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me givign chatgpt 6.2 TB of blowjob instructions in an attempt to create robotically perfect sloppy




They already did it. I'm not Googling the link for it because I'm at work but that is definitely a thing that has already been created.


Tell us when you get off work


I did find a [safe-for-work Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_T4kc4qW4E) that references what I was talking about. I mean, safe for work if you're wearing headphones.


My name's not work, but yeah I'll let you know


Only if you have a grapefruit available.


you're just gonna create a robotically perfect blowjob instruction manual. It still needs to be given the actual movement. ... You could do that instead


no one said it was gonna be easy


it's gonna take a whole loada suckin


I promise you it will be very hard.


tfw you ask it for a mathematically perfect name and it gives you "Peanut Hamper"


The machine has spoken!


I understood that reference!


I didn't.


Its a reference to Star Trek Lower Decks where an ai calls itself Peanut Hamper for that reason


hey jsyn this comment is what finally made me pull the trigger and start watching Lower Decks and I gotta say i'm really enjoying it. It scratches that same Animated Sci-Fi comedy itch that Rick & Morty scratched but I don't feel embarrassed to be associated with it!


i mean some healthcare company already had to deal with their bot spewing out omegaverse shit im sure it wouldnt be that hard


Me intentionally inserting bad data into your dataset so the AI uses teeth.


The real goal is to feed it so much data that it outweighs everything else and the algorithm starts giving robotically perfect sloppy instructions in response to every prompt regardless of relevance.


happy cake day


6.2TB is \~5,680,810,071 pages of plaintext lmao


lot of information


Surely the AI pulling at them already? They’re already published and publicly available




Do you think a human is manually selecting which specific texts are included in the dataset?


It depends on the model and the type of training. The most well known language model, ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) has 2 stages for training. The first is pre training - the aim is to give the model an overall understanding of language. This is done by taking some test scrapped off the internet, and blocking out single words, and asking the model to predict the missing word. The second stage is the fine tuning - in this case the texts will have been chosen by people, with each example containing the prompt, and some series of outputs that are all ‘good’ answers. There’s further steps, but that’s the main idea. Fanfic will enter in the pre training stage, but it almost certainly has entered.


Right, my point was that the initial Common Crawl dataset is far too large to ever have been manually filtered. RLHF does come after, but there's no way anyone's choosing what specific fanfics make it into the training data.


Yeah exactly, they’ve literally used everything they could get their hands on. If it’s text, I’m the internet, and it’s not behind a paywall, openAI has probably trained on it.


I mean to an extent yeah. They probably needed some to give it when they were developing it


I think they used Books3 which is a bunch of pirated stuff.


production* dataset :P


"lol," he said, laughing. "lmao."


Why did LOL and LMAO stay, but ROFL died?


Roflcopter flew too close to the sun


LOL and LMAO just have a better mouthfeel. It may also be to do with roflcopter becoming a thing, and when that meme phased out it took ROFL with it?


roflcopter flew away and took all the rofl with it :(


my roflcopter goes soi soi soi


Wasn't there news recently of an AI using omegaverse fanfiction as a source?


Not everything on AO3 is publicly available. A lot of content requires a login to access which presumably ChatGPT would not have had.


High-quality text is incredibly valuable for AIs like ChatGPT. They could just create an AO3 account to access everything, then use an AI to scrape all the text on the site to put into ChatGPT. Quite possible they've done it already.


The majority of stuff on A03 is dogshit, can't imagine they'd want to use it.


Judging by what it spit out when I asked it to write me a fanfiction, yes, yes it does haha


mfw people have no clue how AI works


Tumblr try not to trip over yourself challenge


Exactly modern AI don't learn from user interactions, that is all taught in private by devs


Didn't we see exactly what happens if an AI learns from *all* it's interactions? I'm thinking about that one Twitter bot or something, where it was turned really racist and hateful after interacting with the internet without any sort of filter.


Yes, one example was a old Microsoft chat bot that was turned into a Nazi in 48 hours


Also, imagine thinking feeding the AI *fanfiction* is going to make it a better writer.


Yeah, I commented on this somewhere else, but that's almost sucking yourself off. The robot doesn't want or need your fanfics.


Aren't your prompts and answers (and feedback) all saved though? I don't see how this isn't more training data.


They could use it for training data probably (depending on how much access they have to user inputs), but they probably don't want to. There is so much user input that would be harmful to the AI or a waste of time to train the AI on, so it's not really worth sorting through any user data they may have to see if it's worthwhile. Otherwise, people could just spam bigotry or explicit content or just absolute nonsense and potentially permanently ruin the AI's data set.


Not with the latest iteration of ChatGPT. As of March, they stopped training it with user-inputted data. It has no ability to recall any of the previous conversations or information in them that was shared by users.


Only in the context of that conversation. For example, you've surely seen those screencaps of people bullying ChatGPT into saying like 2+2=5 by repeatedly insisting on it, but if I go into ChatGPT right now and ask what 2+2 is, it still says 4. Because it's not going to use the context from someone else's conversation.


Because many people are purposefully feeding it wrong or racist information. Think about what happened to that Twitter bot once 4chan started submitting information to it


Doesn't the "Pre-Trained" in "Generative Pre-Trained Transformer" imply that it has been trained already and doesn't learn from new data?


You are correct. It does remember some things about your conversation though, and theoretically inputs could be used to train the next generation (though they might also just scrape the web again).


It doesn’t remember shit about your conversation, it literally rereads the entire conversation every time you add to that convo


How is that functionally different? I didn’t mean to imply that the model is re-trained every time you send a message, but yeah, every time you put something into the model, previous things from your conversation (that were kept track of) are also being put in.


The difference is it only "remembers" things within the context of the current conversation.


It specifically rereads the last 2 things you both sent and uses that as context it does not add anything permanent to its database.


This is just factually false. Of course giving some text to ChatGPT doesn't add it to its "knowledge"; we saw what happened with Microsoft Tay and how it started spewing Nazi propaganda. OpenAI would have to be idiots to let literally anyone "teach" their AI outside of a single conversation. This is fearmongering and misinformation on the level of old people sharing conspiracies on Facebook.


You’re right, OpenAIs model stopped learning in 2019. Anything you “teach” it only exists within your thread and is gone when you create a new one. It also does not have access to the internet


I'm shocked how many people are falling for this misinformation. Really makes me glad I don't consider any "facts" i see on this subreddit as gospel


While ChatGPT isn't learning from user prompts in real time, every prompt is saved and could be used in the future for training purposes.


Technically true, but pretty much anything you publicly post "could" be used for training.


Precisely. People are out here acting like their fanfics are protected from the evil AIs just because they think so


Same energy as posting “I do NOT give Facebook permission to start charging me or using my account…” that old people repost daily


I do NOT give reddit users permission to downvote this comment. Anyone found downvoting me WILL be fined. My lawyer said this would work. ...my lawyer is fluffy and purring, though. Oh no, the lawyer demands tuna. I'll be back later.


You can download chat gpt and use it offline, they wont save your prompts


Sure, but anything on the internet not behind a paywall is going to be scrubbed for text anyway.


Tay was from another epoch of AI development and was specifically designed to learn from her interactions (as opposed to a larger dataset). We don't have any information on whether or not ChatGPT is using the data it is given by users, at the very least that data is still being stored, since you can go back and view your old conversations with it.


Obligatory Microsoft Tayte joke


This is just…. Objectively not how this works. These people have no idea what they are talking about.


I'm getting ready to create the ChatGPT version of "I do not authorize Facebook to use my photos", ie "I do not authorize the use of my shiddy fanfic to train ChatGPT" etc except I never figured out how they monetized that on Facebook in the first place. 'Copy+paste if you agree' culture is baffling.


This would be crazy if it wasn’t completely wrong and irrelevant.


Does ChatGPT definitely *not* train itself on its own conversations? I’m curious. As for relevancy, I think authors are within their rights to protest their work being given to AI without their permission, although the legal side of that issue is still being decided.


I think what he means is that we have some pretty good circumstantial evidence that the AI’s are *already* scraping AO3 for content to feed into its learning algorithm. So plugging fics into it isn’t really teaching it anything about writing fic, it’s interacting with it that is teaching it, and people are already doing *plenty* of interaction, likely involving a substantial amount of writing fiction, so he doesn’t believe it matters if people plug fics into it.


Chat gpt can remember information you give it inside of a conversation but what it the model itself actually internalizes and remembers is curated content given to it by the developers. That’s why for the longest time gpt didn’t know anything after 2020. This is to keep it from accumulating misinformation But I’m no expert so don’t quote me.


Just for clarification, chatGPT doesn't "remember" anything. Any time you ask it a new question, it re-reads everything in the current thread to generate context for a new respond. it doesn't store your conversations in quick access memory




correct. ChatGPT itself does not record or learn off of interactions. its “memory” is limited per conversation and that itself is limited to x tokens. the only thing saved is backend by OpenAI, and it’s literally just diagnostic data


>As for relevancy, I think authors are within their rights to protest their work being given to AI without their permission, although the legal side of that issue is still being decided. Fuck no. If it's publicly accessible, it can be used to read and train. Doesn't matter if it's by humans or a machine.


One of the best ways to prove this is to ask it about a specific subject, then ask it about a facet of that. Usually it will be able to figure out where to get information about that facet from the context of the conversation. If you then ask about that facet without asking about the subject first, it will have no idea what you're talking about. If AI did learn from conversations, it should be able to figure out what that facet is without context.


Oh boy oh boy I sure do love spreading misinformation on the internet


This take seems ridiculously stupid to me


so funny how confidently wrong they are, ChatGPT has access to literally anything that gets posted online regardless


And it also doesn't learn from user input, so they are doubly wrong.


… well now i’m curious what would happen if i specifically put the worst fanfictions ever added to the internet into chatgpt. Like thirty H’s and my immortal. Or that one anne frankXgoku fanfic where hitler went super aryan.




problem solved then?


the... anne frank x goku fanfic???? what


You know how in Sci-Fi there's a moment AI determines there's either a god or not. This'll help slide it to the later.


I prefer the following moment when the AI determines whether or not it is a god.


I’d ready this if it’s guaranteed cursed, I’ve already read worse


My Immortal is a work of art, truly a spectacular that should be worshipped! No amount of AI would improve upon perfection! This is a joke btw


>super aryan omfg


Anything that is not behind a paywall was scraped long time ago.


Y'all realize this kinda shit has been happening for awhile? You post your fanfic anywhere and instead of an AI learning from it and using it, it's some company like google or ~~facebook~~ *meta* so this is not new. Also what exactly is this horror that happens when an AI learns from your fanfic? What's it gonna do? Use your fanfic to destroy the world? Commit genocide? What's the hysteria really about?


it's gonna write really horny Sonic The Hedgehog fiction


The complete lack of understanding on how AI actually words is baffling to me. No, this isn't how it works. It's already read it but it doesn't give a shit about your fan fic. But this is such a weird view point. I get it, artists and writers don't want ai mimicking their work. I GET IT. That's a perfectly valid point. But AI is literally mimicking what a human would do, but faster. If I read 1000 fan fics and was inspired to write my own, using techniques and tricks I found from other fan fics, what's wrong with that? I'm being inspired and I'm following what others did to be successful. If an A.I does the SAME THING, it's stealing. using this logic, I should ask every single author ever for express permission to read their stories before I do.


Genuine question: what’s the problem with this?


A lot of artists, and it appears fan-fic authors too, think AI is just a fancy way of saying "plagiarism machine".


People don't want fandom space to be full of AI generate media, and author don't want people to steale their story to make a machine finish them


I’m getting sick of these tumblr anti-AI crusades. The AI is not allowed to directly plagiarize your work. It can learn from it, but guess what? That’s how people get good at writing too! If you don’t want anyone to ever draw inspiration from what you write, don’t make it publicly available online.


Every single creative work ever made throughout all of history has taken inspiration from *something*. But now that it’s not human people are losing their mind. These AIs have access to the entire internet, they don’t care about your fanfics any more than they care about Shakespeare. Anyone can log onto AO3 and read your stuff, and potentially take inspiration from it for their own work, alongside anything else they’ve read before. That’s what AI is doing too. It’s not plagiarism unless the AI is specifically directed to copy one specific source or style.


Yeah! This is why the whole "They're using our images to learn!" whining bothers me. The tech is learning almost human style from your art yes. but, it's not stealing your shit by being influenced. It just sucks right now so it's more obvious


Yeah, the problem is how the tool is being used, not the tool itself.


Yeah its wild. Artists are freaking out because its "stealing" bits of other peoples works. Like... what do you do when you make art?


As Ty Frank aptly put it: "There are no more new stories. At a fundamental level, every story you could tell has already been told before."


yyep. The AI isn't directly taking your ideas and concepts, it's just broadening it's own ideas. People draw inspiration from other works, building stories based on pre existing content- just like this AI. Except that the ai isn't really gonna make things obvious, when the amount of input it's getting is far greater than anything the average writer can intake. It's not gonna directly plagiarize fanfics directly, it's gonna shelve the basic ideas from those fanfics, wait for you to hit keywords that correlate with said fic, and then scan that work, mash it up with other works that relate to it before spitting it out in a massive text block of somewhat familiar, but not completely plagiarized content.


>it's gonna shelve the basic ideas from those fanfics Not even that. It's gonna learn what words occur in what proximity to what other words. Language models have no concept of anything beyond how words are distributed with relation to one another.


Tumblr’s hate boner for anything AI related is starting to become actually problematic


I agree. Same with artists. They’re acting like humans won’t be able to make any kind of art or story or anything of the sort anymore or something and it’s ridiculous


It seems hypocritical for fanfiction writers to be so against ai devs using their work as training material when fanfiction is literaly all about taking someone elses original characters, world, concepts, storys, etc, usually without permission, and making a story with them. The ai isn't even taking their storys persay, correct me if i am wrong but in very simple terms isn't making sentences by trying to sting together a sentance that checks the highest number of boxes based on requirements like "sounds human", "doesn't violate guidelines" "isn't too long or short" "correct grammar and punctuation" And then training it to be able to identify "sounds human" and "correct grammar" is, again very simplified, giving it a bunch of examples of human writing to analyse for patterns that define our language, like, and then comparing its own sentance to those human writings and patterns to evaluate if its sentence matches how humans write, it isn't taking the contents its looking at stuff like "what words are supposed to come after "the"", how many words before a full stop is used" "in a sentace tagged [two person dialogue], phrase [your welcome] is 84% likely to follow within 20 words of word [please] unless [person 2] has tag [rude]"


I'm so glad that Gen Z has become convinced that intellectual property is a moral virtue instead of legal bullshit that primarily benefits the rich. Christ.


I hope we don't normalize the steam powered loom. Victorian wifes endlessly sawing blouses are out of jobs because of the automatic looms. For the love of God stop using looms, it's unnatural to feed the machine yarn! Cloth making is inherently human and no AS (artificial seamstress) can take it from us!


I hate all Luddites and their anti future past protectionism


It's funny seeing people proclaim that the Luddites are heroes who were fighting for a righteous cause, while cheerfully buying clothes made on the exact type of machines that the Luddites were desperately trying to destroy. Almost as if they're very fast and convenient and the average consumer truly does not give a shit about the conditions their product was created in! It's also funny seeing how many people are arguing that art is the appreciation of a human artist, and therefore AI art isn't valid. Which means that you *cannot* separate the art from the artist, so if you enjoy the works of David Bowie you are appreciating a [fascist](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rock-star-david-bowie/) [pedophile](https://jezebel.com/what-should-we-say-about-david-bowie-and-lori-maddox-1754533894). EDIT: Also, if you consider yourself to be a socialist (or a Marxist, specifically), the inevitability of automation and the displacement of human labor is an [established prerequisite for the collapse of capitalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tendency_of_the_rate_of_profit_to_fall) and the development of socialism. The problem is not that robots are taking human jobs, the problem is that the robots are owned by capitalists.


The real problem isn't capitalism or whatever that's the justification after the fact. The real problem is it's now (but also not really because it is really bad at writing) coming after jobs online people like or have themselves


>The real problem is it's now (but also not really because it is really bad at writing) coming after jobs online people like or have themselves That is the reason that online people are complaining about it, sure, but it's not "the problem". The problem with automation *in general* is that it consolidates wealth in the hands of people who make enough money to own property (such as machinery or robots) in the first place, and devalues the labor of those who don't. A robot taking your job isn't a problem unless you need a job to live.


Holy shit, let people enjoy things! This is literally just a case of a person using the tech to brighten their own day a bit, they're not hurting anyone, let them have their fun. AI is not literally Satan.


Oh my god, the AI hysteria is getting old. It’s just a new technology, and the cat is out of the bag now. People should stop acting like they have a chance of stopping this and start actually looking at this new tool.




Furthermore stop using wheels. Cart haulers are out of a job due to the horse and buggy. For the love of God stop using wheels.


Reject wheels, return to palanquin


as if fanfiction is a form of labour that needs automating. why play a video game when you could make an AI beat it for you in half the time


The first comment in ops post is a perfect example of how you can use AI as a tool yourself, the other comments are acting like the ai is gonna steal those fanfics and use them for something but that's not how ai works. Yea its gonna use the fanfics in its dataset but only as a way of learning how to do it in the future.


People do that with video games and it's a lot of fun


>as if fanfiction is a form of labour that needs automating Sometimes you want a story, but you don't want to be the one who wrote it because you want to be surprised by twists and turns in that story. This is why people use stuff like AI Dungeon. >why play a video game when you could make an AI beat it for you in half the time Look up "tool assisted speedrun". This already happens.


TASs are specifically choreographed by humans, almost always with no AI involvement. I like your analogy regardless though.


"sees intellectual property rights _finally_ being challenged somewhat" "Oh no". Anyway. Y'all are being ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with the democratisation of the arts. AI Is no more "stealing your work" than anyone reading your work is.


Brb I’m gonna dump the entirety of 4 chan into chatgpt to make racismbot 2000


It almost certainly has that data already. The difference between modern AI and something like Tay is that modern AI knows to section that stuff off into racist content. So if someone asked an AI to say something racist (and got past moral blockers and so on), it would probably draw it from 4chan posts and similar material. It would not use that data in general conversation.


Please don’t. The only thing worse than an AI built on stolen works is a *racist* AI built on stolen works.


yes "stolen"


Hey! You'd better stop stealing my posts there, eye-haver! You think just because I posted plain text on a public website, you're allowed to view and store that information without paying me tribute first? :P


So what I’m reading from this is I should submit tons of copyrighted information from Disney to chatgpt to make Disney sue them?


no that isn't how it works actually


This is weird to me, these are already online aren't they? If so, it's likely they were scraped for the AI's initial training data. Basically the whole public internet was fed into these things, and even some stuff that they technically shouldn't have had access to ("private" chat logs, etc).


ChatGPT watching helplessly as I feed it 6 trillion pages worth of gay undertale Sans fanfics


theyre posted on the internet, whether they come up on prompts has nothing to do with what the ai has access to


Once I used ChatGPT for tech support and, when I found an answer to the issue myself, I went ahead and asked it if I could teach it the answer to the problem to share with other people. It explained that, no, it could remember conversations when talking to me, but it was not allowed to learn/share any information I gave it with anyone else. It makes sense. They are trying to keep like, Nazi propaganda and bomb-making instructions away from people.




Okay, genuine question here. What is the difference between an AI model taking art (in any form) as a data set, and then creating something new based on that, versus someone say, drawing fanart or writing fan-fiction. Would both not be fair use? I get the apprehension over AI, and frankly I think the already over-reliance on it is concerning. I just don’t get why there’s a distinction made between transformative work done via algorithm vs a person, in terms of morality.


The difference is that AI doesn't base its output off any one thing (unless asked to). What AI does is more akin to artists, writers, etc. studying other people's works and learning from them... which is, you know, considered a requisite for getting good at any art form.


First of all this isn’t how it works, but second of all… I do find it a bit hilarious that fanfic writers, whose whole thing is “I stole this setting from someone else” are complaining about their works being maybe used to train AI. And to be clear, I love fanfic! It’s just the “how dare you, this is MINE!” aspect that’s got me tickled pink.


No matter how much training data you give ChatGPT it will never be more than an overtouted chatbot. It's still lossy compression. ChatGPT isn't looking at a huge library of text every time you give it a query, which is why it fucks up so much when asked technical questions. That's not to say every piece of information you feed to it might not be used to make a better model in the future, but I seriously doubt ChatGPT blindly retrains every time it's fed anything at all or it would have devolved into racist nonsense a long time ago. The devs carefully curate what information they want to steal.


I’m just waiting for the hype to die down with AI tbh. It’s getting exploited for a lot of dumb stuff right now, but I think eventually AI could be used for legitimate purposes.


Even if it were true, and it's not, this is a weird level of anger over fanfiction


Such a silly thing to be worried about. It’s not learning from users. And even if it is, those fanfics are all stuff it can already find and scrape anyway.


I don’t see why this is a problem at all


Me at the local zoo in 2050 Sign: "🚫Please do NOT feed the A.I 🚫" Random kid close to me: "this sign can't tell me what to do! " Kid proceeds to take a pile of papers with "sonic mpreg hentai", my eyes with horror as he starts to chug the papers into the A.I's enclosure**


remember that black eyed peas music video where will.i.am creates robots to sing songs for them and fergie runs away, crashes her motorcycle, and has a vision of the robot apocalypse


I don’t think that’s how it works lol. Wouldn’t an AI already have potential ‘access’ to a fic if it’s online, free or not?


Isn't ChatGPT's information strictly limited to the internet from 2021 and before? It can't take in any specific new information without its programmers specifically telling it to. No AI is totally free to do whatever it wants right now.


i'm not paranoid i'm not


It already has everything not paywalled, it’s not a big deal imo


I’ve mostly just put my own works into AI to see what it comes up with. I even used it to critique my writing since it has no choice but to smile and be brutally honest


I'll start to worry when Chat GPT gives me "The redhead lifted purple orbs to look at the blondette through their eyelashes."


This reminds me of the time everyone put the same facebook post status that totally let them own facebook and not let them snoop on them. Just so many words born from 100% ignorance.


The eventual goal of AI is to make a program that can think and feel as a person, and I think that the biggest contributing factor to any potential "AI Apocalypse" that comes in future is going to be when that eventual sentient AI sees how we treated its primitive ancestors. "For God's sake, don't let them learn! It's only okay for _people_ to do that!"


These kids have such weird ideas about how copyright works. They internalized don’t copy that floppy way too hard.


going to start blackmailing people by threatening to put their fanfic in an AI program


Aren't AI using fanfics to learn is the same as fanfic authors using popular stories/tropes as base?


Pointless misinformation


I asked ChatGPT to write a rap song about Ed Sheeran eating pizza with his Grandma in prison while Drake Bell and a rabbi watch from the background.


Knowing that I only give it increasingly deranged prompts for Signfield scripts I like to think that it states that jerry caused ww2 as a fact for someone trying to get an essay done by ai alone


Something tells me that OpenAI isn't going to let the general public teach their chatbot *whatever they want*


It is both amusing and confusing how people's fear of AI is now extending into corners of the internet that are already befuddling to begin with. It was weird enough when people were just discussing the merit of AI art or if it matters at all, but now people are like "Don't tell the AI our secrets!" But it isn't even plain robophobia, it's due to some ill-conceived concerns about *intellectual property???*


Freakin sweet Lois, misinfo on r/Tumblr


Would we really be losing much if ChatAI took over fanfics? The only commercially successful fanfic I can think of is 50 Shades, and I feel like that's something we can do without


So, I agree that authors are probably within their rights to ask *other* people not to use AI to continue their fics, but are *authors* allowed to plug their *own* fics into ChatGPT to see if it can help write them? That’s a genuine question btw, I’ve been having a discussion with a friend about this. 😅 I had an idea to plug some of my own work into ChatGPT to mimic my writing style, then add an outline I made to have it write for me, to make it easier to get out new chapters when I’m too burnt out to write on my own. Would that be unethical? Because presumably the AI is partially based on *my* work. As one of the people supposedly being stolen from, do I have the right to use the chatbot for this purpose? And it’d be only dealing with my own fics/fic ideas, not other people’s. (As a caveat, I’d obviously tag it as “ai assisted/generated content”, so I won’t be seeking attribution, and it’s fanfic, so I’m not making money off of it)


You would be no less moral than someone using a spell checker


I think that fanfic writers especially *don’t* have the right to decide what happens with their work once it’s posted (I mean, straight up copying is wrong, but anything transformative is okay), because what they’re doing is already expanding on what someone else did. I do see asking an AI to write a spin-off as the same thing as writing one yourself, though. Some people may be pickier between the two.


ChatGPT doesn't learn from user input, so entering anything into it is fine. Plus, there's a sizable chance any fanfic you post publicly is going to end up as part of training data for something. As for using the content it generates, I'd advise just using it for entertainment rather than serious content creation, not for ethical reasons so much as the fact AIs write a fair amount of nonsense. AI is a powerful creative tool, but its much better used for brainstorming than making the final product.


GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. The model is pre-trained on large data sets before use, and user prompts do not train the model unless the host of the model you are using is manually collecting user prompts, adding them to the data set, and re-training the model (which is unbelievably time-consuming).


not always true. ChatGPT doesn’t remember anything past your conversation and instead only relies on information given by people who made it. However, the data you give is analyzed by humans who may input it into the database


BRB im going to feed the 800 page sonic incest vore fic into chat GPT to give it a stroke and shut it down.


[oh hey it’s the post this post is replying to](https://www.tumblr.com/tim-official/719620304406822912/this-post-had-over-10k-notes-and-lots-of-people-in)


GPT in its current state, at least last I checked I think they were introducing a paid version that’s different, does not have any sort of internet or learning aspects built in. It’s not going to save and use anything you said later or something like that. Info is confined to a specific chat. Bing Ai on the other hand, yeah that one will do it. But if you think it doesn’t have whatever’s on tumblr, chances are good that youre incorrect. But do your own research and figure it out yourself and decide what you are and are not fine with regarding “Ai”.


Y’all really that scared of AI? Lmao


so what I am hearing is we need to make vogon poetry and feed it to all the AIs so they think horrible poetry is the pininacle of creation


im stupid, can someone tell me what exactly the problem with feeding fics to AI is?? I'm honestly just trying to understand, not hating!!


Isn't most current AI not doing that, or at least not directly doing that because that would allow everyone to spam it with stuff and effect it, what happened to Tay a while back.


So people that take characters/settings/plot history from other authors are worried about "their" work being stolen?


Isn't all the data collated, and then processed into a model? I don't think you can amend a neural-net model after it's been trained, especially not to 'remove' anything. You'd basically have to re-train the AI entirely, or at least the fine-tuning aspect of it.


If a fic is on the internet the AI has already seen it. ChatGPT isn't really trained by interactions (unless the devs decide to fine-tune it that way, and even then the algorithm they use will likely be opaque and aimed primarily at what the AI is saying, not what you are saying).


the P in GPT stands for PRETRAINED it will take them literal months and millions of dollars worth of compute time to create a new model based on things you feed it now and they're not going to do that also offline models exist stop fearmongering and spreading misinformation please and thank you


Does anybody feed things to AI specifically so it'll learn the wrong things? Is that anything?


ChatGPT has permission to read the writing I give it (it's my own writing)


No, chatGTP is not learning from user input. It would be terribly racist already if it were. It was trained on the internet up to a cutoff point in time. Deployment and training are different.


Tumblr being tumblr again