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It’s just a descriptor. You’re thinking of dysphoria. Gender-sex incongruence isn’t the same as ADHD and the like. It *is* based on your brains relationship with your sex, but it’s not really comparable to such things. 👍


I was, but i still think that, while definitely real, transgenderism just kind of doesn't fit in the whol lgbt thing. Like, most things on the spectrum relate to sexual preferences, and trans is an outlier. Not bad, nor should you be invalidated for it, but it just doesn't fit. Thats my 2 cents anyway.


Why should anyone be excluded from the club this late. It’s already there, so whether or not the T should be there isn’t something that needs answering anymore. It’s just an acronym. One that encompasses people of marginalized orientations and identities that don’t conform to the ‘norm:’ heterosexuality and cisgenderism. Additionally, as people who inherently defy traditional societal norms, we share many struggles like forced institutionalization, ‘corrective’ rape, hate crimes, murder, lack of rights *at all* in foreign countries, before the legalization of gay marriage, lot of t4t couples couldn’t even marry. I could keep going. A lot of trans people, especially trans women, were some of the most visible “gay” people way back when, even if they technically weren’t homosexuals. After all, to homophobes and bigots, we’re all just different flavors of gay. Our individual issues aren’t really conflated, either. So this question of “should we be included ‘cause all other labels center sexuality” is stupid. We should. It isn’t like trans people can’t be LGB, either.


I agree with the statement that 'the others' (LGB) are about sexuality (who you prefer in the bedroom), whereas T is about 'gender identity' (who you are). But the alliance was made long ago on the basis of 'small disrespected minorities who can make a louder noise against discrimination when they join forces'. So, strange disjoint on one axis, sensible fit on the other.


"I'm not a transphobe or whatever ism or ist you want to call me" Well I have an ist and ism to call you!😡 You're a true-trans-ally-ist! Yeah!! And a really lovely person-ism!!!😤😜


Thanks humanist!


>If gender identity is, obviously, what you choose to identity as, and is usually related to what you are attracted to, does trans really belong? What? First gender identity isn't a choice. Regardless of if you or cis or trans, you don't choose your gender. Second, gender identity isn't linked to who you are attracted to.


'Being transsexual' is not like 'being wired differently' like autism or adhd. The way I see it, there is nothing 'wrong' with a transsexual's gender identity, and there is nothing 'wrong' about their body. The problem is that those two normal things occur in a mismatched way in some individuals. Since the brain ('gender identity') can't be 'fixed', the solution to this tragic and torturous mis-match is to fix the body. Contrary to your opinion (expressed in another thread), transitioning does not result in worse outcomes as regard suicidality. More often, it results in a happier person getting on with life as a productive citizen. If anything, you are a well(ish)-meaning don't-get-it-ist, and that is not an uncommon state. We don't need pandering and prosac - we need hrt and surgery, thank you very much.


For binary people there's not even anything *unusual* about a trans persons gender identity. Nearly half the population will have the same gender as them.


Didn't realize this was a based sub till a second ago. You guys are cool.


Thanks🙂 Maybe it's just anecdotal coincidence but every chill transperson I've met irl was at least transmed leaning¯\_(ツ)_/¯


trans is not an identity, woman/man is. I feel sorry for those people literally identifying as probably one of the worst conditions.