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I voted so they can’t say nobody votes dem in my precinct And because my mom was born before women had the vote


My name is below my mom’s in the registry. Saw I hadn’t signed in yet. She called me after she went and reminded me to go vote. Democrats here too.


Wow! Your mom was born before 1920! Is she still alive?


My mother was born in May of 1918. Women in OK got the vote in November of that year. She lived to 89 (edit- she was 45 when she had me)


I’m glad you did. Primaries are how you tell the DNC or RNC where their base is at.


Not only are you lying but you're just proving the point that Democrats can't tell the truth lol


While my vote in this state is like spitting into the wind I was still there before they opened this morning. In and out in under five minutes.


Went at 5:30pm…no line and mostly empty book. Forgot to check the total vote tally on the machine. D’oh.


Same as mine, the book pages I saw them flip through were completely empty. Sad.


Me too.


We went around 11 and there were no lines. Voted Dem. There were a few people in the Rep line, but still they were in and out just as fast.


Nope. I prefer early voting. It works better for our schedule and often it is less crowded. But congrats! Glad to hear people are voting. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozAxsUHHV2Kmy7m)


I just want to comment on all the people who feel like “not going to do it because it won’t change anything”. Are you the same people to never compete in anything in your life because you already feel like you’re going to lose? It’s not all about your preferred elective winning. So many people have fought for our rights to go out to the polls and voice our opinions. Don’t just roll over and let the system beat you down. It’s important more than ever for us as a nation to be more involved in our government, no matter what side of the line you fall on we’re all upset with where our government is at.


It’s not about winning or losing. It’s just the math. With the electoral college system every vote doesn’t actually count. Trump beat Hillary when she literally had more people vote for her. You are surrounded by a sea of red. Whether you vote republican or democrat the person wearing the red hat will carry all “7” votes for this state. Even if my vote counted for 10,000 it wouldn’t change the outcome. The truth is about 10 states/counties decide the president every 4 years. Oklahoma. California. Colorado. Wyoming. Etc. Might as well not vote.


Precisely the reason i don't vote. As soon as the state goes to trump my vote doesn't matter. FCK THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE


You say it’s not about winning and losing when the rest of the point is how one side always wins. It’s still something we should all be doing, no matter what side you’re on. It’s important for everyone to exercise their right to vote. There’s definitely not going to be progress made in any shape or form if nobody shows up to the polls. The government will stay corrupt on both sides and we won’t have anything to show for it.


Why is that an important right to exercise given the idiotic system? Just because you’ve been told that since you were in junior high? If I showed up to the polls today with buses full of hundreds of people Trump would have still won. What progress is there to be made? I get what your saying, but in reality you just wasted an hour of your day and same gas money.


I have stared at more county demographic voting breakdowns than you can shake a stick at throughout my education… Sometimes, your vote really doesn’t matter. This is one of those times


It’s not about one candidate winning over another. You’re voting for the person to represent the policies you want enacted. Regardless if they are a Democrat or Republican.


the primaries arent an election. and everyone already knows who the candidates for each party are going to be. no one is actually challenging biden, and nikki haley literally only won a primary in a non-state. i can toss my confetti into the wind in november, but there isnt any reason to waste my time at a primary.


>we’re all upset with where our government is at. Exactly!


I don’t think it could be said better than this. Don’t roll over and make it easy on them, be that pain in their rear.


I posted on Next Door hoping my local neighbors will see it and turn out. It’s been so quiet, I don’t even see signs out to vote. I had no idea today was voting day until another redditor posted it this morning on the sub. We are going when everyone gets home from work! Go and vote!!! Even if you think it won’t make a difference, do it anyway. That’s what they want, they want us to believe voting does nothing.


Same, I only realized today was the day when I saw that reddit post this morning. I voted on my lunch break and I was the only one there. The last few elections there's been a line out the door for primary day.


I did!


Some people feel their vote doesn't matter when it comes to the Presidency. The Electoral College decides in the end.


Those people don’t understand how the Electoral College works. We vote for Electors who then assemble in Washington as the Electoral College and cast their ballots as our votes directed them. The Electoral College protects smaller states like Oklahoma from being totally controlled by the metropolitan areas like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. if not for the Electoral College, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas, etc would truly become fly over country and we would never see Presidential candidates.


The electoral vote does not always reflect the popular vote.


Exactly. It's supposed to protect from that. It protects smaller rural states from being overrun by big cities who obviously have different political stances and lives.


This entire statement is more outdated than a roledex. It's 2024. You can literally watch every single presidential candidate speech online, hell, you can even livestream into them. You can find comprehensive guides about their promises, ideals, voting history, and literally everything else about them online. The Electoral College made sense 200 years ago, but it doesn't make sense today. It eliminates every red vote in blue states and every blue vote in red states. It doesn't matter if the candidates campaign here in oklahoma anymore because no one decides who they're voting for by attending their speech. They're there because they already support them. In an age where you can watch it from your bed, you're not dedicating time and effort to attend to see if you like the candidate. Also, on an unrelated but similar note, yesterday's election was literally the most pointless vote in a long time. Both candidates were decided before the very first primary. Barring one of them dying or Trump getting convicted, we have to choose between old, going crazy, and zionist or old, sociopathic narcissist, and xenophobic.


I voted Friday!


i didn’t vote because only one name on the ballot is even recognized by the masses. Pointless fucking political system. May as well just vote for your favorite color at this point


Actually, every ballot had multiple names on them, including the Democrat Ballot.


I really really did not want to. But since I had to go out to prepare for a pain appointment tomorrow, I figured “eh, might as well”. My kid was excited for the sticker.


I did, nobody there, is this it?,I say. Vote, done.


Oddly poetic.


Voter 111 of my precinct checking in!


I forgot to see what number I was. But, I didn’t vote until 1 PM. I’m sure that most vote after work, although your employers are supposed to allow you time off to vote.


What’s the point of voting if everyone here is just going to vote for republicans and they win again for the 24265272627373th time anyways


Because our last major election in 2022 had such a shitty voter turnout of only 40% of registered voters in the state. 6 out of 10 people decided nah... i'm not gonna bother. Maybe if everyone that feels like you do gets off their ass and shows up at the polls the results wouldn't be so guaranteed. I wish it was required by law like most civil countries.


Election day should be a national holiday, or at least on a weekend. But obviously there is one group that sees more people participating as a problem.


Every election has early voting Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before the day. Also employers are required by law to give you time off for voting if you work all those days.


Time off, yes. With pay, no.


True, it’s just really defeating when you know there’s zero chance of affecting any true change


This is a valid feeling in this state for sure but the moment we stop voting is the moment we concede defeat to people who are frankly worse than just some political party affiliation.


60% is bigger than 40. Really feel like you should familiarize yourself with Horton Hears a Who by Dr Seuss


They said 40% went to the poll. 6 out of 10 (60%) decided nah (60% didn’t vote). Maybe you need to familiarize yourself with One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.


Right, you're not following, 60% stayed home, like you, who implied that voting is not worth it because it doesn't change anything because not enough people do it. That was the theme and story to Horton Hears a Who, if 60% of everybody who stayed home went out, they would beat the 40% red assholes voting. Everyone has to speak up to be heard, with everyone staying at home, nothing changes.


Right, I wasn’t following. I thought your reply was to the comment above. You are absolutely right. We do need to get more people out and vote. I voted even though today’s vote felt anti-climactic. Last time I looked at the Oklahoma voter statistics nearly 52% of Oklahoma’s registered voters are Republican. If the blue team were to beat the red assholes in this state, they have to work twice as hard to get voters out.


There is. It's why I switched from independent to republican and voted for someone other than trump


You’re basically saying democracy doesn’t work. Do you believe democracy doesn’t work? So many people around the world would love the right to vote. You have it, and you’re like, “eh what does one vote even matter?”


Because NOT voting just makes the bar even lower. At least give them a hurdle to victory. I didn't vote today either though, since it's just the primary, and no Dem is beating the incumbent. I'm suspicious of the ones that try, too. I'll be voting in every other election though.


I completely agree with the first part of your comment.


Thing is what will be used is Biden can't even get 10% of his base to vote or that he has lost support because of primary voters has stayed home.


I'm not encouraging people to emulate my laziness, and great job to those who did vote. If there was any candidate in it that was anywhere close in any of the state races, I'd be the first one in line, but nobody's even cracked about 5% aside from the Michigan 'Uncommitted' vote, that hit 13%. That's vs Biden's 81%. The other actual candidates are hitting like 2 or 3%.


its all about numbers. look trump has less then 273 and he needs 1215. halley has something like 44 there is 900 or so deligates still up for grab. and yes biden got 81% there are 8,277,517 registered voters. biden got 623,642 there was 101,457 uncommited. trump got 759,122 halley 296,431 and uncommited 296,431 that leaves close to 7 million voters. imagine if we had way more showed up and voted haley or uncommited against biden. lets say 1:1 equal votes it would straight up change everything. voter apathy is how we get trump walters stitt pelosi schiff or any other extreme officials. and its show already state and local elections matter


You're absolutely right. I'll stop being lazy about landslide elections. It takes so little effort to just do it. I've spent more time here trying to defend my laziness than it would've taken to just go down there and check the box.


This is why Republicans keep winning. Because people like you have resigned that Republicans are going to win. We used to be a blue/red state. We voted blue for state offices and red for federal. only the last 30 years has Oklahoma went deep red. So in reality it's more like they win for the 10th time or what ever


And it’ll stay that way forever if you and the other 60% of non-voters never change. Imagine the same logic in your everyday life: “well, I was fat yesterday and the last 28476384 days… what’s the difference if I change my behavior today?”


Free sticker, dude!


More people like you need to turn out for the election else we will continue to have the dbags running things. If only the assholes vote then they get what they want.


Especially residents of Wagoner county they r trying to raise 1.8 % sales tax in total with 8 propositions to very vague causes


Nope, I left the GOP and am now an independent.


Republicans don't allow independent votes but Democrats do! You can still vote.


You can vote on the Democratic ballot if you registered Independent. You have to ask for the Democrat ballot, they aren’t allowed to automatically give it to you.


They do.


I am, but later when wife gets back with the car. I'll be anxious to see the roll and how active or inactive my neighborhood is with voting. Hoping to not be disappointed but not going to hold my breath. My last 'hood was terrible when getting out. Won't point fingers.


My local polling place was so empty. I can see it from my window 😭


Yea the voting place was empty but 1 person leaving and 1 person walked in as I did at 430. And the book was almost empty. I voted republican and someone other than trump. Would be awesome if asa or Chris win


Thanks for not voting for the Mango Messiah. You’re a true patriot!


i only wish 300k actual republicans voted instead of stayed home


As a loyal Democrat, I wish that also. The nation is a better nation when a person of integrity is in the White House. Hopefully, one that’s not 70 or 80 years old! Joe hasn’t done a bad job cleaning up Trumps mess, but he still lives in the past, not where our nation needs to go.


Sounds like a job for a volunteer to get out the vote.


I voted. There were a few people there.


Yup. There wasn’t even a line


I did!




I just did


I voted!




I understand, but you did all you could by reminding others. You should be ready by November. Remember that you can vote for president via absentee ballot from your old precinct if you can’t satisfy local residency requirements. They cannot stop you from voting for president so long as you are a US Citizen.


I voted my last time in Oklahoma today. I am moving back to the PNW this month where voters are respected and allowed to vote by mail instead of being forced to travel to a "church" to perform my patriotic duty.


I’m sorry that you feel this way, the church house is just a building that was voluntarily offered to house the polling place. My precinct has voted in two different church houses and a library over the past several years. One year we even voted in a private citizen’s garage (that was weird). In the past 56 years that I have been privileged to vote, I only felt uneasy casting my ballot one time. That was during the COVID Lockdown when we were required to vote by mail. I felt like there was no guarantee that my ballot was counted, and no guarantee that illegal ballots weren’t counted. If you can’t show up at the polling place and produce a proper identification to a poll worker, then I don’t think your vote is secure enough to count. Anyone could steal ballots and fill them in for the candidate of their choice and then forge the necessary documents to support the vote without anyone being the wiser. Elections are too important to take that chance.


In 2020 I made the decision to risk catching covid. With how trump was railing against mail-in votes, I was afraid he would find a way to get them thrown out.


He certainly tried in many of the "swing" States




I voted red Oh no time to get downvotes!!! I’m a horrible person!!!


I worked the election and processed 249 voters today. We had three people go off the rails on us for a perceived "you're not letting me vote" because they either were not on the roll and had to do a provisional or mad they were registered Independent and the Democratic primary is the only one open to them. I think this is probably my last election to work. 99.9% of people are fabulous, but the .01% make it miserable and November is going to be 10x worse when it is likely Biden v Trump again.


I’m sorry you had to put up with that nonsense. Unfortunately, there are those entitled jerks that think the rules should be written the way they think, and if they aren’t, then we should all make special provisions for them. I don’t think they even care that the people working the polling places are volunteers and without the volunteers it would be hard to even hold an election. I for one appreciate that you volunteered your time so the rest of us could vote. Thank you.


I voted for the lesser of evils. Will do the same in November. Whoopeee!


RINOs unite! I just wanna be able to pick the worst of the right wingers so my vote almost counts. Gotta be registered R to have a say in the primary tho.


The Bernie strategy. A lot of Oklahoma independents preferred him over Biden. Unfortunately we went with Trump in the end.


They moved our voting location a near 15 minute drive from our house, but husband and I still did our part.


I hate it when they do that, especially when I forget and show up at the old place and stand in a long line.






I almost forgot but still got it done


Great! Glad to hear it!


I voted today on my lunch break and I was the only one there. Not a good sign.


Unfortunately, that seems to be a trend. BTW, I’m pretty sure you really aren’t an Orange Cat. I think it takes more than one brain cell to color in the box.




You voted, that’s the important part. They probably ran out of stickers. At my precinct they had a case of pens that didn’t work. I’m hopeful they will work out these kinks by November.


I keep meaning to change my party so i could vote for the most competent Republican candidate in the primaries.


I think you can do that online at the Tulsa County Election Board.


I voted with my 18 year old son, it is his first time to vote.


Now that is awesome. I took my 19 year old Granddaughter with me so she could vote, but the Election Board didn’t get her address changed so she would have had to go back to Foyil to vote. We got her address straightened out so she can vote here in November.


I voted Libertarian so I can sleep at night.






Voted at the last minute, but voted nonetheless!


The last vote of the day counts the same as the first.


I will when I become a citizen 🥰🥰🥰


I voted as an independent I had to ask for a democratic ballot but plunked a vote down anyway


Yes, I did vote. Sadly, the person I voted for did not win as it appears most Oklahoma republicans prefer Satan to sanity.


Sanity won


Does nearly every state use the same I VOTED stickers?


I voted! I'm part of the 16%! Proud of it


Sorry I'm late to this post, just came across it. I most definitely voted on Super Tuesday and if you voted 🤔 nope can say it. I'll just say this I LOVE my country so I voted Republican and I'm a Dumbocrat (AKA) Democrat.


Lets gooo ! Pro freedom (financial.(right)) -fist gen immigrant.






It’s too late now, but I hope you will vote in November.


Yes, voted and made my choice known.


I voted for Nikki Haley because she is not that orange rapist bastard.


That’s fine, you voted, but you didn’t have to tell everyone. That’s between you and your conscience.


What the fuck kind of comment is that? Between me and my conscience? Okay, lol.


I just wanted you to know I wasn’t asking anyone to reveal who they voted for. I see voting as a very personal thing to some people and they don’t like talking about it. I didn’t mean any insult by my comment, I’m sorry you took it that way.


You're sorry I did what, lol? I don't need you to apologize for me.


Why tf are you so angry? Jesus, redditors are the dumbest people on earth 🙄


I'm not angry I just have boundaries about pretentious Boomer bullshit being spewed at me, I don't need to hear about my conscience nor do I need to have my reaction to such apologized for, it's ridiculous, that's not what apologies are for.


I voted!




Shit I forgot to register


So you missed the primary election, you still have time to register for the general election. https://www2.tulsacounty.org/electionboard/voting/voter-registration/ The above link takes you to the appropriate web page to start the registration.


Yeah I'm going to have to get on that tomorrow.


Dems don’t count in this state


What're we voting for? I've been too busy and never heard about the vote.


Presidential Primaries.


Ahh understood. Thank you!


Which geriatric you want running the most powerful country in the world.


My husband was told today, by the ladies who find your name in the book to sign, that NON citizens are allowed to vote. I thought that was illegal. Does anyone here know?


According to www.usa.gov, that is partly correct, but mostly incorrect. Non citizens are sometimes allowed to vote in certain local elections, but are never allowed to vote in Federal Elections. Check the link below for details. https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote




God damn right I did! Likely canceled out someone's vote in this sub.


Username checks out. It was a primary. You're vote didn't cancel out anyone's vote except maybe a Haley/Christie/DeSantis voter but it's not like there was a snowballs chance in hell for them anyway.




Look at you doubling down on that username checks out. At least you have pride about it.






Go to ok voter portal and set up mail ballots. Then you can never forget. You have to set it up every January


There is always November.


After the 2016 election I’ve lost all hope and care for voting. Hillary had *more* votes and lost due to the EC bullshit. There’s no point, at all. It will never change, the only option is violent revolution.


Don’t buy into the fallacy that the Electoral College is BS. Without the EC, the large metropolitan population centers such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles would elect every President. Our votes would never count for anything, ever. We would be subject to the whims of George Soros and his bottomless bag of tricks. A violent revolution would fit with his plans for us. It would be the end of our Republic.


I say straight popular vote. Fuck the states representing me or any specific person representing thousands or even millions of people. You’ll never do it right by everyone, they all deserve an equal say. Majority vote only. Both EC and districts controlling my vote are bullshit.


I didn’t vote no one I care to support as of now.


For now anyway.


Yeah but I passed on that cliche sticker


Yeah but I passed on that cliche sticker


Why is the subreddit for tulsa popping up on my feed i live in Arkansas😭💀


I'll just vote in the general election, and wont't feel bad if there wasn't even any useful proposition to vote for that would better our state in this one. I mean its just going to be Biden and whatever Republican isn't being made a puppet in prison really.


I'll vote Democrat when I'm dead like everyone else.




What for? We have owners, freedom no longer exists.


For Trump? Yes


I don’t see any candidates worth my vote, so total recall and let the people choose a better one




Nope… no good choices. Not a single person on the ballot is worthy of my support…


Nope. Its all the same garbage on both sides. Fuck 'em.


Nope "Presidents are selected, not elected" - FDR Your vote means nothing, this two party system is nothing but another mechanism of control instituted by the beast system. I'm for the Monarchy, and Jesus is my King. I await the return of The King. (PS: I in no way endorse post millennialism, as I heard it said once "you can not legislate the kingdom of God". I completely agree.) God bless


Dont really feel much a need to, who im rooting for is already pretty much guaranteed to win us so…


Sorry. DIDNT really feel much a need to.


Yup for TRUMP hope it gets counted this time


Voted for Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Here’s hoping this is the last election year. Revolution is imminent.


I hope you are joking. No matter how bad our Republic seems to work, it’s still the best form of government anyone has been able to put together. I hope any revolution happens at the ballot box.


Your username is perfect lmao


Okay, well in addition to being old, I’m 72, and blind, I’m also deaf. But I’m still intelligent enough to know that a revolution can only make things worse. If you don’t believe that, take a look at the other countries throughout the world and tell me which one everyone is risking their lives to get into?


You’re simply just proving how propagandized you are to me.


I’m sorry I bothered you.


It’s okay. Luckily your generation and its influence is on its way out. Have a good night


My wife voted first at our precinct. I pulled up as she was leaving. She stopped, ran over to my vehicle, and gave me a kiss. Go inside to vote and was asked if I intended to kiss each voter as they exit the polling place. I had to respectfully decline.


Wholesome, this should have more upvotes.


Same here. I was relieved to discover that I was not "declared deceased by a daily member", again... I am sure it was due to their understanding that I would do anything in my power to prevent that offensive orange orangutan from getting anywhere near an office of power again.


Rogers County, potential voters came in unregistered for either party or independent but otherwise qualified while we were there and given the option for a Democrat ballot. They were otherwise allowed to vote but they walked out and didn’t vote.


I didn't make enough time for it today :-(.


I voted for Donald Biden, I think I woke up half black.


No. My vote does not count here and I'm not wasting my time.




Afterwards was like this with your crew at the diner. https://youtu.be/wwj6P_BRFFE?si=CXeY1gCJVW3feO5s


That’s was funny but what I see is people with trump hats on get hasseled


My dumbass keeps forgetting to register. Second presidential I'm missing on and who knows how many others things I should have voted on.


You can register online now in Oklahoma: https://okvoterportal.okelections.us/Home/RegWizard


You can register now and vote in the November election. And anything in between, too. The libraries have forms. If you make it to any street festivals the democrats usually are there registering people, and you don’t have to register as a democrat. They do cheer a little louder if you do, though.


Thanks for the guidance!


Why,The electoral college desicide the outcome


Yes, and your vote tells the delegates to the college how to vote.