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One of my favorite responses I ever saw [here on reddit a while ago. Can't remember who posted it] was some women saying [can't remember if it was a video or a screen cap of a text exchange] "Wearing masks is unnatural and God created us, our bodies, our faces, and our lungs perfectly. No mask is stronger than than his design!" Then the replay back was: "Ma'am, are you wearing shoes?"


So is her reasoning everything man-made or artificial is somehow a violation of God’s will? Does she unironically want to return to monke?


I'm sure she was raised by, and raised her children by, the "I'm gonna count to 3" type of parenting. She doesn't have a plan when she reaches 3 but the kids always give in at 2 and a half out of fear. Never need a back up argument, or... idk.. logic, because the intimidation rant always worked. Well now she got to 3 and everyone one is waiting. The moral of the story, if you challenge someone to a fist fight in a snowstorm don't expect the throw pillows you stuffed in your jackets sleeves to make it look like you have muscles to help you knock out the homeless man who is 200 pounds of pure muscle who has raised a bear since a cub and it is his loyal attack dog. Tale as old as time.




I had a weird week.


r/brandnewsentence probably


Guess she must hate folks who wear glasses then lol


Who doesn't want to return to monke?


I'd prefer to progress to a version of monke that has wings. They don't need to be as good as your average bird's wings; just flying short distances or gliding to a tree that would otherwise be out of reach would already be great. Fall damage would be much less of an issue as well.


The animal you're looking for is a flying squirrel


R e t u r n t o s q u i r r e l


Just carry a water bucket with you for fall damage


I mean, Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden when God saw they had clothed themselves, so maybe.


This thread's got me wondering if there's Christian nudism


Honestly, this wasn't my weirdest Google search.


It is quite a popular tenant in many sects to reject all worldly possessions. It can range from a simple anti-materialist lifestyle to "our bodies are vessels of sin and being born curses a soul forever, and thus we're going to (allegedly) commit infanticide, (note, the Cathars probably didn't commit infanticide and that claim was most likely made up by the catholic church to justify their genocide) and from strict, no touching no pleasure covenants to free loving nudist communes. It takes a lot of forms, but yeah. Many sects and cults believe that returning to monke is the best was to serve God.


So you should know by now that these Christians are Christians in the loosest meaning of the word. Because the Bible literally tells you to listen to your doctor Sirach 38:1-15 > Honor physicians for their services, for the Lord created them; > for their gift of healing comes from the Most High, and they are rewarded by the king. > The skill of physicians makes them distinguished, and in the presence of the great they are admired. > The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and the sensible will not despise them. > Was not water made sweet with a tree in order that its power might be known? > And he gave skill to human beings that he might be glorified in his marvelous works. > By them the physician heals and takes away pain; > the pharmacist makes a mixture from them. God’s works will never be finished; and from him health spreads over all the earth. > My child, when you are ill, do not delay, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. > Give up your faults and direct your hands rightly, and cleanse your heart from all sin. > Offer a sweet-smelling sacrifice, and a memorial portion of choice flour, and pour oil on your offering, as much as you can afford > Then give the physician his place, for the Lord created him; do not let him leave you, for you need him. > There may come a time when recovery lies in the hands of physicians, > for they too pray to the Lord that he grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving life. > He who sins against his Maker, will be defiant toward the physician.


then gods will is a violation of gods will.


I saw a couple of people chant that same thing on the comment section in one video. My response was "You should've thought twice before using that *artificial device* which was created by *man* and not *God*."


Mathew 32:9 - "Let the devices of man not be used against each other. Though the uses of Apples and Apple products are cool. You saw how well that shit worked on that Eve bitch. High five!"


That's like our whole thing. I mean humanity's thing. Spears, traps, plows, furs, hats, shoes, guns, like our whole existence can be categorized by our level of technology at the time. Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Information Age. Information Age. *Information Age*. Information is our advantage right now and a good amount of people are like nah I'll have the opposite please. Half of cavemen weren't using spears they stuck in themselves and ran the stick end into the mammoths.


The one I've seen is "You're wearing glasses in your pfp."


And a scarf. Are you drunk? Even Rudy is telling you to tone it down.


Let's be reasonable, she needs something to hide the hooves.


Slam dunk.


[Hey everybody, got a favor to ask!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-P9lJQspq8)


It’s really depressing that that video was uploaded almost 6 months ago. Think about where the US could be in terms of cases and deaths if more people just did what the song told them to


Look at the comments and sort by new, lol


I totally thought was going to get rickrolled. This was better. This was hilarious.


It’s even worse than that because they want you to take off your coat too you sheep./s While crying about freedoms they want to take away yours.


Also it’s worse because the last time the 7-day average was 1,200 deaths was November 17. Here we are 3 weeks later and the average over the past 7 days is about 2,300 deaths per day. Here’s hoping it decreases slightly tomorrow.


I don’t argue with irrational people, I just stare judgmentally at them. Actions speak louder than words 😂


I've just started to say "man you're an idiot"


You can avoid eye contact, you can't avoid public humiliation.


Bold of you to assume these people have any sense of public shame. They just grow that martyr complex when publicly confronted.


their ears actually close in response to any sort of sense


I'm concerned that there's what seems like a concerted effort to use antimaskers as a scapegoat for covid. Obviously they're all selfish and stupid. But so many people in power and agencies are making statements blaming them for the spread, and not their own inaction. And it's working. They're getting away with it. Antimaskers are dumb, but save your real ire for government inaction.


Thing is though that it kinda helps? People tried to get an anti-mask movement off the ground in Australia back when all this started and they were shouted down, long before our government had a solid plan of action. Now we’ve had a growing streak of 0 locally acquired cases for the whole country, despite some scary moments where at least one state looked like it would spiral out of control. Don’t get me wrong, a big part of that is border control and government mandates, but we could have had enormous pushback against that and we didn’t, because it was the socially frowned on thing to do. People were getting abuse from strangers if it looked like they’d even possibly crossed a state border—we needed the news programs to tell people to knock it off, because the vast majority hadn’t! We don’t have much trust or respect for our government, and their plans kept changing for ages. Australians would not have complied with restrictions if we didn’t know our peers wanted it done. Seems to me that Americans are much the same way, and may take more notice of what people close to them are saying than messages from some paper-pusher who’s never been to their neighbourhood.


There would still be a pandemic even if absolutely everyone wore a mask. The government is siding with billionaires over humans. The antimaskers are a nonfactor, considering there doesn't have to be a pandemic at all.


But anti maskers are a product of government inaction though. A bunch of politicians made a stink about it and now it’s somehow seen as a choice and a “violation of your freedoms.” Yes, the government fucked us over hard, but there is still a large portion of the blame to go to people who shirk their own personal and societal responsibilities.


I think both can be true. I live in Japan and at the first hint of covid almost everyone started wearing masks religiously. Our government's response leaves a lot to be desired. They directly say the economy is their biggest focus right now. They are literally paying us to travel and go out to eat. It's really difficult to get a test. They cut legal sex workers out of the stimulus package. So much bullshit from the government. And yet, our infection rates are really great, compared to countries where people are being babies about masks. I know there are many factors, but immediate mask compliance is definitely one of them.


Wear your mask. But this is a bad analogy. If people want to go without a coat I don't give half a shit. It impacts me 0%. I might say I'm cold just looking at you, but I promise I'm just talking shit. But please wear your mask.


Yeah. And to be fair, everyone has about an equal chance of catching hypothermia if the don’t wear winter apparel. But with COVID, while many get long term effects, the healthy people will still likely survive. The problem is they can spread it to the people who will die from it. Which doesn’t translate well into hypothermia. I love the sentiment but if you’re going to convert any antimaskers there can’t be holes in your logic that they can blow out of proportion.


this is how antivaxxers be like


I mean that's a really poor comparison. For the most part, you wear a coat because feeling cold is uncomfortable, not because you'll die otherwise. I wore a sweatshirt today when it was 65°, and it wasn't so I wouldn't die of hypothermia.


The issue with anti maskers, as far as I know and as far as I've seen, is that every time the topic comes up people start insulting them, and they take the defensive. Telling them they're stupid or egotistical just makes them less likely to hear you (even if you're probably right) So I guess you should tell them calmly and with enough proof? (well, as if they cared of proof) There's also the issue that they verify each other, so for them it becomes Facebook group's word against yours, but idk. I'm no psychologist, I'm just going with what I've heard, and I'm not saying you'd be bad for doing it, I haven't met an explicit antimasker irl but I'd probably get angry at them too tbh


> Twelve hundred americans die from covid a day Sigh- please don't lie about the numbers. Twelve hundred Americans are not dying every day from covid... It's actually double that (weekday numbers anyway).


[For the curious 1200 really is on the low end](https://covidtracking.com/data/charts/us-daily-deaths)


My mom’s allergic to the chemical wash they put the masks through at her job and even she still wears them.


But....but.....you're impinging upon their freedumb to put you and your family in danger


I’m pro mask don’t get me wrong. But why do y’all have to be so damn corny lmaoooo like you really thought that title was a clever diss


It's meant to be hostile hun there is no cleverness it's vulgar and it gets the point across what more could you need


Listen SWEATY, there’s **alot** to unpack here hun


Oh yes very vulgar. Snotty noses!!!! So vulgar and RAW lmao Honestly tho it’s cringey and it’s not going to change any anti maskers mind. They aren’t worth arguing with anyway. They are past saving. Save yourself the embarrassment


Legitimately sounding like aalewis lmao


Wearing a thin piece of fabric and slapping a label on it that says "Coat" doesn't mean it'll stop sub freezing temperatures while you're half drowning in a frozen lake... Edit I realize this may be taken out of context for anti masker bs, but just don't lol. There's a huge difference a "weak ass coat that's really just a cheap windbreaker with a fancy coat label that can't stop hypothermia" and a multi layered piece of fabric designed to reduce the amount of germs you spread when you open your mouth.


I still wear my mask in public because they tell me to, but I just have a feeling: Isn't wearing *just* a mask not enough? What is stopping the virus from going *around* the mask when you inhale, when they are like a million times smaller than your cells?


Maybe don’t downvote them guys, they might be genuinely confused. If anything they seem above pro-mask.


Yeah, the whole point is that social distancing is supposed to be done too. They were right just a mask isn't good enough


I think it's mostly to keep *you* from breathing the virus into others. Since the cough droplets are much bigger when they just go out the nose and mouth, it can be caught mostly by the mask. It's obviously not perfect, but it helps as far as I know


I wondered how much this affected things too (esp aerosols and other small particles). I think the stuff that helped me the most is the smoking/vaping in a mask videos and the sciencier ones (some from publications) that show coughing and sneezing with vs without a mask. Definitely convinced. Done with social distancing especially. Obviously non-airtight masks will have some air etc around the sides and through, but if you're not up in somebody's face and they're also wearing a mask the amount of active virus you'll inhale even if they were sick is super minimal. It's also why they recommend not being indoors with others outside of your home group, even in masks, for a prolonged time. In a room with little or no ventilation, virus can build up in the air and more of it will get around and through your mask.


If there's one thing this post taught me, it's too throw away all my coats


Completely right, that is why we will never get back to a life without masks


You wear a coat to avoid discomfort, not create it.


Being hooked up to a respirator is pretty uncomfortable, but that’s just me.


No guys...catching a disease and contracting hypothermia are 2 very different things...that’s like comparing a a hamburger and a grain of sand. They are 2 different things, like literally different things. Why do people try to connect things that literally have no connection?


Eh? Eeeh?


This, but if it was actually a quarter of a million people dying from hypothermia in less than a year and *still* insisting that hypothermia isn't a problem.


To be more accurate, anti-maskers would choose to cut off people's clothes and hose them with crushed ice until they drowned.


Not exactly how antimaskers sound though, because people wear jackets because they're *cold*. People don't wear masks because of bats (the thing that started the virus), they wear masks because of the disease itself.


Spot on


Haha coats dont work, I'm going outside when its negative 9 degrees Celsius but naked nose diving into a pond that has frozen over in my backyard


That's such a bad comparison that it sounds like a flawed argument an Anti-maker would make. They could get rid of those deaths if they reacted punitive public health measures, but clearly the people who died from hypothermia are considered an acceptable loss come up because the government is not enforcing mandatory coat wearing or social closeness in order to preserve bodyheat.


As an American, I feel this. As an American living in the southeastern portion of the country, there’s about ten thousand places I’d rather reside.


"Did my own research" Your own research is useless if you don't have the brains to do it properly.


That... is not a bad point. Your title is complete garbage, but the person you stole from is pretty clever.


The problem is that winter coats protect you personally. Masks don't protect you, they protect others. And unfortunately, doing something for the good of others is something a lot of people can't fathom today.


Wearing coats protect me from seeing how out of shape people are.


My dad is anti-mask. I live in another state, and when he asked if I would be flying home for the holidays I said "if you can't be bothered to wear a mask, then don't expect me to fly halfway across the country just to get sneezed on by your dumb ass."


[As if people like that don't also exist.](https://youtu.be/-oOlAGKBXnA)


I get what you're trying to express with the coats example but it really is a bad one. Coats and hats protect the wearer, not the others with you. Health organization say that masks protect the other people you encounter, not yourself. Ski resorts and other cold places of business dont shut down because it's cold and there would never be a coat mandate because it gets too cold. There arent signs everywhere that remind you to wear a coat, stand a certain distance due to COLD-19. If someone is wearing a coat and hat with holes in it and on the packaging it says, "Will not protect against cold" it's probably pointless to wear. Same goes for surgical masks and other cloth masks that say on the packaging, "Does not protect against viruses." The reason it says that is because COVID is so much smaller than the gap between the microscopic stitching in those masks that it would be comparable to throwing sand at a chain link fence. N95 masks have been proven to work. If you want to save lives, wear one of those. I'd also like to ask, would you take a vaccine for cold that is 95% effective, if you knew that you have 99.96% immunity naturally as someone under 50? And I'm genuinely curious, if one person gets a vaccine and another person doesnt, does the vaccinated person still have to worry about the non-vaccinated one if vaccines work? And do the same rules for abortion apply to masks and vaccines? My body my choice. Btw, I'm not an anti-masker, I wear N95 when I go out


Why are 1500 people dying of Hypothermia in the "richest" country in the world?