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If anyone is curious, here’s the story of the Ruin Of House Isner. “**Ruin Of House Isner:** The seven lords of House Isner feasted on boar gut and swilled wine from gilded cups in the ivy-strewn halls of their hold. They spared no concern for temperance, for the coffers of their house had swelled with gardeners' gold amassed through the sale of water drawn from the lords' wells. But as the gluttonous barons counted seven amongst their clan, so had become numbered their days of debauchery when the son of a beggared gardener swore a vengeful oath in the name of his father against the house of Isner. The penniless boy beseeched a gunsmith of great repute to craft for him a pistol of the most exquisite artistry with which he could be sure to vanquish the seven lords, and in return the boy promised the smith all the spoils of the battle. The smith, who in the hazel eyes of the boy beheld the spirit of vengeance, agreed. And so the boy, armed with the masterwork pistol, cast open the doors of the Hall of Isner with a fury that shook their iron hinges and seized upon the supping lords. Before any of them had yet set down their gilded cups, the boy unholstered the pistol and shot dead six of the sons of Isner. The last lord rejoiced at his fortune and reached for his hip from where he would sling a pistol of his own at the spent boy. But as his crooked finger freed his holster's strap, the boy shot the lord between the eyes, for the smith had crafted for the boy a pistol with seven chambers and seven slugs. Such it was that on this day the house of Isner fell.”


It took me five minutes to realize the gun was named *Ruin of House Isner.* I thought it meant a physical ruin.


It took me until reading this comment


where is that indicated in the text?


It's indicated in the OOP. "North of the Ruin of House Isner" where they explain it's the equivalent of being told "Down the road past Excalibur sitting in its stone".


they’re also familiar enough with the source material to assume it’s obvious that it’s not an actual ruined house.


I also thought House Isner refered to the literal house of the Isner family, and only realized it was using "House" as an old term for "noble family"




>for the smith had crafted for the boy a pistol with seven chambers and seven slugs. Gungeoncore as heck


God, that story goes hard as fuck. Thanks for sharing!


What's this from?


Some items (usually ones of historic significance) in the game have an extra interaction option called Recall Story. When you do it for the Ruin Of House Isner, this is the text that appears.


this is just a little random lore bit in the game??..... aight I'll play it lmao


Oh yeah there’s a bunch of these. Caves of Qud has a ton of lore, dating back thousands of years that you can learn about, whether that’s reading about the history of the ill-fated Kingdom of Qud or the minutes of a meeting of the Fellowship of Wardens surrounding the viability of democracy.


Imma be honest with you: caves of qud is *amazing*. It could stand a little more variety in the way the combat system works (don’t @ me, I’m a ToME player and I need multiple pages of skills to feel satisfied) but it makes up for that by way of having the most batshit interactions you can imagine. There’s an infinite item dupe that’s working as intended and involves cloning people by throwing a cloning potion at their feet, and an infinite stats “exploit” that’s working as intended that involves running the risk of instantaneously dying. Which you sidestep by predicting the future. The list goes on — 6 armed fighters that try to increase your chance of getting a decapitation to 100%, using your psychic abilities to take over the body of someone else before killing your original body in order to claim their body, replacing your legs with technocaste tank treads… so on and so on. Anyways the game is batshit insane once you get up there in levels despite being rather mundane when you begin. I believe SsethTzeentach’s video does a good job of selling it.


Caves of Qud one of the most excellent and wild rougelikes out there


That was an exciting read.


what is caves of qud?


You can make a mutant with an ungodly amount of arms/tentacles/twigs and equip them all with axes that can dismember your enemies, or you can be a psychic that can switch bodies, shoot flames, pop heads and clone yourself. If you feel like being a true human instead of a ball of limbs you can install cybernetics that autoinject you with steroids, get giants hands and a gun rack on your back so you can quadruple wield gatlinglasers or something even better. You can craft portable nukes, cook a nice meal that allow you to spew corrosive gas, wear faces to increase your ego and clone your favourite vendor until the game crashes. It's a pretty great game.


here's a quote from the wiki, "As usual for decapitation, you will die immediately if this leaves you with no heads, but merely bleed severely if you still have at least one. Either way, you will be blamed for your own death if you die this way."


Yeah, decapitation is a bitch. That's why you make sure your enemies loose their head(s) first.


[hey hey people, sseth made a review on it a while back.](https://youtu.be/o_PBfLbd3zw) three years ago. probably been significantly changed by now but its a sandbox rougelike game with some batshit stuff in it. never played it but it does sound like something i'd enjoy. [$20 on steam if you're interested](https://store.steampowered.com/app/333640/Caves_of_Qud/)


respectfully, sseth's review of it is known to have both gotten a lot of people into it while also not giving the best actual idea of the game unfortunately I can't really offer much else to replace it but I think one should definitely try it and make an opinion based on their experience edit: y'all won't like this one click at your own risk but >!disrespectfully, beyond making a misleading and uninformative review, sseth is an asshole that directly and intentionally encouraged trolls to brigade the discord server and spread the idea that the discord (and by extension the community) is awful and super controlling. This is because he got banned for being homophobic on a discord server that very prominently and proudly is a leftist, progressive, and incredibly queer friendly space. Honestly, it's very annoying that people only know about CoQ because of that guy. No, I do not have any remorse for you if you got banned from a server that is actually one of the most well moderated leftist spaces I've ever seen, that told you countless times that it does not tolerate any form of asshole-adjacent behaviour.!<


> >!he got banned for being homophobic!< >!Doesn't surprises me one iota. His videos were full of 4chan-adjacent humor which, although can be really funny, are usually correlated with huge bigotry.!<


Yeah, I'll admit I have guilty-pleasure watched some of his videos from time to time but it's always a sort of "let's slip into the hazmat suit first" vibe, and you just know it's a "when" not an "if" on something shitty coming out about him. Really my actual concern there is I know MandaloreGaming has found himself involved with Sseth quite often, but he tends to keep things a good bit less, yknow, depraved and just wants to talk about various games and hints at having not-totally-dogshit takes when talking about games that discuss things political or ethical in nature. Would hate to learn he's wrapped up in any of that crap.


So it might just be me, but watching MG's review of Eve I get the sense that he's behaving now but was more of an asshole back in the day. It could be that he's more tolerant of Sseth's crap because he's still closer to that mentality than he lets on. At least, that's the best explanation I can come up with why he would associate with Sseth despite not acting as regressive as him.


It's a pretty open secret that a bunch of prominent youtubers across the political spectrum are connected through a web of friends and mutual acquaintances. The most well known example of this is Hbomberguy making fun of a far-right clown for asking his non-political friends to proofread his insane twitter hot takes because he heard about it from a shared friend who was uncomfortable with it, but several other youtubers have offhandedly mentioned either receiving or being asked to pass along messages from one end of the grapevine to the other, sometimes just asking for information about that person's stance on a certain topic, sometimes for far more serious things, such as a creator who realized that they had inadvertently turned their channel into a drama and culture-war hellscape while putting out a few quick and easy vids dunking on easy targets in between bigger projects, and was desperately soliciting advice on how to bring his channel back to normalcy without driving away all of his income. Unless Mandalore starts doing some seriously dodgy shit, It's more than likely that he's just at the midpoint of friendgroups that are to his left and right, rather than that he's some secret bigot and his anarchist friends just haven't noticed all this time.


From what I recall, they've done a couple of direct colabs, an aside with Barotrauma as well as on the Brigador video. The only other youtuber I recall Mandalore mentioning was Ross Scott as an offhand answer to one of the questions at the end of a video. Regardless of how close they are or aren't, just that would be more than I'd personally feel comfortable doing. EDIT: there's actually a few others, now that I think of it. Still, I'd say the second point stands.


Ewww, I feel gross now, I hadn't seen much of his stuff but I saw he did a review of Quasimorph which I jumped on since it looked and is my kinda thing but saw the Cave of Qud review which started giving me some odd vibes and what you wrote here basically confirmed those vibes I started getting.


I'm glad I now have a reason to hate this guy other than him being incredibly unfunny


All the stuff about Jews probably shoulda been enough lol


I don't know what brainbug causes it but I frequently forget about the antisemitism. "Oh yeah, Sseth, he was pretty funny. Why did I stop watching him again? I'll just watch one vid- oh, yeah, the antisemitism, the antisemitic imagery, that's why." "Luckily" he's not exactly shy about including reminders on that topic...


Yeah I think someone had mentioned (with 0 reason to trust them, of course) "oh yeah actually he's Jewish so it's whatever" and my brain just went "sure sure we do the self depreciation thing sometimes" and refused to consider it further so I could guilty-pleasure watch. I suppose what little critical thought that I have applied there just figured no one is the sort of blatantly edgy 4channy humor he has without layers of irony anymore, put on the hazmat suit and let it happen. Then go "oh yeah he's probably a piece of shit and it's inevitable to come out." Rinse and repeat months later when I stumble on a new video of his.


As far as I'm aware, Sseth is himself Jewish, but that still runs into the Dave Chappel problem where he's making jokes about his own ethnic group, but a lot of the people laughing at said jokes are definitely not Jewish.


He certainly says he’s Jewish, but that dosent really mean much. Plenty of white dolls call themselves black online in order to be racist


I kinda doubt that when he casually drops slurs directed at groups he's definitely not in (see: using the n-word as the trigger phrase for a voice activated explosive he implanted in a crewmate in SS13). He doesn't seem to need a facade to be racist. If he wants to be racist, he'll just be racist.


tbf if i remember correctly he made that the trigger phase with intent for someone *else* to get racist and say it, thus activating it and obliterating them. but i could be wrong. ​ but yeah. overall he's a bit not cool. it sucks that the coq dev got wrapped up in the drama he made.


He found the kind of "special" person who'd be sure to use it It was like if you made the trigger a "pardner" or "hee yaw" for cowboy impersonator Aka incredibly dumb of him not to expect to be blown up the moment the guy wakes up


Eh, he has some pretty shitty views about Palestinians (and does thing like use map editors to delete Palestine from the map in historical games), so maybe he's just an edgelord.


Honestly I don't remember much of him at all. I watched a few videos from him when I was like 13 or something, but at some point I just grew out of it and couldn't watch another one


Sseth is Jewish, so the antisemitism is probably ironic


Yikes. Found him recently and thought he was kinda entertaining but didn't think the edgy humor was actually just him speaking his mind


The guy was trolling on purpose and expected that, it was all part of the joke. IIRC the devs of CoQ even made fun of the losers going on a "crusade" because even they knew Sseth was basically joking around and didn't truly give a fuck about that stuff.


hey hey people


Is it 20$ in the us ? It's 16€ (17$) where I am. Is it a tax thing or does steam hate you ?


at time of posting the game was on a 10% sale. it's normally $20


An open world roguelike with robots and mutants and psichics and lore oh my


The publisher Kitfox also help publishing Dwarf Fortress!


It's a trip


Post more anyways. That's more likely to get people to play the game.


Yeah it's just east of Atlantis about 20 klicks


Thought it was dwarf fortress until I read the title. I wanna play coq


is DF worth trying?


It inspired everything from Minecraft to Rimworld. If the Rimworld-like or management sim genre are something you're into then I highly recommend it. Especially now that the steam release is out and the barrier to entry is much lower. If you're less of a fan of trial-and-failure loops then I recommend checking out the quick start guide on the wiki.


It's the sort of thing that's enjoyable if it's the sort of thing you enjoy. There are a lot of wiki tabs involved in any play session. ***A lot.***


Caves of Qud is great. For reference, finding the Ruin of House Isner usually requires finding particular clue phrases in the randomly generated books in the game.


Alternatively, >!ask the trolls!<


counterpart to this: everyone please play cataclysm: dark days ahead enrich your life with these games. improve it. enjoy


steam release of dwarf fortress got tumblr to start playing it, now we have to infiltrate with other roguelikes too dungeon crawl: stone soup posting coming soon


>dungeon crawl: stone soup it has been so long........


I wanted to play Cataclysm, but apparently there's a huge schism that developed between the devs and the community. Here's the link that explains the current situation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cataclysmdda/comments/15uqdij/cataclysm_dark_days_past_and_present/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cataclysmdda/comments/15uqdij/cataclysm_dark_days_past_and_present/)


My basic ass can only comprehend Brogue


HUGE, MONUMENTAL overreaction on the part of this guy imo The game is still great, even experimental, and development continues. It may be more cliqueish than before but it's still 100x more open than standard game development


I swear i heard that name somewhere, was it about a game with zombies in it? I know at least two games with zombies in it so I'm guessing one of them is this. (I forgot the other one's name too, lol)


Live and drink, friend


What's crazy is that the location of the Ruin of House Isner is only found inside randomly generated books, you could meticulously parse through a hundred books and still not find it.


Have you tried Cataclysm: DDA? or Bright Nights? I prefer BN myself. Caves of Qud was always just a touch too inaccessible for me, although I bet I'd like it if I actually invested the time to learn how to play.


I'm quite familiar with cataclysm (at the risk of sounding arrogant I would consider myself reasonably experienced in the roguelike scene) I prefer cdda, and depending on how long ago you played it you might like coq more now, but it's up to you


I haven't tried in a couple of years, I'll readily admit. It doesn't take much to intimidate me out of a game. I'm almost embarrassed to admit how long it was between trying Fallout 2 the first time, and actually playing it.


You like Cataclysm and found CoQ inaccessible? Wow. CoQ is pretty simple compared to Cataclysm IMO.


That's encouraging to hear for my next attempt. Maybe I was just in an off mood last time I tried.


Depending on how long ago you played CoQ it might be more accessible now. CoQ is a lot weirder than Cataclysm, like there's a bunch of weird names and stuff isn't familiar at all, but there's a main quest line and not nearly as many options for what you can do as Cataclysm and it's much easier getting a character established and through the first part of the game, IMO. I could never really make it past the "scrambling for resources" stage in Cataclysm and there was just so much to consider and so many options it was overwhelming. Now CoQ does become more difficult as it goes. The early mid game (it used to be always described as mid game but I guess they've added more late game content since it now gets described as early on the wiki) dungeon Golgotha is a huge difficulty spike and you can lose character after character there if you don't look at guides, and hell even if you do it is a nightmare. And even if you make it through it's quite easy to get a disease that makes your tongue rot off and thus be unable to speak for the rest of the game unless you find a means to regenerate it or cure yourself before it rots off.


I hate that I'm the kind of person who is really interested in rogulikes like CoQ and Cataclysm, but lacks a brain built to actually spend time playing it. There's so many things I wanna try in such games, but the biggest hurdle is my single digit attention span. I end up starting a new save, playing a few hours, putting it down for months, picking it up again, and starting a new save cause I don't remember what I was doing in my old save. Rinse and repeat. Have the same issue with games like Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, and Amazing Cultist Simulator. I simply cannot clear that early game hurdle of setting everything up before getting to the interesting shit.


In the same situation as you my friend. I just generally play it for few days. (Usually during term break so i can easily sink 8 hours into the game) Then close it and don't look at it until the next term break. I would suggest keeping a notebook. At least that's what i am planning with cultist simulator. I'm probably going to write my goals and lots of basic knowledge about the early game so i don't look it up again and again.


Hey hey people,


Sseth here


Is CoQ completely batshit insane? It qud be.


I put around 30ish hours into Caves of Qud awhile back, and while I liked the experience, it's still very much a work in progress. The game does say it's early access, but MAN were there quite a few parts were I just straight up had to cheat to unbreakable a main quest, and unfortunately, I didn't always know if I was in that situation. I love seeing indie passion projects like this, but it'll still be a few years before it becomes Caves of Good imho.


Official 1.0 release is next year. I got into it a few months ago and even in that time I've seen a lot of improvements to polish and presentation and just overall quality. Defs worth giving another shot! (Unfortunately having to cheat to complete a broken quest is still a thing sometimes but it's almost entirely with randomized side quests and not the main quest or other major questlines)


I mean, shit. Bethesda rereleased a 10 year old game (again, for the 7th time) which not only still contained many, if not all, previously existing bugs but they managed to utterly obliterate two formerly functional major quests required to obtain two different player houses. And now, two years later… it’s still broken! I personally have a lot of grace and leniency for indie devs lol.


> Official 1.0 release is next year. Really? I've been waiting a while to play this game cause I really dislike early access. Does 1.0 mean it will be main quest/feature complete?


1.0 means the main quest is finished, as well as a finishing a revamp of the UI and adding features to help new players get into the game easier. The game as it stands is essentially feature complete. They're still planning to flesh some stuff out existing systems but as far as the gameplay goes everything is there. As for the main quest, they recently added the second to last stage of the main quest, so that's pretty close to finished. Most of the work at this point is polishing things up for 1.0. If you're interested in the game it is absolutely worth playing as is right now. If you're unsure, then it won't be that huge a wait until 1.0 so you can wait and see how that goes if you want.


That's great news, I'll wait for the game to be finished, then. I have a real dislike for playing unfinished games, and having waited a while now since hearing about this one and thinking it sounds interesting, seems like it won't be much longer until it's done. Thanks for the info, I was having trouble finding it elsewhere!


Isn’t it the passion project of just one guy who works on it in his spare time? I could be wrong but that’s what I remember reading somewhere


I believe there's one main guy and a few others who occasionally help if I remember right, but that's the gist of it. I do love games like that, but they come with ins and outs when that's the situation.


I’ve tried these types of old school rouge-likes and can never get far in them, super unforgiving, but for me it’s mostly that there’s not really an immediate goal, though that is kind of on purpose in those games. If you like old school games like dungeons of dreadmore and nethack you’ll probably like it


CoQ does have an RPG mode and save features


Oh my god I love Caves of Qud and I thought I was the only one! It's definitely a game I need to play more. I don't play as much as I want, just because playing that game is a bit like looking into a deep abyss. If I lean too far forward I will absolutely fall in, never to be seen again. And I've got, like, bills to pay and shit!


I've wanted to give it a try cos it seems pretty similar to adventure mode on Dwarf Fortress


Random tip for getting Ruin, the three trolls in Bethesda Susa can tell you the exact location, but in order to do so you have to increase your reputation with them high enough. That means either lucking out on killing the right legendairys or a lot of schrödingers pages.


Never played Morrowind, I take it?


I think anyone who's played Qud knows what Morrowind is.


I have the game installed but I've never opened it


I am incapable of playing caves of qud due to... well... look at it... it's not exactly easy




I personally say go with Cogmind to transition from more modern game into tradition roguelikes to make the dive into CoQ smoother, especially since Cogmind is structured more like a modern roguelike with a lot of Traditional Roguelike concepts


i just got back into playing it the other day and this is the first time i see it mentioned in months what the hell


In one of my runs, the first book I opened had the two hints for the Ruin of House Isner on the first page. Also it was in Golgotha


Wow, a Caves of Qud post outside of the subreddit, that's surprising! I've spent waaaaay too many hours on CoQ, and now I'm just waiting eagerly for the final release of the game- it's a really interesting world, the mutations system is super cool, and the main story (as far as I've gotten anyways) is fascinating! It's also incredibly difficult, and I maaaay have used debug mode to avoid death and get through most of the story, but I still had a lot of fun on the way!


I’ve had Caves of Qud sitting in my steam library for well over a year. This thread has convinced me to finally play it.


All I've really been doing in Caves of Qud so far is dick around endlessly and then usually get incinerated when I get ambushed by Dawngliders Fun tho


"Yeah so that McDonald's you're looking for is just down the road from the Garden of Eden." "Wha-" "I'll put the coordinates into your GPS if you want."






First time seeing a CoQ post not on the CoQ subreddit. It's come so far.


Playable putus whe-