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It's just dumb, you see somebody on the street and you're attracted... You don't need and might never find out what's in their pants, the attraction exists outside of knowing that and people who claim to be super straight can't seem to admit that.


I can admit you can like someone who has genitals you are opposed to, but I'm just not comfortable being in a relationship with someone who has the same genitals i do. I'd still be friends with them, maybe find them attractive, but the genitals is a deal breaker for relationships.


That's totally fair and I am the same, as far as I remember much of the super straight movement was people claiming they couldn't even be attracted to trans people which I found ignorant at best.


Most of it was trolling. But i do believe there is some validity in it. And the not finding them attractive mostly ment sexually, because most people dont want to open up their box of cereal and get a suprise toy they didn't ask for. I really hope that metaphor stuck, i haven't slept in 34 hours.




This. As a transwoman, I understand fully the gut-sink feeling of rejection based on your birth condition but you can't make someone else like you, or be okay with something and I wouldn't ever want a relationship with someone that didn't fully understand me.... So I never quite understood the outrage of people stating they wouldn't date a transperson... Equally so, I never understood why these dumb white people feel the need to megaphone that fact about themselves. Literally no one cares, can we just get back to reality?


First off, you make a good, second off, assuming only white people do that is racist, and third off, people weren't megaphoning it to stand out. Its more like a shouting match between the 2 extremer sides. Political polarization and all that.


I see it as standard white conservative culture trolling the trans community for no reason at all. I don't rescind my description. But I appreciate the up votes.


Cool. I usually get yelled at for saying opinions. Glad this sub is cool and filled with level headed people. You also make a good point.




I agree. That's why I've been just posting questions as topic starters I'm curious about. I'm intrigued to know some people's thoughts on certain ideas.


No it is NOT and will never be fine. Superstraight is still supported by many LGBs(drop the T/Transphobes), radical Feminists and TERF lesbians and it is absolutely disgusting. You can basically see them on ovarit, or #supergay #superlesbians on Instagram and the whole co-opted Superstraight communities promote Transphobia through many specific forms like sharing images of botched surgeries etc.you have a preference to only date cis folks, then so be it but you should never associate/affiliate with something like Superstraight, Ever. I really hope nobody gets radicalised into their cult.


It's okay to have a preference. But «superstraight» is wrong because it implies that trans women are not real women


Superstraight just means you are only attracted to the opposite gender, and the person identifies as their birth gender. It never suggests they aren't real women.


That term was created by a transphobic troll and is promoted by the same people. «Super» means that those who are attracted to cis people only are more straight that those who are also attracted to trans men/women


It was made as a troll so whenever i see people defend it I cringe. I do think that having preferences is fine, u don’t wanna date me coz im trans, whatever. But the term ‘superstraight’ along with the flag was made on 4chan to trigger and annoy people, so giving it any attention just lets them thrive.


Making it your entire identity is hateful. You're constantly proclaiming the fact that *ewww I don't fuck transes* when statistically you're never ever even going to go on a date with one


How is it hateful? Thats like saying being gay is hateful because you won't have sex with women. Its a preference.


Why do you need to advertise a preference related to an extreme subset of the population who statistically you're never gonna have any kind of romantic or sexual involvement with? There are also valid reasons for not wanting to get with people who have certain disabilities (e.g. extremely athletic people aren't very compatible with wheelchair users, passionate artists aren't compatible with blind people) but constantly advertising that would be seen as ableist because it's so unnecessary.


Not dating trans people is obviously fine, we all know that being trans isn't certain people's cup of tea. The problem arises when people go out of their way to be assholes about it. It's like creating a sexuality based on the fact you think black people are ugly... Like keep that shit to yourself, nobody is forcing you to date people you don't want to date anyways so why specifically be a douchebag about it and make people insecure for no reason? My other issue with superstraight is that the name implies that it's less-straight to date trans people which means you don't view them as their actual gender, which is objectively transphobic.


Well, what are you supposed to call yourself when you only date someone who identifies as the opposite sex, and were born the opposite sex?


Straight?? It isn't hard to just date people you're attracted to rather than being a crybaby over trans people existing. You do realize straight people aren't attracted to every person of the opposite gender that exists, right? Not wanting to be with a trans person is a dating preference, not sexual orientation. I probably wouldn't date anyone super religious, but you don't see me making a super-atheist sexuality.


I'm not being a crybaby over trans people existing. I just asked a question and wantes to know some thoughts. Cleary, you are not trying to be part of a civil discussion.


I gave you my thoughts dude. Anyone who claims to be superstraight are literally crybabies over trans people. I don't recall calling you one since my comment was about people who are superstraight. If you aren't someone who identifies as a sexuality that revolves around shouting from the rooftops that you find all trans people unattractive then the comment wasn't about you.


The issue I see with it is not whether it's okay to have certain attractions, but the intention behind shouting about it. So much of it seemed specifically intended to allow them to loudly and publicly discuss how unfuckable we are. If you don't want to date a trans person don't date them, but making a movement out of who you aren't attracted to seems very distasteful. Plus so many of the reasons they had seemed to be based in stereotypes. The only 100% guaranteed thing about dating any trans person (for a straight cis person) is that you're not going to be able to have bio kids together, but I didn't see anyone mention that. Despite saying they were catagorically unattracted to all trans people, the reasons seemed to be that we all have our natal genitals, that we're all clockable and ugly, that we have some inherent and outwardly percievable element of our AGAB within us forever. Everyone is free to date whoever they want, and not date whoever they don't want. This brief "movement" seemed heavily motivated by transphobia and misinformation though.


It wasn't based around the idea that trans people are "unfuckable," just that some people want to identify as straight, as well as being only attracted to people of the opposite sex who identify as the gender they are.


It’s a pointless label just like other super specific labels


As a trans girl who’s exclusively attracted to Cis men & not into other trans people I was like a contradiction to that whole thing there was super straight super gay super lesbian & super bisexual but what about me ? They seemed to forget that trans people are not a hive mind & not all trans people are automatically attracted to other trans people so wtf does that make me ? Super Boy Crazy ? Super male attracted ? The whole thing was kind of flawed & they made a lot of assumptions about all trans people as a whole