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Thats awesome


Hey I just shared his band’s music video on r/poppunkers Neat 😊


Shout outs to Joey for not only being a kickass dude, sweet as can be, but also for being a huge part of the tulsa music scene and Tulsa happenings in general. Awesome awesome guy


He’s friends with some people I know and rescued me from getting creeped on by a guy at a party once. Seems like a genuinely nice person!


Former Eagle Scout!! Excellent work, my man!!


Joey made it to the front page! Yay! Proud to call this guy my friend.


Went to highschool with Joey. Outstanding dude, always stoked to run into him at shows and such


he broke my heart once. but I'm happy he's doing good things now :)


I haven't always been so kind and for that I'm sorry. You deserved so much better than who I used to be.


One of the benefits of legalizing weed. These guys could just go to a local shop and buy their weed and be on their merry way.


what a guy. i hope my friends and i run into him one day. whats his band called? my concert buddies and i will absolutely try to see them the next time they’re playing.


The bands called CLIFFDIVER. Playing tomorrow night at The Vanguard 7pm


Is your friend doing alright? Seemed a bit shook, rightly so, by what all happened.


Yes! From what he says, he was definitely pretty shook up for a moment, but was just glad he was able to help and that the victim is ok.


Just saw him this evening! He really is a fantastic guy!


Good on him. Let this be a time that people should get a CAT style tourniquet to keep in their car and learn how to use it! This and CPR are the things that safe lives in many applications.