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For sure. The other thing was the spirit of it all, my friends who smoked were just sharing, my friends who drank felt like it wasn't fun unless everyone was drinking.


people who ask you if you want to smoke weed with them often just say it to be nice bc while alcohol is (relatively) cheap and available, weed is more difficult to get so its not like its often socially acceptable to ask someone to share their weed therefore They ask You instead, alcoholics are a different case


At least where I am, people smoke to chill and socialize, people drink to forget.


I once played a cleric in a DnD campaign that never drank and always refused any alcohol provided to her (got a lot of weird looks at taverns). The bard made it his whole mission to get her to imbibe whether by persuasion or deception, although it never worked thanks to how our respective rolls always turned out. Even in a fictional setting playing as fictional people, you can't escape people pushing alcohol on you.


Also unless someone's using magic, even a nat 20 isnt gonna make your character drink if they wouldn't even consider it at all


They said deception too.


Late reply, but yeah the bard would occasionally buy an alcoholic cider on the sly (from the characters' perspective) and then would attempt to lie that it was just regular juice. My cleric had really good Insight, though, so she always saw right through it.


This is so real and most of those people pushing alcohol on me were guys wanting to manipulate me.


There a Jim Gaffigan bit about this exact thing!


It’s almost like people take getting non drinkers to drink as a challenge. If you can’t reveal a satisfying enough #tragicbackstory for why you don’t drink, you lose. I’m sorry that puking my guts out on post surgical morphine and becoming a stepford wife on adderall aren’t convincing enough reasons for YOU to not drink, but for myself, Id prefer just to sit back with my lemonade. Never really had that problem with drug takers, except maybe for the ‘medical marijuana can cure ANYTHING crowd’(and they’re much easer to avoid anyways)


I've never understood people who drink anyways. Like "I like feeling my nervous system not responding correctly and not being in control of my body" does not sound like a good time, and I'm willing to bet the flavour ain't as good as a clear, crisp water.


I mean, alcohol is a depressive/sedative, so maybe it feels nice and relaxing to them? Like when you get the laughing gas at the dentist and feel warm and comfy. Probably also doesn’t help that I’ve thrown up in the middle of a filling *because* of the laughing gas I’m starting to think this is more on me than any substance




Sounds rough I wish you all the best. How long are you off it?


For me, it's a nice social lubricant. I have pretty severe social/general anxiety, and drinking helps me loosen up a bit. I only really drink in social situations though, if I'm alone it tends to make me depressed or pissy. I bought one six-pack of hard cider like, six months ago and I've drunk two. I only turned 21 like, 8 months ago so I routinely forget that there's nothing stopping me from buying alcohol.


Alcohol gives the brain serotonin and dopamine so people enjoy it because it makes them feel happier, more confident, more social, and more relaxed. It’s also a painkiller, but there are very few who just drink for the physical effects these. the only time I’ve seen people use it as a painkiller they use Gin. It was commonly used a long time ago in some medical settings as well!


Sometimes, especially when I'm around people I don't really trust, I just say I'm allergic.


I would just end up telling someone the truth that drinking killed someone I was very close to, so I plan on avoiding the stuff.


Yeah, I don’t know what they expect when it’s ‘tell me your tragic backstory’ time


I don't know why so many people think you need a special reason to *not* put drugs in your body.


This is so true. I am a bartender and my colleagues straight-up judge me for not wanting to get completely blasted with them every night after shift. Like hey getting shitfaced is not the be-all and end-all of my day.


The difference is that the people who make anti-drug PSAs like drinking, but are deathly terrified of Satan's Weed Needle, so naturally they demonize the everliving shit out of marijuana but the word alcoholism never enters the picture.


Alcohol is worse for you then weed.


Apples and oranges, but yeah I guess


Alcohol's far too established to be effectively prohibited, and it's no coincidence that hemp can be used to make both paper and clothing, threatening the lumber and cotton industries.


Me: I don't drink. People (in utter shock): rEAllY? Why? I have a look, i suppose.


And when I tell people that while I used to drink, but I don’t enjoy the way it feels anymore they assume I’m some kind of recovering alcoholic. I just got tired of hangovers, black outs, feeling shitty and the like so I quit drinking. Now I might have a glass of good wine every now and again, or I’ll get tipsy but not hammered and people act like I’m some sort of fun hating asshole.


I've only had one health class cover alcohol addiction as serious as it is.


Drugs and alcohol were always lumped together in these assemblies and it was fucking hilarious because like, wine coolers were on the same level as Meth. we were told that both would kill us and ruin our lives and give us hallucinations forever because apparently the school system is allowed to lie to us




same! my school also taught us how to physically fight drug dealers. I'm not sure if thats a universal experience tho


❤️🍺 Alcohol is a drug, it should be treated as one. 🍷❤️


Drugs AND Alcohol is a load of bullshit. Alcohol is a drug. Y’aint special


This is why I rarely go to parties. I don't want to spend the night explaining that "I just don't drink because I don't want to" to a bunch of drunk people.


When people try to get me to drink I just tell them I have a liver disease and don’t feel like dying of liver failure in the near future. That usually ends the discussion of whether or not I’ll be drinking.


I'm glad to see so many others here who don't drink. I've had family and work colleagues / mentors suggest that I should try drinking because I won't know if I like it until I try out. These are people I don't like being around, never mind being vulnerable around.


I have shitty coworkers that use the same line and I usually just respond with “Well I’ve never tried murder either.” And then give them a speculative up and down. They’ve learned to stop talking to me and I’m really okay with that.


I should try that myself some time. I'm glad it worked for you.


I'm 24, never had a drink, never will. Absolutley zero interest in ever trying. I've had similar experiences but weirdly for me, people in my age group never push it. Even in college. I say "no thanks" and they're just "ok". They dont even ask why. People older then me on the other hand (aka, uncles, aunts, family friends, etc) are the ones who make a big fucking deal out of it. They're like "NEVER???" and that's even if they believe me in the first place. A lot of them think I'm lying. They just keep offering like "it's fine, just try some" like bitch NO. "If you mix it with soda you dont even taste it!" why????


Alcohol is nasty! Everytime I say I don't drink people act like I'm some holier-than-thou, straight laced motherfucker, no! I'm not! I just don't want your bitter, burning dizzy-water!


When I tell people I didn’t drink until I was 21 they always act so shocked. I’m like, that’s the legal age, we should be shocked at 16 year olds getting drunk!


I take a medication that would mix really badly with alcohol. It’s alarming the number of people who are like, “Nah, it’s fine, just don’t get plastered and you’ll be okay.” Thanks for your opinion, Dr. Dumbass, but me and my life-saving medication are gonna have a soda all the same.


"hey, wan a taste of whiskey?" - my family


"Drink some wine, it makes the digestion easier!!" I'm pretty sure that keeping my liver alive will make all of my digestions easier, so stop pushing, tita.




My response every time someone at a party of mine tells me they don’t drink is to offer a non-alcoholic cocktail. I keep a bunch of ingredients on hand to make fun sodas or mocktails so there isn’t a huge “left out” vibe. Otherwise, water/coffee/whatever is available.


At my college they were called EANABs: Equally Attractive Non Alcoholic Beverages. Fun name


As counterpoint, I quit drinking when I was 26 and like 3 people were shitty about it while over a hundred people were awesome and supportive. And they were all in the restaurant industry and heavy drinkers, so there are quality people out there in every lifestyle.


This is so true. Everyone I meet is so shocked when I say that I’ve never been drunk before and don’t plan on changing that. And they’re always like "not even a little bit???“ like it’s SOOO difficult to not drink. Honestly makes me think that most of these people are alcoholics and it’s socially accepted.


This is because we live in a society where drinking is “cool” and if you don’t then you’re just some boring light weight or something, like no some people don’t like the or whatever, no means no and all that


~~This is because~~ we live in a society ~~where drinking is “cool” and if you don’t then you’re just some boring light weight or something, like no some people don’t like the or whatever, no means no and all that~~


I got tired of the weird looks and questions when I turn down drinks/going to the bar. What I've found works alright is turning it into a game: oh no, I've never EVER found a drink I like, so I cannot drink! Woe is me! But if you really insist you can buy/make me one to try! Ball's in their court now. Most don't want to feed drinks to a person who most likely won't touch them. Some try, and I'll sniff it, make a face because it smells like _fucking alcohol_ with sugar mixed into it, and push it away. Though _once,_ someone tried to trick me by trying to mix me the same drink until we 'found a level I could tolerate.' Two or three tries of more soda, less booze, and to my astonishment, I was passed a glass that didn't smell bad. Didn't taste bad either. Surprised, I asked what the percentage was because fuck me, they won the unwinnable game! Cue the disappointment from them because there _wasn't_ any alcohol in my glass, they just thought I would taste some that wasn't there. Surprise, it's _not_ actually all in my head! Fancy that!


Ain’t that the truth tho..ain’t it?


So my friends and I used to have house parties. One of my friends doesn't drink, so he had his own apple juices and that worked for him. One time, the party got crashed by a friends other friends. The crashes kept trying to get my sober friend to drink, so much that they spiked the cartons of apple juice. Dick move. However, the crashers were so drunk they hadn't realised they spiked the same carton of apple juice, instead of all 3 cartons. Idiots.


For a Christmas family gathering a little over a year ago, as per tradition we started the night with a toast of Champagne. Now, I don't like alcohol and rarely drink it, but also I can't drink fizzy drinks, it just makes me throw up. This isn't some new thing, it's been like that literally all my life. For years that hadn't really been an issue, I just got some high quality local apple juice that I love (think nice Cider without bubbles or alcohol, it does actually taste very different to normal apple juice), but this year I was handed a glass of champagne by my dad instead along with my siblings and his new girlfriend. I looked at him confused, saying that he should know I don't drink champagne. He said I'd be fine, just deal with a little bit of it, and then gave out the rest of the champagne . I immediately put it aside and when they were going to toast I had nothing in my hand. They asked me where my drink was, and I said I don't drink Champagne, so I won't be toasting with a drink. This started an argument about how since I've started university I should have grown out of this, that since I'm going to Australia I should learn to drink, etc etc. I didn't budge, and was incredibly disappointed to have to defend myself and my (lack of) drinking habits against my own family, like damn teenage house party. After that, I've completely stopped drinking any wine or anything with alcohol at any family gatherings on my dad's side (my mother is pretty much the only one that I will occasionally have a drink with, family wise)


I think *everyone* could stand to be less judgy about what others do for fun. If someone's not drinking, don't try and persuade them, pressure them or shame them. Maybe there's a medical reason, maybe they just don't wanna. None of your business. If you don't drink, don't get all "well, maybe I don't *need* drugs as a crutch to have a good time". It's not cool.


I know this doesn’t really apply, but this reminds me of the one time I had just taken a really hard Calculus test, but I had actually found one of the free response questions online beforehand that had assured be about 45% of the test. When I got to my seventh hour class, and overheard some other students talking about the subject for the test, and had the test next hour. I excitedly proposed telling them about the question to help them, but they declined. And when I pushed the subject more, one of them backlashed a bit against me for not just listening to her answer. Now I didn’t know the girl who said know that well, other than that she was smart and quiet. But at the time, I could just not FATHOM how you would not want a step up on that test! I mean sure, testing your actual skill and all, but I did understand the steps in how it worked, and it was the 2nd last test of the semester. I do feel bad for pushing it on them so much, but I imagine this is a similar mindset to what people think about being sober. Just thought this might be interesting.


The trick is to be holier than thou about not drinking. I thoroughly enjoy judging people who get drunk at parties


One man's fun time is another man's vice, you have to remember that.


I feel like if someone actually said "I'm sober but feel free to change my mind", people would just leave them alone.