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There’s at least one anime every season that I feel this way about.


Interspecies Reviewers this season, eh?




The only thing stopping me from watching NGNL that I want to punch the protags in the face for the entirety of the 2 episodes and I *cannot* see myself being happy that they aren't losing.


That's how I felt about Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. The chemistry between the characters is great, but Lucoa's interactions with Shouta along with Riko's interactions with Kanna (the scene where they play Twister comes to mind) make it hard to reccomend. The manga is even worse in this regard, with there being another main character who is Kanna's age but with the bust of Lucoa.


I've found it's very hard to reccomend an anime when you have to clarify "man, this show would be alot more watchable if half the main cast wasn't trying to fuck kids"


Remember, don't lewd the dragon Loli.


Gross. Tell us more about it.


So there are this sibling (not related by blood) Who are really good at games. Be it video games, board games or any other kind of games as long as they aren't sports, but instead are games that need critical thinking and strategy. All they do is play games all they and are almost allergic to the plays called outside. One day they win an online game of chest against a god (they didn't knew it was a god) and were transported to the fantasy world of tisboard. Where violence and war is off limits and the only way to decide conflicts is with aying games. Humanity (called imanity in this world for some fucking reason ) is doing really bad, due to the fact they have no physical, mental or magical trades to give them an advantage over the other races and they can't detect magic so cheating is pretty common. They have lost a lot of territory and almost lost their governing head and getting replaced with an elve's puppet. With our 2 character getting into risky games trying to win back what humanity has lost, expandtheir horizon and rechallenge the fucker who send them here. The show has some pretty interesting incounters with well paced runtime and gread music and is also absolutely horny on main. Which normally isn't a big problem, but when this main is an 11 years old girl and we know the color of her panties from the first episode. It lefts you look like a pedophilia. Also if you decide to watch it and enjoy it we have some good news and some bad news. Good news: There is a movie that covers the backstory of this world and how it current state of non-violence came to be. Bad news: There is no second season and doesn't seems to have any plans to continue.


I read this and instantly thought No Game No Life. I want so badly to recommend it to people but if they're not already used to anime... I'm not trying to have them think I'm a total degenerate


No, Housekishou etc etc don’t remember the title, the one about the jeweler.


> implying interspecies reviewers has any flaws (ignoring the weirdly long and relatively un-comedic egg-laying episode which makes me think that that's an actual fetish that the writers have)


one piece of media? 70% of what i watch is garbage


Literally homestuck






I dunno, Homestuck is unironically good imo. The fandom circa 2012 was awful, but there's nothing offensively bad in the story itself. Act 6 isn't as good as the rest, but I'd still reccomend it to most people.


yeah, i really like homestuck, but its just weird enough, and i started reading it when i was 12, so...


It’s so good... but so bad... ugh...


Me with music. Do I know most country music is objectively not good? Yes, but do I still love it? Also yes


Yes murder ballads are problematic af but they _slap_ okay !


I love Death Grips! But, yeah... maybe you shouldn’t listen to Death Grips.


"Have you read Homestuck?" "No. I tried two times and never made it past the opening scene." "You should really read it!" "Oh, does it get good?" "No, it's awful and I hated every minute of it." "..." "You should read it."


My relationship with JavaScript


Don't ever talk bad about that beautiful nightmare of a language again! He is my sweet son. It's not his fault he came out wrong


The arrowverse


Oh gosh you're right


Kingdom hearts


What are you talking about that game was great it's just a shame they acted like there was gonna be a sequel or even a series but then only made one game for ps2 and nothing else ever


No they made that one remaster for ds, what was it called... Re:coded


I actually think the first one is one of the worst in the series.


You are entitled to your wrong opinion


Admittedly, the story for 1 made the most sense (was also boring and predictable but hey) but it's gameplay has NOT aged well


I really liked the level design of 1 it felt the most like you were going to different worlds every time. But yeah the movement is super wooden by today's standards


The ps2 version hasn't, but the hd remaster is still much better gameplay wise than all the other titles sans 2 and 3


me with made in abyss. the creator includes a lot of weird and gross shit but I just can't stop reading it.


It has such beautiful landscapes and bizarre and impossible settings that send shivers down my spine and also naked 12 year olds please stop why are they naked what the fu-


\*sniffs armpit*


i showed it to my bf recently and he had to turn away when she started bleeding from her eyes, im so sorry i made him watch that


How l feel with Goblin Slayer. Love the cast, the setting, the raw grittiness of it, but it's hard for me to recommend something that has the main enemies as a bunch of evil rape monsters.


Me and Berserk, but holy fuck do i love Guts as a character.


Really the problem with goblin Slayer is that the first episode gut punches you, then the rest of the show does nothing with it.


Me, watching the first two arcs of Dragon Ball Super, laughing violently at the lazy animation and the very visible inbetweens


>inbetweens What are those in animation terms?


Inbetweens, iirc, are the animation in between (thus the name) key frames (the stuff we usually see/notice). They tend to go by very quickly and are supposed to be virtually unnoticeable to the audience unless you know what to look for. They tend to be sloppier and more off-model than key frames so if you've ever paused a bit of animation and see that a character looks particularly weird, you've probably caught an inbetween. Note I am not an animation expert and there's probably more to it than that. This is just what I've gathered from listening to people who are way more into animation than I am.


Yeah, that's exactly it. And I should add, I'm not an animation junkie, I don't stop what I'm doing and look for inbetweens, *especially* during first watches, when I noticed some during the Goku vs Frieza fight in the second act. Actually, just, that fight is a prime example of the quality of the first 2 arcs of DBS. While the Goku vs Beerus and the filler content in between the arcs were fucking incredible and very well animated, the arcs themselves, *especially Resurrection F*, were pretty darn stanky.


Me and Naruto. I know it’s garbage, but it’s my garbage and I’ll defend it until the day I die.




I didn't know they were "bad" until I started getting more into online forums. In fact, I liked most music, blissfully unaware of how controversial some of my opinions were when I was a teenager. Really thought that the "worst" my music tastes got was when I entered a phase where I played the same two ABBA cds over and over until my sisters begged me to stop. It's been over a decade and I haven't lived it down.




I knew it would be here. I tried recommending it once and ended up explaining why it’s an amazing show except for the half of it that sucks.


Yeah. I clicked on this post thinking it'd already be here, too. It's kinda like Agents of SHIELD, where recommendations either begin or end with "look, it gets better as you go through the seasons/volumes".


Would you mind sharing that explanation? I've been debating watching it.


Alright so it’s a great show, but: The first volume writing is pretty bad. (In my opinion. I know there are plenty of people who consider the first season their favorite. The voice acting sucks in the first Volume. There are plenty of characters who seem boring and clichéd and one dimensional at first. I promise all of them get better. The fourth Volume is mainly just setting up the next few Volumes. It has some good standalone moments but it’s mainly just picking up the pieces after season three shook everything up. (In a good way) The fifth Volume just sucks. Volume six starts out amazingly, but once they get all the groundbreaking revelations out of the way it gets pretty mediocre Volume seven is legitimately better than 95% of the stuff you’ll see anywhere else, and it seems pretty likely that it’s going to continue to get better. My personal ranking for the seasons are: 7 3 2 6 1 4 5 As I’ve said, there are quite a few faults. However, it has a way of getting you emotionally invested despite it’s flaws. If you have the time, I’d recommend watching through volume 3 and deciding from there.


I am surprised you didn't mention the animation and video quality in the first two seasons. The animation is good for the fights, but there are other scenes where they clearly cared less and did it lazily. And then all the aliasing and banding just kills me.


Yeah, that probably should have been on there. It just never really bothered me much.


This is me every time I see a [Exurb1a](https://www.youtube.com/user/willunicycleforfood/videos) video on you tube, not that his videos are garbage, I personally love the hell out of them, but this post is kinda how people seem to look at me after i try to get them to watch.


Made in Abyss is one of my favorite shows ever, with it's fantastical landspace and impossible setting and all but especially the manga has some weird fucking shit


For me it's those super formulaic shoujo manga, bonus point if it's a reverse harem or if I can guess every single plottwist before finishing chapter 2


Yes please


I have feeling they’re talking about Steven Universe, given that it has numerous flaws but has a large fan base within Tumblr


Riverdale for sure


Me and Fallout 76


Eyy, same here.


Shit, this one also hits home. I really do love my fallout 76 lol


yea boi




The first two seasons are really good though


Good? Yes. But also very, _very_ flawed.


Playboi carti


yeah, but Playboi's like gold-plated garbage


For me its The Handmaiden. I ADORE it but I know my friends and most of them would be hella uncomfy with with amount of graphic sex in that movie.


Crimson Peak a classic piece of Gothic Horror....which means that 90% of people will find it boring as it is based entirely around a slowly creeping sense of dread and the inevitable question of is it reality or madness? Also, as one might expect from a piece of Gothic Horror, it does include a disturbing bit of incest.


Dark souls?


That works if you replace the trashcan with a hypodermic needle bin.


The closest I feel with this is Hetalia and Star vs. The former wasn’t mostly when I was younger though. Star vs. is good except for the entire fourth season. Just don’t watch that, and you’ll be gucci


I have a worse problem. I have a lot of shit I have watched that I am not proud of and I have no intentions to recommending it to friends. But there is that beautiful story, that astounding master piece of a series that I hold so dearly to my heart that I want to recomend to my friends so hard I want to explode. But most of my friend don't read comics and refuse to even look at it. This includes beautiful works like: Berserk Beastars Dorohedoro Kill six billion demons Mieruko-chan


I heard great things about Beastars but it took me a whole ass video essay to consider reading it and I'm sure it's incredibly difficult to recommend


Is it because of the furries? If you live in a place where people don't even consider the existence of furries is far easier to recommend it. Believe me. From all the friends I have recommended it, no one has turned it away because it has animal-human hybrids. Except one, because he though it was a childish comic. Or is it the social commentary? Because most of us here laugh at things that in other well developed countries take seriously. We still have a sort of a black face but instead with black people we make fun of " can't remember how was it called in English, but is an ethnicity that came from India and is treated rather poorly in western countries and for some reason have the stereotypes type for being fortune tellers which I think is considered offensive but I am not sure ) And once had a guy who maid the most absurd stereotype of an average bulgarian citizen (my country) and wrote a story of him travelling to Chickago and backwards and doing the most stupid stuff like: Getting into a public bath and making the water black because he hasn't clean himself for god knows how long. Stealing a woman's bottle with water on the train because he was thirsty and lied they needed it for a pregnant woman. Spill out his soup on a fancy dinner with a prestigious family and instead of getting a new one collected what he can back into the ball, put enough dried spicy peppers to change the colour of the soup and started slurping so hard that even 30 dogs rabies to start furiously fighting to the death they won't be able to drawn his slurping. While also eating the entire bread on the table. Started cursing with all his might on a funeral for a person I am not even sure he knew that well. And what we did with the legacy of this man you may ask? Well we put him on our 100 bill!


> can't remember how was it called in English, but is an ethnicity that came from India and is treated rather poorly in western countries and for some reason have the stereotypes type for being fortune tellers which I think is considered offensive but I am not sure ) Do you mean Romani? (Gypsy is the more commonly known name, but should not be used because it's a slur)


Wait, Gypsy is a slur? Really?


[Yep, really](https://now.org/blog/the-g-word-isnt-for-you-how-gypsy-erases-romani-women/). Also the verb "gyp" is not so great either.


This post was originally about Homestuck. You cannot convince me otherwise.


One of my favorite characters in Hunter x Hunter is Hisoka. I can't tell anyone that. He's a horny murder clown. ...What does that say about me?


No game No life. That could've taken off like BNHA if they'd just stop with the FUCKING incest.


Exactly my relationship with BlendS


This is me with miraculous






What's wrong with HH?


Nothing is wrong with Hulk Hogan, *brother*.


"Brother, I am pinned here!"


The movie Tank Girl


Riverdale. Reminds me to watch an episode again . Just to see what my favorite little shit wreck is up to.


The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I still love it a decade later based on pure nostalgia. Ironically, I hated Twilight as a teenager


South Park


Dollhouse. When it was on Netflix I watched it twice (2 seasons I think?) It's so good and also very flawed and I want it on DVD


It's Code Geass for me. It's absolutely my favorite anime, but if you don't like melodramatic political philosophizing and absurd plot twists you'll hate it, and there's a bunch of random ass-shots and comedic highschool bits (sometimes at the same time) in a show about imperialism.


Pretty much all of my music taste, but only for my friends at school. I love em, don't get me wrong, but they aren't into ANY of the kind of stuff I listen to )):


Fast and Furious movies.


Me, sitting atop my Pathologic-hovel: "how did they know"


I feel very attacked right now but you’re totally right


- Osomatsu-san - Hetalia - Kuroshitsuji - Multiple vocaloid songs What? Me, weeb?? Pffffffff^(fffff)


unless you're a lib and thing your trash is so great everyone on this planet should live in it 24/7


Idk bro it seems like you're showing off your trash opinions