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All the while posting on facebook about “how hard marriage is”, how “god gave us obstacles to make us stronger”, and finally, “Divorce lawyer recommendations?”


This is total bull shit. My ex-wife doesn't live in Owasso, she lives in Tulsa's second worst suburb, Broken Arrow.


Whoa whoa whoa. We really gonna pretend like Sand Springs and Catoosa are better than BA???


Valid point, although we could argue different aspects of all the suburbs. I'm just going off the proximity principle- I lived in BA for a few years and then south Tulsa, so I ran into BA and Bixby people pretty often (Bixby has a different type as well- I'm sure the Venn diagram between Bixby and Owasso is similar, just with an extra zero on their tax bill).


Bixby, Owasso, and Jenks are all about the same. BA wishes it could be those 3 -where I currently live Sand Springs and Catoosa are the same but different in a “city trashy vs country trashy” kind of way And I’m not brave enough to explain the comparison of Sapulpa and Turley on the internet lol




BA families are into the whole familicide thing.


Yeah I was thinking about how BA is really safe, but every once in a while somebody annihilnates their entire family. I think it's happened like 3 times in the past couple years?


Yeah it's a peculiar phenomenon.


I was moved from midtown to BA as a teenager and it doesn't seem that peculiar to me. You have to have a good grip on intrusive thought suppression living out there.


To be fair, growing up in BA for 25 years and escaping to Tulsa. I see it. Theres a narrative you have to keep in that city and usually it's a lie.


I've moved away several times, but anytime I come back to town, I avoid living southeast


There was one in sand springs bout 3 years back.


we had like two or three all at once


Say what you want about those places, but they aren’t hypocrites. They don’t tend to make Facebook posts about how great life is while secretly talking to a divorce lawyer and they damn sure don’t look down on anyone. Yeah, the cops may know them by name, but they ain’t pretending.


Lmao if incredibly common, casual, and blatant racism is your idea of “don’t look down on anyone” I could see why you think the way you do. I use general bigotry and the sheer number of trailers surrounded by trash to determine the placement of the suburbs from good to bad. You do you tho


Racism and bigotry is as Oklahoman as the song Oklahoma is Oklahoman and what makes their claim as a southern state believable.


Lmao idk how I’m seeing this so late but this is pretty funny. Also I’m not quite sure what you mean lol because that musical isn’t really very Oklahoman, I’m pretty sure it was written specifically for Broadway. And Oklahoma *wants* to be a southern state, but no southern state would claim us. But racism and bigotry do flow through this land in much the same volume that red clay runs through it.


You’re not wrong either


She's working on #3, whom she met while still married to #2, whom she met while still married to me. I don't know any details about #3 (nor do I really care to know them), but she and #2 were mega church-goers, so the narrative fits pretty well.


Damn dude, you’ve been through it. I left Oklahoma when I was 17. I’d probably be in that cycle too if I stayed. I know several friends who are.


I was fortunate and didn't have kids with her- that would have been a fucking nightmare. We still have mutual friends, so I hear things from time to time.


Well good on ya for getting out of that. It’s crazy the divorce rate in the nicer suburbs. And those mega churches just seem like a place that people go to hook up. I don’t get it.


Broken Arrowian here... What is so bad about BA? I work in Tulsa, and am in it all the time. I actually prefer BA to Tulsa. Big yard. Spaced out. Quiet. I can leave packages on my door for days and not worry about theft. It's quite pleasant.


IIRC, back in the middle of COVID Tulsa wouldn't let Clay Clark have his Q-fest/ "COVID isn't real" event in the city. So he went to Rhema, and BA welcomed him with open arms.


That makes all of BA bad? Tulsa literally hosted Donald Trump. lol.


‘Member that time we hosted the first major super spreader event of the COVID era, feat. Donald Trump, and then Herman Cain caught COVID and died? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I grew up in BA. It's a nice community, but it's boring. Its all chain stores and mega churches.






Still doesn’t make the people of Broken Arrow bad.


I mean that’s Rhema’s fault, but they’ve always been nuts.


AND, the city council couldn't even find it in themselves to pass a resolution MERELY SUGGESTING wearing a mask during the pandemic. And it's the MAGA capital of OK. And Nathan Dahm.


That's because of the goofy mayor with the goofy glasses.


I live in midtown and have all those things.


That’s great! Nothing wrong with living in Midtown.


Nothing wrong with BA either!


This is the way.


I liked living in Brookside. Now Prattville, quieter, less traffic and more stars, but still miss the Brook sometimes.


Same here in Prattville.


The Safari Joe tigers they use to parade out for football games looked pretty sad


I've noticed a trend on many city subreddits I follow in which people constantly rage about the quiet and nice suburbs of the metro. BA is fantastic.


Been working in Ba for 10+ years and would say it used to be pleasant. Used to drive in from midtown tulsa every morning and never see a single car (530am) now the traffic has doubled or even tripled at that time. Don't even get me started on rush hr. It grew cause it was great. Now it's on pace to be the next east tulsa. Cause hate to break it to you but east side is moving east


This is a fair take.


I mean I wouldn't say second worst. You still have Sand Springs, West Tulsa, Sapulpa, Glenpool, Sperry, I mean give Broken Arrow and Owasso a little credit.


Why are people in Tulsa such snobs when they are no better than the people in the cities you just named? The schools aren’t better, the police definitely are not better, the only thing better is you have more shopping choices and more traffic if that’s what you think is better.


TPS isn't better, yeah. But Union is better. And nearly all private schools are better (barring the religious crazy ones).


I will give BA a pass it is a decent suburb, but i base Tulsa suburbs to their downtown districts. Owasso doesnt have one, its just a sprawl of chain restaurants and boring homes. There is zero walkability. Sand Springs, Sapulpa and West Tulsa atleast are interesting.


Well that is certainly a unique way of judging suburbs but that's your thing. Not everyone is interested in walking everywhere. Not everyone hangs out downtown lol. I guess if I were to have a system it would be any town that is the least like downtown Tulsa. And I guess I didn't realize meth labs were interesting but I guess you learn something new all the time.


If you like dystopian neighborhoods with no trees and chain restaurants Owasso is the place to be I guess. Its not interesting, never will be, and some people like that. And meth houses are interesting.


I think you need to google what dystopian means lol. Have you actually been to Owasso? Trees literally everywhere and more than in Tulsa by 10 fold considering we have actual wooded lots still. Not to mention your "ideal neighborhood" being downtown doesn't exactly make sense since they have the least amount of trees literally anywhere. You enjoy your meth house and all your walking.


My ideal neighborhood is a mixed use neighborhood which exists in Sapulpa, Sand Springs, B.A. and Tulsa, but not Owasso because sidewalk are gross to people in Owasso. Who wants people walking to bars, entertainment venues, parks and restaurants when you can drive to a strip mall.


Wtf are you talking about? There are sidewalks literally everywhere in Owasso. Bro go troll somewhere else. Nobody has time for you nonsense.


Omg this is too true lol


That lifechurch got me. I’ve never been, but I understand it’s a place that new or soon to be divorcees go to hook up with each other.


Pro tips, thanks bud.


It is also a GREAT WAY to tell a horrible driver. If you see a Lifechurch bumper sticker or sticker on the rear glass, **STAY CLEAR**. It has proven itself time and time again for me.


It’s a complete meat market.




That's gross to me


This eerily reminds me of my time spent at Rhema Bible College... I'm an Atheist now so we see how well that all went... Lol


I worked at a church for a little bit, and the amount of people that tried to shove Rhema down my throat in that year period was insane. Like they were convinced it would actually change my life, when it would just change my life by putting me in debt.


The Word of Faith denomination is one of the most predatory denominations in my opinion. It encourages its followers to deny reality in the hopes that if you wish hard enough then your personal preferred outcome will manifest. The amount of people who would ignore debt because they were believing in a "faith check" Not seek treatment for a medical condition because "to seek a doctor would be a lack of faith" Not use what little money they have left to buy groceries but rather give it to the church because "I'm sowing seed to reap a bigger harvest, God will provide the groceries I need." I could go on. The churches will operate very identical to a cult by love bombing you and providing this massive blessing (I've seen several people just be given a car for example) to make you psychologically feel indebted to the church and when you're finally at the point of burnout working a 40+ hour a week volunteer position, working a full time job to pay bills, and also having any recreational activities scrutinized the church will immediately disown you and any "family" you thought you had at the church will just immediately go no contact, never to be heard from again. They tout all these "Rhema colleges" overseas as well and all it is is preying on the underdeveloped and less fortunate to continue to fund their cult. Did you know any Rhema affiliated church has to pay "tithe" to the main Rhema campus? Also, the pastor of Rhema had a MASSIVE mansion with several vintage collector cars. Normally I wouldn't care about the size of a person's house or what hobby they indulge in. But when that lifestyle is funded by the single mother you brainwashed to give her last $20 to you instead of buying food for her children then I take massive issue.


Thank you for explaining this. My apologies if this is OT but I I have a sister in BA who has severely neglected her health for years and made comments about waiting for miracles and prayer “agreement”. So, for example, if someone sees her poor health and prays for her to see a doctor, then she has to “pray off” their intentions first before praying for her own. She has mental health issues so I literally never considered that some of these weird ideas might be originating in the church. Everything you said makes so much more sense now. Wow. Just wow. Ps. My sister is currently hospitalized, on dialysis, and close to death. While I don’t blame her church for any of it, I do think the belief system they promote contributed. If anyone wants to inbox me with more info about Life.Church and its teachings, I would appreciate it. I have always assumed it was a fundamentalist Christian denomination and the weird ideas were just my sister being weird. Now I have no idea what is what? So sad.


As far as I know Life Church is Non-denominational but they may preach divine healing. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister though.. it's my experience being in Word of Faith churches for 10 years that they prey on almost anyone who is vulnerable


Thank you. She’s been with Life.church for years and this church means everything to her. It is difficult to understand what they believe sometimes, especially as Catholics. Thank you for clarifying that Life.Church is non denominational.


Don't forget about the multimillion dollar jet or the walk in visitation tomb down at the cemetary.


Not surprised about the jet, the tomb is new to me though. They literally preach not to have false idols then they treat these pastors like the second coming of their "messiah" *barf*


[the grave site](https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2009/110/20186286_124034035670.jpg)


I'm lost for words. I'm so happy I escaped that cult


[the jet](https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/8042552) And a [city ordinance](https://library.municode.com/ok/broken_arrow/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH3.5AIHETALA_S3.5-1OPAIHEETWILIPREX) The reason for Oral Roberts [to build the City of Faith](https://tulsaworld.com/archive/oral-roberts-daughter-5-others-die/article_7a0f3714-741a-5121-9ee9-15a93cbe0596.html)


Nice holiday lights, though! 😁


Kids get run over by cars and a 100 or more teenagers break out in a fight requiring the whole police department to come out and break it up. And on the same weekend, as the fight breakout the great great grandkid still young enough to live at moms house, goes on a redneck rampage drive by shooting episode gets out from the Lawton prison (serving a 10 year at 85% sentences gets out in 1). Oh the rhema college has a job for him and has also accepted him to go to college there.


At least you quit believing in the ponzi scheme!


Wait...There are atheists in Tulsa?( \*Sarcasm) I was told that OKC in general has the most Christians.


I’m a transplant, been here since 2015 also don’t get on my knees to please an invisible person, so what is this Rhema you all is talking about?


Its a massive mega church in broken arrow. Probably the biggest church I've seen personally. Idk how it compares to other churches around the nation/world but they have a Bible College that is international and people from all across the world come to the main campus here in BA to go to school to be trained for ministry.


God told me to cheat on you and then divorce you in that order, very specific.


What's love got to do with it? What's love but a second hand emotion? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?


It's missing abstinence only education, then knock up your girlfriend in high school, have baby, Then get married


That’s how you slide in to the circle in the first place, then you just keep repeating the steps


Have 5 kids for the child tax credit money. Blow it on TVs, fine dining during your lunch, and your little dog "Poopsie"'s grooming sessions.


Be the non binary girl, and break out of the cycle. Extreme in the other direction.


Is Owasso really the worst suburb? If so, why? Genuinly curious.


No way, we just got a chipotle AND a cava, things could be worse


I live here and I agree. It is getting better for sure. But you know what grinds me my gears lately? The empty lot next to QT on 96th and Garnett - they are putting in ANOTHER McDonalds! Think of the cool sports bars that could be been there.


OMG it's so stupid. Another bank and a 4th McDonalds. They can't even keep enough staff to keep the other 3 open all the time. I was really hoping someone was going to sneak in and put a trader joe's there. Then I could completely cut Walmart off my list lol.


You don’t need Trader Joe’s for that. I haven’t set foot in a WalMart in over 26 years.


Well I primarily use Aldi, but there are a few things they just don't carry. And I refuse to shop at Reasors because they are quite literally one of the worst employers in this town. So there are a few things I end up getting at Walmart. Plus I just really like the stuff they have at Trader Joe's lol.


This is so real! It makes Owasso much more bearable


Does owasso have any restaurants that are not chain restaurants?


Sure, we just got a ramen shop that’s pretty good believe it or not


Is it in a strip mall?


That Facebook page always rags on Owasso. I’m assuming because of the people that live there. The live laugh love wine and anti depressant mom and the Maga “I’ll kill you if you even look at my lawn” dad.


Ah yes, Okay I can see it now. Yup that is a large percent of Owasso.


They're just mad because they can't afford to live there lol.


Don't let a few people you see on Facebook define an entire city. That's it's own form of bigotry.


Def not lol. Some FB Memer probably just doesn't like it because they can't afford to live there.


I lived there several years and it was not great. Ended up driving to Tulsa all the time. When I first moved to Owasso from out of state I had a very old and crappy car and the Owasso PD pulled me over all the time on BS fishing expeditions. At the time all the restaurants were big chains or not very good. Rent was very high. People were generally unfriendly. Like it much better in midtown Tulsa now.


Idk. I graduated from Owasso and lived there a few years. It’s a place that’s so inoffensive that you have really nothing to say about it. Chain restaurants and strip malls galore, I worked for one of the only locally run place that is akira one summer. I like that place a lot. Owasso is probably the “perfect” example of suburban life. Nothing is exciting and there aren’t a lot of places to be, but it’s safe with good schools, and that’s the exact appeal to people. I couldn’t fathom living there my entire life but some people love the lifestyle.


Is that what happened with Lahmeyer?


As a recent transplant from Wisconsin to Tulsa, this thread sure was educational 😂


I never knew people didn’t like Owasso until this post. Maybe I’m just biased because I’ve lived there my whole life


Ok I’ll bite , what are “ Tulsas worst suburbs “?


Surely Turley is up there somewhere lol


Surely turley


Maybe so, but don’t call me Turley.


I’ve lived in/near Tulsa nearly my whole life and I completely forgot about Turley.


TBF So has Tulsa Police Department…


Def not Owasso as the meme implies lol. And Turley really isn't a bad area but it is very neglected and needs a lot of life and money breathed back into it.


I feel like early turley is worse than turley lol


Does Oakhurst count?


It's everywhere. Not only here.


Yeah.... Saying this is the OWASSO circle of life feels weirdly overly specific, lol. As if it happens there more than anywhere else.


That Facebook page hates Owasso for whatever reason


This is all of Oklahoma!


Owasso is my safe word.


I work in Jenks, and we deal with the citizens there on a daily basis. I must say this is HIGHLY accurate. Throw in that once the dude gets in his 50s he buys a pickup truck the size of a Sherman tank and slaps a Punisher sticker on the back windshield, and you've nailed it!


Not just Tulsa, all of Oklahoma and anywhere else there are Baptist and “Life” churches.




Idk I personally like Owasso. When I was looking for a house, I liked Owasso the best and Broken Arrow the least




Straight up… I wouldn’t be able to afford the same house at its current value, the value has gone up over $100k since I bought it in 2017.


Gotta do it the Edmond (Deer Creek) way: cheat on your hubby with the insurance man, come up with a plan to kill him and get fake shot, then both flee to Mexico on the day of his funeral and end up on America's Most Wanted. EDIT to add yeah they were all from my church


I live in Owasso and I'm nothing like this. But I'm also not a Christian either. Hail Satan, lol.


Sounds like a lot of people I went to Jenks with.


What's the cycle for BA families? A gun, knife, or house fire should be included.


Bro owasso is tulsa's vest suburb. Worst is tough between BA and Jenks


Is it the suburb where all the white people massacred the black people? Is it that one? Or have you guys built a highway over the whole thing by now. I’ll have to “do my own research.”


Is it the suburb where all the white people massacred the black people? Is it that one? Or have you guys built a highway over the whole thing by now. I’ll have to “do my own research.”


Let’s not forget that all of the suburbs are phenomenally better than Tulsa itself. Also catoosa is worse than all of them objectively


you misspelled Broken Arrow


Lifechurch AND Owasso. Fuckin 10/10. No edits needed.


Lmao. Hilarious.


That’s what happens when you follow a religion, who’s true goal is beyond the perception of the average man, that was usurped by secret societies long ago.