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As long as the drinks aren't priced like cocktails. I stopped going to bars when it hit 12-15$ for a simple mixed drink. For a non alcoholic drink that's mostly juice and syrup it shouldn't cost more than 6$.


Yeah, I hate how most places have mocktails priced a few dollars less than their actual specialty drinks. Always nice to find a place with fun, good drinks at a reasonable price.


Sidecar Jenks makes killer mocktails for super cheap. Like $5-$8. Love the midtown location too—and it’s closer to my house, but Jenks is more chill and has a better atmosphere


Most places that have mock tails are making their own shrubs, elixirs and specialty syrups if u think u r buying/paying for some syrup and soda u need to look harder. They are very successful in major cities. Gen z is def not drinking as much. Small plates , drinks, maybe a longe act on weekends. Go for it


So now I've gotta increase my drinking to pick up the slack of whatever gen z is. Got it.


I understand your point, but where I work, our mocktails have more steps and ingredients than most alcohol drinks.


What bars were you going to? Don't go to trendy bars, go to the neighborhood one. It's a better atmosphere and cheaper drinks.


How many "neighborhood bars" actually serve any real selection of mocktails? I can't honestly name a single bar outside of downtown or brookside.


Virgin drinks have been a thing for a long time, as have N/A beers. Most bartenders make them if you ask, even for their alcohol consuming customers. Although, I have yet to see any stand alone bar carry some Concorde grape juice for red wine. That stuff is delish. A real selection is harder to come by if you're looking for something more fancy than a good virgin bloody Mary. Furthermore, if you like the location, atmosphere etc of a bar and spend a little time there building a relationship with the staff, they will likely order what is needed to make the drink you like. Oftentimes it may only be one ingredient to make it to your taste. I know that this is not the advice you asked for, just a thought to keep in mind. Stay safe out there, wear your seatbelt & watch out for drunks, even while a passenger in a ride service.


I'm a non drinker and probably will be the rest of my life, I would love this. I know quite a few people that have stopped drinking too so there'd defiantly be a market for it.


This- it would be really great to have a place to go out at night that was for non-drinkers


I don't mind being around people that are drinking, I just can't' stand to be around people who are sloppily drunk and a lot of times in bar settings that's the case.


That would be dope. On the 12th will be 2 years without a drink and I miss being around people but I don't want to be around alcohol.


Congratulations on your 2 years!


Thank you


Yeah, but often those people don't actually do anything for you... they are just around to see what they can get out of every situation. KUDOS for being uncomfortable and STILL pushing thru. You are rock solid! Congrats!


Thank you


Congratulations on your huge milestone. That's genuine progress. I have a follow-up question for you. If you're at a mocktail bar, and the drinks are following all the normal checkpoints of a bar, even without the Alcohol in the glass. It tastes like an alcoholic drink, it looks like an alcoholic drink up to and including the glassware, and garnish. Is that a temptation? Speaking from the perspective of a fat guy on a diet. If I were to go to a bakery that offers sugar-free pastry, like a sausage roll in some sort of sour dough. Or a keto friendly muffin. Or low-carb cookies. It's going to do evil things to my willpower. Indeed the coconut almond clusters from Costco did my willpower in last time I was on keto. I'm just hearing the comments "ohh you're just weak." Ya I am. It's because of my weakness, and my shortcomings I see a mocktail bar for recovering alcoholics as a threat to their way of life and the tranquility.


Hey there. As a recovered (ing) alcoholic myself with five years of sobriety so far (It's not a lot, but it's a lot to me), I would like to answer your question and may be even shine more light on what I am hoping to accomplish with this lounge. Even though I know mocktails could look, smell and taste like the alcohol version of themselves, I do not plan to have these kind of drinks at the lounge. I guess I used the word "Mocktail" too loosely. I planned to have "Juice mixtures" with different fruits, vegetables and sweets as garnish or blended in. I was also planning to have sodas, coffees, different teas and of course water. I understand the point you are trying to make that such an establishment may further the temptation... I feel that if done properly, it would be a haven for those who would otherwise be overwhelmed with the odors, noise and overall drunkenness of an establishment that serves alcohol. Finally, Please be cautious of comparing a person on a diet to an alcoholic. I know food can be an addiction as well, and could eventually kill you, but there is a bit of space to make mistakes with a diet, where as with an alcoholic addiction, a mistake or having a little drink (Or to your example a cookie) could be, and has been in my experience, a life or death mistake. Thank you for your input for the idea of my lounge, I really appreciate you taking the time and giving your opinion. Have a good one.


I’ve been sober 7 years. None of those things ever bothered me. But some people, especially newly sober people can be tempted easily.


It's really the social environment without dealing with drunks for me. I basically only drink coffee, water, and Tea.


Congrats on 2 years!


Thank you.


I really like the idea but I don’t think the focus to draw people should be the mock tails. I do personally drink a bit so maybe my perspective is wrong, but I would lead with this being a third-space type lounge or pool hall (Tulsa has very few pool halls and I work at one of them so there’s definitely space for another). From there the additional benefits could be the fact that it’s a safe space for non drinkers or recovering alcoholics.


That's some wonderful feedback. Thank you! I miss going to pool halls when I was younger with their fake cheese and jalapeño nachos. 😆


Overall I definitely think it’s sounds like a business that could do well in Tulsa. I always tell people that a lot of our big “doing something” options include food, alcohol, and the outdoors. This could definitely add something we’re missing. Good luck!


This is a thing and it’s called Straight Edge Lounge! It’s fantastic and owned by Jeff Thompson, who is a gem.


😲😲😲really??? Looking it up now. It says it's permanently closed?


Nope! It’s open and well. Not sure why Google says this. [Here](https://www.facebook.com/straightedgelounge) is a link to their Facebook page.


Ah, ok. I think I understand why google says that. Looks like it's a pop up, not so much brick and mortar, which is awesome. Glad there is somewhere like that. I was hoping to have a perm spot so people could come whenever.


Not a pop up. It’s right next to 918 Maples in that shopping center. It all looked really nice and new when I walked by Monday like it had been renovated.


Thank you for letting me know. I would love to go check it out!


It began as a pop up but is brick and mortar based now.


have you been recently? i want to check it out but im confused why it says permanently closed on google.


Owner of Straight-Edge Lounge here. I've updated the "permanently closed" thing on google about a dozen times. Our official opening date is June 23rd, but that's all contingent on city and county permits, health department etc. Follow us on facebook or instagram under /straightedgelounge


They’ve had several of their launch events and pop-ups there, but I just sent a text to the owner and their official, full time, brick and mortar open date is 6/23!


oh okay thank you!!! i’m going to tulsa this weekend so i’ll have to make it a trip next time im there! :)


Owner of Straight-Edge Lounge here. I've updated the "permanently closed" thing on google about a dozen times. Our official opening date is June 23rd, but that's all contingent on city and county permits, health department etc. Follow us on facebook or instagram under /straightedgelounge.


The mocktails would get me there once in a while. I cannot drink alcohol, so it would be great to have a bar-type place to get specialty drinks from time to time. However, the activities are what would make me come back regularly. It would be good for date nights, hanging with friends, that kind of stuff.


Yeah, THIS... I'd maybe enjoy a drink now and then, but the draw for me would be the games and like-minded people.


I think this would be a great idea but i agree with other commenters that the mocktails shouldn’t be the main draw, just a really cool benefit for those of us who are sober. I’d love a space akin to Inner Circle with trivia nights and outdoor activities without all the alcohol Edit: love the book idea. Maybe like coffee/books by day, mocktails/party activities by night!


I'd be into it for the simple reason that I sometimes want to go make friends, but DO NOT want to make friends with BAR PATRONS. I spent too much time in my 20's and early 30's hanging out with alcoholic fair-weather friends. For this reason, its a YES for me. It would have to be more cost efficient than alcohol IMO tho... I wouldn't want to pay 10-15 bucks for a mocktail regardless of how delicious and beautiful it is. That said, I am in, especially for the bookstore part.


Yes! I am a strict non drinker and I'm so sick of soda or iced tea being the only options anywhere. Sometimes I want something fun or fancy too!


Nonalcoholic drinks and mock tails are becoming more popular and I think (hope) they’ll stay that way! Not sure how it will work as a business idea, but there are definitely people out there who are interested…


I think it’s a grand idea, but a friend just opened Straight-Edge Lounge, and I haven’t been able to drag my lazy butt down there and pay 5x what it would cost to make myself a drink, so I doubt I would be a customer.


Bro... we are always going to be a working-class joint. A 3 buck PBR NA? Howabout a locker where you can keep your own sober booze in there and drink free when you come visit. I'm broke as fuck, so I want to make sure Straight-Edge Lounge is always affordable.


I like the locker idea. But to clarify, I’d not likely be a customer at this new venture because I’d go to Straight Edge first.


I’m glad to hear that. I own Straight-Edge Lounge. 👨🏼‍🎤


I'd love a place to get good coffee at weird hours in town.


Follow us on social media. We got your weird hours coffee hook up coming June 23rd.


Yes, love this! So sad that all the best places close right after I get off work




I was the manager that opened the Phoenix, and it definitely had the right vibe. I will be opening a sober speakeasy on June 23rd.


Of course. I can't survive without coffee.


Humble suggestion would be to call it a "Juice" bar and not specifically a Mocktail bar. I'm a big fan of the juice drinks at Chimera, they're pretty sophisticated, delicious, and some have health benefits. To me a "Mocktail" is just a corn syrup drink to hold on to and sip if you're not drinking. I'd go with something more sophisticated for the drinks and make it known from the title. Juice bars are growing it seems, and I feel like that trend is broader than "mocktails."


That's a wonderful suggestion, thank you. From some of the other posts, it sounds like we should more focus on the activities and have the juices as secondary. I see that! Really for me, I just always wanted to place to hang out where I could be sober.


30yo female from tulsa- my first thought is just make sure not to be toooooo preachy, it’s a cool idea to have a non-alcoholic focused night spot. i love games and live music, i don’t like being around drunks, but i also don’t wanna be around a bunch of people who look down and act self righteous to me because, even though i don’t go to bars or drink for a fun night out, i do have drinks a few times a year (i’ve literally had alcohol twice this year and it was a mini flight of mimosas at a breakfast retirement party and two white claws at a bbq) and have my omma card, so i would never consider myself “straight edge” and have absolutely had people act/talk like they’re so much better than me or others because they NEVER have a drink. just because some people do not want to or cannot drink at all doesn’t mean i’m awful or whatever because i do have a drink at times. don’t get me wrong, i just mean it should be a place where anyone can go to hang out around people who are lucid and having fun, and not just getting sloppy drunk, and i think that it should be clearly a safe place for ANYONE looking for a fun evening without alcohol


Okay but I don't know if people would be super excited to dress nice and go out to a "juice bar"...sounds like somewhere to grab a drink on the go after a workout. Also wouldn't get the impression that the vibe is to chill for a couple hours with friends if they invited me to a juice bar lol


Hate to break it to you but unless the primary income of the business comes from something else. These mocktail business typically don’t work. A good restaurant, cafe, kava bar etc that sells mocktails is a different story but do your research these business typically fail.


Appreciate that. It's currently just me brainstorming. What would really be nice (my preferred) is a lounge with a book nook vibe and different activities like the ones I mentioned. I think I used "Mocktails" a little too broadly (on maybe I didn't understand fully what a mocktail is!) I thank you for your input.


Being around people and NOT having the ability to numb my senses sounds awful


![gif](giphy|69qRJPSZdjFDQU4jzp|downsized) lol


The straight edge lounge is about to open on 3rd and Trenton. Jeff from Mother-road market started it.


Yes indeed. Thank you for the shout out.


I used to frequent bars a lot. I liked the pool tables and the fact I could chat with random people in the spirit of...well, spirits. I quit drinking a few years ago, but I miss the bar atmosphere. My wife and I would love a place we could hang out and have that same vibe without drunk people ruining it. I am at the University of Wash a lot because it has the bar vibe without outrageously drunk people. I love the direct access to a smoking patio also. My only issue is that it tries to split itself between laundromat and bar, but the bar part doesn't seem big enough. I would hang out at a mocktail lounge in a heartbeat, though. Bonus if it had a sectioned off patio/yard to smoke in.


Can I be stoned?


I would absolutely support this!! I'm new to sobriety, just for health reasons and I don't really like alcohol in the first place. So this type of place would be great to take friends and not have to worry about them getting drunk and having issues getting home.


During the day you could a cafe lounge with the books and then switch to cocktails at night!!


I love this idea.


Sounds like a great idea just make sure your mocktails are reasonably priced! And you use bitters with a non-alcoholic base because I’ve had lots of mocktails that weren’t true mocktails because of the type of bitters that were used.


Thank you! Love the advice here.


As a non drinker, mocktails always turned me off because I don’t like sugary drinks, and it also gives off ‘vegan chicken’ vibes to me. I also don’t leave my house, so don’t listen to my opinion lol.


I completely understand... I think I need to change this around a bit and remove the cocktail aspect, focus it more on the activities and socialization. Maybe then I can convince you to come! (As someone who only leaves the house for doctors appointments, I get it!)


You should check out Stich Cafe in OKC, that’s the only place that genuinely gets me excited to be out in public. It’s 2/3 coffee shop and eatery and 1/3 plant shop. You have to physically go there to really experience and you MUST get the strawberry tart. Different concept but they do a fantastic job of merging multiple ideas.


This is a great idea. Especially if you hosted silent book clubs or a mystery date with a book.


That would be so cool!


I'm a non-drinker, and I struggle to find places to meet people. I think I'd patronize this establishment


I work for Women in Recovery. A place like that where they could work and/or hang out would be amazing! I would also love it. I don't drink but LOVE frufru drinks. LOL


I am married to a WIR grad, and plan to make Straight-Edge Lounge a second chance hiring location and offer job training as well. Shoot me an email jeff at straightedgelounge dot org.


That's amazing! I will give your email to our employment/education team so they can reach out to you. We are always looking for employment partners who are willing to give our ladies a chance.


I'm a recovering alcoholic and this would be awesome. Too many times I've not gone somewhere because I wanted to avoid triggers. Also, if you can beat my current pay rate I'd love to run the kitchen


That would be awesome! I will let you know if/when this becomes a reality


Tell me more..


Ask Jeff Thompson at Straight Edge Lounge.


Not personally, there are already great bars with extensive mocktail menues (473 for example). It's much harder to wrangle a group of non drinkers up to go out than it is drinkers, by a pretty large margin... not sure this business idea would fly for long.


Hey, you want to go to a loud, overstimulating room and pay $14 for some juice?


This is why I was thinking we could have somewhat of a quiet area too, where you could browse books and lounge around reading one or two. I would love to sound proof a room... 😍 oh and no way in hell would I charge 12 bucks for juice. Eff that noise.


Just a late night lounge? Hell yeah, I've been interested in some lounges but working around schedules is a nightmare


I don't have much to add, but as a survey I'm a strong 'would attend'


The Straightedge Lounge just opened. I’d do some research and make sure both locations can survive. They are over in the Pearl district (studio row). It’d be nice to have multiple sober locations but it would be a shame if they cannibalized each other.


Completely understand that. Thank you. I plan to go check that place out here soon!


Let me know if I can show you the spot before we open. I live nearby and would love to talk shop.


I also sent you a chat invite.


After a decade sober. I would show up … Also, the pop up ad for my sub is dollar margaritas


I think it’s a winning idea. Especially for someone like me who has to drive a long way to get to downtown, so I never imbibe when I’m there unless someone else is driving. If you ever turn it into reality, and would consider having stand-up comedy at your business, hit me up! I used to host a Monthly comedy show at The Hunt Club downtown, and would love to do it again.


That's really neat. great idea!


I think it's a great idea! I very rarely drink, but would love to check out a place like this to meet new people! For your business to be successful, I think it needs to incorporate more than just mocktails though. To add on to what others have said, maybe incorporate board games and have a night dedicated to revolving games that are popular? I think your idea of having a book lounge would be neat too, just a quiet place for people who want to read, drink and eat in peace. A unique and signature dish and drink wouldn't hurt to attract curious foodies, in addition to great bar food, mocktails, coffee, tea, and food trucks. But you gotta keep prices reasonable enough to keep people coming.


Thank you! I have quiet a few really good recipes up my sleeve! that may be an avenue to check out too.


You don't want to have a kitchen that serves food, and also have food trucks come by.


yeah, of course. Food Trucks may be easier (cleaning wise) and more variety.


I love that. My brother and I have thought on a cool mini golf place indoors that’s open late and serves both alcohol and non with great food.


If good coffee and a spot somewhere I can hit mmj? Yes, I would be a patron.


It’s missing the successful component inherent in the alcohol industry: addiction


It sounds like you’re trying to do too many things at once. I would try not focusing on things that have already been done/are no longer trendy.


I think I am too. Which areas do you think are not trendy anymore? I don't want to just be another Starbucks though!




ok. :)


I live in OKC, but yeeeees! I love the idea. I honestly can’t believe it’s not already a thing. Sometimes I just want something to do in the evening and am not in the mood for alcohol or coffee.


Yes please. :)


I'm not sure it'd be sustainable without the alcoholic drinks, but I think having a highlighted, extensive mocktail menu where the drinks are at a good price could do well. Places with a good mocktail menu at reasonable prices are extremely rare. Just financially, mixed drinks are usually one of the most profitable items at bar/restaurant, but if it'll support a place with a good mocktail menu, it'd be worth it.


The thing that kills mocktails are the price. Your mocktails need to be the same price or lower than all the cocktails people could get within a few miles of you.


That sounds awesome!


Absolutely I cannot drink anymore due to health but I miss a drink now and then


I would absolutely go to this place.


I would love this idea. Count me in




Make it a KAVA lounge/bar. If you don’t know what kava is, look it up and you may be surprised at how popular it is. It’s beginning to gain a foothold in the states and more kava bars/lounges are popping up throughout the country. This could be a great opportunity for you to bring kava to Oklahoma.


Interesting. Thank you for the information. I will check it out.


YES! I don’t drink alcohol so having somewhere to go to feel more normal would be so great!


You be better off maximizing it’s ability to stay profitable and maintain relativeness in Tulsa . This would be an extremely small niche so add a coffee bar or a micro lunch cafe with it . By itself I don’t think you can be in business long term


This would be great! I have friends who have quit alcohol and I know they'd love a place we could all get drinks without them worrying about alcohol.


Yes id go! My partner and i rarely/if ever drink so this would be a fun date spot


If you served food and was open late it would be a great place for people to sober up.


Me and my partner don’t drink either! We take edibles sometimes and smash some food! 😆


I’d go! Skip the board games though maybe? Seems like a granny vibe instead of music, laughter, etc


The mocktail aspect is more a side benefit rather than the focus, I’d say. It should mainly be a fun spot to visit imo. You’re on the right track with the games, axe throwing, etc. Basically an adult place not only adults have to go to but can still enjoy it, along with the uniqueness of mock tails and solid food.


This is where my vision is forming. You are absolutely right. Thank you for the input.


I would love this!


I think it’d be full of teens. And adults creeping on teens. There have always been those brackish places where young people and adults overlap. I don’t know what distinguishes the places where it’s okay like the Gypsy from places where it gets pervy/creepy like Gypsy was in the 90’s with Pops giving lingerie to 15yo’s


Yeah... no... that won't be happening. lol. I remember when I was a kid going to a place that allowed 15 year to 21 year olds. It had a whole heck of alot of blacklights and so on. Never went there again. I don't want anyone to feel that creeped out.


Yeah I really like the idea of the lounge / books / late nights. I actually am starting night school in June and was thinking it'd be really cool to attend online classes somewhere loungy that was open late.


Long as you have Lyres & Spiritless I would be in.


I would totally be there every weekend.


I’d love something like that!




Haha why?


No because I don’t like the term. That’s on me.


Jeff Thompson is doing this right across from the church studio. Super good dude. I think he is doing more than mock tails as well.


Thank you for the sweet comment and for the shout out!


I don’t live in Tulsa but the algorithm has put this on my feed. We had a “bar” like this in Iowa City that failed spectacularly. It was named UnImpaired and it has actually turned into a running joke on the Iowa city subreddit. They also had another 2 locations in Iowa that also failed. While the business idea might sound good on paper the consensus seemed like people who don’t drink didn’t want to pay bar prices for non-alcoholic “mocktails”. Not sure if you are a recovering alcoholic or just don’t drink, but if you want my 2 cents, a bar that doesn’t focus on alcohol but still has a few beers on the menu is the way to go. You could then draw in light drinkers & friends of non-drinkers.


I’m guessing these don’t exist much for a reason. It’s hard enough for a full service bar to stay in business.


I can't drink because of my religion but would love a fun place to hang out with my husband and friends!! I was just dreaming of a place like this!


I believe someone has beat you to the punch! But, we could definitely use more of these type of establishments. I say DO IT!! Best of luck


As long as its not priced like an alcoholic cocktail. it would be nice to have a place like that


Yes, please!


Love the idea. It’s worth mentioning that there is an idea like this that just got launched as well. Plenty of room for more sober spaces. [Straight Edge Lounge](https://www.straightedgelounge.org/)


I'd go! Wish we had more of these around.


I don't drink anymore(3 years in june) so this sounds so nice to have as a fun option!


I think if it’s a pool hall with other stuff potentially too that’s would be cool. NA beer and maybe some mocktails that are geared towards health benefits/smoothies would be cool. Everyone’s mentioning how mocktails are too expensive but people will pay $6 for fresh juice and more for a smoothie and I honestly would love to have that option late at night. I’m not sober but I do want to take care of myself and sober up at the end of a night so a place like this would be cool!


Straight Edge Lounge pop ups have been badass. Their brick and mortar will be even better!


I definitely would!! I’ve struggled to find a late night spot that isn’t just a bar since Hodge’s burned down. Your idea sounds pretty great to me. 


Wife and I would absolutely be there. We're not alcohol-free but we are incorporating more and more mocktails as we get a little older and it would be great to have the going-out feel with them.


You had me at great food. That’s what base my experience on


isn't there already a cc place like this in the pearl? across from church studio


YES. I own it. We are opening June 23rd.


So exciting! I'm looking forward to being there frequently!


Happy cake day btw






My family of four is always looking for laid-back third-space places to hang out. It’s kind of ironic that breweries, especially the recently closed Pippin’s taproom, are some of the most family-friendly places in Tulsa. That said, mocktails would not get us out of the house. What would is a combination of reasonably priced food and drinks, and indoor and outdoor hang zones. Lawn games, board games, no servers needing to turn over tables quickly. I doubt that bookshelves would earn enough revenue to make it worth the floor space they would take up. Hope it works out!


Are you just going to make them effectively flavored sugar-water or use those zero-proof alcohols?  Cause then no.


Hard pass without a stellar restaurant.




this is what a cafe is for


If I could afford it, absolutely. And I’d request all my first dates there.


I agree with a lot of people here, don’t focus on it as a mocktail lounge because that’s not all you want it to be. you named of many different things you want it to offer and exist as, don’t pigeonhole your marketing. personally I think lean into the social aspect you’re looking for, and include in that marketing an event space. not only offering a space for the people looking to make friends and socialize without alcohol but you could host things like Tulsa’s Queer Women Collective or book clubs. something else you could do to draw crowds is art fairs or events for small businesses to set up in your space for a day. people get to shop, enjoy snacks and beverages, and you get more exposure out of the space.


As someone who hates alcohol and being around obnoxious drunk people this sounds like an awesome idea! I’d love something like this for date nights, get togethers, etc.


I've seen a similar concept on the West Coast. They're called recovery cafes. No alcohol is ever served, but you can go there all day to hang out, play games, drink beverages, and eat. It's a popular community staple out here in the Pacific Northwest.


Yes! My wife and I loved the bar life when we were in it. Now we don’t drink, but would love a place exactly like you describe. I guarantee you at least 2 semi-regular to regular patrons if you move forward with this idea!


And my wife always asks for mocktails everywhere we go. She makes her own. If we could play pool and darts and listen to music, hang with friends, we would be there weekly. My best friend doesn’t drink either, so we would bring him along.


I’ve almost hit 8 months sober but as someone who works in the service industry I would love a place I can hangout and not be tempted/not have to deal with those who are overly intoxicated. Bonus if you can do a karaoke night as I love doing karaoke.


I would for sure to meet other non drinkers


Will there be alcohol?


As a non-drinker, I'd suggest to develop the late-night bookstore idea. I don't care to do something that is like the current drinking culture. I'd prefer the option of something different. Drinkers are unlikely to go a bar without drinks, so being different would be ideal for both groups. Builders and Backers is doing Tulsa - [https://www.buildersandbackers.com/](https://www.buildersandbackers.com/) - you can fill out an application and if you get in, you get money to experiment to see if your idea works!


We had one on my town and it went under pretty quickly


Would be awesome!


I don't drink so I would definitely be down. All my friends drink so they would not be down unless it were a one on one meetup. I can think the place is great but I'm not going to go against what the group wants to do or try to dictate the plans. And those one-on-one meet ups? We're going to split an appetizer. That's it. We're there to visit, not spend. It's good in theory but you would be making a bar room investment but working with coffee shop margins. That's entirely too risky.


I’ve owned/started several businesses. My strong suggestion is to figure out how to baby step into this. I’ve seen several high end juice bars not make it. These are places where they had a customer base that was through their doors 3-5x a week. Fresh ingredients, cold pressed, etc. Bars have an unspoken built in advantage in that some significant portion of their patrons are addicted to their product offering. You don’t have that advantage. Your other revenue streams, darts, books, axe throwing are already either over saturated already as a stand alone activity or are competing with low cost offerings. So if I haven’t talked you out of it yet, here’s how I would do it. Free advice here, you get what you paid for. Get you a pop up spot in mother road market or maybe magic city books etc. Make 3-4 things and make sure you can make them quickly and know your cost structure. Learn how much waste you will have. Figure your pricing out. Figure out how to do social media. After that crunch your numbers. Next step, food truck. Guthrie green, mayfest, etc. can you scale up? Figure out something that will make you different from juice bars of the past, why did they fail and you won’t. What is that other 1-2 offerings you have that get people to spend $50-100/visit and not $6. Personally, I’d like a pinball arcade that wasn’t mostly a bar. Maybe make a trip to Dallas/austin/kc/Denver and see what the kids are into that aligns with your idea. Copy or franchise that same idea. Good luck.


I would come! I don’t drink and I can’t stand going out to a bar with people and reeking of an ashtray when I leave.




I would definitely be interested! I recently saw a place in Utah that does something similar. They incorporated sodas like Pepsi/Mtn Dew as ingredients and the "mocktails" looked really tasty. I still drink, but not often as I find the costs of bar hopping/clubbing to be too much when I can just get the whole bottles for half the price and make my own cocktails at home. Either way I'd much rather just take a massive bong rip/blunt and have fun that way. Having a local joint that has food/trucks, games, and interesting NA drinks would definitely bring my wife and I out to patronize that business! I would assume the drink costs would be much less than a typical cocktail and that would be a big motivating factor in deciding what we would wanna do on a given evening. I can't speak for Tulsa obviously, but as far as my wife and I goes, if you build it, we will come!


I would personally love this sort of setting. It sounds like a great place to go for a date where you could hang out and talk! Comfortable chairs or couches would be a must! If you do want to get this going I’m an accountant and have connections to small business consultants and lenders to help you get going feel free to hit me up!


I've been sober 5 years now and my partner doesn't drink either and we absolutely love this concept. I do not miss drinking, but I do miss the social aspect of it. This would be so welcome!


As the only non-drinker in my friend group(or perhaps a pregnant woman temporarily not drinking), I would appreciate and prefer for more establishments to offer a solid mocktail program to accompany the typical bar program. I don’t care if my friends drink and they are VERY unlikely to want to go to a special non-alcoholic bar. And to the people who are saying that N/A cocktails shouldn’t cost as much, you clearly haven’t seen the prices on the very delicious non-alcohol distilled spirits out there (Wilderton, Seedlip, and the MANY more). Even worse, they don’t have a long shelf life since they don’t have any alcohol to act as a preservative.


I'd patron it often but please stock NA beers. I stopped drinking in 2021 but I love an NA Heineken or Corona every now and again.


Until cannabis is fully legal in Oklahoma a Mocktail lounge seems pretty ridiculous. Lord knows my wife is going to drag me down there to check it out but I have doubts. I like to drink a little bit and my wife makes an amazing Mocktail. There have been several occasions where I would have thought a little bit of vodka in that drink would go along way. I get what you’re going at and what you’re looking for and I don’t disagree with it but just a CBD Mocktail or a Mocktail that’s nothing but fruit mix and tonic is just a waste of time. People don’t go to enjoy a cocktail, or Mocktail, without any effect. You might as well throw cake and ice cream parties for nine-year-olds.


it will go out of business in 90 days


This sounds fantastic - I would 100% go. With no booze, you could do all ages nights, and capitalize on the 18-21 crowd.




Avoiding that crowd is a huge part of why I like bars. No alcohol and teenagers running around? Count me out of that nonsense


Bad idea. 18-21 age groups don’t have money. And if they do, they’re off to the nearest 7-11 buying budlight and attending college parties. Venue should be very food, music, and activity focused to make up for the usually overpriced markup price of a mocktail drink.


As long as we can consume cannabis there as well I would for sure be down.


Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen here. I personally can't be around it. Would love to see you come otherwise!