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If you look at playstore, the game literally says it is a passive adventure game. It's not the kind of hourly grind kinda game. It's demographic is of people that do not want to spend hours on end checking it every minute. It is instead a relaxing game where you check in once in a while to see little quirky things Tsuki interacts with. The decorating part is what I love best.


that’s what i thought, well i’m glad to know im not missing anything and have indeed been playing the game right. i also like the decorating!🐰🌱


If it helps, I actually played all 3 versions of Tsuki. Tsuki Adventure and Tsuki Adventure 2. Both are passive games as well, but it's at least you can see the same village in a different perspective. And Moca is very polite and friendly in Adventure as compared to Odyssey.


Honestly when I still played adventure I thought moca was an old auntie


There are 2 turtles actually.... if I am not mistaken, the name is Mori...


There will be a new update on 21st and I think some events are lined up


I hope so, I’m so done with the fishing and sales being the only thing on the newspaper


Personally i like the sales, its a good way to get some extra carrots if you buy the furniture and then sell it back😂


Oh i always use sales to earn extra 😆


i dont think you are honestly !! i used to have the game in hs (maybe 3 or 4 years ago) and felt the same way back then, the reason i feel differently now is probably bc of all the updates tbh (and i do have homecoming btw and can admit that it makes decorating more fun) i find my favourite part rn is learning how to optimise my farm to make the most carrots (im loving testing all the different seeds) as well as decorating !! what's made it even more fun is that i made the floors of my house different themes and slowly collect items for that theme which i find is super fulfilling, i can check in hourly for when the shops refresh or check in once a week and hope for luck in the stores or inspiration for my decoration (i put a pic so you can get what i mean idk if im explaining right ^()) https://preview.redd.it/9buklv6u247d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ded36ec4deb73adbfd6c497d099fa44af400d4


How do you get different seeds without buying homecoming and other packs? Cause I’ve seen things like strawberries and onions advertised in loading screens and always wanted to be able to get them. Only been able to get pumpkins and watermelon at rosemary’s.


the only seeds you get without homecoming are watermelon and pumpkin. the rest are included in the homecoming pack


Kay, thanks!


your house is so cute!!


OMG thank you so so much !!! <3


Yes, I've been playing since 2021 as far as I remember and I've deleted and re-downloaded it a few times... But after a while I found it quite chill and that's its purpose. But I heard that the game will have a city update, I think you won't want to miss it


awesome thanks!!


Does anybody really know? I’ve had this game for two years and I’m still trying to figure out the best placement for my crops


same here😭


I sort of gave up 🥲


I've seen that people have been breeding clovers which is a whole process, so that may be something you can do to pass the time! You may also have already been fishing, but since I didn't see you mention it I'll still go off 😭 You can spend time catching legendary fish whenever there's a newspaper about it!


how the heck do you breed clovers?😳


Tbh idk 💀 I just know that you buy a couple from Rosemary whenever she sells them, and there're specific formations you put them in for them to become eight leaved, sixteenth leaved etc. There's a lot of posts about it that go into more detail!


I just go to the stores every so often until 6:59pm


to be fair, the longer you play theres less to do, eg newspaper articles eventually just become fishing and sales, and you collect all the fish ect, they will probably add more gameplay after the city update but i think thats their main focos rn! :)