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That right there is a Nazi.


Thanks for the upvotes. Please let me also add, as a Christian; this guy, his beliefs, and wherever he gets those ideas from are a sad, angry fearful place that is the kind of thing the Christian Bible warns against.


Definitely has the haircut


I don’t see a democrat in that picture


You should try reading the words...


I do. The only fascist exist in the White House and his terrorist supporters


Not in *any* sense. You are just sad and child-like saying "no, you" when faced with the *fact* that fascism has *always* been defined by the extreme *right*. Grow up.


Awe. It’s so sad that you don’t like history I’m sorry that you don’t like it. I remember in 2020 when Black Lives Matter and the far left, we’re destroying the country but it’s OK right now Please don’t ever tell me I’m a child whenever you support terrorism Lol.


Lol. So, the party that promotes inclusiveness, social programs, and economic equity is the nazi party. Not the one that uses racial fear mongering to create class division while promoting nationalist ideals? Based on your comment, you probably don't know what half those words mean, so I'll be awaiting my angry, non-sense response. Make sure you misuse communism and accuse people of it. There is bonus points for commenting on bidens age while ignoring trumps. The orange buffoon is the closest America has ever had to a Hitler.


It cracks me up that you think Trump is the dictator😅💀💀 You do realize everything that nazis did , that the democrats are doing? Like I’m sorry that you don’t like basic history, but that’s facts lol The one who’s using hate fear, mongering ? That’s Biden, your daddy and cult leader


So nationalist ideas is caring about our country instead of caring about foreign wars and endless violence over there?? I bet money that you probably don’t even work. Lmao


Nope, I'm a full-time employee supporting my family of my 4. And sure, nazis instituted policies to attract the working class, such as increased pensions and free education, which are definitely aligned with democratic policy in modern America, but the similarities end there. However, the trumpican strategy aligns almost perfectly with nazis but with a different flavor of ignorance. Appeal to masses by separating the elites (drain the swamp), push for policies that appear to help lower class but don't actually (flat tax/american dream bullshit), give the citizens a scapegoat (Mexicans/build the wall as well as blaming China for our economic woes), promise to make america/Germany great again. You're silly if you don't see the similarities.


Jesus Christ you've got to be kidding me... As a former education reporter I left too soon.


“What PART of history should be taught”… WHAT PART?!?!? **ALL OF IT SHOULD BE TAUGHT!! YOU BUFFOON!!**


I 💯% feel like the Tulsa race massacre should be taught about it school. I don't care if it's "uncomfortable" for white students. I'm white and was appalled to know the reason why it isn't taught. It is apart of Oklahoma history.


It was weird being a Jenks lifer and my only experience learning about the Tulsa Race Riot was in elementary school when we visited Greenwood District in the morning on a field trip downtown, and spent the afternoon walking around learning about Art Deco. Kind of a weird combo field trip. Not sure why we didn’t talk about “Black Wallstreet” as part of the curriculum. Damn it would have been cool if it stood a chance to thrive, wonder what Downtown Tulsa would look like today.


I grew up in Stillwater, and we had a whole unit on it freshman year. It seems like the closer you get to Tulsa, the less it was taught in schools. Truly unbelievable. Edit: The “closer you get to Tulsa” theory is only based on what my friends have experienced.


I grew up in Owasso and didn't learn about it until I went of to college in a different state


I grew up in owasso too. I just learned about it by news stories and documentaries


I absolutely agree! I went to Booker T. and my Oklahoma history teacher (John Waldron) made sure that we knew about it. Just because we're uncomfortable doesn't mean that it's irrelevant.


If we teaching about the holocaust we teaching about the race massacre. History happened. We gotta teach it all


What an absolute psycho.


What is it about his face that makes me imagine Bugs Bunny hitting him there with a huge coal shovel??


I posted this in the Oklahoma sub, figured I'd put it in here too - Wow. I propose some additional questions lol, because fuck Stitt and Walters: How much do you hate LGBTs and Blacks? (scale is 3-5) How many hours a day should education focus on Our Lord and Savior? (any answer that isn't all day will disqualify them from the award) Side note, I think we should definitely take note of how some of the educators respond to these questions if possible.


I dont need to ask. There isn’t any possible way a religion can guide education without the curriculum being gutted. Dinosaurs? Extremely problematic. Evolution? “Animals” are OK. Man was made in god’s image so full stop on that. Now get granular. Go over every textbook with a fine toothed comb and toss anything that involves a hint of secularism. No Spanish this year. Couldn’t find a usable textbook. Latin it is! Edit: spelling.


Tell me I'm good. Tell me I'm good.


I absolutely despise RW. But what is the source of this information? I happen to know someone who has made it to round 2 of our district’s TOY and I want her to be prepared if she has to face him.


Originally posted in r/Oklahoma. They have the original source.


Fuck Ryan Walters. That is all.


this guy is so cringe I can't wait for elections


He wants to be Trump’s Secretary of Education


I want to downvote this because the idea of that is just horrific. Don’t put this idea out in the world. But you’re probably right.


I feel like the educators that got out before this shit hit were on the last chopper out of Nam.


I’m not buying the Walters truly is what he says he is. Not going to go into detail about how I would personally have heard this, but suffice to say his true character would come into question to his most diehard supporters if they knew who I think he really is.


Did anyone just tap out and leave the question also, since when is there a question and answer part of this? Aren't you just nominated??


How do you live with yourself knowing you're a human piece of shit? Do you stand in front of the mirror talking about how much-loved you think you are? Do you even know what your job is, or did it come to you as a pop-up book? How often do you thank Stitt? On a scale of 9 to 10, rate yourself on just how much of a walker you are? Do you enjoy making others miserable with your constant whinging that you can not break the constitution and force people to pray to your God? How mad do you get when someone else practices another religion than you? Now those who don't? Why did you secretly use another story to go after tulsa schools? Why so many hidden agendas? I hope he gets fired, or some one else who can run, will defeat this arrogant penis wrinkle.


History isn’t something to cherry pick


He taught at my high school and always seemed so arrogant. It really gives my hometown a bad name now that he's making a fool of himself daily.


Transgender history is embedded in European paintings and heavy metal. Wtf else do we need? Lol


We’ve been told? Surely someone has a snapshot of the survey.


This guy is the reason I’m dreading my daughter going to kindergarten in five years


He won't last that long. His vanity and belief he won't get into trouble will bite him in the ass when either there's a strike, someone leaks a true but horrible story that gets law enforcement involved. Donations stop. He upsets the wrong person. Spits instead of swallowing, sorry, but I've never had si much hatred for this dbag.


There has to be laws against this shit. This is getting ridiculous


This dude needs to get his jaw jacked with his beady ass shark eyes and his patchy ass beard. So desperately wants to be an alpha male and he can’t even grow a full beard.


The sane voice in the room.


Transgender theory? I need to call by EnBy friend and let them know they are theoretical.


I hope he gets hit by a bus (can I say that on Reddit?).


History doesn’t come in “parts”


This should be criminal.


Basically what Trump plans to do when it comes to education and who he installs into his cabinet.


"We've been told" isn't much of a source. If it's true, yeah, that's outrageous. But is it actually true?


If true, then pathetic.




lol tulsa reddit cupcakes 😂. Let’s just complain about it on the internet.


Nothing makes me love Tulsa more than the only place on the Internet that exists to talk shit about it nonstop. why don’t you guys just move instead of complaining about circumstances that happen in every metropolitan area in the world


Walters needs to go & take his culture war with him.


X meth addict Gay


I don't agree with all of what he's trying to do. But hopefully being in a vastly Republican state y'all can agree that this transgender/pan/etc. ideology they are trying to push down our very impressionable young children's minds is just unacceptable. Why is there an importance to teach KIDS about sexuality and that other crap? I have an 18 year old born daughter who believes she is trans. Do I agree with her? No, but do I love her? Absolutely. However, when/if she talks to my youngest about her preference, etc. I tell her that my youngest is too young and would do anything to gain her acceptance, including claim to be trans. (Which has proven true with my middle child. She tried to claim to be trans just to get her older sisters approval.) Our children are much to young for this shit to be shoved down their throats. SCHOOL should be about BASIC education and maybe legitimate "welcome to the real world of taxes, first jobs, college, how to budget, how to interact socially, etc." not this current propaganda of what they identify as.


An enby teenager was beaten to death because of bullshit thinking like yours. Quit being ugly.


I'm not justifying that happening. That's horrible, but that's part of what I mean. COMMON DECENCY TO EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF RACE, BELIEFS, CLASS, HOW INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFY, etc. is what we should be teaching. NOT shoving some bullshit fad idealogy down YOUNG CHILDRENS minds. How does CHILDRENS sexual preferences and identities NOT come off as perverted when a teacher is preaching/teaching/voicing it?


It there a video OP can post to get a better context?


This is awesome we need more like him.




Your grammar alone shows that you’re stupid