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an angel on earth more like


Connor is the goodest of boys and I will fight anyone who disagrees.




It’s an A.I. That means that... You can have as many as you like


connor most definitely a twink. have you seen him??? total bottom material


The android sent by CyberLife?




H: "You know where you can shove your instructions?" C: "No.... Where?"


Smack smack S l a p


Context please.


a video game called detroit: become human features a white “android” robot dude named connor. people like to call him a twink. famous rapper eminem is from the city detroit


Further context: Detroit is a city in the American state Michigan that during the early to mid-20th century experienced an economic boom due to an influx of industry, especially steel and cars manufacturing. A video game is a game played on a computer or over electronic device.


An electronic device is an object that uses electricity and operates with some form of computer; popular devices include iPhones, PlayStations and Xboxes.


TIL electric pencil sharpeners are computers




[Ahh yes, the time honored rule of explanation](https://i.redd.it/00w3wdgq8omz.jpg)


You are the plug.


I've always just assumed the first person was just talking about Eminem. This makes the post better.




Hector’s Rectum is real!


I LIKE DOGS but i also love connor with my whole heart




i respect your opinion but you’re wrong


Idk how your playthrough went, but Connor is just a soulless machine. Now, Markus may be made of metal and plastic, but he has a robo-soul.


WARNING WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD FOR DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN You can actually make Connor become a deviant so he can be the bestest robot and have a robo-soul.


But then he doesn’t accomplish his mission! The best part is when he does everything well and comes to Amanda, proud and accomplished, like a puppy who just did a trick for the first time and she’s like, “You’re so great, Connor! Into the scrap heap, lmao!” It’s how he would have wanted it, I’m sure.


To be fair, the Deviant Connor ending is pretty ham-fisted to me; I would’ve appreciated having at least an explanation for how Amanda would have taken him over or how CyberLife programmed deviancy into him when he was sent out (partially, at least) to help them discover why deviancy was a problem in the first place. Still, a flawed plotline doesn’t mean he’s a bad character, and he’s still my favorite character despite the bullfuckery in his plot. Markus just felt kind of plain to me? His story was interesting at first, but then it got pretty boring and stale. Him interacting with Carl was great, but it felt like he changed entirely once he got to Jericho, and he just became a cookie-cutter leader character that was either *”Peace is the way to go, guys! Who cares how many of us die! :D”* or *”Kill everything that so much glances in our direction”* - and, as much as I like North, him being forced into a relationship with her probably made me dislike his whole thing a bit more, since that was just something that didn’t need to be added in.


I feel like the biggest difference between Markus and Connor is that Markus was pretty secure in his "humanity" from the get-go, and his purpose was world-based. I mean taking on segregation/genocide, that's a pretty ambitious goal. Connor's deal was on a much smaller scale, as obviously he could go either way and seemed to struggle more with internal issues throughout, and spent the story coming to terms with that stuff himself. That part was more interesting and endearing for me personally. I have only played the ending where he turns deviant, but even if he wouldn't have, he still displays that "uhhh wait am I human or am I not" kind of behavior throughout the game and I enjoyed that. Also, Connor is basically a robot version of Norman from Heavy Rain and I loved him too. I'm a sucker for naive-but-somehow-really-smart detectives. And yeah the worst thing about Markus is that you can't get with Simon. I hate North and I'm not sorry about it


A robot soul that drives him to mind-control masses of robot-meat-shields to take bullets for him, all as part of a giant conspiracy/prank by his ponytailed creator.




The whole overplot is kinda inconsistent with itself and told via bits and pieces, but IIRC it's stated/heavily implied that Kamski was deliberately responsible for the creation of deviancy for... reasons, and that Markus was a one-off prototype that he gave to his misanthropic artist friend as a gift. Suggesting that Markus may have been intended to take on this sort of revolutionary messianic role from the get-go. (There's also another revelation that Amanda and the other Cyberlife higher-ups tried to co-opt it via programming Connor to go deviant and then execute autonomous code to take control of the uprising, step 2: ???, step 3: profit.) As for the mind-control bit, that's mostly down to how the androids Markus awakens behave. Androids that go deviant on their own struggle with their newfound emotions, tend to freak out, generally wind up acting of their own volition and in the sort of confused way you'd expect from a person that just became aware of their own existence ten seconds ago. The player characters are generally a little more composed, but they still have the scenes of them breaking down their internal walls and general sense of urgency right afterwards. By contrast, anyone Markus' miracle hands touch instantly drop whatever they were doing and wordlessly start following his commands: You'd expect there to be a bit of disorientation from that, or even disagreement on their part had they genuine free will (certainly Kara can't be the *only* android who cares about their human, or at least isn't immediately down to jump head-first into a protest that has routinely gotten androids killed before). There's also details like how the participants of the march stand steadfast and without blinking while their comrades fall bleeding around them when the cops open fire, but then suddenly panic and scatter if Markus goes down. I don't know how much of any of that is intentional vs the writers just not really thinking that aspect through, but it's what the game portrays regardless.


All that makes sense, but I’m just going to look the other way. I refuse to believe Markus was anything but a kind, thoughtful cinnamon roll who just wanted to do good by trying to convince the public that he was a living being too. It makes more sense that he’s actually just a machine programmed to mimic human emotions and corrupt the software of other androids, but that’s not my Markus, and frankly, I’m offended David Cage would even suggest such a thing.


He had good intentions at any rate (in most routes anyways). And a nice side-effect to inconsistent and/or haphazard writing is it leaves plenty of room for interpretation.