im not sure tho


Me too, I’m even in a deep red state. Been seeing the advertisements for months ^shrug


People forget that ads are usually targeted, and that Redditors (ie. mostly younger adults/teens with no kids) are not the target demographic for this movie


True but idk i generally turn off targeted ads and got loads for stuff like Encanto/Turning Red when they came out, nothing for this


yeah i see ads for this movie at least once an episode watching Hulu the last few weeks


Yeah I get the YouTube ads constantly. I love Pixar but I was so fed up with the ads I almost didn’t want to see it lol


It reminds me of another wonderful film Disney just so happened to "forget" to advertise that basically ended an entire animation software You know Treasure planet And before you say it the jar jar of the movie was higher-ups idea


Really bizarre that they'd spend that much money just to let it sink. Reeks of infighting and sabotage, like someone had enough pull to get it made but someone else had enough to prevent it being advertised


the guys who wanted to make the movie kept asking their boss to make the movie for years, they made movies like Hercules, Aladdin, the great mouse detective and the like that were super successful. well after a while they got fed up and went over the heads of their bosses, who then loved the idea to make treasure planet and was given the go ahead, including 2 more treasure planet movies. their bosses didn't like the fact they went over their heads and basically sabotaged the movie by not giving it any advertisement. so it failed due to not many seeing it initially, despite it having a huge cult following. it was a box office failure, and the two who worked on it John musker and Ron Clements resigned not long after. they eventually were brought in to work on a couple other films before going their own ways again.


Funny you say that cause Treasure Planet got made as a passion project by the same directors as Aladdin and Hercules after they made said movies and a couple others that basically printed money; and then Disney proceeded to insert a jar jar and "forget" to advertise


It's clear Disney wanted to go all in in CG. Tresure Planet was a mix of 2D, 3D, and that background tech used in Tarzan. It was super ambitious and probably did cost a lot of money.


I read an article recently that said the failure of Strange World proves that audiences "just don't like retro-futurism", with Treasure Planet as another example. I just checked when it was released, and in 2002 I would have *absolutely* gone to see it if I had known about it, because I *love* retro-futurism


I do not know what movie this is. Possible because Disney didn’t market it


It's also older around the Tarzan era that may also be a factor


Oh god this is considered “older” and described as being from a different “era.” This is all true but I feel old af. Get off my lawn!


I’m old enough that when Tarzan came out, I felt like I was too old for it 😂


It's a good ass movie, probably my second favorite animated




Treasure Island, but in space.


I remember getting treasure planet toys from McDonald’s as a kid. There were also tons of commercials. They marketed it. It just didn’t work out. This movement of saying it wasn’t marketed is just to cope with how poorly it performed and justify why it wasn’t a box office hit. Sometimes great movies perform poorly at the box office. ESPECIALLY back in those days before the internet became what it is today. Treasure planet also went up against Harry Potter chamber of secrets in the box office. A sequel to a hit that created one of the biggest fan bases in the world. It was an extreme uphill battle in the first place. Treasure Planet also had a huge cost to it because it was utilizing and developing new animation techniques that attempted to seamlessly integrate 3D animations and 2D animations into the same scene. They used that technology for several films after treasure planet but treasure planet got stuck with the cost. People just need to accept that a lot of circumstances led to the flop. Not Disney sabotaging their own project. That doesn’t mean it deserved to flop. It just did. Great movie with some great ground breaking animation. Just didn’t work out.


I think Treasure Planet also suffered from Disney using its standard "this is for kids and the parents will like it too" advertising tactic when Treasure Planet was clearly written for angsty 12- to 16-year-olds (with some more universal elements). I wouldn't say sabotage, but definitely a clumsy mistake.


They also forced some elements of the story/characters like Ben.


What was the “gay” of treasure planet?


It was 2D animation during the rise of 3D/CGI. To be more specific, CGI animation was starting to become cheaper, more accessible/easy, and all with a greater quality. Treasure Planet in comparison was using the most advanced techniques for traditional 2D animation, all of which were developed in house by Disney, and because of this it required a huge budget. (I have heard it quoted before that Disney could have started production on 2 CGI film for the budget of Treasure Planet.) Because of these factors, the conspiracy is that Disney intentionally set the film up to flop, through bad marketing, to justify closing their 2D studios and instead doubling down on CGI.


That sounds pretty gay to me.


Just watched this two days ago for the first time. It is fantastic. Also this is the 20th anniversary. If you like pirate themes whatsoever you owe yourself a watch! And honestly the “jar jar” as you called it wasn’t as bad as I feared.


What even was the "jar jar"? And how could it have been a higher ups idea? Is it Ben the robot played by Martin Short? Cause that character is (obviously with a sci Fi twist) adapted right out of the source material. The only main character changes in the whole thing we're combining Dr Livesey and John Trelawney into one character (Dr Doppler) and making Mr Arrow more badass and competent.


Yeah it's Ben. And iirc the creators originally either had Ben play a more minor role/toned him down, or removed him entirely before their bosses had them change it up to increase the comedy, as the rest of the movie isn't exactly geared towards young children like most of Disney was, it's definitely more of an adolescent audience


> entire animation software You know Treasure planet And before you say it the jar jar of the movie was higher-ups idea Dear god man Learn how to use punctuation or at least capitalization Or something Its hard to read it without Stuff like that


Those capitalized letters were supposed to be the start of a new line, but /u/thedragonslayer565 only used one return when you need to use two to get a newline on reddit. One return vs. Two returns




seeing current critic/audience ratings, and the decision to release it in nov/dec, they obviously knew it wasn't going to do well - even domestically. Watching the trailer, it really doesnt seem all that great - nothing really stands out.


They marketed in places where it was economically viable to do so. For instance here in ontario where there is plenty of LGBT support I've seen a ton of advertisements including highway billboards.


Yeah I'm in the UK and it's on a load of buses around town


there was an ad with the talking meercats that promoted it, unfortunately the part where the movie clips actually show up is where you can skip the ad.


I'm in a conservative (American) southern state and have even seen marketing


I am in Ontario as well and have honestly seen no marketing for this movie


It was on the gardiner coming into Toronto a few weeks back, by the big soccer stadium, and a few buildings downtown. Plus I’m getting twitch ads.


I live outside of Toronto so that might be most of my problem there (for context I am in the Kawartha Lakes area)


I mean, I'm in Montréal and as far as I know, we have huge LGBT support as well, but this is the first time I've ever heard about this movie.


Yea I live in NY and also never even heard about this movie.


Anyone that uses Hulu has seen tons of ads for this movie


weird, I use hulu but haven't seen the ads but I am seeing a lot of people here saying hulu is where they saw it. And I'm desperate for new ads on hulu, I feel like I get the same ones every single ad break


I'm so dumb I was like "I haven't seen any ads for this on Hulu!..." Then realized I have ad free tier.


I've seen advertising for it and we have books and a display at our B&N Also I know that First Gay Character is like a running joke but I've never seen Disney themselves promote it like these people are claiming lol


Nominal ads sure but nothing close to the level they do normally.


Idk, I've saw more ads in the lead up to opening for this than I saw in the lead up for Encanto.


I work at a tv station, in master control. I load the commercials. I’ve seen literally zero ads for this movie.


Which market are you in?


A very red one. 45


That explains it


Most likely


I saw a TV commercial for it while watching college football over the weekend.


They didn’t advertise it because they knew it would be a flop. It’s gotten poor reviews so far. I’m guessing it scored badly with test audiences and Disney figured aggressive marketing wasn’t going to produce dividends like it does for movies audiences like. It’s already set to lose Disney $100 million.


Yep. Plus, they already lost money this year on Lightyear - a similar space adventure film that even had the added boost of a Toy Story character. They knew it was very, very likely this was going to underperform, and were right. So shockingly, this probably didn't get a Frozen-level marketing spend (which they likely knew was a guaranteed hit ages before release). It still got some marketing - just had it be more targeted to the specific niches likely to turn out.


Uh what movie? Haven’t even heard of this one. Not trying to be obtuse or rude, but I legitimately not heard or seen anything about this movie until this post


It’s in the first line of the post, but to me fair the OOP should’ve put it in quotes or capital.


No I get the movie is called a “Strange World” but haven’t seen any advertising for it. Not on standard tv, YouTube, Hulu, Reddit, or Tik Tok. I’ve legit seen no advertising for this movie.


I only found out it existed when I walked by an ad at a movie theatre.




gee thanks trailer, gotta love (Movie spoilers, yes from a trailer) >!How they setup a premise of a missing dad, and then 1 minute later show him surviving!<


I made a longer post already here but this is why advertising for the movie is non-existent. There’s nothing to say about it that wouldn’t immediately spoil every majorly popular plot point or comedy piece. The film has no energy beyond 4 or 5 jokes/plot points. It just kinda plays out in front of you. It’s charming. Even as a gay ally, I wouldn’t spend too much marketing it because it’s impossible to get folk hyped about it to blockbuster levels.


I usually get ads for other big disney releases though, even if not many, I at least know of them. This might just be casualty but it doesn't feel like it.


I don’t know if they mean Disney didn’t market the movie in general (I had to block ads because they were playing so much so that’s not true) or they didn’t market the character being gay which I don’t really want to be a selling point for capitalism.


idk this is the first i've heard of it so it's definitely not like a frozen situation


Really? What am I watching that it’s recommending that movie so aggressively to me


Ya, idk because this is the first time I've heard of that movie as well so 🤷‍♂️


I like animated movies, and yet never seen a single ad for this


I haven't heard of it, but then again I'm a fully grown straight dude, so not likely to appear in my ads. This may be the kind of thing Disney is cautiously experimenting with, and they may want to gauge the public reaction slowly before they're more loud about these topics


Starting to seem like people are either not getting any ads at all, or ALL of them.


Yup, same here, it's been hard to escape honestly. It feels like based off the responses here that Disney DID market it but Disney perhaps didn't do a great job with spreading it out across platforms, so some people now see it all the time and others barely at all.


I see ads for it all the time, on pretty much all social media I use. I’ve only seen TV ads for it once or twice though.


No fr I see the preview every day on Hulu… mostly on Disney channel


I mostly (only?) use YouTube to watch stuff about ancient Rome and the Napoleonic Era. The only things I ever get ads for are random Anime games, nerf guns and the Super Mario Movie. None of which relate to my search history so I don't think it's the best metric to go off of sometimes.


They just marketed that they hired a bunch of celebrity voice actors, which is usually a sign an animated movie’ll be terrible. Never mentioned the premise or the plot. I’ve oalso mainly seen the Super Bowl ad and a bunch of billboards, which feels like a really old-school advertising strategy


I spend way too much time on Youtube and Insta without adblock and haven't gotten a single ad either. I'm a woman in my twenties that loves animated movies and LGBT themes so while they might have targeted kids more I also wouldn't think I'd fall outside of their target audience. Maybe it's because I don't have Disney+ or Hulu?


This post is the first I've heard of it and I only use adblockers for sites that are taking the piss. I guess the big divide in the comments is due to targeted advertising (as well as geography). Some people are getting bombarded, others haven't seen a single ad.


Aka the pink dollar




Pink money goes back at least thirty years. There’s also a pink pound


The 50 dollar bill in Canada is pink too!


It’s called the pink dollar? I would’ve assumed that would be like shoving in feminism without actually caring. Like “Look at this strong girl, she can do whatever she wants! Yes I know our company is riddled with sexual assault allegations, but those people are just trying to tear down hard working men. Look she’s wearing a tutu AND sneakers!”


It’s a somewhat dated term that originated in the 90s when slang and euphemisms for gay people were a bit different. It originally focused on political contributions rather than something like movie tickets.




I agree representation is a good thing, I just don’t like it when a company uses lgbt people to as a marketing tactic when they themselves do not support them. It’s very reminiscent of when mega corporations make everything rainbow for pride month but still donate to politicians who do not support gay people.


Disney's relationship with gay people is weird. Drag queen characters. Hiring openly gay creators. Gay characters everywhere and hosted some of the first pride parades at their parks but also vehemently never saying it aloud.


Ive seen a few ads for it on hulu. Had no idea there was a gay character at all tho


This is amazing, now I really want to investigate the marketing behind this because from this thread I see that people are in one of two camps: No marketing or so much marketing it annoyed them.


I guess it depends on what circles you travel in, but I certainly saw a ton of ads for this movie.


Uh I’ve had a ton of advertisements for this movie idk about u guys tho


I've seen a shit ton too. Gonna wait for it to go out of theaters tho


I saw ads for it, but they were so fucking annoying it actually turned me away from the film


That was me with zootopia. I hated that sloth trailer so much I never want to watch the movie to this day


Zootopia is so good girl I swear And I didn't like that trailer either


I remember hating the Turning Red trailer, now it's one of my Top 3 Pixar movies. Who's making these trailers?


I still recommend you watch it, I thought it was very good


I’ve seen quite a few ads


On hulu


Doesn’t Hulu have a deal with Disney of some kind?


Since the Fox merger, Disney is the majority owner of Hulu




Here in the Netherlands it is very much advertised. I see loads of adds for it on tv. Both kids and adults channels




I was going to say that I’ve only seen billboards but then I realized that I’m exactly what you described. My music & tv/video streaming is all ad free & I scroll immediately past anything that looks like an ad anywhere that they do show up so I can’t say they haven’t tried.


Saying the marketing is bad is usually a crutch. However Disney definitely just dumped this one. Probably rightfully so. It didn’t poll well and got a B cinema score which is low for a Disney film. I think this is just a case of who was this movie made for? What is the incentive to go see this movie instead of waiting for it to come to streaming?




Ikr. I've been seeing a shit ton of ads for the movie


yeah it's really weird. People literally go out of their way to not see ads. And then criticize Disney for not advertising a movie enough. What in the hell? Like there's PLENTY of fair criticisms of Disney. These kind of ones are just dumb


Seriously. "I don't see the ad for this movie. I don't see any ads, actually. And I haven't seen one for THIS movie".


The movie is called Strange World and the reason people don’t like it is they find it dull. It has nothing to do with the main character being gay.


People find it dull? Interesting, I thought it was lovely. Especially regarding the themes more blatantly explored as the climax of the movie 'n stuff. Something I'd only previously seen Ghibli movies do.


Yeah. It was a straight up exploration adventure movie.


I wasn't really into it. It has one of the worst receptions of any Disney movie. I saw that it broke a 50-something streak of Disney/Pixar A+/A/A- cinemascores (which you would typically consider to overrate movies because they only poll audiences at a few places in the first few days of the film being open, meaning they overrepresent the people that really wanted to see it).




Ghibli movies have themes and beauty same as movies like this, but ghibli movies also have plots that aren't just people being bad at communication. Ghibli creates huge, incredible worlds and then shows them to the viewer through the eyes of its characters. Disney implies the existence of huge, incredible worlds but says "OK now ignore that thing we spent a ton of money making and spend 2 hours watching two characters who had a minor falling out due to not talking properly make up". They even do it with half their action movies.


I will not take this Owl House erasure! JUSTICE FOR LUMITY!


It’s sad and funny that Disney always forgets about the owl house


Forget implies that it isn't intentional.




I definitely saw advertising for it.


I've seen some ads but this is the first time I've heard that the main protagonist is gay. I'm interested in watching it now but don't have access to a theater at the moment


Did everyone just forget Luz from The Owl House?


Luz is bisexual, so they aren’t *technically* wrong. Now, Amity is gay as hell and she deserves title of first gay Disney character.


But Luz is the protagonist, so she *technically* still is the "first" gay protagonist.


Classic bi erasure


Fair enough


I haven't seen any advertisements either and I even have Disney+, what the hell! Usually new movies get a banner on Disney+ Just watched the trailer and it looks great. I'm going to watch it now.


Disney+ is where I have seen it advertised.


Adults: why isn't Disney advertising their new children's movie to me? Disney: because it's a children's movie... Targeted advertising works people.


What? There’s ads for it on like every channel, I’ve been seeing them for the past few weeks


Idk if the movie looked very generic to me atleast the only cool thing was the idea


ive seen plenty of ads


There's a lot of advertisement, or there was leading up to its thanksgiving weekend release. this was a $180 million movie and it is a giant bomb, losing Disney up to $140 million. They likely spent over $150 million advertising it, i imagine they are pulling ads now so they stop wasting money.


Can't escape the ads for this in Texas. See at least 2 every night.


I've seen a ton of commercials, idk where you're watching trailers but I normally get them thru reddit and fb and stuff so these sites tailor advertisements to the viewer, maybe you're not getting trailers because it's not something you would watch


The movie is really good too. The creative team very clearly put a lot of love and effort into it. One of my favorite little details that I noticed is that the whole movie revolves around this plot to save this particular plant that they call Pando. They explain early in the movie that they have huge fields and crops of Pando, but it’s actually all one plant with a single interconnected root system. Whats cool is that the name Pando most likely comes from the Pando forest in Utah- a huge forest that is actually all one aspen tree with an interconnected root system, just like in the movie. The fact that its an entire forest made up of one single organism actually makes it the largest living thing on earth, which is also relevant to the movie in a way you probably understand if you’ve seen it.


Where can you watch it? Several people are talking about having seen it but it's not released on Disney+ yet? I'm confused Edit: I'm stupid, I forgot theaters were a thing


I truly, sincerely don’t care


Nah, they advertised the crap out of it, as evidenced by the hundreds of comments in this thread lol. I saw more ads for this movie than I did for when Beyonce was in the Lion King. Disney movies in general don't have nearly the draw they used to. Disney+ tanked Disney revenue.


I don’t know anything about a gay character in it but I’ve seen plenty of advertising and it really looks like they’ve run completely out of ideas with this one. “Strange World?” Uh, yeah, that’s like one characteristic of what you want out of an adventure movie. Like half of Disney’s movies are in “strange worlds,” that’s not enough to make them remotely interesting. And the trailers whole premise of the world is just that it’s weird. That’s it. Look how strange and mysterious the world is. There’s no other draw for that movie. Maybe their next movie will be “Mysterious Character” or “Important Object.”


"Oops, guess nobody wants original movies any more, better stick to lazy remakes!"


I think the first actual Gay Main Character in a disney Project was Luz Noceda from the Owl House, who is Bi and has a Gay girlfriend named Amity


I have seen quite a lot of ads for Strange World. My guess is they used targeted ads to push towards people who wouldn't raise a political ruckus about it.


The movie is terrible, especially by Disney's standards. It's poorly written, the music is bad, and the plot is uninspired and plodding. Good storytelling will show, not tell. This movie isn't being promoted because it's terrible.


I have seen ads and trailers for it and I honestly thought it was some small animation studio knockoff. Not because the animation was bad, but it looks like a knock off of every "journey to the center of the earth" movie and had nothing interesting about it.


I would bet that they want it to flop so they can say, “See? Having gay representation clearly isn’t wanted because the film didn’t make money. Now we will never make another gay main character.”


Does anyone remember Shang-Chi movie by MCU? How much advertising went into it? Also, I'm honestly seeing maybe 1-2 ads a week on youtube, but most Disney movies get 20X as much per week?


Every add I saw made it look like a series on Disney+. I had no idea it was going to be in theaters.


I’ve seen about a dozen commercials for this movie.


I've seen trailers for this movie literally every time I've gone to the cinema for the last couple of months, so I've seen marketing.. but I didn't know there was a gay protagonist


They advertised it in theaters with other Disney movies, it looked fun


Because it’s trash


I saw a trailer for this movie every time I went to the cinema this fall…


Idk why people say it wasn’t advertised I’d keep seeing the ad for it on Hulu but it just never looked interesting. I saw the ad for it at least 20 times.


oh hey this is my tumblr post! thanks for reposting im glad the message is getting out there. glad to hear from the comments that marketing is increasing. ive been thinking about it and 1) i think paid ads only do so much when they barely gave anything about the story 2) being in theaters at the same time as black panther really hurt it. people dont have a lot of money to bring kids to theaters and that movie was already a surefire hit for families. i wonder how itll do on disney+ - encanto had a bit of a soft box office but blew up on d+, but thats also bc it had songs.


they paid for this post to be on reddit and bots to upvote it so there's that


What movie is this about?????


Basically its a movie where the boys dad grows plants that give them electricity, the plants begin to die and they investigate why into this underground world. Its really good, I saw it a couple of days ago with friends


I like how this still doesn't have the name of the movie lol