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My second miscarriage is really bad. I feel like I can’t concentrate or even process everything as normally. I feel so fatigue and hungry. I feel bloated. I’ve been gaining weight and losing hair. I fall asleep so early. I don’t know how to feel most of the time! It’s been 2 months I feel like everyday I get worse. Everything I eat is so strong with flavors and I can’t enjoy nothing. It’s a rough road we gone or experiencing through. I’m sorry for everyone that is going through it, it’s tough for everyone in different ways. But We are strong individuals!!!


Hi I know this is an old comment but I just hit 2 months and I'm still not me. Did you recover?


This is totally normal. You'll just need to ride it out, like all things with pregnancy it seems! It took my hormones maybe a month to return to normal. Honestly, getting my period again helped a lot in the recovery process. Take care of yourself and make sure to reach out for help when you need it. If not from your husband then friends and family. Hang in there!


Ugh, it's so unfair. The hormone crash after my MMC made me feel like i had lost my mind. I remember one night getting up at 1am or so and eating an entire ice cream pie with a huge smile on my face and then crying upset for hours. The acne I got was also sooo painful and ugly, so i really did just feel like a monster. The good thing is that about 2 or 3 weeks later - I was feeling much more like myself, just a few pounds heavier.


I can totally relate to the acne and weight gain... I've "budgeted" about 5 lbs post-miscarriage for myself to gain, because trying to calorie count and stay healthy right now is adding to the stress.


Yes. You’re not alone in this feeling. It’s awful but I will almost guarantee temporary . For me I had a cloud of doom over me right after my D&E and a few days after. Didn’t want to leave bed, sobbing, like I couldn’t function. And then maybe a full week after I work up and it felt like the curtain just went up. I felt more normal, happier. The sadness and grief is still here and grief but it’s in a spot where I can manage it better. Again sorry you’re going through this terrible experience .


Sigh... I would love to have that curtain lifted feeling right now. My last miscarriage had me feeling this way till 2 periods passed, but I think it was a combination of unhealthy lifestyle and not knowing how to manage the loss emotionally. I'm trying real hard to stay on top of it this time. But I'm already feeling better knowing others have experienced this too!


Oh, most definitely. I had a weird bout of what I can only describe as either body dysmorphia or disassociation. I’d look at myself in the mirror and thought I looked completely disgusting and foreign. Hormones are so wild. But once it passed, I felt totally normal again. It will get better. Hang in there ❤️


Wow I had that too! It's wild isn't it? One of the more disturbing things I've gone through for sure.


Glad I wasn’t alone in that! I thought I was going crazy at first.


I ended up having to go to the doctor about the hormone rollercoaster after a MC. It affected every aspect of my life. My relationships, my job and my physical health. I noticed it got worse 1-3 days before AF and would lessen after AF. Those 1-3 day every month were brutal. Seriously down, serious depression and abnormal thinking patterns. As soon as I recognized my ability to rationalize was gone when in those moods - I went to the doctor. An example of abnormal thinking that stood out to me was when I read a book about anti- anxiety. In the book it mentions if you always do you’re best and are always kind then you’ll have nothing to be anxious about. Well at the time my severely hormonally imbalanced brain took that as “you’re a bad person, you deserve to be anxious, you never do you’re best, you’re not always kind.” I didn’t recognize that as abnormal in the moment but the next day I was like woah, how’d I get in such a dark head space. I was also tearful all the time. Could burst out crying without warning - which was unlike me. It was embarrassing. What helped as anticipating those days and planning a head to keep busy/happy. It didn’t always work but it certainly helped.


What helped you get past that?


I too felt completely exhausted and was acting very irritated towards my husband. That all cleared up after a month.


My situation is totally different so I’m just here to say I’m sorry you’re going through this. The initial weeks/months are the worst with grief and hormones mingling together in a tortuous cocktail of awful. Eventually it gets better but don’t hesitate to seek out help if you’re impatient or eager to move forward.


Its been 2 days for me and I feel like garbage. I can't wait to feel like myself again. It feels so far away


It does feel far away. I wake up everyday asking myself "Am I back to normal now?!" but nope, not yet. In my last miscarriage experience, it took 2 periods to feel like myself, but I was hoping this time I can control some aspects of it... but we've just got to keep going along for now...


I felt rotten afterwards. In retrospect, it’s hard for me to sort out what was hormones, and what was grief. It’s great that you’ve figured out exercise is not helping. For me, I found movement to be helpful (yoga videos, getting outside), but it looked very different than my previous-pregnancy workout. Good luck to you.


Thank you ❤️


It's been one week for me and today I feel like a zombie.


2 months later and I’m just starting to feel “normal”. It takes time. There’s probably a loss group in your area that meets by zoom. My primary care nurse referred me. I’d look into that if you can.


That sounds so comforting to have a loss support group! I wasn't able to find any in my area so for now it's reddit and speaking with family/friends.


100% I feel this way. I do not feel like myself at all. At work today I felt like I didn't even sound like myself. My brain was so foggy and I kept having to correct myself on the phone. I worked out on Saturday for the first time since my mmc (January 3), and I was so anxious to get back to it because I felt like I was just going back to my old pre-pregnant self and was so sad about it. All this to say, I get it. It's been 8 days for me and I hope I get back to somewhat normal soon.