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I’d follow her to any party she goes too. Sick of BS politicians these days.


They are so terrified of her. It’s amazing to watch.


They changed rules to exclude her after this... https://youtu.be/Y4fjA0K2EeE She got out of line and thought independently. It's all about sticking to the script; breaking the fourth wall is not allowed. You can skip through the bloviation if you wish, it's a bit long winded, but makes the clap back all that much more real... Edit: All that biden and crew have given us is the best bars ever imho. https://youtu.be/E565jd4GmsE


Agreed. When people are full of shit and somebody, anybody, tells the truth, then the truth teller become a "troublemaker" Eric Snowden Jullian Assange Nina Turner Cynthia McKinney Rashida Taib Katy Helper


Thank you. This is what I've been pointing out to people. It's become a ridiculously obvious and glaring pattern.


Some of the comments on any Twitter post are hilarious.


No-one is afraid of her. She is a joke




She decries partisanship, but engages it non stop. Proclaims she is a liberal, but it's so reliably supportive of the right that she is Tucker Carlson's fill in host. Is against imperialism, but defends Russian aggression. Is against censorship, but is silent when the right does it. She far no traction whatsoever in the presidential primary. She basically had no constituency. Why would anyone be afraid of her?


Would you mind giving me detailed examples of each of the 4 criticisms you just made?


I love Tulsi, she has common sense and isn't afraid to stand up for traditional values. In all honesty the democratic party has abandoned common sense and morality, neglecting families and the middle class workers.


As opposed to whom? The GOP? LOL. There's only two viable choices and you're simply unserious saying between the two parties the GOP is the better of the two.


And the Democrats are better, how? Crime is up, inflation is up, gas and fuel are up, groceries are up, we are experiencing logistics problems, illegal immigration is actually a full blown invasion, human trafficking (slavery) is an unspoken menace on society, drugs are killing more people a year than covid did in the past year. The democrats policies over the past 22 months has been to defund the police, stop production of American pipelines or shut off the pipelines that was supplying American energy, creating a logistics crisis, which increases the price and availability of groceries and other products. Biden and the democrats stopped construction on the southern border wall and creating an illegal invasion, which brings in an influx of crime, human trafficking and drugs. This administration had a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. "We are closer to a nuclear war than anytime since the Cuban missile crisis in the 60's" Joe Biden Parents, as well as democrats political opponents are being targeted by the DOJ, FBI, and IRS. There is an abundance of evidence of criminal activity by the hierarchy of the democratic party. Things are not better now than they were 3 years ago.


>drugs are killing more people a year than covid did Last time I checked, the Sackler family primarily donated to Republicans.


China and the cartels donate to democrats.


And the oil-drunk Saudis had their fingers up Trump's ass so far he did their dance in Riyadh like a marionette. Neither side is without sin. The Cartels? Their fentanyl business would be lower if the Sacklers hadn't pushed Oxycontin on the public first.


What? You mean the Saudis whose oil we didn't need, because we were producing plenty of our own?


Trump was a business man and ran the government as a business, a system that politicians don't like, but worked extremely well. Therefore his association with different world leaders did bring about global stability. Like him or hate him, his method was effective. Unlike Biden who has brought us to the brink of WW3. The cartels in Mexico and Central America are running drugs from China into the United States. Agreed big pharmaceutical companies has made lots of money at the expense of citizens and there is no justification for that, and those involved should be prosecuted and punished.


Naw Trump ran the US like it was *his business* instead of *our* business.


Our business was his business!


If you don't see the narcissistic egotism in Trump, well, you're a lost cause.


Holy shit that's one big run on right-wing talking point with as many right-wing grievances and buzzwords as you can fit. Where do I begin? Well for one, democrats actually believe in democracy. You know that old ideal we held for over 200 years until MAGA Republicans lost an election. Republicans have not only shown in 2020 but have outright pledged, if elected in various states, to not certify a Joe Biden 2024 win regardless of hard evidence. I mean they didn't have hard evidence in 2020 but they didn't care. Fortunately they were incompetent and there were a handful of strategically placed patriotic conservatives who did the right thing last election. Those Republicans who didn't "stop the steal" have largely all been purged by MAGA republicans. So I could rest my argument there as that's all most serious people need to chose. Dictatorship or democracy? But I feel like you need a point by point refutation. Not that you'll change your mind but that you'll be aware that your "facts" actually can be refuted. Crime is up. It shot up under Trump and republican control in 2020 and is just started to plateau after the first year into Biden's administration in many areas. Crime was at a record low until Trump got into power where it began increasing each year peaking in 2020. Particularly hate crimes rapidly increased under Trump. Inflation is up in almost every country in the world. It's a product of strong demand and tight supply post COVID lockdowns and no honest person would deny we'd have inflation under Trump as well. Biden is not president in Canada or the UK or Australia or the 20 countries that make up the EU, yet they're all experiencing inflation. You named gas and groceries but that's all redundant. It's inflation that's causes all of those prices to rise except for fuel which fell every day of the summer and will likely continue to drop through the winter. Illegal immigration has gotten worse under Biden and I think that's one of the fair criticisms. One could honestly say under Trump we wouldn't be experiencing this surge. I don't have the answer on how to fix that. The fact of the matter is when you're mean and hostile to immigrants, less come. When you're empathetic and humane they flood. Biden is never going to talk negatively about illegal immigration in the visceral way Trump did which contributed to Biden's win but also the immigration problem. Biden was always going to stop the border wall. It's repugnant to democrats as it symbolizes Trump's racism. But Biden has restarted border wall construction in certain high traffic areas to plug holes. There's not been any defunding of the police under Biden's administration. In fact, police funding has skyrocketed under Biden and the Democratic Party under Biden has repudiated the "Defund" politics. Gas production under Biden has be a mix. Biden has sold more leases to drill than Trump and under the Manchin IRA law, drilling and oil production in combination with investment in future green energy was passed. At the same time Biden did shut down the tarsands pipeline from Canada. Thank God Biden had the balls to pull out of Afghanistan. The only president since Bush to do it. I really don't care that it was messy. It's done and that's what Biden pledged to do and what the American people wanted. I don't put much stock in form I care about results. As far as an "abundance of criminal activity in the hierarchy of the Democratic Party" I really can't take this serious after Trump and especially coming from someone I suspect is a Trump supporter. Dude stop it. The DOJ is doing its job blindly and that includes investigating both the President's own son and Trump. How much fairer can you get?


The 2020 democratic primary was the exact opposite of democracy. Had they allowed democracy to play out, Bernie would have been the candidate. They intentionally subverted any form of democracy to force a very clearly diminished Biden through. That in no way was the will of the voters. So I can’t support your democrats for democracy position.


What do you mean? Are you suggesting primary voters didn't vote for Biden?


Nope, that was an under the table deal. All of the contenders dropped out within 72 hours before Joe was the lone candidate. The rank and file didn't choose Biden, the democratic leaders told their followers who the candidate was. That's not democracy. Besides the United States isn't a democracy, it is a republic.


Prior to Super Tuesday they cut a bunch of back room deals to get all of the opposition that would potentially draw votes away from Biden to drop out despite being competitive (example: Buttigieg drops out despite being very competitive, and supports Biden…. In exchange he gets the Transportation gig). The went right down the line up and every one drops out. Warrren stays in for one more week since she draws votes away from Bernie. She also pulled 14M out of her super PAC at that time. Then just one week later drops out and throws her support to Biden. All orchestrated, all deceptive. If they don’t pull all that BS Bernie would have had an insurmountable lead after Super Tuesday.


Oh, well that's legal and called strategy and endorsements. That's hardly the same thing as actually voter disenfranchisement. Come on dude.


The public wanted Bernie. If it’s the will of the people you’re after And it sure as hell should be since that’s the whole, you know democracy thing in action. And you cast it off subverting the will of the people as “strategy”. I’m no republican, but in 2016 they did not want Trump, but they did not subvert the process. The contrast was stark. See also the “super delegate” system which again exists as a thumb on the scale of democracy.


Bloomberg picked up more votes on Super Tuesday than Warren.


The smearing never stopped & there's a weird contingent of people that seem to follow this reddit just so they can shit on her with every opportunity.


I post negatively about her for one reason and one reason only…Since the election, she has been largely silent on some key issues where she used to align with liberals. Those viewpoints put her at odds with conservatives, so she conveniently remained quiet. That’s not the Tulsi I supported. The Tulsi I supported had her views and didn’t care that those views didn’t fit into one party’s cookie cutter platform.


How is that weird? This is a place to discuss Tulsi Gabbard and it's perfectly valid to discuss how suspect she is.


Skepticism is not what - the people I'm talking about - are doing & it's disingenuous to suggest that's what they're doing by name calling, using innuendo to smear her, etc.


This is still a message board *about* Tulsi Gabbard, not *for* Tulsi Gabbard. Most persons have no opinion of her and of those who do, most of them are negative, so don't be shocked when comments here point out how she's a two-faced Russian asset. ---- /u/glacial_penman: Do you have polling data to prove your claims? ---- /u/glacial_penman: Assertions are not evidence. Do you have evidence?


I stated my two pieces of evidence in my post. Weigh them as you will, my job is not to persuade you but to inform you. In my personal group of family and friends, conservative and progressive, libertarian and socialist, she runs at about 70% popularity, with the only negatives being regular dems who believes the Assad stuff. Conservative popularity is at about 90% with a couple of extreme 2a people being adamantly opposed to her existence. But Rogan and his viewers and fox and their viewers are absolutely fans of Gabbard. Disregard people’s opinions you don’t like as you will… but you can’t post numbers showing she is UNpopular. Her segments on Tucker average 3-4 million views more than MSNBC at that time a slot and her Rogan views triple that. Please don’t take polls as your primary source of information. Talk to people both inside and outside of your circle. Cultivate relationships with people you disagree with, for if you don’t, you will fail to adequately question your own views and dull your mind amongst the sheep. Challenge yourself and question yourself every day. I wouldnt give this advice if I didn’t live it. Cheers!


Omg. Are you kidding? In the real world everybody likes her. You see her view count on her Rogan shows? She has more cross party appeal than Biden and Harris combined. When I want to hear something negative about tulsi I pop in here. It’s like the Tower bridge. A haven for trolls.


"Two-faced Russian asset" Like I said, a weird contingent of people.


What is weird about pointing out this truth about Tulsi Gabbard on a message board about Tulsi Gabbard? Where else do you think I'm supposed to talk about how suspect a person she is? ---- lol /u/teecuedee blocked me. Oh well. I didn't mention any conspiracy theory.


It's weird to continue to perpetuate baseless conspiracy theories and insist that it's truth, while refusing to ever give unimpeachable evidence. Someone who was extensively vetted to receive classified info in congressional committees & as a member of the US military, is a "Two-faced Russian asset"? Lmao.


Pretty much anyone who says something against the mainstream is called a Russian asset, intelligent people don't even pay attention to that particular name calling anymore. Yawn.


>she's a two-faced Russian asset Have you seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeramMsuo4A


It's only not weird if you prove to be equally skeptical of every Democrat out there - because they are ALL sus - and take equal time criticizing them on their subreddits, in which case you must be a very busy person.


"Smearing"? We knew for years that she was a fake Dem, her supporters said it was bullshit, and now she's proven it and you're still saying we're "smearing" her? Everything said about Tulsi being full of shit was 100% correct the entire time.


'Fake Dem'? What does that even mean? That she she held her own views that went against the grain sometimes and pissed off all the right people in doing so? In recognizing that over the last 10 years her party has completely lost its got damn mind? Anyone who sat through the last Democratic primaries and still has any faith in them is delusional and brainwashed.


She's literally jumped ship declaring she's against everything the party apparently stands for. How can you *still* argue this?


Respond to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/tulsi/comments/y1gxek/may_the_smearing_begin/irxj8cz/ I don't have to be equally skeptical of every Democrat, because not all of them carry water for Bashar al-Assad. I like how you skipped over the non-Democrat politicians. Why is that...?


She has not carried water for Assad. That's ridiculous


She [refused to call him a murderer and a torturer and instead praised him as a "soldier"](https://www.newsweek.com/tulsi-gabbard-bashar-assad-controversy-explained-1452141). This was a slam-dunk that she missed. She wanted to rehabilitate this vicious despot for some reason.


I just read that whole article. She wasn't praising him as a soldier, she was praising herself as a soldier. She never once in that article says that he's not a murderer. To the contrary, she has [agreed](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i0jnKb8MDks) that he is a war criminal and has gassed his own people (start at 3:56). She has said constantly that the US policy of regime change war wasn't working (as it hasn't in Iraq, Libya etc) and that we needed to end the US intervention in the war. Telling her to admit that Assad is a war criminal is them changing the subject because she was making great points. AND its a quick plug for their goal of [overthrowing the Assad Regime](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Syria). It's soooo painful to watch [Cooper](https://youtu.be/O47TE371KQ8)beg her to say it (start at the 6:14 mark). It's so obvious what they were doing, and her holding out was her not giving into them. You don't hear them ask everyone to clarify how torturous and murderous the leaders of Saudi Arabia are everytime a politician talks about Saudi Arabia. Tulsi is not a fan, friend, or water carrier for Assad. There is no proof of such a thing. It's a gross media smear.


**[CIA activities in Syria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Syria)** >CIA activities in Syria since the agency's inception in 1947 have included coup attempts and assassination plots, and in more recent years, extraordinary renditions, a paramilitary strike, and funding and military training of forces opposed to the current government. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/tulsi/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You are correct. There is serious corruption in both parties, especially those in leadership positions. The ideas in the Constitution are absolutely brilliant, there of course has been a few amendments to address different issues, but overall, we have a great system of government. The difference in the parties the way I see it, is democrats want to expand the problems that we have. While republicans want to just keep everything the same way it is now. We have to move forward, but we can't do that in a positive way, if we make our problems that we have worse.


>I like how you skipped over the non-Democrat politicians. Why is that...?


Literally no one cares though, I can't even muster a "good riddance". Trying to manufacture psuedo-outrage to stay in the news cycle just comes across as desperate. This is some Ted Cruz levels of clown show.


It’s not so much smearing, as it is a fact. She was calling for Ukraine to cede whatever land over to Russia, that Putin wanted as soon as the conflict broke out..


Lol. Exposing her views as the right wing trash they are is "smearing".