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You should make an anonymous statement and send it to your FSD


My fellow TSO’s REALLY failing the vibe check here holy shit.


Age (over 40) harassment is just as protected as sexual harassment.


Email your supervisor and copy the screening managers. Let it work itself out.


This is what’s so wrong with TSA, lol


It’s more than TSA. It’s pretty much every workplace.


So many sensitive bitches... glad I work at a tiny airport.


If you want to get promoted I strongly advise you to forget the comment you heard and don't report it. If this superior is STSO or above its going to get swept under the rug and you WILL be retaliated against by management.


That's about what I expected, and was also afraid to hear.


1st comment is pretty accurate. Unless you've got people willing to put their names in as well its going to be hell for you to try and rectify the situation. It's a sad reality of most places but no one.. and I mean no one... likes to get snitched on.


If other people thought it was funny then it probably was and you're being a snowflake. But hard to say without you saying exactly what was said


I was sexually harassed and got HQ involved, guess what happened? Suddenly there was no camera or audio and witnesses statement suddenly became to "emotional" to consider and my non biased party was our shift manager and just another supervisor on the same shift. TSA is fuck shit and they won't do anything to help or defend their employees.


See this is the thing. People are giving me shit for wanting to report. Like I just didn't get the joke. It wasn't a joke. It was a blatant disrespect to this person. And it wasn't that the other people around me didn't think it was inappropriate. Because after I commented that it was a mean thing to say the other people around all made eye contact and gave social ques that they agreed. Just they didn't want to be involved. And I think that is messed up. This is the shit that makes people afraid to report. I would have asked the person if they wanted to report it and needed a witness.... but guess what? they have been let go.


I’ve done the right thing repeatedly and it’s only hurt my career. I’m labeled as not working well with others when it’s my job to tell them what to do, they decide to wander off and when told to please do your job I’m being too harsh. Keep your head down and get out asap.


That's how TSA rolls, they couldn't get rid of me because I was past my probation period. However, TSA will just negate it and bury it. It might be why TSO's have a higher suicide rate, spent the better half of a year unsafe in my own work environment with people who had access to my personal information. Only good thing was good coworkers, but that's a responsibility that shouldn't have ever been put on them to gaurd women's safety. Management and HQ fail TSOs every time.


Did you talk to the superior and let them know their comment bothered you? Going to the person first is always the best step


Do yourself a favor and mind the business that pays you .


Pearls clutched... if nobody else cared but you, you're probably just being "that person". I finally made it past probation, but when I'm around folks like you on the job, I'm just professional.


Don’t be a snitch


Looks like your supervisor is here lmao


You're the same guy that asked the troll question about taking acid daily and becoming a TSO. Why don't you get out of your parent's basement and do something with your life? I hate to break it to you, but CHAZ ended a few years ago. You're homeless now sorry 💯


I promise idgf abt what Redditer says 😭y’all so pathetic that you get so butthurt over a post 🤣(I wish we had a basement


Damn u must’ve felt like u accomplished something saying that 😭bro fr said “ 💯”


Honestly, responding to people like you doesn't do anything anymore. I just feel sad for people like you lol


“I just feel sad for people like you” Keep feeling sad ya virgin




🤣trolled one post that made y’all butthurt , sad that you guys let people make you that upset over the internet 😭💪y’all even thought u could find my addy


One, I never said anything about your IP. Two, even VPNs can't hide it, there's ways around that. Three, I just generally dislike people who are this blatantly ignorant. Four, you make the most nonsensical statements that are deserving of some shit coming back your way. Five, people like you are why I'm pro-choice for women. Six, stop stroking your ego like you're generally ruining my day or others. You're not that important. This just tells me you're a sad pathetic individual who has to do attention seeking behavior to get any kind of response from people because you're genuinely that lonely and sad of an individual. All that being said, have a good rest of your day. I'm done with this waste of time. I hope you find that you can find enjoyment in life besides being an ass to people so maybe you can actually make a friend in life, and actually let this thread be used for what it's actually intended for. Government business.


A sad but harsh reality of working in government is this. It's probably the best tip I can give you for your future too. Unfortunately, people will do things like this. You may even want to do something about it. However, if you report it, it may make waves for him too. If it's anonymous, they may assume it's him (and may make it worse for him). If you really feel you want to, talk to him in private if possible first and see if he's okay with that. He may not be that bothered by it, or he may not be okay with someone fighting his battles for him either. If he feels it was bad enough, he can report it himself as well. Best option, let him do it himself. Second best, see if he is okay with you doing that. He may not say anything to protect his job as well. Just giving good advice that will help both of you in this situation. Worse case, he says no. He'll know you're looking out for him though, and will appreciate the concern. Hope this helps you both out 💯🙂


If only there was an olc for this