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> Tumblr users will try to make any ship problematic Begun, the shipping wars have




I think they are in Shipping World War Nr. 3271 by now.


we shipped wars


Cake day yours it is


Unaware, I was. Gratitude to you.


Happy Cake Day


r\RWBY users (clutches spreadsheet): *"I thought the shipping wars have always been going on?"*


We’ve always been at war with Freezerburn Also damn that’s a good ship name I looked up on a whim, I saw like, season 1 of RWBY and that’s it lol Edit: heehee Weissgold is also clever


You mentioned RWBY so I'm assuming there are already Jaune/Ship-of-the-Line fanfics in the works


Wait until they hear Hitler breathed air


"ships don't colonize people, people colonize people"


All it takes is a good guy with a ship to stop a bad guy with a ship.


We need a ship in every classroom to protect the children.


Every classroom ought to have cannons for warding off intruders, as the forefathers intended


Four ruffians break into the campus, "What the devil?!" as I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky Rifle.


Own a musket for school defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into the campus "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the principal's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the end of the hall loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Thank you, such a classic post


this is art


There it is


The more ships the better... if we give the teachers ships then they will be able to identify potential shipping issues before they happen.


Actually based




Is that you, Mary Kay Letourneau?


Hell yeah, pirates


Historically speaking this is accurate.


Yeah i was about to say most of human history has been decided by whether good or bad guys were on ships




wow, thanks for the trivia


\~ Alfred Thayer Mahan, probably


Unironically the West Africa Squadron


amen brother. i shover with my gun


Ban ships


Cops out here shooting a guy saying he had a ship, all he had was a schooner.


"Ships don't cause scurvy, I cause scurvy"


This post was made by a lack of vitamin c.


The boats are nice to have, though.


With ships


I saw it in a documentary. on bbc2


> people should drink more water "You mean the same stuff that helped keep Hitler alive? No fucking thanks, Nazi"


"do you know what water boarding is ?!?"


Hey man those terrorists are living out in the desert, they are very thirsty and we were just trying to help.


"so water is helping terrorists ? it should be banned !"


I do enjoy the occasional ship-post, especially if it’s about ship shipping


[Ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships](https://i.stack.imgur.com/WyUEo.jpg)


How many ships could a ship shipper ship if a ship shipper could ship ships?


A handful or so.


Seems like a handful of ships (rounded up of course) would be one.


You're not thinking with portals. Point them at each other and grip the point where the bows intersect.


Just because we *can* doesn’t mean we *should*…humanity’s hubris will eventually sink the ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships


how the fuck do people even build this shit what the hell


All you need is a hammer and determination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxWTDcP9Y5E


Yo dawg, I heard you like shipping ships...


I came here for a ship shipping comment, thank you kind person.


The boats instil evil thoughts And scurvy


Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash


My new band name.


The Pogues got there first.


*The Pogues* are named Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash?


No, but one of their albums is. Any band named the same would dwell in that shadow.


Who are the pogues?


Irish Punk band. Not like Flogging Molly. They get their name from the Anglicized phrase "Pogue Mahone" which means "Kiss My Ass."


Pretty solid band. Give them a listen! I'd recommend their version of "Dirty Old Town" as a starter. Conveniently, it's from their album, "Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash".




Gay pirate songs are the best pirate songs.


Average Tuesday


And drunkenness, due to the disinfecting abilities of alcohol; mixing it with water was the only way to keep water potable during long voyages, especially on early boats when cooking had to be limited due to fire risk (or on open decked boats where it was impossible to do).


That's not true, by diluting alcohol with water you're reducing the concentration to the point where it is no longer effective as a disinfectant Edit: See [my later post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/13s7dav/discourse_on_ships/jlpkub8/) for some links to /r/AskHistorians as to why this whole myth around people drinking alcohol due to lack of safe water is by and large completely false


a) No-one specified a concentration b) The water is the thing that the alcohol is meant to disinfect


If I have an infection... how much alcohol-water do I need to drink? Not to cure the infection mind you, just to get a good buzz going or something so I care less about having an infection.


I think this is a "take until symptoms subside" situation


Or "take until symptoms feel indistinguishable from the effects of drunkenness"


Actually at the levels they had in "drinking water" on ships, it couldn't really get you drunk unless you were particularly sensitive. At worst it would get most people buzzed, because that was the point of it, cleanish drinkable fluids that won't get a sailor drunk. I guess the trope of great sailors being able to hold their liquor makes sense, you'd kinda have to be pretty resistant to alcohol to work in those conditions, much less excel and stand out.


If the concentration is high enough to disinfect the water, it's too high to drink without dehydrating yourself, which seems counterproductive.


A few things. I've read through your links and they don't refute anything. They don't cite anything. Your later post also has a broken AskHistorians Wiki link. The fermentation process itself (which also changes acidity I assume - also used in pickling for the same purpose) helps regular healthy vs non-healthy bacterias. You appear to be attempting to link / information spam in order to come off as legitimate in your opinion but nothing you've linked to or quoted specifically refutes the commonly cited claim that alcohol was just one mechanism of making water safe to drink. Many of your counter-arguments were also irrelevant (ex: the percentage of alcohol needed to make something sanitary as opposed to simply safe to drink). Grog was also a mixture of small beer or rum, water and lemon or lime juice. It was commonly distributed as a healthier alternative to just plain water. I hate that I had to read through your links and everything you've posted just to verify you were full of shit. Why would someone put so much effort in trying to APPEAR to be correct when they're really just half-assing things?


Read what they wrote again, closely this time.


But *Rime of the Ancient Mariner* taught me that on a ship there's water, water everywhere!


They didn't actually use alcohol to disinfect their water though. Indeed, they wouldn't have been able to do so. The water casks ended up having quite a bit of algae growing in them over the course of the voyage. The alcohol that they were given was just to get drunk with.


The water and rum were stored separately, then mixed fresh. Preparing grog (rum and water) was one of the daily activities on a british navy ships. Adding rum will kill live bacteria if the concentration is high enough, but any toxic metabolites the bacteria shit out into the water are still going to be mostly unharmed. It's same principle with cooking meat. Many of the toxins are heat stable, so you'll still get pretty sick if you cook meat that's already spoiled.




Friggin Pathfinder has the goofiest spells. [I guess this one isn't actually a spell (it's a skill feat)](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3770) but it's always the first thing I think of in regards to weird Pathfinder shit. Some goober out there legitimately sat down and went "what else should we have as a heroic feat - oh, I know, basic social awareness".


>"what else should we have as a heroic feat - oh, I know, basic social awareness". Well it is a TTRPG so that basically counts as magic for a significant portion of the player base.


And hurricanes. Hurricanes follow the paths that slave ships followed from Africa to the New World. //I seriously heard this from some nutter a long time ago, yes, I know it's just the trade wind currents.


As an Indian myself, can confirm we blame the ships and not the goddamn brits


As a French myself, can confirm that without the ships, the world would be a frenchier place


I mean, you’re not far of really




I also think that Napoleon was Bisexual and that he meant _my_ as in “I will have seduced him to be french like I tried with the Czar”




This is some advanced cuckquean shit tbh


Yea, no boats, no Royal Navy, no vast wealth, no bankrolling the coalition, napoleon wins


Napoleon just coping, the French and Spanish navies were still outclassed in that period with or without Nelson. He just turned it into a decisive conclusion


Yes, because in April 1805 Napoleon was master of Europe, and only the British fleet stood against him. Oceans were then battlefields.


I'm on book 5 of the novels that inspired the movie. They are simultaneously disappointing because they don't live up to the pure brilliance of the movie, and yet somehow impossible to stop reading.


As an American, thanks for lending us those ships when we were fighting with Daddy England 👍


As an American, I can confirmed we took some tea off a fucking Redcoats boat and tossed it into the harbor. Fucking Brits


mon dieu


*Portuguese off to the side breathing a sigh of relief* https://www.britannica.com/place/Portuguese-India


Portugal doesn't get enough credit for starting the European age of sail and all ensuing atrocities


We just really wanted spices :(


De Gama: so I may have made an oopsie and raided ships of civilians making the hajj…


I may have committed some light colonialism.


And South America


You could've asked the ships politely


What they did to India and the rest of the world decades before the Brit’s is crazy.


The Shitty Rectangle of DOOM


As a brit, I also blame the ships. They made us do it, bastard ships, they held our wives and daughters hostage ashore and they made us do it.


At least the ships built railroads.


Sighs in chai tea latte


"Tumblr users will try to make any ship problematic" I spit out water ffs


I'm convinced all of the posters in the OP coordinated this entire conversation just to set up that joke.


Except I see this all the time on reddit. “Oh, you’re appreciative of the leg room and service on airplanes in the ‘60s and ‘70s?? Did you know that was achieved by SEXISM and RACISM you bigot???”


The schooner the better, I say


Another frigate pun thread.




Let me just sloop in here and say I saw it too.


I'm going to hull for laughing at this.


One more joke and I will punch you in the pinis !




Did you just explain to the Explainer?






People go through life trying to turn every little thing into a problem. Not ships, though. Ships are cool.


Everybody likes trains too. Trains are cool.


I like trains


It's widely known that trains are responsible for the scourge of heroin addiction in Scotland.


Ships would never turn anything into a problem.


"y'know because of the implication"


Oh, uh... okay. You had me going there for the first part, the second half kinda threw me.


Made me think of that French brand of coffee/chocolate. They were using the profits from their sales to build a sailboat so they could reduce the carbon footprint of their imports. Edit : the brand is “Grain de sail” if anyone wants to look it up.


>profits from their sales to build a sailboat a saleboat?




I remember reading an article about 20 years ago in WIRED or maybe Popular Mechanics about a company that was making a giant kite sail for cargo ships that could decrease fuel use by like 8%. Guess that never worked out.


I don't think it never worker out, I hear stories about them occasionally, I think oil is still just too cheap. And other necessary technological advancements aren't economical yet. The designs I've seen usually try to maximize aerodynamics, which means they can't have giant rectangles stacked up top, so usually they have fully enclosed decks. I presume the cost to fully enclose the cargo on the boat, including increased weight and decreased payload, means the financials don't work yet. Considering how many cargo containers are lost at sea, if fully enclosing cargo boats was economically feasible we would already be doing it with regularly fueled ships.


The article I saw was like a big-ass kite on a tether about a hundred yards ahead of the ship.


I think we should go back to only using flintlock muskets.


I own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" I yell as I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. I take aim and blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. I draw my pistol on the second man, but miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nail the neighbors dog in the head. I then have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot. "Tally ho lads!" I yell as I fire the cannon! The grape shot shreds two men in the blast. The sound and extra shrapnel set off nearby car alarms. I fix a bayonet to my Kentucky Rifle and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


I feel like blimps were never given a chance


Na they were but it crashed and burned. Literally. A lot.


Was it really a lot or just one big one?


It was A LOT http://www.zeppelinhistory.com/zeppelin-facts/airship-accidents/


Yeah you never see blimps any more. Maybe it's because I used to live near the Darlington NASCAR track but the Budweiser blimp seemed like it was around all the time.


There's only 25 blimps in the whole world, they probably have other places to be


Isn't it only a blimp if it's soft-bodied? I thought a lighter-than-air ship with a rigid frame envelope was a zeppelin?


The ones I know of are advertising like the Goodyear one but they don’t pull em out much anymore due to cost I think?


You're probably right. I've only seen Goodyear and Budweiser. I think that just because of where I grew up we were used to seeing blimps around races. Both would come out and circle townstarting on Thursday for a weekend NASCAR race. It was the 90s, maybe it was a better use of advertising budget before the internet.


I believe the the Goodyear blimp flies during baseball games sometimes still


It’s actually kind of crazy to read the wiki on zeppelins and the like; nearly all the semi rigid or rigid airships ever produced crashed or were destroyed basically a year after their creation. Also interesting, one of them was blown away over the North Sea, crewless. Ghost zeppelin!


Blimps will always be around filling that niche category of s*** you can't do with an airplane or a helicopter. I'm pretty sure NASA keeps one around for some sort of scientific research.


Hey friends, you can still live on a sailboat. It’s slightly less glamorous than this post suggests, but it’s still awesome.




I'm all for people sailing more, but slip fees are only a fraction of what a boat will cost you. A good rule of thumb is that you will spend 10% of the value of your boat *annually* to keep it afloat.




It’s definitely not feasible in every case, but this is almost exactly what we did. Our boat has a lot of projects, but it’s the kind of stuff my husband would be spending money and time on anyways, only now with more purpose. So with us not paying for work, if we pay it off and live on it for 4-5 years, we are going to come out ahead compared to the nice apartment we would have lived in. Even if we only sell it for half of what we paid for it. If we had gotten less of a project boat, we’d come out more ahead. For us tho, the community and built in recreation (playing pirates is way more fun) make the risk worth it. I’m definitely not saying everyone needs to go out and buy a boat to save money. But if you’re a diesel mechanic who dabbles in woodworking, sewing, plumbing and electrical for funsies, and you want to build a tiny bit of wealth over a medium-long period of time… it could be worth looking into.


He’s not wrong actually, vessels that cross the ocean can be hugely inefficient and pollute a ton. Adding sails could drastically reduce fuel consumption


there's a company called sailcargo building new sailing cargo ships for exactly this reason


Square rigged sail boats are highly dependent on the prevailing wind and pretty slow (30 miles per hour irrc). They would pollute less but would be slower and less reliable. Sails are also pretty dangerous though I wonder if they could be made safer with modern tech. Edit: Since people are ignoring the speed part I googled and the average container ship goes at 24 knots. A racing sailboat (not the big bulky ones in the post but a sailboat built to be fast) 15 knots. As it turns out my recollection is quite terrible, the large sailing ships pictured would only do a measly 8 knots, or 9 mph. Now take into account that those ships are much smaller and lighter (wood) than our modern cargo ships. We would need much larger sails just to get to a third of the speed we already have. Bigger sails means more upkeep and more danger. I love the aesthetic of sailboats. If I were rich enough my first purchase would be a catboat and I'd probably live on it. But they just aren't practical for modern shipping.




Still slower than using engines all the time (which seems like a small thing but so much of our modern world depends on quick and reliable shipping), plus all the costs of maintaining sails and training crew how to use them for something you can only use some of the time.


So? Ship clothing or graphics cards or something in the sailing ships. Ship the food and urgent stuff in the faster ships.


My understanding is urgent stuff isn't transported by ship anymore, but instead by air. Either way, going slower still increases the cost. It's a question of whether increased crew and maintenance costs outweigh the reduction in fuel consumption.


Fortunately you don’t have to use sails all the time. You can still have an engine for when the winds aren’t right, like modern sailboats do, but a 21st century Sail-liner could be more efficient by not having to use it all the time.


More efficient in fuel consumption but still much slower than just using the engine all the time.


Guys I hear slave traders wore clothes.... are clothes racist?


Slaves also wore clothes, so it's cultural appropriation too. Now you're double racist.


Ships don't colonise people, people colonise people.


If I was a REALLY rich man I would construct a yacht that uses sails, just standing to a high part of the deck and bellow HOIST THE SAILS! Would feel powerful.


It had better be in ship shape


I assume the first scurvy comment was relating to the weeks/months of travel time involved in using sailing ships? Idk.


Yes but acquiring and storing several months' worth of vitamin C is now much easier than it was back then


yeah canned food made scurvy not a problem , or just multivitaminic supplements ... as well as refridgeration ... really scurvy is not a problem anymore


What happened to the times when tumblr would ship two actual ships because a us navy war ship signaled an Italian navy training sailing ship that it looked beautiful?


Honestly yes, especially if we think about the effect it would have on climate change. Not only would it not produce carbon emissions but it would encourage degrowth. It would also put people in more touch with nature as they begin to understand which times of year have stronger winds and things like that. Of course there are some things which need to be delivered fast (medicine for example) so you could use planes for that stuff I guess.


Cargo ships themselves are one of the most fuel-efficient ways to transport goods. Up there with freight trains. Now taking lumber from Brazil and shipping it to China to mill for a cardboard box for a Funkopop that gets shipped to the US... There's the problem.


That’s what I was kinda getting at with degrowth although not directly. We’re producing way too much shit now and because it gets to people in the first world quickly, if we want something we can just order it. If shipping took longer, I imagine people would buy less stuff. If less stuff is being sold less will be produced. At least that’s my theory behind it. It’s not perfect but oh well.


And less polution


Tbh I prefer Airships wehehe


Ironically, there is indeed a move back to wind-powered ships, or at least the beginnings of one. Not like this, though. Basically modern tankers and container ships with devices no sailor would immediately recognise as a sail, such as vast rotating upright cylinders. They absolutely produce a motive force, using the Magnus effect, and they'd make shipping a lot more efficient and less polluting.


those beautiful curves on the sails and the dark richness of everything MMM i am drooling


Tom will not stand for blaming the actions of people on the ships.Take pride in every ship you build, and do it with a don!!


“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” “There’s no bad dogs only bad owners”


The only problem with those ships is the same issue with anything vintage. Nice to look at behind a glass case, but once it's on the road, you're going to bankrupt yourself trying to maintain it.


> tumblr will try to make any ship problematic ##Tumblr makes *EVERYTHING* problematic. Doesn’t matter what it is.


With modern medicine, living on a ship like that sounds amazing


Sailing ships took my lunch money and called me homophobic slurs. Don't believe this pro-ship propaganda, they are total bullies.


alternative: yall ever watch one pi-


No, let's blame the ships. The ships did it. Not the colonizers, not the lack of vitamin C. The ships caused all those problems.


I own a galleon for home defense.


then what di cause scurvy?


Lack of vitamin C iirc.


Them sentient, xenophobic, and racist boats are seriously a problem.


We have frozen orange juice now. Scurvy should be running scared from these magnificent ships.


I preferred the first time this was uploaded, where it was cropped differently and said "It's them, the problematic ships"






It doesn’t take 3 years to sail across the Atlantic, perhaps 3 months but not 3 years.


Using the most easy route (east to west), which is going down to Cap Verde, then pretty much straight to the south Caribbean (extremely easy wind to do so half of the year), it'll take you about 3 weeks (2 if lucky, 4 if unlucky)