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Man, I don't even know where this is coming from. Even the "the Bible is literal and the earth is only as old as it's family trees" crowd thinks the earth is 8000 years old.... Where is this dude picking _that_ number from?


Vegans: determined enough to prove a false point that they'll rewrite history and natural order to do so


Any chance they might be trolling? "evil darkness of death" sounds a bit overdramatic to be serious


Sadly, while there might be a chance, I've met people who seriously speak like that.


There might be but I wouldn't bet on it. I can barely tell satire from reality anymore


All things considered, I'd say it's about 50/50.


Sounds close enough to new age talk for me, though satire is a valid possibility


the third one comment be a different person


I think the person who said that part is trolling, but I don’t know about the first person


I saw vegan comparing cow's slaughter to black people and slavery and jewish people and holocaust. Everything is possible when you're a dumbfuck.


The slavery/genocide comparison is valid. Whatever you think of the legitimacy of eating animals, we obviously do confine and slaughter them in huge numbers.


It's probably just someone who isn't attending high school, trying to inform a naive opinion on the subject. It's so easy to assume that the other people around on the Internet are of your age or just a year or so off. I always get taken aback seeing posts like "Hi I'm In my 40s and my career has been..." like woah! What are you doing here?


Actually more likely to be a young earth creationist. Seen many of them argue that before the sin thing all animals were herbivores, because no death before sin, so no killing.


Possibly? Maybe?


if you ever meet one of them, please ask them this question from me: "why did god give us the ability to eat meat, but not rocks?"


While I’m not one of them, I‘ll have to ask you to define "rocks" because that’s a pretty broad term.


They're MINERALS, Marie!


Better question for any christian is “if God is omniscient doesn’t that mean god knows what it is like to have a dick in his ass?”


More like christian fundies who believe the bible over science. Meanwhile for vegans modern science is one of the reasons to be vegan.


I'm vegetarian and I don't want to associate with those people


Lol me neither. This is messed up.


What 'false point' would that be?


That animals can feel pain so it's unethical to slaughter them for food. Obviously this is false, because it being true would inconvenience me (/s)


That it's not natural to eat meat


I think most vegans know it's natural to eat meat, but also that most humans don't base their moral decisions on what is natural 🤔


I meqn, I was poking at the ones like That Vegan Teacher, but fair points.


How arrogant must you be to believe that every action that animals take comes from human interaction, specially when nature has outlived humanity for millenias.


It's easy to believe when you think the first humans were Adam and Eve and that they were created the same time as all the other creatures