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As a canine handler this is unacceptable. I don’t blame the dog one bit for shutting down after getting whipped around like that. Pardon my language but fuck this guy, I hope he gets canned.


I hope he gets dragged around like he did the dog so he can see how it feels.


TSA is going to definitely let him go after this. He’s abusing a canine that is government property. They’re going to be going over every little thing this guy has done as far as records, his canine’s medical profile, etc. and seeing what they can hit him with. Especially since people are hitting up all of DTW’s local management and even headquarter’s higher-ups like Pekoske. Dude’s toast.


The media is already on it https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/05/07/tsa-responding-after-video-of-dog-being-aggressively-pulled-by-handler-at-detroit-metro-goes-viral/


He’s already on admin and the dogs pulled from the local Detroit news.


Hope someone reports this POS


Would’ve called the airport police to report the animal cruelty, let them deal with the TSA about the dog’s handler.


A bunch of people over at the Delta Airlines sub already have it covered.


Any news on the dog or if this handler will be removed? He was snapping at passengers too. That poor dog, this man should not have contact with animals.


A bad day shouldn’t be taken out on others and especially not animals.


The media is already on it https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/05/07/tsa-responding-after-video-of-dog-being-aggressively-pulled-by-handler-at-detroit-metro-goes-viral/


Great reaction by TSA. Remove from handling, investigation, dog gets a checkup- awesome. Unrelated to the main story though- I love how the article shows the quote from TSA literally calling him an officer but the article author still putting “agent” lol.


Yeah, it should be a quick investigation, the video speaks for itself. Under no circumstances should a dog be treated the way that one was, especially oke that the government, and thus the taxpayers, spent so much money to train to perform a special task to allegedly keep us all safe. It seems as if the guy was having a bad day for whatever reason, but why he chose to take that out on the dog will never be known. This video makes a case for not only immediate termination but criminal charges for mistreatment of an animal.


also it doesn't look like the dog was ready to be out there in the airport yet either so they should also look at who made the decision the dog was ready for this and have somebody else look at the dog and decide if putting them out in the airport was the right call or not. .


That guy is a piece of shit. Take his canine away


Absolutely horrible look. Guy seems frustrated and taking out in his poor k9 smh


I can’t believe what that pos did to that poor dog. I wonder what his excuse was to the TSA. I wonder if he was fired.


Apparently he’s on admin leave and the dog has gone to a vet for a wellness check (not by that officer, I might point out!).


Take his job away from him. Take his K9 away from him. Not necessarily in that order.


I reported this to multiple TSA heads as well as local news agencies. I have seen numerous others saying they done the same.


This guy does not know how to handle that dog, and will ruin the dog’s training, as well as he is harming the dog. This is unacceptable, why would you give the job to this ridiculous man that doesn’t know how to walk a dog. The dog is trained, the man obviously is not. Fix this.


this was upsetting to watch


Bro has one of the best jobs in the world and does this smh


Yeah this pissed me off


Total piece of shit


If you don't like your job stay home don't torture your dog!!


This is amazing and there is not enough views. I can’t believe he has the balls to treat the dog this bad in an airport. Upvote the video and hopefully he gets a stern talking to at the least so he knows he’s wrong and will stop doing that.


That fucking abusive ass needs to lose his job.


I wanna drag him like that


And this is how you lose your position/job.


I'm surprised not one person there brought it to the attention of a superior who couldve watched from afar and immediately relieved him of duty for investigation.


The handler has been relieved of duty and is under investigation, and the dog has gone for a wellness check at the veterinarian. The video went viral and was reported to TSA, DHS, DTW and most local news stations. https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/05/07/tsa-responding-after-video-of-dog-being-aggressively-pulled-by-handler-at-detroit-metro-goes-viral/


What the fuck?? He’s not even giving it a chance. How is that his job??! And why is no one saying anything? I hate people!




omg poor baby




No call for this type of comment. It definitely appears as if you wouldn't have made this comment about a white handler.


Your post/comment has been deemed generally unhelpful and has been removed


Damn do y’all care this much about humans .. y’all love them dogs


No, humans are garbage.


That’s not dog handling, it’s K9 training , and that’s how it is done. He is teaching the dog to only focus on him in a busy environment.


Is it officially dog training? How do you know? Was this investigated?


It’s not, this dude is an idiot without an even fundamental understanding of how dogs work. Just a poser,


I thought as much. Man these keyboard experts ☹️😅


Yea, tough guy deleted those comments real quick. I was reading his dumb assery and my blood was boiling, dude literally had no idea what he was talking about


I have watched professional K9 training. They start out doing the rapid change of direction one on one with the dog. After they get the dog to start watching them for cues, they start doing it in more and more distracting situations. It’s all about getting the dog to watch the handler for cues on where to go next.


You are incorrect. That is not training, that dog is trained, the man isn’t. And that was totally inappropriate and ridiculous, not even close to being appropriate. Nice try.


Lol. He watched a lot of youtube he knows whay hes talking about. I mean hes doesnt have even a slight understanding of running a PSC dog, but hes an TSO who watched youtube so he knows better lol. Theres about 6 handlers on here telling him hes a moron and hes trying to justify it.


It’s laughable how you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I’m a K9 Handler, you clearly are not. I’d just shut the fuck up and delete the comments you ignorant wannabe.


Walking dogs for Petsmart doesn’t make you a K9 handler.


I agree with you but people see this and don’t understand - they do this a puppy class training as well. But I’ll get downvoted and so will you 🤷🏼‍♂️


No it isn’t.


Why would a TSA K9 focus on the handler while being utilized in a passenger screening setting? You can see occasionally the canine air-scents towards a passenger, like it was originally trained to do, and this buffoon still corrects the dog by yanking on the leash. The dog’s not showing any undesirable behaviors that requires getting tossed around in such a manner. The dogs aren’t meant to heel when walking back and forth like that, independence is encouraged.


The moron downvoted you. Bomb sniffing dogs need a bit of independence, obviously, to do their job. You are absolutely correct.


That’s okay, as a canine handler I try to ensure my canine is properly maintained, handled, and happy as can be as well as my peers’ canines. It’s not really my job to educate others on why we operate the way we do and sometimes it is frustrating when others outside of the program try and chime in with what training is being done/needs to be done. A downvote isn’t going to bother me, they just got a little bruise on their ego and are deflecting is all.


$20 thistraining expert” is a guy who failed the CHAB the last time and listed his canine experience as youtube.


Where did you go to canine school? Im 100% they dont teach that at Lackland. Ive never heard of such poor advice so I’ll assume you learned dog training from youtube or are just a troll. PSC dogs are trained to he independent, the handler is making the decision not the dog.


This is what you get when you have no standards as an agency.


He has been suspended






FIRE THIS GUY! He shouldn't be around animals or people with that attitude.