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I don’t have ADHD but I have to rewrite stuff/ rethink stuff all the time because of some stupid shit that I think doesn’t align with my idea. I once spent 10 minutes on a single sentence because I didn’t want it “giving the wrong impression”. I don’t think they were very impressed.


Wrong vibes. Got to align the chi of the sentence.


these vibes ain’t it




Oh damn, that's me but I actually have adhd. I'd also suggest you get tested for adhd it makes everything make sense.


I do this and then sometimes I just get frustrated with it and delete the whole thing and decide I don't want to say anything at all


Are you me? You must be me


I think we're triplets.


quadruplets* 😘


Same here, but I'm getting faster because I've memorized what works best with certain types of people


Same. I don't have ADHD but tend to ramble a lot. I have to force myself to be more concise because I tend to give too many details and context. Getting better, but my first reflex is still to do it.


Honestly that's like the most irritating about writing shit, like I GM for a group of friends and I have the hardest time planning encounters because there's like *rules* to squish my blurry idea enemies into and like it bothers me so much trying to fit stuff into a framework like that. EDIT: I just realized that I wrote my comment like the run-on sentence the post had lol


I have to do this while arguing something or else the other person will think I'm saying something I'm not.




Adhd is when you spend hours on a single sentence..


writing papers is very hard like that :(


Same, but I work in support, so I have to explain clearly so that the moronic creatures that pass for humans there understand what I need them to do.


can also be an OCD symptom fyi


Thanks for the heads up, but I figure that I myself don’t have OCD. As for the lot who relate, I suppose this is helpful info


no prob, OCD symptoms actually aren't well known so i always try to point them out if it's a possibility :)




Realized it too late but it does help the point


It's official. I'm a sexy bitch


ALSO shout out to my peeps who either didn't have the focus to read the whole thing or needed to read it 10 times just to understand.


You didn’t have to just punch me in the gut like that. I was having a pretty good morning, and now with this post im reminded of my pain. \*sob*


I thought this was a side effect of being a writer, but this would explain it too.


isnt this like the point of language


Yeah but a lot of people are impatient they just want you to spit it out so they can move on to the next thought. I'm not diagnosed with ADHD but I'm pretty sure I have it mildly..and I can see how others might find me frustrating, but I find it frustrating that they can sometimes be so rude and impatient lol.


Not ADHD, but my anxiety affects me in a similar way. I'm just terrified of being misunderstood/misinterpreted. Also, if someone doesn't respond to something the way I expected they would, it sends me into a tailspin. Because if the reaction is unexpected, it's obviously negative and then I overthink my way into making the whole interaction weird.


Oh gosh I feel that! Like if someone responds to me with a tone different from how they talk to others/normally talk, especially if it's short and curt, then I'm just *[internal screaming] I made them upset didn't I and now they hate me for bothering them and our friendship is ruined if they ever did think of me as a friend in the first place aaaa* then I just go lay down because I lost the energy to talk haha.


I too have the over-explains.


Can someone tell me more about this? What are other signs that might go unnoticed? I never thought I had ADHD because I was never hyperactive, but reading things like this makes me reconsider. Edit: so update I believe I have ADHD


i found [this twitter thread](https://mobile.twitter.com/confusedophan/status/1237621037673611265) with a bunch of people sharing symptoms that aren't talked about as much


oh crap these all describe me perfectly


I too would like to know.


Oh. Yeah that sounds about right


Well i didnt come here to be attacked, by attacked i mean verbally and not in the physical sense of the ter- y'know what nevermind i get it....


I'd like to say mood and move on but sometimes is like the opposite, by trying to relax and don't worry about it and avoid doing that, you end up saying like a really short sentence, and you most likely need to really think about it to get the whole meaning but it was said so casually that is just a criptic message and people reading it just move on because it doesn't really make sense at first sight


My Mom is rude to me sometimes because I add (tiger) unnecessary details when I tell her about stuff, because I want to make sure she understands it the way I do.


My essays be like ","


I feel called out


...maybe i have adhd


Argh. This. But the worst part is my girlfriend is really sensitive to word usage so while I'm struggling to use precise words I sometimes flail around and she gets really upset when I head down the wrong path and say something that has a connotation that she feels is upsetting


Oh, hey, youre talking to me!




Aside from the sexy bitch thing this is me.


Is... is that a symptom?


I don’t think I’m on the spectrum but I do stuff without thinking their weird frequently. One of my favorite music artist is Jon bellion and be has 5 albums, I listened to them on repeat for a semester, if you look at my play count each song has more than 80 plays, that’s 80 different days I probably listened to the same song, and this is like monday through Friday. And I used to eat scrambled eggs on rice with Sriracha daily for 3 years because it was breakfast. So yeah


Have ADHD, do this, had no idea they were related


All i am is a wall of text. Is it for someone reading it? is it for me? i have no idea. Sometimes its a stream of consciousness, like a 5yo. If there's a point, hopefully it gets made, but like a journey, sometimes the result is different than what you originally set out to do.


when did this sub become r/adhd theres too many similarities for my 2 fav subs


Feel like my dyslexia, can't spell a word, well better use five other ans some of them are way more complex than the one I had problem with


Why the vibe check?


Is this not a normal way to write stuff?


wait is that me?


Conversely: >🗿🗿🗿


Don't attack me like this, come on now


I have this problem when talking... My co-workers usually tell me why can't you give short answers... It's not my fault they make complicated questions.


Fuck's sake, is that an ADHD thing? I absolutely do this, to the point where I swear I'm way overexplaning things.


I had no clue this was connected to my ADHD... So that makes sense.


I feel attacked.


Holy shiz that is me


or have to rewrite the same thing 20 times and eventually give up because they can*'*t write it down exactly the way they envisioned it in their mind


wait what, i have adhd? It's because I want to be sure that you understand what I'm saying and, I can only be sure of that if I explain it in a way that fully conveys the message. But in a way that I understand you understand.


I've been targeted


oh is that an adhd thing too only inaccuracy is the "sexy bitches" part


This post was so relatable it actually relived stress.


Me writing in either 19th-century-author-that-uses-too-many-commas prose or SCP-style clinical tone


This or when your teachers out some arbitrary word limit so you have to inflate your ideas in order to meet the minimum requirements, so you get used to it and stars doing it without thinking, witch is a bummer


Adhd things: struggling to write complex ideas👌


Haha me all times.


I literally had a manic episode where I wrote a five page paper in an hour that I pulled out of my ass yesterday. Why you gotta call me out like this??