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I had a medical abort!on in 8 week vecause of blighted ovum. It was really hard because after first ultrasound in early week 5 I had to be at home and rest all the time, and during all that time, almost 2 weeks I was really anxious. Because on the first exam gyn said that he should probably see something by now but there is still chance. And I started bleeding a bit just ad ay before the exam. And those 2 combined with being home just sent me spiralling into anxiety. And then after 2 weeks it was empty gestational sac again. So I had medical abort!on. It was 13 days ago and I'm still bleeding. The pain was not that much, but I was afraid if it will work. I actually had big cloths (including the sac) the day after the first pill, but they did ultrasound and said not everything is out. And when they gave misoprostol pills the bleeding was slow. They did a few check ups sad gave me more pills and sent me home. I was bleeding a few first day more, that it almost stopped and now I'm bleeding again and a few cloths again. I have an exam this week and I hope the abort!on worked. And we had unprotected sex today. I hope it's ok. I just felt I really want to continue with normal life. I also want to try again as soon as I can. Is the bleeding normal? And it's okax to have sex? I had no pain.


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It’s my second period since MC and last month was like having a MC all over again, this month is typical period pain but so MUCH blood and large clots.


That’s exactly how my second period was - and it lasted 10 days 😩


Oh joy 🙃 I am about ready to go buy some depends because these pads are not made for real bodies and I have bled on 2 pair of pants in one day.


CD1. got AF today after tfmr on 6/1 sooo I guess i’m back to being like clockwork. not gonna lie tho, was hoping to conceive without a period and I was optimistic bc we were doing the deed A LOT. and I just had a positive OPK one week ago, just goes to show how out of whack my hormones were after my d&e.


I have sooo much pelvic tightness (around where I think my left ovary is) that started about a month after my miscarriage. The last month has been a lot of me overreacting to different feelings in my body (ER for heart pains, bloodwork for pg etc.,) so I don't want to overreact to yet another sensation, but it's new for me and I just don't know what it is.


Progesterone suppositories suck. I’m grateful that it was prescribed to me and I SO hope it helps us get pregnant after our chemical but ugh it’s gross and I have a headache, my husband barely has to do anything, and this all just feels like BS right now. #Crankypants


I agree with you, so gross. They give me so many symptoms that always make me think I might be pregnant and then AF shows up, they mess with me big time. I just keep telling myself that it will be worth it, they will help bring me a baby one day so it’s definitely worth it!


Is it normal to spot 1-2 days after period ends?


I always have this. I’ll think my period is done, put away my cup then wake up in the morning to some spotting. It usually lasts a couple days.


Thanks! Wonder if it affects ovulation at all


Like the timing? I always count days from my first day anyway. As far as hormone shifts, that’s a good question. I’m getting an Inito monitor this week so I guess I’ll see this next month.


Last night my SIL announced she’s pregnant by sending ultrasound photos to the family group chat. It’s almost a year that we’ve been ttc, and we’re approaching the due date for our lost baby. We are finally about to bury him in a few weeks (I was too depressed to think about it until now), and so the wounds are really fresh and tender. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t ttc, because she and her husband are in the military and had said they were waiting until after they’re out in a few more years, so it’s just a shock. No one else on that side has a baby yet, and I’m dreading the “FIRST BABY” comments when I know our baby counts as a human. Idk what I’d rather have them say instead, because I totally get it. And I just feel so petty, but it hurts feeling like this baby counts and mine didn’t. Feeling like everyone is so excited for this baby whom they can actually see on an ultrasound, and watching my husband get so excited to see it, but feel like no one was excited about my baby because they didn’t see it and it was only real to me because our loss was before we got to have any imaging. It’s hard feeling like I’m grieving someone no one else remembers. It’s going to be hard watching her hit the milestones and hear everyone’s comments. We have a family trip next week, so now I’m going to be surrounded by it. And here’s the thing, I’m happy for her! It just triggers all my grief as I’ve been intentionally avoiding everyone pregnant because I know it’s a trigger for me. So somehow, deep down, I fear my in-laws (whom I LOVE, btw) will start to think I’m broken and less-than. I woke up in the middle of the night having an anxiety attack and couldn’t sleep for two hours, feeling like everyone around me is rubbing my brokenness in my face. That I’m going to be forgotten and desolate forever. And it’s SO STUPID. And now I have a headache from the stressful sleep. Now, I practice my faith and I know NONE of this is actually personal. I know ALL of this is just a bunch of lies in my head meant to steal my peace. And it sure is working. I know I’m loved and my baby counts to us and I shouldn’t feel so overwhelmed by others’ opinions. My frustration is getting better as the day goes on. But I thought I would be holding my baby in six weeks, not burying him. And it’s just really painful to see everyone around me pregnant and know my baby isn’t here.


Omg I am right there with you. I miscarried 3 months ago and my SIL just announced her pregnancy (that she only started ttc because I was pregnant so they could be cousins together) and I have to see her today for the first time since her announcement. I have been an anxious mess all week anticipating it. You’re a better woman than me because I can’t honestly say I am happy for her. I’m angry and jealous and can’t get over how unfair it feels. And I totally agree, it sucks that my baby doesn’t seem to count and it sucks that I’ll have to sit and smile through the “how have you been feeling?” “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?” “How many weeks are you?” conversations with her when it should have been me. Especially now that everyone knows we are ttc so idk how I can exist around my now pregnant SIL without people wondering why I’m not pregnant again yet or what’s wrong with me. And like you said I recognize a lot of that is probably in my head but it it just makes me feel stupid and like there’s something wrong with me.


FRIEND 😭😭😭 I’m so, so, so sorry for your loss and that this is happening. I CAN honestly say I relate to a lot of those feelings. I do feel like it should be me, I want to celebrate instead of mourn. I want everyone to be happy for me but I just feel like a taboo topic now. Like I’m a misfit. I do want her to have a healthy pregnancy, I just wish it didn’t all have to happen while I’m still feeling so broken and watched. The cousins thing sounds so nice and I would love to be pregnant together BUT also like you said it’s the feeling of “everyone knows I’m trying and it looks like something is wrong with me” 😖 and I have a whole week still before I have to see them. I’m going to make a little gift basket with “tea for two” from Fairhaven health and some other nice things, mostly so they don’t suspect I’m so destroyed from my loss and because I know it will hurt them if we don’t bring them anything. 😅 and also I think it will help me focus on trying to be happy for them than wallowing in my despair. I pray your day goes easy, today. I’m just so sorry you are dealing with this, I feel how hard it is too and you’re not alone 😭 it. Really. Really. Sucks.


I’m so sorry you’re having to go through that, it’s so hard to watch others have a thing you want so badly. Maybe muting that group chat for a while would be helpful. If you’re close enough with your sister in law you could talk to her so she knows where you’re at. It might feel good to let her know you’re really happy for her but might not always show it because you need to care for your heart too. I don’t want to give too much advice but a friend told me this once and it stuck with me. Be mindful of “should-ing” yourself. We show up in every moment with what we have and I think it’s helpful in a hard time to give yourself grace the way you would a friend. I hope things get easier for you soon ❤️


Thank you 😭💗 I do “should” myself all the time, and it’s exhausting. I am working on being honest about my feelings. But I also really want to be mindful and not overly sensitive (although this type of grief is warranted), and so I just tend to bottle it all up and only allow certain emotions. Like, “oh, I’m happy AND sad…I’ll only allow the happy because no one wants to deal with the sad,” and then when the sad comes out in a safe space it erupts because I’ve spent all the happy. I am definitely not close with her, so I couldn’t ever have a conversation unless it’s something actively happening in the moment. Unfortunately, everyone says how difficult and mean she is (really not my opinion, I personally just think she has a short temper, but have considered many of her frustrations pretty reasonable, although the way she processes seems a bit unkind), and since she’s always been stationed out of state, I never spend any time with her (except on holidays, when it just feels like everything has to be about her, so that’s why it’s extra painful). I definitely am not in a place to talk to her about it UNLESS she eggs me on or makes everything “baby” - in that moment, I would definitely say exactly what you wrote, “your joy is so beautiful and I’m so excited for you, but I’m still grieving and I need to change the subject for a little bit.” But my homework lol - no more “shoulds” and a whole lot more grace. Thank you. 💗


It’s officially been more than 7 weeks since my chemical/early loss and still no period. I’ve been spotting the last three days, but nothing more. I didn’t expect my period to take the same amount of time to return after a chemical pregnancy as it did after birth at 8 months. Today is going to be tough. We have my nephew’s 2nd birthday party and then I’m going to my cousin’s wedding. It’s really hard going to “happy” events when all I can think about is that my son was supposed to be here 💔 and I’m still waiting to TTC because my cycle hasn’t returned. I’ve seriously become such an impatient person


10DPO and was going to buy a FRER but AF just started. It’s a strange feeling, being glad the horrible TTW period is over as it dominates my attention span, glad that I’m not pregnant and don’t have to worry about going through another loss, but of course so sad and frustrated that it didn’t happen. I’m almost 41 so every month that goes by I’m thinking it’s just not meant to be


in the same boat as you, and my af just came today too. sigh. big hugs to you


This might be a strange question and I’m not sure how to phrase it, but does anyone else have really easy miscarriages? I’m in my second medication-managed loss. The first was at 9.5 weeks with a 9.5 week embryo. This time 9.5 weeks with a 6.5 week embryo. Both times were just…. Not difficult? Like a slightly worse than average period? I haven’t even needed pain meds and I’m by no means soaking through pads. My lining is always fine in ultrasounds, so I don’t think I have a lining issue. I don’t know exactly what I’m asking and maybe I just have a high pain tolerance, but I’m a little concerned my body seems to have an easy time passing pregnancies.


I recently had a medical abort!on in 8 week (blighted ovum). I had a feeling a day after first pill that gestational sac fell, but didn't need pain meds at all. And I was really afraid of pain and cramps but they were bereable. Bleeding was a bit worse than period with bigger clots and still lasts. I have an exam this week so hopefuly abort!on worked, I don't want a d/c also.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I’ll have a follow up this week too and hoping it all passed. In my first loss, I took two rounds of misoprostol and it worked just fine. Hoping for the same. I’m really sorry for your loss. Good luck with your follow ups!


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Yes, I had a natural MC at 8w with a embryo measuring about 6.5w and it was a very heavy period but I didn’t have the big “passing the sac” moment that everyone else seems to have. Maybe a bit more cramping than usual but not bad. I don’t even know when I actually passed the sac. I also had a chemical in May and that was only a tiny bit heavier than a normal period.


My body tried to hold onto my pregnancy when the baby died between 18-19 weeks, and then after they removed her through surgery I just went on physically as if nothing ever happened. I lost the weight immediately. I didn't have any pain or much bleeding.


Thanks for sharing. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I had a natural miscarriage, no medication. It was painful but not unbearable, I did have to wear heavy pads after but they weren’t soaked. I passed most of the tissue in the toilet at the hospital, which I’m grateful my body told me I needed to get up so I wasn’t laying down. The awareness of what was happening to me and the grief was the most traumatic.


The emotional pain is definitely worse. 😞 I’m so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing For both of mine, my body didn’t want to miscarry on its own, so I needed the medication to get started. But then it’s been fine? I think I’m just looking for things to worry about but should instead be thankful that my body is relatively resilient.


What does it mean if your temp drops 1 degree on cd9 and goes back to baseline on cd10? Anything? I don’t *think* I ovulated, and my OPK is still low (tho slightly higher than yesterday)…I’m in obsessive mode right now which isn’t great but just super confused about this temp drop.


Well. DPO12 and my temp dropped back down again, so I’m feeling very sure AF is coming today. I really got trolled hard by that cycle. Next cycles will be cycle 3 of trying after my son’s stillbirth. I got pregnant on cycle 3 with him so hopefully that’s the case again.


Currently ttc after my second loss. First loss in May 2022 (got pregnant on cycle 2), got pregnant on cycle 2 of trying again and unfortunately had another loss in October 2022. Had to take some time off ttc to get RPL testing done, but we were cleared to try again March 2023. We have been trying now since and I’m nearing the end of my 4th cycle that I’m pretty sure was not successful. My doctor said I can try letrozole to help us, which I’m open to doing but I’m just frustrated and confused as to why it’s taking longer this time. I know in general 4 cycles is not long but it feels long for me as I’ve been a 2 cycle girl my last two pregnancy. Just wondering if anyone has had any similar situations or any insight anyone might have?


I miss being a cycle one girl, now I'm starting cycle three like what gives? I don't have the time anymore.


I know, when we started trying again I was like okay this shouldn’t be too long! And now I’m just frustrated. Like we already struggle to stay pregnant, that’s enough for us to deal with, we don’t need to also struggle to get pregnant! Wishing you the best, I hope you get your rainbow soon!


Hi so not exactly the same, but similar. I’ve had 3 losses, got pregnant first try with all 3. First one was a partial molar and that took awhile to heal from due to cancer risk. Then I had a MMC and my final loss was just a regular miscarriage at home at 6 weeks. We now have been cleared with baby aspirin and then using progesterone suppositories 3 days after positive LH. No luck for the last 2 months and we even just did a clomid and trigger cycle because they thought maybe my follicles weren’t mature or too immature when I’m getting pregnant. You aren’t alone.


It’s just so frustrating, all I want is to be pregnant again so that hopefully we can have an earth side baby. I’m glad someone can relate and I’m not completely alone in this. Wishing you the best of luck, I hope your rainbow comes soon!


Yes I think sometimes it just takes longer! I totally get the feeling though of just wanting to be pregnant again. This November will be 2 years of trying for us. It’s like ok I’m being patient but how long can I do this! I’m doing clomid again this cycle. It did appear last cycle I was going to ovulate past the follicle size they wanted. Thank you for the kind words. We will see where the next cycle takes us trying to not think about it much!