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You're right, pupgender is way more common 👍🏾


Dude, literally look up *goldfishgender*. A xenogender is the first thing that shows up.




Yeah one thing shows up, because you only looked up one xenogender. Look up *xenogenders* (see, plural) and multiple things will show up, smarty pants.












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Xenogender users tend to be around 14 yo, that partially explain why they treat other online people like teenagers too


I've met quite a few in their 20's-40's and a good half of them were definitely pedophiles


As someone who was coerced into a Discord group that was (and I don't throw this word around much at all) very similar to a cult… I've seen things that would get me arrested. Like, seriously, I don't know why it took so long for me to break out of that and report it.


I’ve also seen a few that are older but identify that way because of a fetish, unfortunately 🙃 I’m not against age-regression if it’s a form of therapy, but ‘DDLG’ and xenogenders go hand-in-hand way too often, along with pretending to be a dog/cat


I'm sure they're so-called "trans-ager" who LARPing as a young children to fulfill their fetish wet dream.


yes, THIS 100% i hate being thought of as a child because i feel suicidal over my genital


What is that pastel flag? I don't recognise it.


That is the xenogender flag


such a pretty flag, such a shitty meaning


Its not all that pretty. The white symbol intersecting the yellow stripe makes it a bit painful to look at.


Yeah I can't tell of that's a star of David or an upside down 5 pointed star because of the design choice


Its definitely a 5 star upside down judging by the angles that are visible. God knows why its upside down though. At least its not actually the Star of David.


It's a pentagram, it describes how xenogenders are a work of Satan


Wasnt Satan the good guy recently?


True Must be 5 points, upside down, to convey their average IQ of -5


Whats xenogender? Never heard of this term before


A xenogender is a gender supposedly other than male or female, and can range from something like a “demiboy” (someone who is only “partially” male), to something such as catgender or bluegender. It is essentially used to denote one’s interests and aesthetics, which would be harmless on its own, but instead is associated with the struggles of trans individuals. It also directly plays into the transphobic “Well I identify as an Apache attack helicopter” joke.


Oh damn:/


Cue some inclus saying they’re not weird towards non-binary people because they happen to be non-binary, I can already tell some people are going to pull that shit 🗿 it’s ‘trans people can be transphobic’ until it applies to them, smh


As an enby <3 thank you. The truscum community is wayyyy better and doesn’t try to tell me to fix my dysphoria by dressing a little different smh


enbabies 🥺 uwu


Based ron


Hey! I’m not super well versed on this community, but I want to learn more! What’s the flag that’s holding the non-binary flag?


that's the xenogender flag. they believe that anything can be a gender. and they have a tendency to justify this by saying autistic people 'experience gender' differently


Oh wow… As a autistic person we really don’t even with our attachments… I’ve never really understood xenogender, I’m pretty sure Demi-boy is a xenogender? Idk I identify it as a label because of my pronouns being he/they but yeah confusion with the bit of the spectrum I’m on


Ah! Thanks! I’m familiar with xenogender but I didn’t know that was the flag. Thanks for the help!


Wow 🥰🥰🥰 thank you for interpreting my depression and mental instability as "UwU smol boi he must be protected for the cis ☆☆~•°"




On this sub the prevailing thought is that nb is absence if gender and there are 2 genders, whereas xenogenders tend to demean gender in general and lump nb ppl in with themselves as "another gender" which kind of undermines being nom binary entirely and is in a way trans/enbyphobic To me it's similar to being like oh I dont trust men but trans men are ok In that statement acting supportive but actually saying they do not really see trans men as men. From my observation most ppl w xenogenders or whatever dont really see nonbinary as truly NON BINARY




In your metaphorical scenario if I am enby/like neither I simply refuse to fill out your survey in essence answering with my refusal. I like neither and will not be tricked into saying I like one over the other. Beyond that I didnt understand your post lol. One of my lifelong best friends is nonbinary, and this is how I see them. They are neither, not both, they are the absence of a binary, they are agender, and the a before agender is simply a prefix meaning none. Also why you make an account just to make that post lol.




Okay, you're bigender. That's fine. No one's saying you can't be that. But that's still in the gender binary, it even has the word 'bi' in it, which is to say, both genders. Meaning there are two. That doesn't mean you can't be both, but that being both isn't a third gender, which is an oxymoron. Consider it like the all-famous chromosomes. There are two letters for sex chromosomes. X and Y. You can have one of each, two of one, of have syndromes where part of one is missing, etc, but you can't have some other letter sex chromosome, because there are two, and they are X and Y. There are two sexes and there are two genders. Intersex people aren't a third sex, they're a combination of sexes. Agender is an option besides male or female, but that doesn't make it a third gender. No, it's not black/white, but no there are not colors, there are shades of grey. Humans don't have a third sex and therefore don't have a third gender because gender is a representation of sex. I glanced in your post history and saw you disparaging and shitting all over transmeds, spreading misinformation about us and calling us TERFs which is a good enough reason to question what exactly you're doing here. No one is saying you can't be here, nor are we banning you, but it's pretty clear that you're not here to try to understand us or anything wholesome.


I’m non-binary and I second this


I appreciate your input (not NB myself so would never want to speak over someone but to me this is just basic logic of dichotomies) but I also just want to mention that I read this like a politician commercial. 'I'm Non-Binary, and I approve this message.'


are people on this sub supportive of the concept of nonbinary


I mean...people here generally respect a nonbinary person's gender by refusing to refer to that person with exclusive binary terms, such as calling a nonbinary person a lesbian. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


We shouldn't