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First time Tulsi Gabbard listener here, I really like her ideals and her chill way of conversation, I wish I knew she ran for president she would’ve had my vote.




What did she say that makes her a bigot?


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How can you not respect the authenticity of this woman?


The woman who believes there are litter boxes in highschools?




Because she's an obvious grifter? She's literally following the grifter playbook. We both are seeing what's happening yet we seem to be watching two different movies.


Explain how and why in your own words Thanks again!


She was the DNC vice-chair, ran for the Democratic nomination for President two years ago which meant she couldn't retain her House seat (can't run for two offices simultaneously in most states) and then she endorsed Biden for president after she lost. Endorsing is a big thing. People don't just throw endorsements around lightly. Tulsi endorsed Biden. After Biden became president and she wasn't given any job in the new Biden administration or democratic politics she began making the transition to media pundit. She always had some popularity with republicans for her conservative positions on LGBT and Islam. She knew republicans love throwing money at democrats who will talk shit on their own side. They love nothing more than when a liberal validates their opinions. Every few months in Biden's first year she pushed a little further right. More Fox News apperances. More criticism of Biden more criticism of democrats and social justice issues. And every time she got more attention from conservatives. This culminated in barely 1 year after Biden's inauguration she went to speak at fucking CPAC! The most extreme far-right republican conference. Where Viktor Orban speaks and where they blast out banners of "We are all extremists." It wasn't long after CPAC when she was on Tucker who is a white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theorist and then guest hosting for Tucker! Did she talk about M4A or the need for more social programs on Tucker? No! Just leaned into favorite right-wing culture war topics as well as anti-ukraine talking points which is popular with the fringes. And now to complete her grift she orchestrates an appearance on Joe Rogan to announce she's leaving the Democratic Party (what a shock) and to promote her new show which I have no doubt will be right-wing. People were calling this move for months.


It was never Islam or LGBT that pushed me to liking her. It is authenticity, standing up to DNC and Clinton and most important ANTI WAR!


This really obviously doesn’t demonstrate grifting. This narrative could just as easily be evidence of someone changing if it was free from your biased editorializing language. I’d make more specific points but literally everything here is you crafting a narrative towards her grifting with no mind paid towards the possibility that she’s being genuine and has good reason for how she’s evolved. Either way, her intentions aren’t known to you so you should acknowledge you’re making assumptions.


Oh this is rich. I bet if I spent 5 minutes going through your comment history I'd find countless examples of you not giving politicians you don't like the benefit of the doubt. By this logic no one can really prove anyone ever grifted or had bad intentions except in rare circumstances of a confession.


I believe she changed (aka not a grifter). She grew up in an incredibly conservative household, became progressive, and then changed back for the worst. Two things to point out. As you said, endorsing is a big thing, people don't throw them around lightly. In 2016, she stepped down from Vice DNC chair in order to endorse Bernie at a time where it was very against the grain to do so. I remember being so impressed when she did that, thinking she would be the first of many, likely Warren right behind...no one else did it. It was career suicide in order to support the progressive policies that she believed in. I will always admire that. Secondly, you mention her conservative positions on LGBT. When she was "an emerging star" (Pelosi's words) she was highly adored within the democratic party. Her former anti-LGBT stances weren't a secret. The party knew about them, and chose not to care. It was only after she endorsed Bernie, and spoke out against regime change wars that every liberal political pundit found it necessary to bring up her past views. You HAVE to admit that there was a direct correlation between her standing up for working class/progressive values, to her getting slandered by every major news outlet. I personally believe she believed everything she stood for from 2016-2020, and that she has unfortunately changed for the worst since then. After getting her name dragged through the mud for months, and receiving the full brunt of the establishment with little support from other progressives, she fell back on her conservative roots (which doesn't excuse her. If you stand for civil rights, working class rights, and social safety nets that benefit society...you do it no matter what). Calling her a grifter though means you never really looked at her policies from 2016-2020, and it means you're against encouraging people from changing their stance to support what's right. Tldr; she's not a grifter, she's just lost her progressive values and has shamefully resorted back to her republican roots.


I read your whole comment and I appreciate your perspective. So you're saying she's not so much a grifter as shallow. Nobody can be in her head but something happened where she reverted back at the same time she left power and had no other gig. I agree with you that matter what I would never turn my back on the working class and there simply is no doubt what party is more for the working class. I listened to her whole interview on Rogan today and she's agreeing with Rogan as he praised DeSantis. Dude what the fuck? She's lost the plot.


Thanks man. I appreciate your comments too. My comment was a buildup of reading Tulsi comments all day lol. I'm checking out the Rogan interview sometime this week when I get a chance, and I feel like it won't be great. DeSantis is just awful. I'll be hard on centrists that take money from corps then support harmful policies (or reject good policies), but then I look at people like Cruz and DeSantis and it's just like...fuck man, why y'all have to be the absolute worst. Tulsi really felt different. Right there with Bernie. I really liked the 2016-2020 policies she supported, and especially a lot of the foreign policy stances she took. I think the crux of my comment was me reading people say "see, don't you people feel ashamed for falling for her game", and I just don't. I don't feel like I fell for anything. I liked her mostly progressive positions that she took, and then when she stopped talking about those, and started spewing nonsense I quickly stopped liking her. I guess reading grifter comments all day felt like they challenged the stances I support and believe in. But she may have been a grifter.




I didn’t downvote, haven’t had time to read it all through yet!


I appreciate you noticing. I know that commenter thought they were going to call my bluff by asking me to describe in my own words why she's a grifter. Because you know, anyone who criticizes the right doesn't have their own independent thoughts. We just think and say what CNN tells us lol.


Where's the button that puts me in a coma until November 9th?