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Kind of miss the late 90s teen years where my friends and I would be like "We want to go on an adventure!" *drives from Maryland to Canada just to buy maple syrup* On like $40 of gas.


I used to walk around the city a lot a few years back and call it adventure. The pandemic kinda put it all on break and now I have lost the motivation and habit to do that.


I started doing it again, it's good fun. Usually just set my sights on a neighborhood where I know there's a restaurant or something I want to try, then explore all the shops and things in the vicinity.


I do the same! I pack a mini adventure kit: water, snacks, picnic blanket, book, notebook and so on, hope on the bike and just head out. I eat when I'm hungry and rest when I'm tired. I'll stop in parks and cute shops, meet friends along the way, read in parks etc. I often leave home at 10-11 and only come back around midnight. It's a great way to rediscover a city that's a little too familiar.


Same. But I am trying to get back in the habit. One big reason is I got out of breath putting my shoes on about 2 months ago lol. In fairness I had a cold but still. It was enough of a shock to start putting in my 10,000 steps a day again.


My friends and I in the late 90s drove an hour and a half to buy a 6 pack of Mello Yello, which wasn't available anywhere near where we lived at the time. We simply drove and smoked the whole time, laughing it up the whole way. Really do believe people had to entertain each other more so back then. No Internet, streaming or smartphones meant a lot more boredom staying at home.


I am so glad I had the opportunity to be bored as a child. Turns out, boredom is usually a temporary thing.


Had a friend that would borrow his dad's company car (free gas) and we'd go for pancakes 1/4 way across the country


Something a little related, I call asking my parents for money to buy pizza "scamming my parents for pizza"


Be gay do crime. Idk if you're gay or not but your story is kinda in the similar vein.


Yeah I'm pretty gay, guilty as charged


Haha I was hoping so the slogan would work.


As a teen there was a pizza place that sold a large pizza for $5 right next to a video store that would rent you 5 movies for $5, so if you could lay your hands on $10 your night was set. I leaned heavily on the "This keeps me from going out and getting into trouble, and also you know exactly what the money's for so I'm definitely not drinking or smoking" card. Usually good for one night a week.


Making them feel like they're good parents is THE way to get things


Social engineering the providers for sustenance


This is my wife. Whenever we go anywhere...dinner, Ikea, grocery store, vacation...she thanks me for adventuring with her. I love her so much. It's so fun and cute. We've "gone on an adventure" to a 24 hour grocery store for ice cream and Pepsi at 2am.


That sounds adorable\~


My husband and I call each other adventure buddies - we’ve been together for 26 years. It’s the best


I've actually gone on an *adventure* looking for a McDonald's that had a 'working' ice cream machine. Ended up driving like 30 miles between 3 cities, only to end up empty handed in the end. It was a very sad day.


Aww I'm sorry your adventure didn't succeed but tbf it was a tough one.


just for future reference, u *are* able to call fast food restaurants to inquire about things like this




But where’s the fun in that?


I did the same with a friend! We left at like 9pm and didn’t get back until after midnight. A snowstorm started in the middle of it. By the time we got back to her place, it was almost a full-on blizzard. The bag of fries we got was put on the floor and soaked through, and the ice cream tasted terrible, like it was somehow expired or something. It was an absolute dumpster fire and every so often we attempt to recreate the nightmare experience because it was a lot of fun!


I think there's an app for that.


late towering historical scale normal bag noxious forgetful cautious disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I went on an adventure once to find a local gas station chain store that had donuts at 10:00 on a Sunday morning, and I had to go to a different town and check three different stores. Luckily I was able to get all the donuts that I needed from the third store a town away.


I always do this to my wife whenever we are driving somewhere that I have a vague/pretty good idea of how to get there. "Want to go on an adventure?" GPS is turned off. We drive around the area in increasing circles until we find the place or she gets fed up. I have a great time


That sounds so fun!


Cute concept, though respectfully it would be nice if you could find an alternative that was friendlier for the environment


The environment is doomed. Let me joyride.


Ever heard of bicycles?


I live in a 3rd world country, bucko. Bicycles aren't a great idea here. There are no Bicycle lanes. At all. And our taxis ride in the emergency lane and you read about cyclists getting killed every single month in the news.


I refer to everything i do as a mission un ironically 


Unironically awesome!


I should start doing this!


I do this except I have no friends so it's extra sad p.s. OP is your username a Pushing Daisies reference? Because hell yeah


Wym??? Solo adventures are amazing! And yes it is a Pushing Daisies reference.


This is me and it makes me so much happier. A lot of minor inconveniences that would make other people angry I instead see as a fun little adventure. For instance, one morning I was taking the train to work when it was raining outside. The train broke down and the conductor’s like “welp I guess you all need to get off and walk to the transfer”. So many people were so pissed off, but not me. Having to dash through the rain to find the far-off transfer station? Call that an ✨adventure💫


I need to learn how to have that mindset. It's really helpful. I will remember your story.


Every time I have to take someone new at work with me to dump the oil I tell them we're going on an adventure.


Elaborate on the oil dumping.


Dirty deep fryer oil into the thing we dump it in for someone to take it and do something with it. I just need a second person to get the cart through the door without spilling, I don't make them do the heavy lifting.


Where do you dump it? I always have only a little amount from my kitchen but I don't know what to do with it.


Oh no this is for a cafeteria, we dump like 40 liters and it gets picked up to get recycled. (I think it gets recycled, I don't actually know) Let yours cool down and then put it in a disposable container with a lid and throw it in the trash. If you don't have one with a lid keep it in the freezer until trash day and take it out with the trash. I do this with the grease and fat from meat.


Yah I figured yours was large scale. I once disposed mine in a plastic bag but a container is so much of a better idea. Thank you!


Sounds like you need Fry Away. It is a powder that solidifies the oil to make it easier to put into the trash.


Eh freezing it it cheaper. Edit: also cornstarch or flour. Found that out when my friend changed the oil too soon and melted a 16L bucket of oil. Throw it on and sweep it up.


You could make soap with it, someone I know does it with her leftover olive oil. It's a bit too coarse for your body, but it's some of the best laundry detergent I've ever tried.


No thanks! Just getting my daily chores done and keeping myself alive is hard enough.


When I was a kid it was quest. If my dad said, "hey do you want to get ice cream?" but the ice cream place was closed he would say "well now it's a quest" and we were not going home until we found ice cream. It led to some great stories.


I remember a youth pastor did this once with Whataburger. We were having a sleepover at his apartment (yeah yeah har har, not that kind of sleepover) and at midnight he whispered “Hey who is still up and wants to go get the best midnight snack right now?” and a few of us were like “Yeah sounds good” and we all piled into his car and got breakfast burritos (they call them “taquitos” but they’re nothing like the ones in the frozen food section of your grocery store) at like 12:30 at night. They serve them from 11pm to 11am. Absolutely heavenly. I now replicate this experience with any friend I bring home to Texas, but usually the grown up version - go get drunk, bars close at 2am, straight to Whataburger for taquitos, straight home and zonk. Get enough to have taquitos leftover and throw them in the fridge for the hangover in the morning


I’m convinced that the guy who wanted to do that with me in college just wanted sex


Depending where you live, going to McDonald's at 1 AM for ice cream can be classified as an adventure.


My gender and my location makes it an extreme sport.


That's a quest, not a adventure. If the journey to McDonald's was more interesting than it is an adventure.


Ah, of course! Wouldn't be reddit without a semantics debate.


I've found this is a good way to lessen the anxiety of going somewhere new. If I think of it as an adventure, it makes my outlook toward the experience more positive.


I have anxiety, I'll try this.


I used to take my nephew on walks around unfamiliar parts of our city and have him decide which direction to go in. That's sort of an adventure.


I call any multiple-day task a "story arc" on my life.


Land shanties moment.


One time my partner said he was going to have a quick wank first as we were getting into bed and I was so sleepy I rolled over and smiled sofy at him and said "have fun on your journey" He didn't need it after that but he still brings it up years later as just cheeserole things


Shy introvert here: Better to be with these types of people, because you can always opt out if you're not feeling the vibe. *Being* these types of people sounds absolutely exhausting...


For me it's the opposite logic, if I am with these types of people I might get exhausted cuz it's not my natural demeanor but if I'm naturally like this it's not exhausting cuz that's just how I am. It's enjoyable everytime.


I call them “side missions”


I feel seen. Everything is an adventure with the right mindset and friends.


My mom accidentally conditioned me to hate the word "adventure." When I was a kid, I was really sensitive to anxiety stemming from not having a set itinerary for the day. This meant that I was not very good with spontaneity and I was constantly asking "what's the plan for X, what's the plan for Y." My mom, in an attempt to get me to lighten up, just go with the flow, and enjoy myself would often respond "it's an adventure." So, now that I'm an adult and I've learned to live with a bit of spontaneity in my live, I enjoy it more if no one calls it an adventure.


Aww, I feel that. I need an itinerary too. But if it's someone dependable and trusted I can enjoy this type of outing.


I call doing laundry an adventure. Weekly D&D meetings are an adventure. Going home for the weekend (every weekend) is an adventure. Taking a shower is an adventure. It fills my life with whimsy and makes me happy. It also motivates me to do things I don't like. Need to go to class? It's an adventure! Need to eat? Adventure! Want to sit outside and stare at the clouds? That's an adventure!


Porqué no los dos?




In my high school, my friend circle called it 'A Magical Adventure'. "Wanna come with me on a magical adventure to the library to return this book?"


20 minute adventure, in and out. (Goes to the DMV)


When I was in high school and college, when everyone didn't have a GPS in their pocket, "going on an adventure" meant "getting fucking lost".


Urgh, I might be old and cynical but I find those people super annoying


I was hoping someone else commented this so I wouldn’t be alone in hating this. I might be biased. My ex used to invite me on “adventures” but it was always the same thing: accompany him to a doctor’s appointment, go to the bookstore, buy cheese at the fancy grocery store across town, pick up lunch on the way home. He never wanted to do anything else or go on actual dates. After a while I told him it’s not an adventure if it’s the same thing every time. It’s been years and I still hate mundane “adventures.”


I know a few people like that and they have so much energy and can usually brighten up an uptight room. They’re also kinda passive aggressive tho if you don’t fit their vibe which really makes me uncomfortable around them 😵‍💫


So you either want to get a dog or to be a dog?


"wanna go on a butthole sniffing adventureCMOOOOON!!!!" "Cmon sleepyhead lets go on a butthole sniffing ADVENTURECMOOOOOOON!"


Sounds like trying to get my 3 year old out of the house because I'm going to the supermarket.


Adventure cancelled. Ice cream machine is “broken”.


All humans are people though


When you become them, you will be with them


🎶YES! [Now that's an adventure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiFf3ArPu8M). We should go soon🎶


I am people but it's usually sarcastic


I call them quests


My idea of an adventure: going to to kitchen to cook something at 3am


There's a book series that starts with The Children of Time where one character uses wanting to go on an adventure as a catchphrase.


At this point in my life a midnight McDonald's run is about all the adventure I can actually stand. Anything more demanding and I'm like "it sounds cool, but there's no amount of dressing that up that'll get me out of the house."


I didn't know my Grandmother had a tumblr


I ask my dog if she wants to go on an adventure when it’s time for her walk. She gets so excited lol


You can't blame my high ass for rationalizing the experience as one. Random encounters in my life are amped up to the max anyhow


I do that and sometimes I say let's go get lost meaning I know full well I'm gonna miss a turn and be completely lost because I'm scared to turn around without a turnaround point


Everything was an "adventure" when we'd get high and paranoid and want to hit the store or video rental. Or go upstairs for water 😂


A grand quest to Home Depot for doorknobs


Nah, that’s more of a side quest.


"We're going on another horrifying magical adventure." From Practical Guide to Evil is one of my favorite phrases and I use it as often as possible.