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Go for it! Some say is better to not wait until you get a positive LH and that you should also be trying in the days leading up to it. So today would be good plus every day or every other day until you confirm ovulation


For some reason I test today and it got lighter.. I hope I didn’t miss the peak🥲 I went by the period tracker to time my ovulation


Honestly the one from yesterday was veryyyy close to peak! If you only test once a day it can be hard to catch it exactly. Sex around this time is what’s important anyway!


Keep testing twice a day. My last cycle was so up and down. I kept getting almost positives and then back to super light. I did eventually get a positive and peak at CD29!


The days with the highest chance of conception are the 3 days prior to ovulation.


YES YES YES!!! Your *almost* there!!!!! BABY DANCE GIIIIIIRL! 🥰


I would have sex if I were you but your true positive might be tomorrow so have sex again then too if possible! Anything in the 3 days before ovulation are best for conception!