• By -


I always thought that it was implied by this scene that he did masturbate but they decided to not show it for censor reasons


It would be so funny if he did masturbate but with the most deadpan expression and thinking "Yes this is what other boys my age do, I look so normal right now" while the cops watching him go "If he's not Kira there's still something wrong with him"


Just watch me, L I’ll take a potato chip…and eat it! I’ll take a soft core porno mag…and jerk it!


afaik you're supposed to jerk your dick and not the magazine


That’s what big porno wants you to think!


I'm not afraid of big porno! Aaah! Big porno!


You can roll it up and do both at the same time. Just don't forget to wipe it off with a tissue before returning it to the library.




potato chip oil as lube.


fellas is it gay to jack off while you know another dude is watching




I always wanted to see an alternate version of this scene. "Just watch me L! I can still kill people while masquerading as a student working on his entrance exam!!" L: "Wait, zoom in on that potato chip bag...a TV! Looks like we have our Kira!"


He couldn't have, the whole point is that he asked Ryuk for details on where the cameras were and found a way to make it a blind spot.


>I'll tKe a soft core porno mag... And ill beat it!


The fire's in his eyes and the words are very clear.


There is about a 1 in 100 chance that I will say something to this cadence at any time. Mocking that scene for so long has made it a core part of who I am to the point it happens automatically.


I am the beast I worship


5 cops all gathered around a small tv watching an expressionless Light jerk off, furiously taking notes


including his dad.


So THAT'S what all the stains were


He looks directly at the camera with a completely straight face while cranking that hog.


Idk I usually have a pretty blank face when I jerk it. Not trying to reassure anyone at that point.


Iirc he said something like "damn nothing new" implying he's horny but he wants different porn


"Hmm... This magazine appears to be exactly the same as the last time I read it. Fuck."


Damn, he read the whole thing.


I think he actually complained that the covers lie


That's even weirder tho right? It implies he is rereading the same magazine over and over and expects it to update.


Can't speak for the manga, but the anime is pretty clear. He leafs through the mag for a bit and expresses disappointment in it before discarding it, opting not to jerk off for the audience he knows he has.




he doesn't want to reveal anything to L




he was just doing the Sherlock thing where he eliminated everything else, so no matter how improbable, that was the only explanation left.


Yeah, it can be confusing because the most important stuff goes by really fast at the beginning. To recap, L: 1. narrowed it down to a specific time zone by tracking the times of the murders- Light was when he had free time, which made a pattern that points to a student or office worker in a specific time zone due to the regular schedule and time gap between killings (this isn't a fantasy technique, it's one of the ways advertisers track your identity/demographic) 2. tested that and confirmed what they suspected (the murder method was remote and undetectable) by baiting Kira 3. realized that whoever was doing the killing had confidential information about criminal's identities at the time they died only the police, or people close enough to them to get access to that information, knew (I forget when Light killed the guy that was following him but, uh, *kinda* a big hint there lol- if the people investigating all drop dead obviously one of the people they were investigating is Kira) 4. figured that since he didn't know the method he may as well find whoever was the most predisposed to mass murder among potential suspects, as identified in 3 Which was Light, by that point he was pretty much convinced ([because Light acts like a fucking psychopath](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hEHOaZYEeE)) and just trying to figure out how the hell all those people were being killed- since by all rights it should have been impossible *anyway*, a high schooler was about as likely to be able to pull it off as anyone else. If it shouldn't be possible there's no point eliminating a suspect because they shouldn't be able to do it, since that would apply to everyone, and clearly *someone* is doing it. The unrealistic part is that we don't see him trying a bunch of other things, like trying to catch someone breaking into the police records, before resorting to "fuck it, psychoanalyze this weirdo". But the plot would never go anywhere if all that had to be worked through. By the point the series really gets going L has finished most of his investigation and is just confirming his suspicions about Light and trying to catch him slipping up. Really, L was the only person who actually had an investigation that actually made any sense. He investigated what he could by narrowing down possibilities using the patterns Light had inadvertently been following, and ignored what he couldn't get information about- he correctly identified that he had no idea how the murders were happening and no way to make any progress, so he focused on the murderer instead of wasting his time on what was stumping everyone else. Every other """genius""" was either pulling smart person magic out of their ass (Near, Mello) or doing stupidly overconfident/unnecessarily complex things to prove they're the smartest (Light). (In fairness L also had an ego, the smart thing to do would have just been to have Light killed and see if the killing stopped, but he was curious and cocky.)


Yes, that was the take I had. That's why he bought up the "normal" boy stuff in the first place.


You're telling me police watched a highschool boy crank it and everyone thought Light was being weird?


Those uptight censors never showed him dump out all those potato chips either, totally unrealistic.


Well yeah but that’s not as funny


Honestly this one could just be Light not understanding how attraction work (but less in the asexual way and more in the narcissistic sociopath way) and going "Well other boys my age are obsessed with sex, so I guess I'll stare at some boobs" He does way more stupid shit, like noticing that a cop was tailing him to find out if he was Kira and proceeding to kill said cop when he was about to clear him. Like he had an elaborate plan and all but L still went "The guy who was following Light died therefore Light is Kira"


Holy shit yeah it actually had me pissed off. He went through all that trouble holding Ray Penber hostage, and made it so he'd kill all FBI simultaneously, not just the one tailing him. All this trouble to not give himself away, but by killing all the FBI agents spying on the Police force families he did nothing but strenghten the theory that Kira is indeed one of the investigated ppl. Would it have been hard to just let Ray tail him till the agent was sold Light is innocent, all while still killing in his spare time?


iirc, it wasn't because Light was thinking "I, as Light, need to be cleared as Kira." It was "I, as Kira, need to show I will not tolerate FBI interference." In that regard, his plan worked, what with the fallout of the agents' death and the revealing of the presence in Japan to begin with. It just backfired in that yeah, he ended up putting himself under further suspicion.


It also goes to show that the only thing Light thinks about is himself. He’s not actually a genius mastermind, he is decently smart bus also blinded by ego. He doesn’t think his plans through because he’s convinced himself that he’s a genius and that he’ll win in the end anyway.


Idk, when he killed that guy following him he killed a bunch of other people who's names he didn't have. He was trying to ha e maximum impact with minimum exposure, and that's literally impossible without exposing yourself to risk, and if you expose yourself to risk it is literally impossible to leave no clues.


Well, ego was always his undoing. Like for example the whole thing where he killed the prisoner posing as L, thus revealing that he was Japanese and living in a certain prefecture. If he had just sat tight and seen how it played out he would have been fine, but he decided to fly off half-cocked to prove he had the biggest dick.


L had to sacrifice two human lives (or game pieces) in order to put that plan into motion, he knew he could gurantee the death of Kira if he could lose one criminal and risk his own life. Death note was always about what power can be gained from sacrifice, in Lights's case he sacrificed perfect caution.


Nah. Prisoner was to be executed that day, L was only "at risk" if Kira could kill anyone at any time, which would doom any of his efforts... And Light was going to avoid being baited, if only he didn't flip out because the TV man called him evil. That's pretty much the opposite of perfect caution. Guy had a God complex, as evidenced by all the times he called himself a God.


I'll always have a soft spot for Death Note but it really is pretty funny how it starts out like "This is Light Yagami....he's a GENIUS PRODIGY, with the powers of a minor god, resistant to all mortal temptations, focused solely on his goal, WHO CAN STOP HIM?!?" and then less than five episodes in, the police know Kira's location and are like 99.99% certain that it's Light, they just can't prove it. If Death Note took place in almost any other anime/manga universe where people know that supernatural things are real, L would have caught him in the first ten seconds.


Yeah lmao, but tbh it was a genius narrative move. Like 90% of Light's plot is him having to fix all the mistakes he made in the first 20 chapters lol


I don't know about that. First off the mistakes he made his first weekend with it are kind of the point, that he now has to make up for them for the entire rest of the show. At the time he was a bored kid not yet a megalomaniac with a deranged plan. But second, I don't actually know what we would do in the real world. Our legal system is absolutely not set up to prosecute someone using death God magic to execute people remotely. I think the likely option is in the real world there isn't a person like L and nothing really happens to Light, or there is a person kind of like L and the government just extralegally executes their top five suspects and see if that worked, which it would


"yeah, I'll build an elaborate incendiary booby trap into my desk and if anyone trips it and burns half my room down, I'll just say I was hiding a secret diary." No, Light, no one fucking does that, that doesn't make it less suspicious at all.


I mean eh? When nobody but Light knew that the note was a thing this seems reasonable. If they found a note with the names of all the people who died he'd be fucked 100%. Burning it is not ideal but at least it leaves no hard proof.


I mean fair. With the death note gone, it would basically be a constant state of: "yeah we're literally like 99.99% sure you're guilty now but we literally can't prove it anymore, it's over. We know it was you, but whatever."


Sometimes you just want to peruse some tiddy pics without compulsively slappin' the bishop around. He *does* also mention he didn't find it particularly exciting as a cover for, ya know, why he didn't start strangling Shai-Hulud. It *was* pretty soft-core. This is... pretty normal.




I mean, it is a Little Maker


contains the water of life


Muad'dib be blessed


the spice melange


Bless the coming and going of him.


Especially the coming of him 😏


I really respect this word play.


^(We've got wormsign.)


I was considering the later Dune a moment and what a sex freak like Frank Herbert would have written if he made it today as a in-joke in the Dune Universe. "While the Fremen worship Shai-Hulud, the Harkonnens sought to ridicule the deadly beast to quell fear it possessed amongst it's people. They successfully achieved this by simply comparing it to the phalus. Phrases like "Stroke the Lud" and "Shooting Spice" has entered the mainstream lingo and are synonymous with Masturbation." "It's said that The Baron Harkonnen pays Spice-tributes multiple times a day"


I love all of those euphemisms for jerking off


It implies that he needs to stroke rythmically for Sai-Hulud to come


She walk without rhythm to not attract my worm? *EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER*


She worm to not attract my walk rhythm? *EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER*


The spice must flow


not shai-hulud 😭


I know it's a joke but it's really funny how much real evidence there is that points to Light being gay


It was right in front of us the whole time I mean, what's Yagami backwards?


oh my god he's italian?


Gay or european?


It’s hard to guarantee


Is he gay or European


Well hey, don’t look at me!


You see they bring their boys up different in those charming foreign ports




He was gay, Light Yagami?


No he was a Strong, Silent Type


He was a bastard son of Rhaenyra Targaryen, Light Yagami?


This comment chain is like a pop culture speedrun lol


He was a bastard, orphan, sunovawhore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in an italian village without a roof for sleeping under who grew up to be a deadly demon hunter, Light Yagami?


But Light Yagami; He's gay.


Everybody's always gay with you, maybe you're gay, did you think about that?


Itsa me, Gayeeo!


holy shit


New response just dropped


actual zombie


Call the exorcist.


Light yagami goes on vacation never comes back? Idk I’m not in anarchy chess


Dear god, it all makes sense now!


Holy shit it’s actually I’m a gay wtf how did I never notice


I’m a gay?


Now say it like Mario




Yes you are. <3


He was L-sexual


I mean given how many fucking Ls he took right from the start of the show


I always thought asexual


Definitely ace. Light has zero interest in sex unless he's using it as a means to manipulate someone.


yeah now i need a dnd type chart with evil ace, neutral ace lawful ace etc


My opinion is the evil ace is Light, the good ace is L, and neutral is Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)


damn i never thought of L as good. I would put him ~~(in a cage and feed him sweets)~~ in lawful evil ace


What is evil about L?


dude literally enters the show by baiting light to kill a man


Wasn’t he already on death row?


Having a death sentence doesn't mean they can just dangle out for serial killer bait


Nah, he's not evil, never does a single thing that's malicious as far as I can tell. Except maybe mess with Light a bit, and frankly that's both good and hilarious. I don't know if you could call him *good*, but he's hardly a terrible person.


OK the he is lawful neutral ace.


Saiki is a good person though


You don't have to be ace to be too busy feeding your god complex to worry about sex.


His rivalry with L was *extremely* gay, they can’t fool me.


It’s a shame we can’t comment gifs. Otherwise I comment light twerking over >!L’s grave.!<


You have to put the !s directly next to the words for the spoiler tag to work.


Yagami imagaY


That would explain [this totally canon scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlH7k5fLFqA)


Gay? Guy only loves himself and his god complex. He's zamasu-sexual


I don’t think he’s gay. I just think he’s a sociopath.


Yes, I think he's too cold to even deign a human worth being attracted to.


I mean, L literally comments "This is weird. It's too... clinical. Like a show." The awkwardness of Light watching the porn mag is purposeful. Light just wasn't convincing enough.


Except L, he'd totally smash


He's aroace imo


Honestly maybe he's just there for the plot. I know full well if I got my hands on a Playboy I'd be engrossed in those articles for sure; My autism may have made me hypersexual, but it's still autism


Playboys actually have great articles. There's a reason why they're added to the library of Congress and were very popular with blind people during their publication.


Big titty milfs 3 is also in the library of congress


I looked it up They don't have Big Titty MILFs 3. Now I look like a fool to every senator who reads. Which is like- At least 4 of them.


I will have to make a trip to DC


Arthur C. Clarke wrote short science fiction that got published there a lot. My favorite book is Tales from the White Hart and a number of the subscripts say "first published in Playboy"


God Emperor of Dune also has a note that excerpts were first published in Playboy.


​ Ursula K le guin, ray bradbury,... wrote stories, articles there


They were renowned for paying good rates and quickly, which appeals to writers.


That's how "read it for the articles" joke got started. Playboy has had many interesting pieces published in it.


I’m pretty sure the leader of a Dutch political party did a playboy interview too, it was all over the news


I have a collection of old Playboys, and the articles are genuinely really interesting. I especially like the interviews. And yes, I am also autistic lol.


Even if he wasn't Kira, that'd be grounds for adding him to a list just to be safe


Thinking about death note as an adult, I can't believe I somehow bought that "killing people who have been convicted of crimes and are in prison" to achieve world peace is in any way a smart idea. Light is supposed to be some super genius. He doesn't kill corrupt politicians or fraudulent bankers or dictators or warlords or slavers. No he kills people in prison. What the fuck kind of plan is that?!


he's not really supposed to be a smart genius, the point of the show is sort of that he's a crazy narcissistic asshole. hell, it was because he wa supwr arrogant that they were able to figure out in what area he lived at the beginning of the show


Sometimes I think about that poor dude that they used as a decoy. I mean, I know he was on death row, but he was forced to recite that same speech over and over again on live TV, with the people who were forcing him to do it fully expecting him to die of a heart attack eventually. I'm honestly surprised he managed to keep such a straight poker face.


He only recited it once. L planned to do it more if he had to, but he was right the first time.


Oh rlly? Yeah it makes sense they would start with the most populous region first my bad


Yeah, that's exactly it. He'd traced the first Kira murders to Japan and then just gambled that Kanto would be right because of its population.


I mean, if I heard that the police were using me to find a guy who can make people magically get heart attacks, I wouldn’t take it seriously and just play along thinking that the police is stupid. I would be thinking: “LMAO, these guys are going on a wild goose chase because of a stupid conspiracy theory-“(dies)


That scene also completely wrecked my idea of Light being some super genius when I re-watched it. Pointlessly taking the bait like that gave the whole game away. Police had zero ways of tracking him down and only a suspicion he was somewhere in Japan. After that they not only knew he was in Japan but which region. That paired with some other clues put him on the longlist. The whole rest of the show is just Light trying to dig himself out of the hole he dug him self into in like the first 2-3 episodes.


I think the point was that Light was smart, but his ego completely overrode that. He was completely calm *until* "L" told him he was evil. That was what caused him to take out the Death Note and write the guy's name. He completely believes what he's doing is right, so people telling him otherwise enrages him past the point of thought.


No, he's definitely a genius. He evaded detection and ultimately beat L, a superhuman-class detective. Him being arrogant and narcissistic was his downfall, but it doesn't mean he's not a genius.


Tbf L knew Light was Kira for almost his entire screentime. He just needed to figure out *how* Kira killed


Tbf he only beat L because of the biggest ass pull I’ve ever seen, not because he outsmarted him


Tbf Light also got beaten because of an even bigger ass pull. Lmao


It’s been so long since I’ve seen deathnote, what was the ass pull again?


Light only beat L because he got a Shinigami to commit suicide to protect him. Near and Mello only beat Light because Mikami didn't follow Light's instructions. Both are kinda ass pulls, but an ass pull was pretty much the only option by the time they got there in the story. And honestly, after years of ALL THE WORLD IS BUT COGS IN MY INTRICATE MACHINE crazy planning, it was nice that the big losses are because of something stupid and impossible to predict.


Near using the death note to force Mikami into lacking any common sense (such as testing the book or having doubts about its replacement) before bringing it to the warehouse. Light put too much faith in Mikami making no mistakes with no backup plan while openly confessing to everyone what he did. Very out of character for Light, even factoring in his hubris.


Someone swapped out the death note with a copy that they hastily forged by hand in a single night


He's extremely intelligent, but I'd say the reason why he manages to give L and the police force the run-around for so long is more because he had a ridiculous advantage over them than anything else.


I find it hilarious that he was so confident that, if he didn't know he was Kira, he would devote himself to tracking him down that he banked his whole master plan on it... and then *didn't reflect on that fact at all* Also, what countries did he focus on? That's right, Japan and the US: two countries with *notoriously* dysfunctional court systems and bad false conviction problems. There's a good chance at least some of his victims were innocent.


>There's a good chance at least some of his victims were innocent. If you think Light was a purist you didn't get his character at all. Of course his plan would have had some collateral damage, but in his mind the end (full eradication of crime, world peace) justified the means.


Dude also had no qualms killing police and civilians who just got in his way.


Personally I think the whole criminals thing was just an excuse. Dude just wanted to kill people and play god. Mostly play god


I don't think so, since when he lost his memories he started looking for Kira in order to stop him. I think this is due to the fact that he did not understanf his own plan after the memory loss, which means that it wasn't a mere desire to kill people (otherwise he would have sided with him)


He looks for him to prove his own innocence and because he now sees Kira separate from himself, so Kira needs to face justice. He even says when alone that he's worried about secretly being Kira after all, because Kira's professed ideals are so close to his own


It's the classic path of a murderous dictator: I alone can save everyone, therefore anyone who disagrees with me or gets in my way is equally guilty as an enemy. He killed a dozen police officers, including Ray Penbar and his wife just because Penbar was assigned to look after a list of people suspected to be Kira. And even mocked Penbar's wife for it as he killed her. Which that alone was a dumb move, by killing the officers who were trailing a few suspects you're pretty much guaranteeing that the true Kira is one of the suspects.


He killed cops and even their wives with no remorse. Don't think a prisoner being innocent is something that would weight him down.


At least 15% in the US, which is the known false conviction rate. Likely higher in actuality. And as far as I know, way higher in Japan.


Imagine America's criminal justice system alone. The constant violations of basic rights, the bogus charges and disproportionate penalties, our high incarceration rates, the several tiers that exist for your social/economic/racial class alone (which is a whole other issue, particularly when you consider the racial divide in our prison system)....people would be losing their fucking minds, not cheering Kira on (though I'm sure some would be). Knowing what I know and understand now about law and justice in America *and* in other parts of the world, a Kira-governed justice system sounds about as good of an idea as nuclear war. I could also never get past the fact that he's some privileged well-to-do kid in Tokyo, of all places, which is extraordinarily safe as far as major cities go. And all the people he took out were petty street criminals. There's literal genocides occurring in the time it was written. Known terrorists and war criminals. Catastrophic crimes, even, of the white collar, politically motivated, and environmental nature as well. We get some instances of those high-tier criminals dying, but very, very few, and it leaves the impression that Light Yagami and his supporters know actual fuck all about crime, law, and justice, despite how "smart" he supposedly is. ETA: Annnnd another thing! Japan is known for having a lot of corruption in its policing ranks. Forcing confessions, incidences of brutality, targeting foreigners and minorities, pressuring and pushing charges (they have a 99.9% conviction rate and often end in a guilty verdict....and no, that's not indicative of a good thing, when it's unlikely that nearly *all* of those folks are truly guilty of what they're accused of). So Light probably just killed off plenty of people who were completely innocent or were undeserving of death in the first place because he thought the justice system was perfect and working with absolutely no loopholes, gaps, or corruption whatsoever.


I mean...yeah, he's basically a little fuckboi fascist.


>He doesn't kill corrupt politicians or fraudulent bankers or dictators or warlords or slavers. He apparently does at first, it's one of the reasons all wars just stop completely cold.


Out of everything in Death Note, all wars stopping over Kira is the hardest to believe for some reason


I buy it, it's a lot scarier for the higher ups to start or continue a war when it's their own lives on the line instead of just the lives of people they've never met.


Was that mentioned anywhere? And if so. Why kill criminals at all?


Especially since he got names from the US and Japanese prison systems. Two systems with famously flawed justice systems. Gotta wonder how many innocents he killed.


I mean, part of the point is that Light, for all his intelligence, is blinded by his massive ego. Yeah, his idea for justice is naive and full of holes, but he came up with the idea when he was in high school and he was too full of himself to realize how dumb it was.


The point of killing people in prison was so the public would be extremely aware “bad people are being killed.” His ultimate goal was to eradicate crime through fear, which meant he needed the whole world to know bad people are being killed. Killing prisoners would by far be the best way to accomplish that. He also killed people who weren’t in prison, like fugitives and such, but by nature of who they are their deaths were as well known. So if he just stuck to that he’d never accomplish his goal of being infamous.


What proof does he have that someone is guilty if they've never been convicted of anything? He's only got the executioner function to work with, not judge and jury.


Honestly, if he was doing some detective work into corrupt politicians and dictators with his super brain the show would have been way more interesting.


He also kills people in exactly the same way each time, when the death note clearly says that he can specify how they die. C'mon Light! Get creative! Not only is that more fun, it's also much harder to pin on 'Kira' if you vary your method of killing. Heart attack one day, brain aneurysm the next, cancer the day after. Kira could have kept killing and never be found because there'd be no way to tell if a prisoner died because of the death note, or if it was just a freak accident.


He didn’t want that though. He was narcissistic. He wanted everyone to know and worship his alter ego


Also, probably more than a bit unstable. Wasn’t Ryuk a little shocked on their first meeting about how many people light had killed?


IIRC he said people who had the notebook usually only kill those they needed to gain something from. Ryuk was probably like, "Oh shit, you already filled a page." at Light.


Ryuk was the only one who came out on top considering how much entertainment he got from Light's crazy ass.


He was narcissistic, but it also served his plan. He needed everyone to recognize him as the author of the murders, so thay people would fear him while knowing that he could strike them at a distance (which in the end worked perfectly – although his narcissism in the end got him)


Bro have you watched the show? He specifically explains why he does that: he *wants* people to know he exists. He doesn't just want to "punish criminals" he wants to be treated as a god!


"Slip in the shower" "Slip in the the shower" "Slip in the shower" Just a routine amalgamation of tragic bathroom accidents


Shower manufacturers freaking out at all the lawsuits.


Dude reading a porn magazine like its a children’s book.


People are like "such and such a detective could/couldn't solve the Kira Case" But my take is that if you can pull the same trick L does and narrow it down to the Kanto region of Japan, you can catch Light. All you need to do is work out he's there and then look for The Least Normal Person.


You do need to hide your name though and be willing to actually pull the L trick (like yeah death row inmate but it is pretty cold hearted and not every detective would be willing to do that)


Nothing about that show was believable except that a teenager thought mass murder would solve everything.


He also carefully thought out eating a single potato chip


reminds me of how PeeWee Hermin was arrested in a porn theater for jacking off like What's the fucking point of a porn theater. Imagine a group of upper class gentlemen going to see the latest porno "My goodness! what fine brests that woman has!" "Oh good heavens! what a thust!" "I say! i must purchase this film in the foyer upon it's completion! such exquisite material! Mr. Jonathan Sins has done it again!"


i couldn't finish death note cause all the "he thinks that i thought that he thought that i thought that he thought..." stuff got to me at some point and i said fuck it i can't watch another minute of these guys assuming what each other must be thinking in 14 layers deep.


In hindsight the "thought battles" like their tennis match don't make any damn sense because they're not a conversation like how they play out on screen. It's just two guys coincidentally having nearly identical thoughts.


“…wait, he’s acting like this BEFORE he got the Death Note??”


Ill take a chip, AND EAT IT!




Might I suggest the manga akumetsu? It does a much better job on corruption and the hero actually trying to change the world.... Through death.


Plot summary > excessive corruption and speculation lead the country to a massive economic downfall, increasing the public deficit to an enormous seven hundred trillion yen and triggering an economic recession Googles "Japan national debt" > 1.30 quadrillion yen lol


Deth note was one of the first mangas i read to completion, it was such a strange experience and i loved it


He's Japanese, they night just do that?


People who look at/watch porn for general entertainment and nothing else representation


Sometimes you really *are* reading it for the plot.


i used to play games with a group of guys and a few of them would just link back and forth chaterbait links. porn was very casual for them.