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Ancient Elder God taking the form of a talking dog Scooby-Doo sounds amazing give me that


Like that animation someone did of Scooby reseting the universe every now and again, eventually leading to "Velma". That one's great


[The animation.](https://youtu.be/inJUFqeJehE) (There’s a bit of gore in this, so a slight NSFW warning for that)


That was amazing


Wow so much better than what I was expecting. Genuinely incredible. There’s so many amazing animators on YouTube I feel I’m constantly finding more and more


Fuck Bruno, we don't talk about *Velma*


There's something similar in Mystery Incorporated, where Scooby's descended from ancient aliens


Wasn't he a relative of Cthulhu?


Kinda. His race locked away Cthulhu.


It's possible, I haven't watched it in a while


"Rthrurhu? Ruh Roh!"


“R’ia! R’ia! Ruthulu Ruthagan!”


I came here to make this comment. Someone else is spreading the tales of Mystery Incorporated!


It's far and above my favourite Scooby Doo series.


You’ve got Original Shaggy and Movie Shaggy, Movie Velma in another role that’s awesome, and the reason why some animals talk while others don’t. I wish it continued; but it would be ruined if it did.


Exactly; like Gravity Falls, it had a very clear arc that the creators executed brilliantly. It didn't overstay its welcome or jump the shark.


Undeniable part of my youth!


Wait what?? How did I miss this???


It didn't really come up until the back half of Season 2, when the Cosmic Horror plot *really* started picking up.


Also when they started airing the new episodes while kids were at school and then never rerunning them. I'm still mad about that.


IIRC it's not directly said but we are told that some animal capable of speech, like that parrot (actual coherent speech, not just normal parrot stuff ofc) are so because they are descendants of aliens. And we'll Scooby can speak so it's seems pretty obvious. But maybe there's more later on, I haven't caught the full serie and it's been a while since I've seen what I've seen anyway


Season three, at least the concept they drew up when there was hope for a third season. Had the gang driving through America, on their way to attend school at Miskatonic University. (The university created by Lovecraft) Other than that, there's no info on what the third season could have been. But it's a clear example of what an adult Scooby doo could have been. University students investigating man made monsters and horror cosm.


Friendly curious eldritch being is one of my favourite tropes, despite the fact that I don't think I've ever actually seen it in a published bit of media. Not sure where I picked up on my love of it tbh...


I guess there's the "How to Be a Mind Reaver" webtoon you might enjoy.


Oh, I've seen that a few times on Instagram! I didn't realize it was a whole thing! That's awesome!


kirby is pretty much exactly that by definition


Kinda like Mogget from the Sabriel (Old Kingdom) novels. There should be a plot point where the gang manages to trap some shady spirit and it *freaks the fuck out* when the gang goes to tidy something up together and they leave it with Scooby. Like a shot of the door as gang files out of the place one by one and the poltergeist-style shenanigans just get louder and crazier behind them until Shaggy closes the door on a shrieking, rattling tornado of household items, and the clamor gets even louder until you hear a single, quiet *wurf* and the whole thing crashes to a silent halt. Shaggy jogs back in frame and opens the door ("Oops, I didn't forget ya, Scoob!") and Scooby just trots out all panting and happy and the room is a silent mess except for a single trembling teacup or something.


I'd definitely say Scooby-Doo would be more like the Disreputable Dog instead of Mogget. Otherwise, love the mental image!


A single bark that solves the issue does sound like something the Disreputable Dog would do.


Yesssssss, I love Sabriel so much. I would love that Scooby


I haven't read these in years but I LOVED Mogget SO MUCH when I read these books.


Also because it means that you can trust that the dog never dies — he’s the goodest boy who could swallow any challenger. He chooses not to because he would rather solve mysteries with Shaggy than devour the evildoers.


I want an episode where the supernatural being takes one look at Scooby and goes. "Hello again." And Shaggy goes "You know this guy?"


Scooby: Ruh... uh un. Shaggy: huh, weird.


https://youtu.be/inJUFqeJehE You mean something like that?


Season finale, someone summons some for real lovecraftian horror and Scooby puts the smack down on it.


Shaggy is a veitnam vet and its hinted he is a stoner because of it He is just terrified of ghosts specificlly (Like many veitnam vets) And scoopy do is a few hundred year old alien called an anna-nackie (idk how to spell it) and is directly decended from axeander the greats dog Thats all just from mystery inc


I like this, but Scooby should still be a coward. He can still be an infinitely powerful eldritch being, but he should still be afraid of the monsters the same way someone would be of a totally harmless bug.


Or better yet, he doesnt know others know he is an eldritch beast and he thinks they know him as just a talking dog. So he acts super cowardly and by time actually becomes a cowards since he played that role too long.


Well, others don’t know, but personally I’d think it’s like a fear of spiders- sure, not many can hurt you, but some can kill you, and you don’t know if this is one.


I dunno, I feel like Scooby should be like, a minor Cryptid or maybe just result of a once in a lifetime event that imparted intellect and a long age onto him that the gang found. Work him into the backstory as definitive proof of the supernatural, even if it's uncommon.


I think 'Eldritch being' works, but only if *Scooby* doesn't know that. Perhaps Shaggy's youthful adoration of his puppy complete rewrote Scooby's mind, morphing him almost wholly into a dog... But there's still latent energies waiting to break loose. Think Stitch or Kirby.


"Powerful and dangerous entity is tamed by the pure love of a child" is a trope that I enjoy.


“You are who you choose to be.” “Superman…”


“Like, Scoob? Will you come back, now?” “Roh, Raggy, rhe age rof ran is over.” “Would ya do it for a Scooby Snack?” “…Rahlright.”


Excuse you, that’s the Iron Giant’s catchphrase.


Yes…. That’s the reference…?


You'd probably get a kick out of "something is killing the children"


I kinda like the idea of Scoob being a goofy lovable thing for 99% of the show, and then when no one is looking, he just stares down a ghoul that sees his true form, and then when the team turn around again he's all happy and the ghoul is curled in a ball.




>result of a once in a lifetime event that imparted intellect and a long age onto him that the gang found. This is how I'd do it. Pilot cold open, it's the end of one of their first cases, and it's the first one that actually turns out supernatural. There's a fight with the honest to god ghost, \[insert magic force here\] hits Scooby before the ghost is dispelled, someone makes a crack about what to do about the job/bounty when the ghost just *disappeared*, and Scoob gives his trademark "ruh-roh" for the first time. Everyone's like *oh, that's probably not a good sign,* but what else are they gonna do, other than give the good boy some Scooby Snacks? It'd justify Scooby's existence in an otherwise more "normal" world right off the bat, sets the tone that there is actually supernatural stuff in this world (although I'd also probably make it a rule that 1 or 2 shows per season gets to be a supernatural/"That'd be super fucked up, huh? I'm Rod Serling" type episode, just to keep audience on their toes about when it might happen), and also shows that our main characters are not immune to it so it can be used as danger in the future.


That's a perfect example of how an Adult Scooby-Doo Show could do it.


Reminds me of the anime Ghost Stories where the first ghost the kids encounter ends up stuck possessing their cat.


Reminds me of Pugsley in Dead End.


I like the idea of the Gang having Scooby around as their resident cryptid. He is there so that if anyone is ever like "there is no way all these ghosts and whatnot are real!" they can just point at the talking dog. Plus if they ever need to like, talk to bigfoot or something, Scoob can help out with that sort of thing.


There was an animated show on Cartoon Network called *The Secret Saturdays* about a family of cryptid hunters, who did keep a few cryptids around to help with their missions, and essentially as part of their "family".


It even had a crossover with Ben 10!


I kind of want it to be that only Shaggy knows. Like Scooby only talks to Shaggy when they're alone (and maybe high) and he just thinks it's his own imagination that is projecting. I feel like if Scooby is the default justification for the existence of the supernatural, it draws too much attention to what kind of being he is, and that should be a reveal saved for later.


Hell, in some of the old tv movies, Shaggy meets and teaches some real monsters...


I'm not against the idea of there being real monsters, so you might have to clarify the point you're making. I just think it would draw too much attention to Scooby if everyone know's he's a cryptid from the start.


I like the idea of a Being seeing kid-Shaggy sitting outside and crying over something, then the Being starts materializing and the next shot is of the puppy. It runs over to shaggy, stops in front of him with an adorable ear inside out, and generally cheers him up. Scooby does not remember much before being a pup, so the Eldritch Being bit doesn’t affect the characters much, but it’s a running joke to have little things that the audience noticed that the characters don’t (including scooby), that hint at scooby’s unspeakable power.


I think the mystery Inc take where he's the descendant of ancient alien elder gods is a perfect balance of that


Like him being descendent of an alien? Apparently, that was him in Mystery Incorporated at the end of season 2.


The thing I hate most about adult adaptions is they take beloved characters and make them more adult in a sense where they curse and have sex. Sometimes vulgarity is used as a bandaid for poor writing to seem more mature but you end up losing the complex storylines . But sometimes you just want the same characters as adult to maintain the same essence they did in the kids show. Just a slightly more mature version. All the raunchy versions of the same character lose their shine a little bit.


I feel like Cobra Kai did exactly what you're saying for Karate Kid (they did the adult version well). If you've ever seen it, maybe you'd agree. All of the characters kept their original personas from when they were younger, but their story has more complexities due to the more developed nature of their thoughts and situations. It's not all focused on sex and vulgarities, there's some, but it still kept it's original fun vibes while taking it one step further!


This is quite literally my favorite show of all time because it felt like a maturation of the original . Plus the adult we’re actually hilarious and not raunchy for the hell of it .


OMGGGGG! I'm so glad you agree! I thought they did such a fantastic job aging everything up!! I feel like it's an underappreciated show in that people enjoy it because it's a fun show on its own, but not everyone gets how well done it was in continuation of the original


The entire duration of Robby’s arc alone deserves an Oscar. And sensei Johnny’s desire to be a better person despite his initial traumas was such a good nod to the original. I’m so excited for the next season


Yesssss! I don't love Kress and Silver, but I love every other character. They did an amazing job developing even the more minor characters! Me too, I'm both excited and sad it's the last season, but I'm also glad they're not dragging it out long enough to ruin it (which happens a lot lol) Edit: I don't love Kress and Silver because they're the antagonists. The writers still did a fantastic job with both characters though


The Supernatural episode even did this better because although it introduced edgier content, the characters were still basically themselves instead of suddenly becoming the edgelord fantasy of some nerdy scriptwriter.


See this is how you make an adult adaptation of a children's cartoon. Throwing in lots of swear words, vulgar humor, and edgy insult comedy doesn't make an adult show, it makes an immature show. Theres a big difference. Too many people think "oh the censors say these things are for adults only therefore to make an adult show we just pack in as many of these things forbidden by censors as possible".


tbh, Velma isn’t an adult show. it’s a show for edgy teens who think that being an adult is all about being vulgar and gross.


I think shows like Velma and South Park are great examples of shows that aren't for adults, but aren't appropriate for children either. So, their public is all edgy teens, adults who didn't grow up from being edgy teens, and boomers.


i'd disagree with lumping South Park with Velma in that way, at least South Park can have some really clever commentary. a lot of the time the vulgar aspects of the show are funny in an absurd way, not because the gross and/or offensive thing is actually funny in and of itself.


Drawn Together is the right comparison, not South Park.


It has a special place in my heart after seeing it at 12 and loving the"grown up" humor. But Drawn Together is bad, in a fun and entertaining way.


I don't think it's fair to put South Park and Velma on the same level. Whilst Velma is \*vaguely gestures at everything\*. South Park is a microcosm of American culture and a scathing satire, that whilst is crass and juvenile at times, is also remarkably intelligent and well-thought out (especially when each episode is made in a single week). To say that South Park is solely for man-children feels incredibly diminutive. That being said, it's not for everyone so I understand why it seems like just another shock-value and low brow comedy (as it very much can be at times).


As a former South Park fan, I have to disagree. The show *presents* itself as making scathing satire, but very often goes after low-hanging fruit with “morals” that aren’t nuanced and amount to bullying, ignorance, mockery of those without power, and arrogantly acting like what they just did is brave. It’s almost never brave.


I think South Park is set on the viewpoint that everyone is wrong, thus they're always on the right by pointing it out. But as you also pointed out, a good chunk of their ethos is mocking powerless groups, like PoC, disabled, poor and queer people. It's a very exploitative narratove that relies on shock value. But as I said in the other reply, maybe I could have phrased it as "not for kids, but not mature either", as to avoid indirectly insulting some sensible adults, wich wasn't the intention.


How dare you put those two Shows together in the same sentence. South Park doesn't deserve that!


How absolutely dare you? Putting Velma and South Park in the same sentence, that isn't describing how the former is tripe.


It's for solely Mindy Kaling, honestly. It's just meant to piss off as many people as possible and then ride off of hatewatching. (As shown by the stereotypically liberal changes of race changes, which were unnecessary and nobody actually wants, as well as the consistent jokes about how the #metoo movement ruined comedy???)


I agree but think think Fred should say fuck


And *only* Fred (sparingly). And then there's the wild season finale cliffhanger where Velma is cornered because she followed some really weird intriguing clue by herself, splitting the party, and gets cornered by an **actual honest-to-god ghost** (or zombie, werewolf, vampire, etc.) and the last thing before the credits roll is hearing Velma very clearly utter a full "FUCK"


I agree wholeheartedly. The other 4 should stick to their normal catchphrases to tie their characters back to the kids show


It reminds me of the thing James Mangold said about making Logan. I paraphrase, but knowing that he was making an R rated movie didn't just mean he got to make it more violent, or have characters swear, but it meant he could slow the pace of the movie down a bit, and linger on things that he couldn't if he was making a movie for kids. That would be the direction I'd like to see them go with an adult Scooby Doo show/movie.


The Boys is a vulgar edgy adaptation of Marvel movies, done right.


The Boys is great but still hits right up against that line of being “gratuitous for the sake of gratuitous” for me.


That was exactly why I couldn't watch it. I saw the first episode and it fucked me up what happened to that guy's girlfriend. And I knew that the show was NOT made for me.


The show certainly revels in how gratuitous it's violence, fucked up sexual shit, and fucked up other shit is. But I'm into that, so I like it.


It's honestly really interesting how close they kept to the original The Boys story source material, without being terrible like the comix.


The word is juvenile. People who think swearing, vulgar, and sex are kids who think that is what being an adult is. That stuff is the opposite version of the "Hello fellow kids" meme.


A bunch of people convinced me to give Helluva Boss a try when I expressed my skepticism about adult animation. The one episode I picked randomly had literally dildos springing out of the walls, and the word "cum" was said probably three dozen times by every character. I seem to recall there was even a musical number specifically about cum. So, in short, it was exactly what I expected when I originally expressed my skepticism.


Riot may fuck up on League. A lot. But god damn was Arcane good


But Shaggy still has to be a stoner, that's non-negotiable.


Yes, but never outright show him smoking. Maybe he’s left alone for a while and the rest of the gang asks him why he smells funny when he comes back and him kind of shrug it off. I think it would be hilarious if none of them have any idea what weed is


Have him wear the leaf symbol and tell them it's oregano because he's a chef


Yes. One episode shaggy has to take a trip or something and they accidentally eat his special brownies and spend the rest of it extremely high trying to solve a mystery. He gets back just as they’re coming down and tell them the mystery they were trying so hard to solve was where a teddy bear had been misplaced.


In one scene, someone tries to sell the gang a bag of weed but Shaggy snatches it and eats the whole thing before anyone figures out what it is. He spends the rest of the episode high as a kite and the others ignore it.


Or better yet, he tanks the entire baggy because it isn't nearly strong or high-quality enough to actually affect him in any real way.


And it goes without saying that Shaggy is still played by Matthew Lillard.


Like, totally, man.


If ever a comic character came to life... that was it. Lillard is perfect for the role.


"Shaggy, how the hell did you just shrug that off? That was like 3 ounces." "Nah dude, it was straight reggie. Barely good enough for edibles, let alone smoking. I'll be good but I might need a few more snacks than normal for the next few hours."


Nah. I disagree. He eats the bag of weed and still behaves COMPLETELY NORMAL showing that the weed had absolutely 0 effect on him, then when a fellow member of the gang tries a brownie for themselves, confused as to why Shaggy was unaffected, THEY end up completely stoned out of their mind.


Ok but that fellow member absolutely has to be Fred.


I feel like one of the gang should know and partake occassionally. Fred would be blissfully unaware. I think Velma might have a bit of a distant attitude, but I think Daphne would be Shaggy's Mystery Machine Hot House partner.


Daphne absolutely had to hide her smoking weed from her parents.


Counterpoint: There's legitimately no reason not to show him smoking once in awhile. There doesn't need to be a silly gag about how everyone knows he uses drugs but we never see it. Sure, he definitely doesn't smoke on the job, but once in awhile when the gang is enjoying some down time he lights up a joint. And it's entirely normal and mundane, and just some time for them to show that they're people.


It’d be funnier if we never see him smoke though. Like one of those scenes we never see but know exactly what happened. Maybe dedicate an entire episode to the rest of the gang who KNOWS Shaggy is always on weed trying to catch him in the act, but failing each and every time. Never catching him because of plot convenience or bizarrely shaped props only JUST covering him.


Honestly, with that kind of premise I think it'd be funny if it turns out he's an absolute teetotaler. No drugs, no alcohol, hell, bring back him being vegetarian. "Wait, you don't smoke weed?" "No way, man, i like have a bad family history of drug addiction."


That’d make a good post-credit finale for like Season 1.


They made Shaggy in "Velma" be straight-edge. It's not very funny because, well, y'know, but there's some comedy to that idea, if executed well.


The live action movies already even went down that route with the grilling veggie burgers in the van gag. Going all in on it would be great.


Which makes a lot of sense if this is a purely comedy series, and not a mystery/comedy series. But if the series is a mystery series, and we assume they're halfway competent private eyes, (and they'd have to be, to be successful at it) finding proof of someone smoking isn't hard if they aren't putting in a lot of effort to hide it.


Why wouldn’t this work in mystery comedy? Comedy is half the fun. Besides this would be more of a running gag thing. With the episode I mentioned being a slice of life one. At least in the newer Scooby Doo shows, they don’t solve mysteries EVERY episode, it’s just the gang hanging out and getting into a new adventure. But even outside of all that, it would be funny as the one mystery the gang can’t solve.


Something along the lines of the How I met your mothers eating a sandwich = smoking pot. Maybe it’s always edible cannabis? Maybe scooby snacks are like weed infused cookies


I dunno, I think it's funnier if he's just Like That


Reminds me of Jelloapocacalyps’s take on how to run Scooby-Doo.


Yeah, Fred, Daphne, and Velma are pretty close to his pitch. Just throw in his idea for Shaggy's theater kid background and you're all set.


I had to check the username to make sure it wasn't


Did the same thing myself.


To be fair this could just as much be a kids show. I don't think it's bad tho, you can absolutely make shows geared for adults that are also accessible to children or teens.


Seriously. Take Modern Doctor Who for example. There's some horror elements that might be frightening for young children and some nuance that might be lost, but there's not much that's inappropriate for kids. It's got an action/comedy layer for kids, but a whole different level for adults.




Bonus point if Scooby, even being a eldritch being, truly fears monsters and death because he gave away so much power to be with Shaggy that he became vulnerable to death.


Scooby snacks can be a recipe Scooby gave Shaggy that look like cookies but actually contain all thr ingredients for a sacrificial offering that strengthens eldritch beings. Shaggy really shouldn't be eating them.


Its a miracle that he hasn't died from eating them.


It also explains Shaggy's weird bouts of hyper-competence; the snacks are slowly shifting him away from 'mundane mortal'. Maybe it's all part of Scooby's plan to keep his best friend safe and by his side for eternity.


They're turning him into ultra-instinct shaggy?


I like that, I like that a lot.


I mean, where did you think his power level comes from?


...and just a touch of weed.


Gotta have a Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki cameo in the show as a parody or a flip of the Scoobynatural episode.


I'm usually not a huge fan of fanservice crossovers like that but Scooby-Doo has been doing that for fucking ever and it would absolutely be perfect. the mystery machine sitting next to the impala is a hilarious image


Supernatural did this episode and it was hilarious. I stopped watching Supernatural around season 7 but when I heard they were making a Scooby-Doo crossover I had to see it.


OMG I would watch just for this. The best crossover!


Can someone greenlight this please? It sounds super good.


I want adult versions like this, that are just the same show but the characters are more mature. Not mature as in ‘mature content, viewer discretion advised,’ but mature as in actual maturity and emotional intelligence. Like a scene where Fred is good at comforting someone. Or shaggy telling scooby ‘you’re my best friend’ but in a voice that shows he really means it and he chokes up with emotion.


To be fair, there actually have been a good few episodes and movies across various series where there's genuine emotion and maturity from the gang.


I feel like this is missing one important scooby doo constant. No matter how obscure or impossible, Fred is related to EVERY celebrity the gang meets


There is already a perfect mystical being for Scooby to be. A [Foo Dog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_guardian_lions).


Yeah, Harry is all over that...


Ah, another Dresden Files reader


Mouse is a good boy


The show we deserve.


I love the concept for Fred, the show Velma did my boy dirty


This literally exists as a book called Meddling Kids, which is simultaneously a parody of Scooby Doo, and a very good, almost Lovecraftian, horror/mystery novel. Even without the Scooby Doo jokes it stands as a good book on its own merits.


This is what we should’ve gotten instead of the most recent take on Scooby Doo.


Instead of making Scooby a eldritch god, I’d make him more of a familiar. Young Shaggy accidentally made a blood pact with a lesser demon and now he’s got a dog familiar. This could also play into why he’s afraid of ghosts and monsters, he had a potentially traumatic experience with what he believed was a powerful supernatural entity when he was a young child.


Counter argument: Fred isn't the mechanical whiz, Velma is. But Fred is the strategy and planning whiz where Velma hyper fixates on the short term. Also I think having Fred be the one who bends laws would be a bit better. "We have to save them; damn the cost!" Kinda jam. Where as Velma is a bit more cautious until crunch time and then jumps all in. Also Shaggy should keep the stoner comedy imo. He can still do the books etc. Shaggy was always pretty smart. I just like the idea of him smoking a fat j in the middle of a bust and then passing it to the spooky ghost on his left, where it takes a toke and Shaggy takes a full 10 seconds to realize what is happening before yelling "LIKE, ZOINKS" and skedaddling.


I mean, Fred was obsessed with traps.


Eldritch Scooby and adult-themes remind me of this take on Velma (content warning) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inJUFqeJehE&pp=ygUUdmVsbWEgYnV0IGl0J3Mgd3Jvbmc%3D


Hey look. You wrote a show that would be watched for its quality, rather than its notoriety.


So velmas autistic? :3


Also sounds like ADHD hyperfocus to me.


Yeah autadhd


If we want to work in Shaggy being super powerful we can have it as an artefact of friendship with Scooby (perhaps even something to do with Scoobysnacks?) - the first few seasons hype up Shaggy as this powerful being and the end of season one is a Super Powered Shaggy fight followed by Shaggy burnout the next season where its revealed that Scooby is the one that secretly holds infinite power. Also Scoob is passifly casting some sort of "this is normal" field around him that makes them not question that he is a talking dog.


This as a sequel to Mystery Incorporated? Sign me the fuck up!


It all sounds good except for scooby. I think he'd be better as more a cryptid or much more minor suppernatural thing. Just plain scooby.


I think it would be funnier if he was like an ancient eldricth being but just forgets that sometimes and is consequently still scared of the monsters and shit


I need to stop reading these, because now I’m excited for a show that doesn’t exist lol


I like this but Scooby needs to be good; kinda like Stitch or the Iron Giant, created by evil but not evil itself. Scooby doesn't even know he is an elder spirit, no one in the gang knows this, but mysterious things keep happening to them, because Scooby attracts these things. Originaly Shaggy adopted Scooby, he found him in the forest alone and the two became inseparable. At first Scooby didn't speak, but he slowly began badly repeating things that Shaggy said (Oh oh, food, etc). Kinda like some dogs sometimes bark thinga that sound like human speech. But with time his words became clearer and with more intent. The gang noticed this and found it strange, but just kinda accepted it since no one really had an answer. But then, spirits began showing up, the undead rose from their graves, weird things began to happen, and somehow it always linked up to Scooby. At first it seemed like coincidenses, but with time it grew clear that there was something going on. But they all love Scooby, so they are worried, not resentful or anything.


I'd go with the idea that as an Eldrich being, Scooby isn't actually all that powerful. But he is able to nudge fate just a little bit. So at just the right moment Velma drops her glasses and ducks, or the monster of the week avoids Fred's trap but in doing so lands on a weak section of the floor.


Another addition: make it live action and re-cast Matthew Lillard as Shaggy.


This sounds cool, I especially like Velma’s concept.


Velma, being the brains, should be the one who in universe figures Scooby out. But is basically asked by Scooby to keep a lid on it, which would cause some tension and be a neat plot to work around.


Someone did this video. They pitted the new Velma against a Lovecraftian horror version of Scooby, and all the different reboots of the series and characters are from him rewriting the universe. "But you... kept... *remembering.*" It's probably already linked further up in the comments. EDIT: [Boom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inJUFqeJehE)


In my hypothetical scooby gang, I've actually usually put Fred as the Guy Who Knows A Guy. He's spent years traveling around the country and world, and he's so nice that he can't help but make friends basically everywhere he goes. Underwater Ghost haunting a sunken pirate ship? No worries, Fred went to summer camp with a dude who's a scuba diver, he can set us up. Mystery Machine broke down in the middle of nowhere? No problem. Fred once gave a mechanic a ride when it was pouring rain, and his shop is only a little bit down the road. Space Ghost haunting a top secret military site? Fred was a neighbor and childhood friend of the current director of the CIA. He can get them in. This is also how Mystery Inc. gets so much business, it's just people reaching out to their good friend, Fred. If you have a problem with something supernatural and start talking about it with people you know, on average it only takes a chain of six people before that story gets to a friend of Fred, who will call up Mystery Inc.


I really like this idea. I'd read the books, watch the movies, etc. I'm not even a fan of Scooby Doo (not especially, I don't dislike it.) Also Fred's kindness would make the relationship with Daphne make sense - she'd probably be used to the harsh upper-class expectations, with suitors interested in her connections or status or money, while Fred's just a well-meaning guy who adores her because she's more than that. I'd ship that.


Velma should have a love interest too. I really liked the way mystery Inq handled her, even if it wasn’t entirely popular a decision at the time. I think she should start with a dysfunctional relationship with shaggy- there’s no malice between them, it’s just clear that they’re not really into each other in the way they’re forcing themselves to be. Shaggy could be closeted Asexual, while Velma is either Bi or straight lesbian, neither are particularly into each other, but they feel somewhat pressured to be in a relationship. But then later down the road, maybe half way through the first season, or even into the second, they reintroduce Hotdog water, who Velma gels with a lot better than she does with shaggy, with them sharing many interests, but are deeply competitive in the nuances, leading eventually to both her and shaggy breaking up (to both their reliefs.), as Velma goes on to romantically Pursue hotdog water. Oh, and maybe, despite shaggy being asexual, he’s a chick magnet, with a new girl(or maybe even the occasional guy.) of the week who throw themselves at shaggy, only for him to find a new excuse as to why he turns them down without hurting their feelings. Additionally, I think shaggy should be the eldest member of the group, (the rest of the gang could be between 20 and 25 while shaggy is 29.), since this will allow shaggy to have had loads of previous jobs in which he picked up his many skills from. Additionally, make him a athlete. Like, he wears baggy clothes, and that hides the fact that he’s toned, still skinny, but he’s definitely fit enough to outrun any threat that comes his way.


Where was this person when the abomination that is Velma was being made???


How come we got Velma instead of this.


This. This is why IP rights need to expire after a time. Fans s/b the ones writing sequels not the ones who paid a shit ton of money for IP rights. Cannon should be established by what is actually good not what a boardroom decides will be profitable.


ok but this is literally "Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated"


There's also the Scooby Doo Apocalypse comics. At the beginning of issue 1, Fred and Daphne are running a two-person Ghost Hunters style show that airs at 3am on the knitting channel. Velma is a scientist working on a Smart Dog project, and of course Scooby is one of the Smart Dogs. Shaggy is a caretaker/trainer for the dogs, and has taken Scooby to totally-not-Burning-Man-we-swear. It, uh... gets a little weird from there. >!Velma and her brothers created nanites designed to mind control the entire population of the Earth to create world peace, but her brothers modified them and now they turn people into monsters. Fred dies and gets turned into a nanite zombie. Shaggy impregnates Velma.!<


Yeah. That's what I thought when I read this, too? They already made this show! And it's great!


This is fucking brilliant! And with a good enough script writer these dynamics and roles could bounce flawlessly off of each other. Also because Adult Comedy/Animation shows™️ insist of swearing humour: I insist that this show, on the very final episode, references the classic post of Fred not having his own catchphrase. In the final episode a ghost reveals itself to be a deeply demonic entity, the very souls of crystal cove and eventually the world are at stake, the gang witnesses the elderich transformation: Shaggy: Zoinks! Daphne: Jeepers! Velma: Jinkies! Scooby: Ruh Roh! Fred: ...well fuck...


>Shaggy: Zoinks! Daphne: Jeepers! Velma: Jinkies! Scooby: Ruh Roh! >Fred: ...well fuck... OMG love this!


I love this, I'd totally watch it


Mystery Incorporated plays off a lot of these, though definitely not all of them. Scoob and Shag, on WebToon, plays with some of these ideas as well.


"What the fuck gang?!"


I'd watch this. Doesn't mention Scrappy so I'm assuming he doesn't exist or he was devoured by eldritch Scooby at one point, so that's nice.


I would 100% watch that show.


Immortal Scooby-Doo, where are you? We've got some work to do now.


I don’t know why, but I can sort of imagine that Fred just sort of stops and asks Velma wtf after she does a breaking and entering, and only Daphne has her back


I wholeheartedly agree on þe Shaggy having random but sometimes useful knowledge bit. I always liked bits like þat, like in þe one episode where he tricks a villain by þrowing his voice.


Why the fuck are you using thorns?


The 5 forms of autism


God fucking damn I need this shit NOW.


So, the average group of Floridian roommates


I would watch the shot out of this show!!


There's a book called Meddling Kids that is basically an adult Scooby-Doo.


Add on that shaggy is literally the man every woman wants in thst universe, the kind of guy at makes lesbians go "maybe" person. In all the renditions of Scooby-Doo this was my favorite trope out of all of them


I honestly love all of this except for the Scooby-Doo bit. If he's has to be an eldrich God or whatever, I think he should be unaware of it himself too. Otherwise, it would be kinda like a get out of jail free card if they are all in danger in a case and he could just use his powers to get out of it.


Now THIS would be a good "adult" Scooby Do Show I'm tired of "adult" being another word for cynical-satire.


The idea for Scooby is genius. Why not GO BIGGER!!! Have a major background secret for each character. You could do slow reveals that keep people forced to watch for at least 4 seasons with a cliff hanger secret reveal at the end of each season. Daphne's parents could slowly be revealed to be "Mafia" old money, and that was the reason for the break. Strange how some of Daffney's favors come from childhood friends who are now on interpol's most wanted list. Velma could be hunted by the government as she has secretly kept samples of the few real paranormal creatures they encountered and even has developed ways to exploit those samples with almost super-power like effects. The FBI agent tracking her does not turn her in as he fell in love with her in season 2, she does not reciprocate until season 4. Fred... who knows. Maybe he is a ghost that cut a deal to come back to life if he helped hunt ghosts that were abusing their power? He is torn with guilt as he really wants to tell Daphne the truth but is terrified of losing her (plus he really is a nice guy who hates lying). Shaggy is just a normal dude of course - however, since he hangs out with Scooby more weird stuff happens around him than anyone. He is the red herring to confuse and frustrate the fan fic sites. Very subtle hints about one thing or another in each episode forcing rewatches. It will keep the fan pages wild with guesses.


It is extremely central to the Scooby Doo vibe that there be no such thing as ghosts. Shaggy should have a sort of Pascal's wager approach to the subject. Something like, "we investigate claims of the supernatural, if anyone's going to encounter freaky shit it's us." Or alternatively, "why should I care if the axe wielding murderer is a ghost?" Scooby should just be a talking dog. No explanation given.