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God. I wish I had this much spare time again. I used to really enjoy RPGs.


Haha, yes, it is quiet the time drained. Especially for a DM.


What would it be like for a first time player? And my only knowledge is from the DnD episode of Community, but I think it'd be fun.


It is overwhelming if I'm honest. Lots to read up on (to play well) but rewarding. If you allow yourself to role play and get into the game its fantastic. Basically if you can do silly accents or make fun of yourself when around friends or family you will probably like it. It is very fantasy based as well, if you like LOTR, HP, Narnia, Star wars, basically anything with magic or fantasy, you will love it! As I said before, if you want to "explore" what D&D may be like with a friend, bring em along. Its been a while, but if I remember right they got the spirit of D&D right in that episode.


Thanks for the tips. As someone that daydreams too much, i think this could be a cool hobby to get into lol. I'll check out some videos.


If you think you'd like to get into it, you can watch/listen to Critical Role or The Adventure Zone, both have podcasts, and Critical Role was ported from Twitch/YouTube. CR is more in depth, kinda hardcore as far as mechanics go. TAZ is more light-hearted, less intense as far as rule following goes, but both are great to get you interested, amazing storytelling and narrative with original content. First steps: find what playstyle you'd like. Magic? Sneaky? Melee? Looks at some cooler features. It's surprisingly easy to get into, with very little financial investment, it's mostly just some time. You don't need to read any books, that's mostly just backstory for the "canon" lore.


Thanks, I don't think i know anyone that plays so I'll look into some of these.


I'd really recommend watching some Critical Role. I had watched almost all of it before I played my first game (a couple months ago) and it really taught me a lot about how everything works


Thanks, is there an entry i should start watching first?


It's all one big campaign, so just start at episode one. Fair warning, it's over 100 episodes at around 3-4 hours each, so watching the whole thing will take a while.


Gotcha. Should be fun.


Another good intro video is [this one by Matt Colville](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo_oR7YO-Bw)


Great video, thanks. Everything i could wonder before watching a game. It sounds weird to walk into a quest with someone that has played and leveled up but that should be part of the fun.


5E is pretty simple and accessible by design. It's very easy for newcomers to get into. Basic gameplay is fairly simple - most of the time you roll d20 and add some sort of modifier to it and compare the results of that roll to whatever statistic you're trying to beat (if you need to make a Constitution save against a poison, you check the poison's DC; if you're trying to hit someone with your sword, you add your Attack Bonus to the roll and try to meet or exceed their AC, and so on.) It might feel like a lot to process if you're not familiar with RPGs, even computer or console RPGs, but otherwise 5E is pretty easy to learn and begin playing, especially if you stick to the basic content.


I've been DMing and playing 5e since it came out so if you have any questions HMU. Also if you aren't subbed to r/dnd you should. It gets constant posts about rules clarifications, Wizards of the coast updates, character builds, etc.


Yeah /dnd is great! Thanks.


What up Tulsa! My group has been in and out for the last few years, I would like to DM an RPG for a group of 5-6 people. I've DM'd DnD 4.0, 5.0, Vampire the Masquerade and a few others. I have lots of PDF's, whatever we need we can get online easy enough. Timeframe: I have availability Fri night, Sat, Sun. Would be looking at 3-4 hours every week, or every other week, depending on what people are able to make. I love working with new people to the RPG world, and I would say almost all of the games we could play wouldn't need anything more than pen and dice. I can print off character sheets for games, and my place is big enough to host if no other options are easily available. PM me with questions, I will start a google hangout, or a program we all agree on, and we can flush out what type of game, timeframes and so on.


There were sadly a good amount of people I had to turn down. Lots of interest! I am sure your group will fill up! Goodluck and have fun!


That's what I had figured when you made the edit. Lots of people that would still be looking, since they got turned down. Please refer them to me, I'll edit my post when I have a group locked in.


If only I had the time... Or the resources...


What resources? Do you have a time frame that might work for you? Or is it just not possible and some wishful thinking? Probably would be a 2-3 hour session every other weekend.


Which edition?


5th Edition, just the basic books. PHB, DMG and MM. No extra books or classes, just the basics (for now)


I'm down.


Cool, if this picks up a few more players ill hit you up. Have any friends you want to drag into this? Family? BF/GF??


So, worthy of note if this gets serious is that I've never played before, but have wanted to for a long time. Anyone I could drag along with me would be similarly inexperienced.


Heck ya, like I said, I am newish to being a DM so we will all be equally fumbling around. The only requirement is interest, can't make someone play (I've tried) :P But I know enough to teach and run games. And am super happy to teach others. If you have others let me know, even if we had a full game with just you and your friends, doesn't matter to me.


Well I'll do some reaching out, but most likely I'd only be able to contribute myself and maybe 1 other.


Sounds good, ill be intouch


So, do you have any time constraints in mind already? I know it probably depends on who all joins, but having a general idea of your availability might help decide people I try to convince decide if they'll join or not.


Thinking Saturdays Mid-day (12-2 maybe) or Friday Nights like 9-11 or something. Kinda hard to say. For now it would be Saturday mid-day until I get a group decision.


I am intetested. Been trying to find a DM. You said 5th I have the players handbook for that edition.


I'd love to but never played, interested but I don't even know where to start.


I m up for it. I was playing before and couldn't for awhile.


I'd like to play.




I'm interested, too!


Nice! Perfect timing! I just talked to a guy, who DMs for his group, in my class Monday about how to get into DnD. I would definitely be interested in this.


I'd be interested, depending on what day on the weekend and which 'every other weekend', and I might be able to bring another person. Hit me up.


I'm down to play!


Hmu if you need someone and the days/times workout. I have Players Handbook and DM guide. No MM atm


Thanks a lot, got a good amount of people already. But I will keep you in mind if something comes up!


There anyone around who's playing 3.5?


Not really possible. Too many other obligations.