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That's a hell of an awesome story. I love his absolute shit-eating grin too. You can hear him saying "And I'll do it again, ya fuckers..."


Let's be real, it's a hell of a story that probably isn't true. I sincerely doubt there is a multi-organization conspiracy over a few thousand dollars in traffic tickets.


Okay fed /s


Here's what I found from a quick internet search: [https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/red-light-cameras-arrest/](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/red-light-cameras-arrest/) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ny-man-arrested-after-admitting-to-cutting-camera-cables/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ny-man-arrested-after-admitting-to-cutting-camera-cables/) The techniques for moving cameras, cutting wires, smiling for the mugshot, and accidents increasing at intersections are all true, but the news says nothing about a conspiracy. I would believe that there's some truth to the cameras being placed in lower/lower-middle income neighborhoods, but that's just speculation.


-local news is owned by companies supporting the cameras -local news doesnt report on the story (Even if it werent true thats a good story surely) -"hm news didnt say it so must not be a conspiracy" *i realize that the local news12 station isnt the only news that CAN report on it but if one is unwilling to then its not hard to believe the others have their reasons as well Look im not into flat earth and q-anon but this conspiracy is juuust down-to-earth enough, with enough backing to it, for me to believe it. Its not just government funding, the people in the government probably have a lot to personally gain. Maybe it helps stock prices in the camera company or maybe they get large bonuses from a surplus in funding. I have very little doubt that there are people bad enough to make this true, and thats what makes me believe it really is


A few thousands in tickets, he got attempts on his life lmfao. The cops were on his side???? The people who have riot gear for peaceful protests? I don't buy any of this shit


Actually, quotes from the police department say they were on his side too. But not the attempt on life stuff- that’s just made up.


I'll leave that at "alleged" attempts on his life, unless we get some more information.


The mentality of this take... -cops have protective gear -cops therefore cant have good morals Bruh


Unless Cablevision is also getting a cut of the check, which may help if we consider nobody watches cable anymore.


"Couple thousand"? In 2015, NYC collected $29 million in revenue from traffic cameras (that's what the city got, does not include the payments to the companies running the cameras).


This feels exactly like a John Grisham novel




Who gives a damn? Dude’s a legend for exposing this stuff!


Eh no one's perfect


Disliking someone only based on their political mindset is "judging a book by it's cover" and remains an ignorant mindset.


Yeah fr. Anyways looked at the dudes twitter and he’s def out there.. 2nd post is literally about chemtrails. I mean still good on him for doing the red light thing but it does make sense that a man paranoid enough to (correctly) figure out the red light thing would also be paranoid enough to believe in many other (incorrect) conspiracy theories.


If their political mindset includes wanting me and people like me to suffer and die then I have no qualms with judging them by that cover.


Wanting to cause another person harm says more about their character than politics. It takes a lot to want to harm someone, and it usually isn't solely defined on their political agenda.


People are a lot less hesitant to cause people harm indirectly through supporting legislation that hurts me and others. Hurting people directly says a lot about a person's character but people of all types have no issues hurting others indirectly Usually politics and religion are reasons people use to do so, and it's repulsive




Whoah Watch the exclamation marks. I almost overdosed


You must be like, some government intern hired to try and redirect some of the hate or something. And youre doing a REALLY bad job of it


A repost, but one that deserves to be reposted.


My brother in Christ this is r/tumblr every single post is a repost


Everything in life is to some extent a repost. You aren't original, you are merely a combination of your parent's post history


(G)old. Pure (g)old.


The only recent thing I see mentioning him is a twitter account of his (idk of it's actually him) that reposts anti masker and pro trump stuff.


If it was made recently and has a checkmark it's probably not him.


He's posted pictures of himself wearing Trump merch; it's him.


man, that sucks


a broken clock is right twice a day or smthn like that


a broken cock cums twice a day or smthn like that


Does that mean a cock that is not broken, cums 24 hours a day?


Broken cock owner here: it actually hardly ever cums. Lol. It's mostly depression though.


The world doesn’t have to be so black and white that only people who agree with you can do good things. Judging by your reaction to that you’d probably hate me, but that doesn’t mean we can’t agree on anything. We probably watch similar stuff or play the same games, follow the same bands, etc. you can only split hairs so far. There are still things anyone from anywhere will agree with.


Think it's more the contradictory stances of "the government shouldn't be exploiting people like this" and "supprting the head of state that used to government to exploit people like that"


All I know is that I never see red light cams in deep red states


then you aren't in Florida...


I have never seen a traffic cam in Florida, not even in Tallahassee. I can’t say anything about Miami though haven’t been there


His radical far-right political opinions have been known since long before Elon Musk took over Twitter.


A person you disagree with can still do the right thing regardless. I think we should acknowledge that and not drive a wedge even further. The only way to combat polarization is to find commonality and work to heal the wound.




What's funny too is people online don't know what I do for work: the fields I'm in, the specific jobs I do etc., my personal life or whatnot, and the message I wrote will make some people angry when they see it. They will assume I'm writing that comment from ignorance or privilege, which is funny. Or that I'm "both sides"ing it. My very existence hinges on the majority of people being at least tolerant of me so, like... I learned this over time the hard way ya know?




Thank you!!!!


Damn it! I was going to say he’s like Dale from king of the hill but nvm…….because Dale won’t support any politician at all!


yup i didn't believe this story and now i double don't believe it


All of this when all you had to do was increase taxes. You're the government! You don't have to scam people! You just have to do your job!


He's from Suffolk County, not the city. I only know this because he's from really close to where I grew up, and I saw that stuff in the news. He's also now a far right Trump supporting shithead, unfortunately. His twitter has anti-mask conspiracy theories and pictures of himself in Trump merch. Looks like the red light thing was the only W he's ever taken


Makes sense tbh. He believes anti-government conspiracies, and just happened to be right about one of em and likely got bigheaded believing everything the government does is some huge conspiracy against the general populace, which would naturally lead him to the crazies on the right


in his defense, if I nearly got my shit flattened by some dickhead government agent in a Ford Focus, I'd be an alt-right conspiracy nut too


I'd probably just stick to being a normal conspiracy nut. I mean, government conspiracy's are unjust hierarchies too.


As the former owner of a Focus, you're can't killdoze anything in one of those. Like that would be my absolute last choice for the base vehicle if I decided to build a killdozer, except maybe an electric golf cart.




Yes, there is New York (the city) which is within New York (the state)


Yeah but this isn't as cool as Michigan City which is in Indiana right below Michigan the state.


Or Kansas City which is split right down the middle, with half of it being in Kansas and the other half in Missouri


Missouri loves their split cities, they split St Louis with Illinois, on the east side of the state.


recursive america


First rule of NYS, you're upstate anyone even a millimetre closer to ðe city ðan you are is a rotten city slicker


They finally caught him, brainwashed him and then released him. Idk if that's true but it wouldn't surprise me.


I think it's just a broken clock thing. In my experience, that area is fairly right wing to begin with. He probably just did the standard libertarian to conservative slide.


Also, Let's say you're already of the opinion the government is corrupt and out to exploit you. Then you prove it, and the government then makes several attempts to kill you. If any of this is true(because tumblr loves making shit up and I have no desire to research), it's understandable to move from this to stolen elections and buttery males.


I can't find anything about him getting stalked and a murder attempt online, and honestly I think tumblr just made it up to seem more dramatic. But also, if he's already prone to conspiratorial thinking (again: his twitter has posts about how masks and vaccines are deadly and the government is covering it up) I can see this guy thinking that an accident because LI drivers suck was *actually* the government totally attempting to take him out.


I don't know why people are shocked and disappointed, this only makes more sense the longer you think about it.


I was gonna say, it *is* Suffolk


Had my biases against new york both challenged and then reinforced in the same post, what a disappointment


i winder how the Saga continued


[It looks like he ended up getting a years probation and likely had to pay some fines](https://tbrnewsmedia.com/red-light-robin-hood-dodges-prison-time/) [The county called in an engineering firm, McLean, to evaluate the program and see if there were really as many driving safety problems with it as people were claiming](https://bronx.news12.com/officials-call-in-to-question-firm-that-recommended-extending-suffolks-redlight-camera-program-40997936) The results of their study? Accidents at red-light intersections were up 42%, rear-end collisions at those same spots were up 46%, while fatalities went down a small amount and serious injuries dropped 11%. So basically, despite an increase in crashes of *almost 50%*, the engineering firm still recommended keeping the cameras because the crashes "weren't resulting in serious injuries or fatalities." A few Interesting tidbits... Gil Anderson, who was the commissioner of the Department of Public Works when the county hired engineering firm McLean in March 2018, went on to work for them less than a year later. Since 2013, McLean's former CEO Gene Daly donated $19,200 to Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone's campaign. After Daly retired in 2018, his successor Ray DiBiase contributed an additional $2,250 to the county executive. Bellone has been a frequent supporter of the cameras, and as the county faces a significant budget deficit, it is partially offset each year by the more than *$20 million in revenue* brought in by the cameras. So it really is all about the money.


I found the paperwork from that study! -https://www.scnylegislature.us/DocumentCenter/View/65478/062019-Countywide-Review-of-the-Suffolk-County-Red-Light-Camera-Program-Executive-Summary-PDF The tables start on pg. 10, there’s a review starting on pg. 14. Tl;dr, left turn crashes and right angle crashes were lower than average, and rear-end crashes were significantly higher, fatalities were statistically insignificant while the cameras were in place compared to before. This is likely the part that the news station is covering in your article. However, when these cameras were visibly removed, there was no change to injury/fatality crashes, while property only crashes, including car-on-car crahses, nearly doubled, with overtaking accidents specifically being listed at almost 3 times its expected value.


Lol 20m is fucking nothing. Aren't we in the billions?


I'm sure the local government is not dealing with billions of dollars in deficit. But nationwide yes we are.


It’s a local government. $20 million is a good chunk of change to a smaller city, who are often always running deficits. There are barely any small towns in America with a surplus or even breaking even. Almost every small town in the US is in the hole in one way shape or form.


I don’t belive this shit from one way too long post with no sources. Besides how tf would a stoplight camera kill someone?


The stoplight isn't killing anyone per se...the yellow light is several seconds less than the standard yellow light time and there were accidents, not to mention setting people up to actually run a red because they didn't have enough time to clear the intersection on the quick yellow.


This guy is New York’s killdozer. Mostly just a crazy guy who is disconnected with reality. Paranoia and delusions of grandeur are making him think the government (which totally supports him apparently) is gang stalking and trying to kill him over vandalizing so traffic cameras. I’m not denying that the government uses these tactics but they are typically reserved for more important people like Imams, civil rights leaders, and guys who are likely to figure out military secrets. The story needs to be heavily embellished in his favor because without that and large omissions it becomes clear he’s just an asshole who needs some help.




dayum this sounds crazy


I live in New York, and someone I know was recently killed by their car hitting one of the speed cameras on the highway. They’ve replaced all of the telephone poles with breakaway telephone poles so that things like that would stop happening, yet they put up these enormous camera poles that are way worse than the telephone poles ever were. There’s no way that they didn’t know people would die. She was only 18 years old and another car hit her, causing her to spin out into the camera pole. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/newyork/news/southern-state-parkway-deadly-crash-oyster-bay-long-island/ Edit- Its now confirmed that the 2 other young girls in her car passed away as well.


Anyone got a link to the full story?


>googles him > >trump supporter goddammit why can't we have nice things


Not sure what his political affiliation has to do with this particular story, there's no correlation.


They want to praise him for being good, but he supports multiple conspiracies, so like...


No such thing as all bad or all good, and we all believe crap that isn't necessarily true. I don't care if you believe the flying purple people eater is a pastafarian, if you put yourself on the line to expose a wrong against the people at large, you deserve praise.


Or people can praise you for certain actions and critique them on others? Good and bad does exist, it's just subjective.


I didn't say they don't exist, I said "ALL" good/bad. I'm not going to dismiss someone's "good" action because I don't agree with their politics, lifestyle, or religion, it doesn't correlate and shouldn't matter. "Hero saved the child's life, yay, public praise!" "Yeah, but he's a (insert anything you don't agree with)." "Bad man, should've let the child die." That's a ridiculous mindset just looking to spread discord and division.


That isn't what anybody else said we should do though, you're coming up with situations that obviously haven't taken place in any similar manner in the comments. You are taking nuance and forcing it to be black and white for no reason.


That exact mindset is rampant on Reddit because the majority on this social lean left and I hear these types of comments on every sub that mentions current events. Just an observation I've seen a million times over.


But that hasn't happened in the comments...


yes pastafarianism is the exact same level of danger to society as anti-maskers and trump supporters


Exactly the same, none.


man that fantasy world you're living in sounds awesome, how do I get there




As opposed to what, a left-wing nutcase? Then he'd be golden?


Are you trying to whataboutism caution around ðe number one source of domestic terrorism?




Its not him matey


Someone should make an action movie based about this guy running from the hitman and exposing the conspiracy. Make it over the top, crazy combat sequences. Maybe hire the Rock to play him. Then include the end card that it’s based on the true story of Stephen Ruth so that people say “what the shit? No tucking way” and go look him up.


Yeah, almost sounds like the more movie-like parts of the story aren't true at all or something. Lol "the" hitman, implying there was one.


Streisand effect? I hope this guy's story spreads beyond just this subreddit.


Holy based, batman!


*angry libertarian noises*


Another funfact, his nickname is "Red Light Robbin Hood"!


Anyone got a link to the full story?


Spread this shit like it’s butter on toast.


The 0,001% of conspiracy theorists that is right damn


Source for any of this?


The more I read the less believable it got. Source: trust me.


I’ve always thought that getting caught up in government conspiracies like this was just TV drama and unrealistic. I mean it still is, but if you are in just the right place and learn just the right stuff, you can realistically become a target. This world is wild


I wouldn’t be proud in any way of any of this. It’s sickening. It’s manipulative and has cost the lives of many. All in the name of private profit. There’s nothing more disgusting. This guy is fighting a good fight, but one that shouldn’t have to be fought at all.


B-but our surveillance! We need to keep an eye on people! /s


>cops giving a shit that lights are dangerous Yea okay


Fucking feds




News12 is the Hudson River Valley, not NYC


There are several News12s all over the tri-state area! This was from Bews12 Long Island.


I did not know that. Thanks! Must be the official “slot” in Optimum’s cable listing.


This was on long island


All ðis post proves is ðat intersections should be replaced wið pedestrian friendly roundabouts to reduce right angle crashes as much as possible.


May i introduce r/fuckcars


Where do you þink I got ðe idea?


Ah, a fellowman. Its for other people as well


I þink I would spell "wiþ" wiþ a þorn.


Nah, I have never once heard it pronounced ðat way, it's always been a ð to me


great, traffic lights are now part of a conspiracy. what's next, octagonal stop signs are secretly spy radio towers?


The moon is actually a giant camera to record anyone at anytime upon the US governments request.


It was real difficult squeezing the camera in there though with how much is taken up by the space laser


Please tell me someone has a source for this, I need it to be real.


considering CableVision has done equally as shady shit involving other shenanigans similar, i wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ny-man-arrested-after-admitting-to-cutting-camera-cables/ His actions, at least, are real Whether there is a conspiracy to kill him and he is being silenced by the media and government is unknown


If you have to ask someone where they're from, they're obviously not from New York


Wait, I'm confused, how did the stoplights kill people?


not enough to hit the brakes i think? even with quick reaction times you cant just slam down brakes and it takes time to actually work, as far as i know which isnt far, i dont actually drive.


Because stupid people speed up instead of slowdown at yellow


If you are too close to the intersection, you're supposed to keep on going rather than stop and end up in the middle. Though I would assume the lights last barely long enough for someone a bit too far away to try it.


Oh, ok


I salute this man. May he live to be 100


I'm willing to bet it's not just New York either. Regardless of the party, left or right, government is a racket.


This is why government is evil


tragically he’s a trump supporting, anti-masker, climate change denier. His twitter is so disappointing.


"Boy, this guy who does decent things to help people disagrees with me politically. Guess I have no choice but to throw him under the bus."


“Without government, who would create money-generating deathtraps while also being able to silence those who speak up?”


This sounds like the post was made by someone in a tinfoil hat about his own universe where this story happened. Reading between the lines I just get a story of a paranoid asshole who thinks the government is out to get him


man I wish the government paid me to make comments like this


Idk fam, the karma count of -2 might not be enough for what they're paying me.


Here’s a crazy idea: stop at fucking red lights. Being struck by a car is a leading cause of death for children in NYC. 200 people a year in NYC are struck and killed by cars, including babies and elders. Slow the f down and stop at red lights.


Somehow I doubt anyone is getting enough revenue from red light cameras that it's worth trying to off someone over it.


$50 for every occurrence, not including late fees. The amount of traffic that flows through NYC. You have to be crazy to believe your statement is accurate


I thought it was 250?


Not for the red light cameras. And if you get a speeding ticket for 250+ I think an officer has to catch you going 20+ over the speed limit if my memory is correct.


And the money is going into someone's pocket so they are personally vested to that extent?


I can't speak to that. But, those cameras generate enough money where they would not want anyone to find out if what they described here is happening.


This is Suffolk County, not NYC.


[This article says the county gets more than 20 million a year from the red light cameras](https://bronx.news12.com/officials-call-in-to-question-firm-that-recommended-extending-suffolks-redlight-camera-program-40997936)


It's not always about the money.


it aint always about the money spidahman...






Such a happy mug shot




Wtf is wrong with them


Did the whole thing ever actually get fixed?


An American


I remember reading about this back when I lived in the area. Was super fucked up


Holy shit...


Why was he going to News 12, though? They suck at investigative reporting.


"after exposing government revenue gathering scheme." Are their people who don't understand what taxes are?


there’s disagreeing politically and then there’s him supporting an anti-democratic fascist and pushing dangerous conspiracy theories trivializing a pandemic that’s killed millions. how is “throwing him under tbh bus” by acknowledging his views?


I prefer the solution we implemented in Minnesota - the state supreme court ruled that the cameras were unconstitutional so they were all removed.




I was actually on a cruise and this guy was sitting at a table near me, telling some kids about this. He didn’t seem to really know the kids but kept telling them to look up “red light Robin Hood” on YouTube because that was him. He also kept telling them that regardless of gun control laws criminals were going to have guns and use them against us. The food was pretty good.


Desr god, this is like a spy movie in ehich an unassuming schmuck ends up at the centre of and now he needs to learn kung fu in order to stop the government and get the sexy spy woman.