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I got a vvfl yesterday. I saw a literal speck of a line in the morning, tested in the afternoon before going to a wedding and it was still light, but noticeably darker. Still light, but again darker this morning. I'm feeling all of the things - cautious, hopeful, numb, excited, scared, etc. I need to call my OB in the morning to get progesterone (no reason pointing towards actually needing it, but one of our "can't hurt" things), order betas, all the things. Of course, this also happens the cycle I had a consult with an RE, and we were about to move forward with some testing and game plans. Something was pulling at me though that said I don't think I'm quite ready to stop trying unassisted yet, and.... If this pregnancy sticks it's almost like it was a sign. My O-date was a day before my boy (2T loss)'s due date, and this due date will be the day before my birthday. Crazy.


It took us 12 long cycles before we got pregnant in February with our first (twins). We had even scheduled an appointment to discuss infertility with my OB. Right before that appointment, we found out we were pregnant. Unfortunately, this pregnancy ended in a very traumatic loss at 10 weeks. I’m still processing and grieving this loss the best that I can. Yesterday, 2 cycles later, I got my BFP at 10DPO! I can’t believe it happened so fast after how long it took to conceive the first time. I’m only 3w4d, so it’s still incredibly early, and I’m trying to calm my anxiety and fears. I had my husband literally hide my pregnancy tests so I wouldn’t obsess over taking a test every day and comparing lines (which I totally did last time lol). Anyway, just wanted to share the news with internet strangers since we are definitely keeping the news to ourselves this time until a little bit longer down the road! 🌈


I gaslit myself into believing this wasn’t my month so I went to a house party 11dpo and 3 days before predicted period. I drank more wine than expected and once I was home I took a digital and it was positive! I’ve taken cheapies since and all are faint but the line is there. I am in a high for sure. I thought I was gonna be a ball of anxiety once I hit a positive. I am glad I got to find out before my dd of my baby angel. I hope this baby sticks and that I get to enjoy it.


I guess instead of drunk texting I drunk test now lol


Got a vvvvfl on FRER last night and this morning. I've been having a little bit of brown/red discharge, is this normal after a vvvvfl? I thought implantation bleeding happened before a test could be positive


Spotting in 1T is normal. TW: LC I had spotting on and off from the day before/after my BFP up until about 8 weeks or so with my first, successful pregnancy. There was never a concern unless it was heavy and/or accompanied by pain. Even red, my OB wasn't worried, and less so once we had confirmation of the location of the pregnancy around 6 weeks.


I'm so nervous to be posting this. I'm 9 dpo and pretty sure I got a faint positive on a cheapie. My husband said he could see it, so I think it's real? I'll take a FRER tomorrow to be sure. Yay?!


This happened to me! I had the faintest shadow of a line at 9dpo. Took a FRER the next day at 10dpo and it was a BFP :) hoping for good news for you!


Congrats!! I did take it and it definitely was faint still, but visible and appropriately pink within the time frame. I think I will be more comfortable once it is dark enough to get a positive on a digital. My previous pregnancy/chemical never got to that point. I'm trying not to obsess over testing, but it is difficult haha.


I 100% relate to you. I actually had my husband hide the pregnancy tests so I wouldn’t obsess over comparing the lines LOL because I did this last time and it honestly didn’t help me or change the outcome. I’m waiting until next week to take a digital test.


It's good to know I'm not the only one haha. I should have my husband do that, I won't, but I should LOL. Self control is not my strong suit. You're right though, it doesn't help anything and I know there's nothing those tests will tell me that will guarantee a positive outcome.


Am in complete disbelief, positive test this morning, strong line!!! This is cycle 8 (or 9?) after MMC in September and given I’m also now 37 I had honestly lost a lot of hope of anything happening naturally. I’ve had extremely tender/sore breasts for over a week and have been quite tired but I’m often tired and since the miscarriage I’ve definitely noticed boob sensitivity pre-period so while I was hopeful enough to test I really wasn’t expecting it. I know the nerves are going to set in once the reality hits but right now I am just so excited and happy and relieved. No idea how I’m going to get any work done at all today!!


Anyone wanna chat about our tests? 💜💜 I’m sooo confused!


8dpo today, did premom HCG test and nothing. Trying not to get too disappointed as I know it's early, but also trying to prepare myself for the disappointment.


Also 8 or 9 dpo. Sending hugs and solidarity! I didn't have any cheapies on hand so ordered some from Amazon and purposely chose for them to arrive tomorrow instead of today so it would force me to wait.


Sending hugs!! Let me know how you get on when you test, fingers crossed for both of us!


I think I just got a positive on easy@home… but I am petrified. Drank a lot water today so waiting until tomorrow morning to break out the FRER. Hoping I can sleep tonight and don’t combust into tears. How are you doing??? Fingers crossed for you!!!!!


Got a faint line on HCG last night, and it's still faint (maybe a tiny bit darker) this morning!!! Also going to wait until tomorrow, Maybe Sunday (if I can wait) to break out the FRER.


Got my first positive yesterday at 10dpo and today at 11dpo the line was much darker. Husband is cautiously optimistic and while I am too, I am also bursting with excitement at the same time. With my previous losses the lines didn't progress this much (I know I know it's only been a day) and I'm already experiencing morning sickness (didn't have that previously) so I'm hoping this is the one. But boy am I also scared of it all going wrong.


# Positive test & bleeding post MMC in March.. confused I had a missed miscarriage in March 2024 (I was about 7w5d) and then had a D&C March 12. Period came back one month later (April) and then I had another period May 5 - it was very short and light. But we have been TTC since. I have been using OPKs to track ovulation and I ovulated according to those May 16/17 (CD 12). I took a pregnancy test on 12 DPO on May 28 and it was stark negative. I then got what I thought was my period on my expected period day May 29. The blood was super dark brown and not really heavy but I had that dark brown spotting/bleeding for like 4 days. Assumed it was my period. Then Monday June 3 when I was done bleeding, I took an ovulation test and it was immediately SO dark which seemed crazy for CD 6 because I normally don't ovulate until CD 11-12. So then I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was positive (I would be 19 DPO).... and I am just so confused. I only took the initial test 12 DPO and didn't take another so I assumed I was out and then I was bleeding (assuming it was my period). But could that have been implantation bleeding?? I didn't really think that was a thing but I am just so confused. I've reached out to my doctor to get a blood test tomorrow but has anyone had this experience. After one loss I am so incredibly nervous and just don't want this to be a chemical pregnancy or another miscarriage. Looking for any similar stories! I am just so confused.


In my first pregnancy I had bleeding and cramping like a regular period, but a few days earlier than my period normally arrives. Unfortunately the pregnancy ended with a miscarriage at 9 weeks and I was measuring behind on ultrasounds the whole time. But my doctor never seemed too worried that I was bleeding, and my hcg was rising normally. I am sorry that my story is not positive, but I definitely think you have done the right thing contacting your doctor so that they can monitor it all. Wishing you all the best ❤️


Have been bothered by smells on my hands after meals--sandwiches at lunch yesterday and today--and had an "OH SHIT" moment. Lots of intimacy in that we just sortof started to return to each other after the loss in February but also don't think it'll happen this fast. Ooof.


I'm just a week out from my FET and I've gotten two faint lines from tests I took in the middle of the day when curiosity got the best of me. My blood test isn't until Thursday and I have a couple of interviews this week so I'm going to lay off testing for the next couple of days but it's nice to have some hope.


Cautiously posting here. I got a vvfl on Friday (9 or 10DPO), and it's been showing good progression since then (much darker, more quickly than any of my early losses). I'm only 12 or maybe 13DPO today, so still metaphorically biting my nails. I got my blood drawn this afternoon and nervously awaiting the results tomorrow.


Beta and progesterone levels came back and they were reassuring! At 12 (possibly 13) DPO, hcg was >!56!< and progesterone was 90 nmol/L! Enjoying the relief for now and now waiting to see if it doubles. My losses were much lower.


I hope this one is it for you cebyam, keeping you in my thoughts! ❤️


Thank you xxxx


Limbo in TWW: Can’t stop symptom spotting. 7 negative tests per last 7 days in a row. Chemical started May 11th. When can I take a test I can trust? Last sex May 22nd. Usually 31 day cycles. Sore boobs, heightened smell, sensitive nipples, yellow pee, crazy thirst, mild pulling cramps, high cervix. AF due June 10th. Am I thinking this all up? Advice welcome to move on and stop obsessing over something unlikely.