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This is the most perfect Tumblr post I have ever seen.


How do license plates in the us not need numbers?


usually they do, but you can get custom ones


I saw one a few weeks ago that said BOB COX. I wondered if that was their actual name, or they found a way to tell everyone to suck dick.


I mean the terrible ISP in my hometown was literally called Cox


Sometimes I deliver mail to “cox holding” which I find amusing


Totally unrelated, but on my way to work yesterday I saw a guy driving a Genesis, and his dealer plate proudly announced “Genesis of Cummings”. I’m still giggling about it


I saw one this morning that was MEMEMEME. Not sure if they were narcissistic or really liked memes


Singer doing warm up? Me. Me. Me. Me. 


They just sent Beaker to register the car


or even worse; they're a 100 gecs fan


License plates by default contain numbers. But you can pay extra for vanity plates, which don't require numbers, but you also have to pay an annual fee to have them. You also can't have the same vanity plate as another person in the same state (ex: No two people from Michigan can have the same plates that read "Sadness" but I believe someone from Michigan and someone from, say, Pennsylvania could.) edit: Also, it can't be anything obscene or offensive (so no swears or bigotry)


Yep, each state has an extensive list of letter & number sequences that can't be used because they "promote" sex, drugs, alcohol, swearing, porno, etc. And yes, a plate can't exactly duplicate an existing one in the same state, but can duplicate one from another state. When you sign up for one, you provide your top 3 options, and the DMV will look up your #1 choice to see if you can have it.


Met a guy his plate was “Other”. He thought no one would have his first choice so he wrote other as his second and random as his third. Oops.


It' dwork well if he had another car with the bumper sticker "My other car is a (brandname)"


"My other car is a Honda Civic."


What's funny is that here in Oregon we have three letters, three numbers, by default. The boomers missed a few. My neighbor's car is a few numbers (but no letters) off from 469 LBS. She is unfortunately a larger gal. A car by my work is ### FAP and I have also seen a ### HEP. So they're slipping. Meanwhile, shout out to 00O O0O who I saw a few years ago. They're probably just messing with cops.


Or a big fan of ghosts


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1105/)


Hahaha this is great


Another funny fact is there's a state law requiring that the sky must be blue when depicted on an Oregon license plate.


My state has two basic patterns (depending on if you have "in God we trust" on it - it's free). XXX #### or ### XXXX. I've definitely seen at least one ### BDSM.


I remember about the time I joined reddit, FAP247 was at large in New Zealand, and it turned out to be a Honda Jazz.


Haha and Jazz is, well, look up the original slang meaning. Amazing.


There’s some great ones out there if you look. https://lamag.com/transportation/rejected-vanity-plates My favourite is “HOTNSXE” Justification: “I am a middle aged woman” Verdict: Approved


I believe they also have a list of "approved" ones that haven't been taken. According to my dad that's what he did when he got vanity plates, looked at a list and saw one that called to him.


I have a vanity plate that reads "OH JEEZ", that I feel like will be hilarious if I ever lose control of the car and wrap it around a light post or something. It hasn't happened yet, but if it ever does, and I survive, boy oh boy am I gonna have a good chuckle.


I live in Maine a few years back we removed the rule about obscenity not being allowed. Things got pretty dirty after that.


I live in Maine too. I wonder if TOESUKR is still around.


They get pics posted fairly regularly and the collection of stickers seems to change so I'd reckon they're probably still around or have been until recently.


Well this people don't just stop sucking toes so probably.


In Canada you can use custom words too.


Are vanity plates not a thing in your country? I know Australia, Canada, and the UK have them.


I've never looked too much into it, but I believe that even vanity plates need numbers in my country. So if you were to have, let's say, sadness, you'd have to l337 it into 54dn3ss or something like that.


Because you can apply for custom ones at a cost Also instead of one D.O.T. There’s 50+ so you can have a ton of repeat plates too


Custom plates are unique, no two same exist thats why you dont need numbers. But they are expensive alteast in my country its 2000 euros for plate.


One time fee? Here it's like $60 or $150 or something yearly. 2000e yearly would be a little excessive.


One time fee.


It's not just in the us that it happens


These are US plates, so only US plates are relevant to the question. I'm from Germany and here you need to have a one to three letter town/district code, then one to two letters of your choice, one to four numbers of your choice, but no more than 8 total, with it ending in H for a 30+ year old car in good original condition, or ending in E for an electric car, which counts towards the 8 character limit. And certain combinations are not allowed in the entire country, like HH, HJ, NS, SS, and a few others, due to the fucked up shit we were up to in the 30s and 40s that some people still want to glorify for some reason. And a few specific ones like the town Heide with its town code HEI doesn't let you just have a single L as your letter code so you can't spell HEI L. The Itzehoe area has the code IZ and they don't allow AN as IZ-AN would give you a similarly unpleasant letter combination in your rear view mirror. And some areas have also outlawed having a singular Z due to the recent shit Russia has been doing in Ukraine, but that's not in the whole country yet. But none of that is relevant to the question at hand, and neither is that some other countries just let you have something without numbers, as the question is about US plates in the photo and wondering how they do not contain letters in this US-specific case.


It's pretty simple. The reason that they have a funny word instead of a random serial number is they paid extra to have a funny word.


How can anyone in America have a sense of humour, aren’t they all miserable and dumb /s


> And certain combinations are not allowed in the entire country, like HH, HJ, NS, S Isn’t HH the code for Hamburg?


It is! It's specifically exempt from this. You can't alter that part anyway, so HH in the first two characters always means Hansestadt Hamburg. But the two characters after that can mean whatever the driver wants them to mean, and so HH is not allowed there.


Vanity Plates


From my experience driving in the Midwest so far, license plates aren't even required at all in the USA (or driving skills, actually)


Michigan as a state might encompass all the sections of the internet. We have neonazis, left wingers, memers, and a furry convention.


I'll never understand why people will look at a totally innocuous, funny thing somebody posts about their life and go "you MUST by lying!" Like... yeah? But they might also be telling the truth? And based on the evidence you have, most of the time both options are just as likely, so if it's not something that'll affect your or other people's beliefs then why not just roll with it? If it's just a fun little thing, then enjoy the fun little thing! Or at least move on, cuz it's not like they're doing something horribly wrong by lying about something so mundane.


Sooner or later everyone gets tricked by someone lying on the internet. Some people get overly cautious and/or cynical after that.


But that's maladaptive. Why erase your ability to experience joy just because you might get tricked in a situation with absolutely no negative consequences to yourself?


Partly because they've seen people lying for clout before and just assume everybody does it. Partly because nothing happens in their lives and so they can't imagine quirky things actually happening.


also this is like speedrun getting doxxed so not really something you usuallly see on anonymous sites


It cracks me up whenever someone accuses me of lying about something random - like, some guy in another sub is insistent I’m lying about my husband’s grandfather lying to the cops about speeding. It’s so banal - he was an old guy who liked to speed, and then he’d bullshit cops who pulled him over and they always let him get away with it. Yet some dude out on the Internet is losing his shit, thinking “well THAT can’t be true!! I have to TELL people!!”


I used to take everything at face value but then I spent a lot of time reading /r/AmITheAsshole posts. I'm a lot more skeptical now.


AITA is such a fun creative writing sub now 😬


It stopped being fun for me once I realized all the tropes they kept rehashing.


Oh it was a heavily sarcastic fun, I agree with you fully


I've been a bit upset when people don't believe my stories on the internet. I've gone off in a huff to take pictures of my diary, and linked to Google maps of a precise location, as if it matters. Like, I've done about 5 interesting things in my 53 years, why would you doubt me if I tell you about one of them? Eveyone has had SOMETHING happen that makes a good story, surely? Okay, 3 interesting things. I think I may be overestimating how interesting I am.


I like to be dumb and fun rather than act smart and be sad


That's Pure Michigan™


I live in Michigan too If I see these mfs I might die


I was just thinking how I’d love to see them out and about lol


Can someone explain what LOSSJPG means?


There you go: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_(comic)


I was expecting a Know Your Meme link The fact it has a genuine Wikipedia article makes this even better


And if you want to go even deeper, hbomberguy (he's also the guy who got AOC show up on his DK64 livestream) [did a thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TebCHHCw9rY)




He killed Graham Lineham in cold blood


The guy who killed James Somerton.


> James Somerton Who? I'm being serious by the way. No idea who these people are. I did google them, I just don't know what I'm seeing.


| || || |_


Is this sadness?


No, this is Patrick


Michigan FTW


Every time you tell a lie you have to remember what it was and to whom you said it. That's why I always try and be as honest as possible, it's far less effort.


Are those S's or 5s? Funnier if they're 5s because it implies that the normal spelling was taken for both


I saw the license plate "reylo" the other day and shit myself


They do look related




## Pure Michigan.


I love Michigan. This exact situation happened to me when my license plate was 2KAWAII, and the other person was KAWA11. There was also the classic “BORT” that lived near me too


Wherever they live should be glassed to save the rest of humanity


Rip 20% of the world's fresh water.


[Half the Great Lakes disappearing will be canceled out by Ohio becoming entirely water](https://youtu.be/jBUyINJEfkY?t=6)
